



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业高中英语 人教版必修一 Unit 1 基础知识练习 (二)I. 单词拼写:根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示,拼写出下列单词。 1. I d_(不知道) if that was what he wanted.2. He p_ to be reading an important paper when the boss entered. 3. In this old _ (城堡)you can see guns from the 17th century. 4.The rob

2、ber who killed a shop owner will be on t_ next week. 5.Can you show me the _(证据) for your statement? 6. The t_ dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins. 7. Our school p_ a free lunch for the students every day. 8. Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one s_. 9. They prepared rooms f

3、or the r_ of guests yesterday. 10. He was being very m_, and wouldnt tell me what he was up to. . 短语翻译。1. 高度评价_ 2. 习惯于做某事 _ 3. 同意某人观点_ 4. 拆开,拆散 _5. 在某人看来 _ 6.agree with this opinion_7.fancy style_8.celebrate the 300th birthday of the city_9.feel as hard as stone_10.a small reception hall_. 单句改错:下列各句

4、分别有一处错误,请改正1.He considered to be one of the crazy fans of Yao Ming. _2. The poor girl fell asleep with remained tears on her cheeks. _3. The naughty boy pretended to be quiet while the teacher turned towards him. _4. Hes become a lawyer, that has been his dream ever since he was a child. _5. No one

5、then could tell to which dynasty is the vase belonged. _IV. 用下列方框内短语的正确形式填空,使每个句子的意思完整。 search for, take away, show up, find out, look into, under attack, no wonder, belong to, in search of, in return, at war, take part in, come true, think highly of, no doubt 1. The couples child was lost and the p

6、olice have been _ him everywhere. 2. He had made a thorough investigation. _ he knew so much about it. 3. I bought him a drink _ for his help. 4. The city of San Francisco was hit by an earthquake. A village inthis area was also _. 5. Scientists are _ a cure for the disease. 6. China is a developing

7、 country _ the third world. 7.A working party has been set up to _ th problem. 8. Ive always dreamed of coming to China, and now my dream has _. 9. These books must not be _ from the library. 10. He was _ when he saved a drwoing boy from the river. 11. the country has been _ with its neighbour for t

8、wo years and the people have suffered a lot. 12. the investigation _ the inefficiency of the management. 13. Switzerland did not _ the Second World War. 14. _ shell call us when she gets there. 15. He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was _. V. 利用所给的提示词,翻译下列句子。1. 当两国交战时,人民遭受了巨大

9、的痛苦。 ( at war )_ 2. 老人有两个女儿,其中一个是医生。(非限制性定语从句)_ 3. 我建议他们推迟这次会议。( suggest )_ 4. Jack刚理了发,我差一点认不出他来了。( have done )_ 5. Marry学习非常刻苦。 怪老师们都很喜欢她。( wonder)_6. 毫无疑问,我们的祖国一定会越来越强大。( doubt )_ 7. 护文化遗产的观点证明是正确的。 ( prove )_ 8. 他努力学习并乐于助人,这正是他父母所期盼的。_ 9. 他们将乘飞机去昆明,在那里他们将呆两三天。_ 10. 他坚持说他没有偷手表,他不应该受到警察的审问。(insist

10、 )_ 答案:I. 1. doubted 2. pretended 3. castle 4. trial 5. evidence 6. treasure 7.provides 8. survived 9.reception 10.mysterious . 1. think highly of 2. be used to doing sth 3. agree with ones opinion 4. tell apart 5. in my opinion 6. 同意这种观点 7.时尚的风格/式样 8 庆祝该市建市300周年 9. 摸起来像石头一样硬 10 小型会客厅. 1. how to dea

11、l with 2. in return for 3. look it up in the dictionary. 4. great value to students. 5. pretended to be asleep.6. repairing the watch7. How to solve the problem 8. rather than you 9. nor do I care. 10. . must have felt very nervous.IV. 1. He 后面加 is 2. remained- remaining 3. while- when 4. that- whic

12、h 5. 删除is V1. People suffered a lot when the two countries were at war.2. The old man has two daughters, one of whom is a doctor.3. I suggested they (should) put off the meeting.4. Jack just had his hair cut, and I could hardly recognize him.5. - Marry studies very hard.-No wonder that all her teachers like her.6. There is no doubt that our country will be more and more powerful.7. The idea that the cultural relics should be well looked after proved to be correct.8. He studies hard and is ready to help others, a


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