



1、2022-2023学年山东省烟台市大脉中学高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. -Will the book I ordered arrive in time? -lt _, if there is no traffic jam. A. must B. can C. should D. would参考答案:C2. - Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?- Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time. A. didnt see B. wouldnt see C. hasnt se

2、en D. hadnt seen参考答案:D3. What impresses me most is _ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile.A. what B. which C. that where D. that whenever 参考答案:D 4. Without facts, we cannot form a _opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge_ our thinking. A. knowledgeable; based o

3、n B. sound; which to be based on C. worthwhile; upon which to base D. valuable; upon which to be based 参考答案:C5. No conclusion _ about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been held. A. will be reached B. is reached C. is being reached D. has been rea

4、ched参考答案:A略6. My brother is _ about what he eats.Aspecial BparticularCpeculiar Dunusual参考答案:B7. Who would you rather _ you tomorrow?Ahad helped Bhelp Cto help Dhelped参考答案:D8. That was a close football game Why didnt you go to it? I prefer volleyballAIts not my cup of tea BThats the pointCIt does you

5、 good D Thats all right参考答案:A9. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _ they are being trained. Ain that Bfor that Cin whichDfor which参考答案:D解析:此题考查了“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。这种结构中的关系代词仅限于whom 和which,且介词还可以放入从句中原先的位置,兼顾与动词的搭配。10. However difficult it seems to be,you

6、will make it _ you put your heart into it()Aso thatBas thoughCas long asDin that参考答案:Cso that以至于(引导目的状语);as though似乎,好像;as long as只要;in that因为,由于根据句意,无论看起来有多么的困难,只要你用心去做你就会成功的用as long as引导条件状语故选C11. “We_ the train had we left earlier,” the wife complained to the husband.A. wouldnt miss B. wouldnt ha

7、ve missedC. would miss D. would have missed参考答案:B12. _, you cant fool her.A. The child though Rowena is C. Though child Rowena isC. A child as Rowena is D. Child as Rowena is参考答案:D13. You can complain, but I doubt _ it will make any difference.A. that B. whether C. why D. when参考答案:B14. _ not to miss

8、 the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded参考答案:B15. According to the school rule, no child be allowed out of the school, unless accompanied by his or her own parents.A. should B. mustC. shall D. can参考答案:C【详解】考查shall的特

9、殊用法。句意:根据学校规定,除非有亲生父母陪同,否则不得让任何儿童离开学校。A.should意为“按理说,应该,竟然”; B. must意为“必须,偏偏,非要”;C. shall用于第二和第三人称的陈述句时,有“警告、命令、威胁、允诺”等;D. can有“可能,可以”之意。分析语境可知,本句中含有命令或警告的意思,即如果不是亲生父母,谁也不得带走儿童,所以从语气来说,应该选C项。【点睛】Shall作为助动词,一般用于第一人称和We,表示一个将来的动作,构成将来时态。Shall后面接动词原形。例如:(1)I shall think it over and Let you know my idea

10、.我将考虑一下此事,然后告诉你我的想法。(2)We shall have a good time in the park.我们在公园里会玩得很高兴的。1. Shall用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意愿。如:What shall we do this evening? 我们开始上课好吗?2. Shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。如:Shall we begin our lesson?When shall he be able to leave the hospital? 他什么时候能出院?3. Shall用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或

11、威胁。如:You shall fail if you dont work harder. 如果你不加倍努力,你会失败的。(警告)He shall have the book when I finish reading. 我读完后,他会得到那本书 (允诺)He shall be punished if he do so. 如果他再这样做,必将受到处罚。(威胁)二、 完型填空16. Its one thing to goof. But its quite 21 to do it in front of a stadium full of people! In book Oops, authors

12、tell of such slip-ups. One occurred during a 22 match between two Brazilian teams. The first goal was scored within three seconds after kickoff. What made the score 23 hard for the teams fans to take was the fact that it was made while their goalie was still on one knee with his 24 bowed in prayer.T

13、here is certainly a(an) 25 for prayer, but this poor man learned the hard way that there is also a time for action. In fact, both are 26 in a well-lived life. As Gandhi once said, “I have so much to 27 today, I will have to meditate(沉思)two hours instead of one.” Often, however, the best spirituality

14、 28 with the prayer of the heart, and then moves to that prayer which is lived throughout the rest of the day.Several years ago a bomb 29 outside the huge oak doors of a Greek Catholic church in Jerusalem. The heavy doors were blown 30 so that they careened(倾斜)up to the front of the sanctuary(避难所)an

15、d destroyed the chancel area. Windows were blown out, chairs were 31 ,and the balcony fell down.Dr. Ken Bailey, stopped by to 32 the damage. It took little time to determine that the priest was in shouck and unable to make necessary 33 .So Dr. Bailey took it upon himself to ask the administrators at

16、 the school where he taught to close classes , and he invited the 34 to join him in helping the priest. They cleaned the church and boarded the windows to 35 stealing.The following day, Bailey again 36 on his friend. The maid confided in him that the priest did not 37 at the bombs destruction. Howev

17、er, she added,“He did cry when you and your friends helped 38 up the mess it made.”Dr. Bailey has since remarked,“I did not 39 any theology(神学)that afternoon-or did I?”If theology is about love in action, he held one of his best classes that day. The truth is.faith is 40 so beautiful as when it has

18、its working clothes on.21.A. otherB. extraC. certainD. another 22.A. basketballB. baseballC. footballD. volleyball 23.A. particularlyB. possiblyC. evidentlyD. obviously 24.A. hairB. headC. handD. breast25.A. timeB. occasionC. chanceD.opportunity 26.A. desertedB. ignoredC. requiredD. deserved 27.A. a

19、nnounceB. declareC. accompanyD. accomplish28.A. endsB. beginsC. developsD. moves 29.A. exposedB. expectedC. expandedD.exploded 30.A. outwardB. in wardC. backwardD. downward 31.A. discoveredB. discountedC. destroyedD. disturbed32.A. escapeB. estimateC. establishD. encounter33.A. determinationsB. agre

20、ementsC. decisionsD. differences 34.A. administratorsB. studentsC. playersD. visitors 35.A. predictB. promiseC. persuadeD. prevent 36.A. calledB. dependedC. lookedD. insisted 37.A. smileB. laughC. cryD. cheer38.A. speedB. breakC. buildD.clean 39.A. learnB. teachC. criticizeD. praise 40.A. alwaysB. f

21、oreverC. stillD. never参考答案:三、 阅读理解17. This is our last issue of the 2010-11 school yearOur cover story, on hair, may be more useful to your students than you suspectTheyre in the process of building their identities and testing independence, so some big questions should I shave, or wait? Will I go b

22、ald like my dad? are front and center to themWe hope the article helps them think through their options We round out the year with some other interesting topicsYou and your class may not know much about borderline personality disorder; hopefully, our piece on this mental health issue will change tha

23、tAlso look for stories about making small talk and medical decisions, as well as an up-to-date piece on the perils of mixing alcohol with energy drinks or caffeine, which is becoming popular among some teens but may be life-taking And we hope youve found our blog equally helpfulHave you checked it o

24、ut yet? Visit us at wwwweeklyreadercom/chblogWe are constantly on the lookout for resources you can use for bringing health news into your classroom, links to contests and cool health sites, and comments from other subscribersPlease let us know what you think! Dont forget that you can now access eve

25、ry Current Health Teens page in a digital formatTeachers and students can read articles on computers at home or school, as well as on interactive whiteboardsYou can log in to this feature hereYoull need your account number, which is listed next to your name on the mailing label printed on the blue a

26、nd yellow back cover of your Teachers Guide Were always eager to hear from our readersdrop us a note at chteensweeklyreadercom and let us know what you thinkThanks for choosing Current Health! Enjoy your summer, and well meet you right back here, next school year! Cordially,Meredith MatthewsSenior E

27、ditorCurrent Health Teens31Which article can NOT be found in the last issue of the 2010-11 school year? AAn article on hair BAn article on how to improve personality and maintain mental health CAn article on how to start and develop a conversation DAn article on notes taken from chteensweeklyreaderc

28、om32Which word has the closest meaning to perils in paragraph 2? Adangers Bdisadvantages Creasons Dways33Current Health Teens is intended for _ Adads and moms Bstudents and teachers Cpeople looking for helpful blogs and sites Dpeople who hope to drop a note34What is the time of the year when this is

29、sue comes out? AJanuary BMarch CJune DOctober35Current Health Teens is probably a_ Anovel Bmagazine Cnewspaper Dleaflet 参考答案:DABCB略18. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Parents say that honesty is the best policy, but they regularly lie to their children as a way of influencing their behavior and e

30、motions, finds new research from the University of Toronto and the University of CaliforniaSurprisingly little has been published on the subject of parental lying, so Gail Heyman, professor of psychology at the University of California, Diem Luu, a former student of the University of California, and

31、 Kang Lee, professor at the University Toronto, set out to explore the under - researched phenomenonThey asked US participants in two related studies about parents lying to their children - either for the purpose of promoting appropriate behavior or to make them happyIn one of the studies, many pare

32、nts reported they told their young children that bad things would happen if they didnt go to bed or eat what they were supposed toOther parents reported inventing magical creaturesOne explained, We told our daughter that if she wrapped up all her pacifiers (橡皮奶嘴) like gifts, the fair would come and

33、give them to the children who needed them”In the other study, the researchers surveyed college studentsrecollections about their parentslying and obtained similar results: parents often lie to their children even as they tell them that lying is unacceptableThe researchers refer to this practice as p

34、arenting by lyingWe are surprised by how often parenting by lying takes place, said LEEThough Heyman thinks that there are occasions when it is appropriate to be less than truthful with a child, she urges parents to think through the issues and consider alternatives before using lies Children sometimes behave in ways that are disruptive or are likely to harm their long - term interests, said HeymanIt is common for them to try out a


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