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1、 PAGE 页码 15 / NUMPAGES 总页数 15小学六年级人教新起点上册英语期末知识点综合复习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【单词拼写】1. 根据图片填写短语或单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _2. 补全本课出现的单词。1. w_kend 2.d_nk (drink的过去式)3. cl_n 4. st_ 5. cl_th3. 看图写单词或词组。1_2_4. 看图片,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_5. 补全本课出现的单词。1. d_rk 2. _ry 3. la_er4._o go 5. clo_d【填空题】6. 写出下列形容词的副词。1quiet 2beautiful3happy 4angry

2、5good 6excited7fast 8early7. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Three years ago we_(begin) to learn English.2There_(be) a lot of flowers in the park.3Tom is_(go) to stay in Beijing for two days.4I want to see all those famous_(place).5I can help_(they).8. 根据图片、首字母、情境或者中文提示写出相应的单词。1His brother likes making_planes.2F_exam

3、ple, robots can help us feed the fish.3I_on Saturday.4_is ready!Im coming.5Look, the farmers are working in the f_.6My dog is_(有病的).7You are_(幸运的).8Do you often_your_?9What color is it? Its_.10Where is the monkey?Its_the trees.9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空,补全句子。1How are you_(feel)?2We_(begin) to learn English two

4、 years ago.3There_(be) a lot of flowers in the garden.4We are_(go) to visit Beijing.5It is one of the_(tall) towers in the world.10. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1I dont liketigers. I like_.2She is_the bus.3S_(有时)he is careless.4We can sing in this class. It is great fun. This subject is_.5Her hobby is_(tak

5、e) photos.6Before, you_(like) long hair very much, but now you always_(keep) it short.7Its sunny and_(wind) sometimes.【选择题】11. I am a student. You _ a teacher. ( )A.is B.was C.are12. Did you do anything else yesterday? ( )_A.Yes, I watch TV. B.Yes, she stayed at home. C.Yes, I saw a film.13. There w

6、ere not _ gyms in my school before. ( )A.any B.some C.have14. Li Ming is _ the basketball to Danny. ( )A.hit B.hiting C.hitting15. The fastest people can run 100 _ in 9.78 seconds. ( )A.centimetres B.metres C.kilometres【句型转换】16. 句型转换。1.变成一般疑问句。Lu Ban was work on a mountain.2.对句子主题意思提问。Its formy litt

7、le cousin.17. 按要求改写句子。1My holiday wasgreat fun.(对句子主题意思提问)_your holiday?2Its time for dinner.(同义句转换)Its time_dinner.3Mike went to the park with his family.(改为一般疑问句)_Mike_to the park with his family?4I wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts at the fashion show.(改为否定句)I_a paper T-shirt and paper shorts

8、 at the fashion show.5Did the fashion show go well? (作肯定回答)_,_.18. 句型转换。1My sister iseight yearsold.(对句子主题意思提问)_your sister?2Tom goes to schoolat seven oclockevery day.(对句子主题意思提问)_Tom_to school every day?3The supermarket isabout two hundred metresaway from my school.(对句子主题意思提问)_the supermarket away

9、from my school?4Jacks birthday ison the tenth of April.(对句子主题意思提问)_Jacks birthday?5It isa quarter past tennow.(对句子主题意思提问)_is it now?6My brother pickedtwentyoranges on the tree yesterday.(对句子主题意思提问)_your brother_on the tree yesterday?7My parents worked on the farmfor twelve years.(对句子主题意思提问)_your par

10、ents_on the farm?19. 句型转换。1She showed us her new clothes.(同义句转换)She_her new clothes_us.2There are a lot of apples in the tree.(同义句转换)There are_apples in the tree.3My aunt lives in Shanghai.(用two years ago改写)My aunt_Shanghai.4The lion was nice to the girl.(改为一般疑问句)_the lion nice to the girl?5How beau

11、tiful a girl she is! (同义句改写)_beautiful girl she is!6The king is wearing some clothes.(改为否定句)The king_wearing_clothes.7Two men, the king, make, new clothes, wanted, to, for(连词成句)20. 句型转换。1I am in GradeSix.(对句子主题意思提问)2Are you excited on Chinese New Year?(作肯定回答)3This is Mrs Wang. (改为一般疑问句)_Mrs Wang?4Im

12、 good at fishing.(否定句)I_good at fishing.5He has to stop because it is bad for him.(改为一般过去式)【阅读理解】21. 阅读短文,选出正确的答案。What will you do when you receive(收到) a gift? My friend Susan gives me a nice box of gift on my birthday. It looks nice, but I put it on my desk as soon as (一 就) I receive it Then Susan

13、asks me, Why dont you open it and have a look? I feel surprised (惊讶) when I hear this. In China, its not polite to open the gift when people receive it, I say. Oh, dont mind it. In the UK, we open the gift as soon as we receive it. Now you are in England.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Says Susan.

14、 Then I open it.Its a new story book. I love it. We have a good time on my birthday.(1)Where is the writer?( )A. In China. B. In England. C. In Rome.(2)What does Susan give the writer as a gift?( )A. A story book. B. A nice dress. C. A comic book.(3)Does the writer love the gift?( )A. No, she doesnt

15、. B. Yes, she does. C. Sorry, I dont know.(4)What does When in Rome, do as the Romans do. mean in Chinese?( )A.跟着罗马人做。 B.去罗马办事。 C.入乡随俗。(5)From the passage(短文), we know _( )A. it is Susans birthdayB. the writer opens the gift at once(立刻)C. there are different customs(风俗) in China and England22. 根据短文内

16、容,选择正确的答案。Long long ago, there was a frog. He lived in a well(水井) and he never went out of the well. One day a crow(乌鸦) came to the well. He saw the frog and said, Hello, Frog. Then the frog asked, Where are you from? Im from the sky. The frog didnt believe the crow. He thought the sky was only as b

17、ig as(和一样的人) the mouth of the well. The crow told the frog the sky was very big. He asked the frog to come out, so the frog came out from the well. He was very surprised, How big the world is!( )(1)Long long ago, alived in a well.A. crow B. frog C. snake( )(2)Who came to the well one day?A. A crow.

18、B. A dog. C. A cow.( )(3)Where was the crow from?A. He was from the well. B. He was from the sky. C. He was from the zoo.( )(4)Did the frog come out from the well at last?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. I dont know.( )(5)How did the frog think of the world at last?A. Its big. B. Its small. C. It

19、s beautiful.23. 阅读理解。Mary and Kate are sisters. They had a physical examination(体检)last week. These are some of the results(结果). They are healthy.根据表格,判断下列句子的正误( )(1)Mary and Kate had the physical examination last month.( )(2)Last year Kate was 9 years old and Mary was 10 years old.( )(3)Marys hair

20、is short and Kates hair is long.( )(4)Both Mary and Kate have black hair.( )(5)Their eyes colour are different.24. 阅读理解。My name is Jack. This is my home. I live in a cave.This is our living and dining room. My family share stories and eat here. Look! My father is telling us about his hunting today.

21、My mother is setting up the fire. We cook here, so there is our kitchen too!We have a garden outside. My sister is picking up branches for our fire.We have two small caves inside our cave. They are our bedrooms. I share(分享)a cave with my sister.What is this? Oh, a bear is sleeping in my cave! It hap

22、pens all the time in winter!(1)阅读短文,根据文章介绍顺序,用A,B, C,D,E给下列图画重新排序。( )( )( )( )( )( )(2)Jack lives in a cave with his family.( )(3)Jacks father is setting up the fire.( )(4)Jacks sister is picking up branches for our fire.( )(5)Jack shares a cave with his sister.( )(6)A bear always sleeps in Jacks ca

23、ve in winter.25. 阅读理解。Hello! My name is John. Im a boy. Im eleven years old. I have three friends. They are May, Peter and Xiao Mao. May is a girl. She is twelve years old. She is from Canada. Peter is a boy. He is thirteen years old. He is from China. Xiao Mao is a boy. He is two years old, He like

24、s eating meat. Haha, he is a dog!根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”1John has three friends. (_)2Peter is a boy. (_)3May is from USA. (_)4May is 20 years old. (_)5Xiao Mao is a student. (_)26. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Mrs Green has a little dog. One day the dog is lost, and its snowing outside. Mrs Green looks for it everywhere but she cant find it. She calls the police. A young policeman answers the phone, Dont worry, madam.Dogs are really strong animals. They can live for several days in the snow and be all right.Mrs Green is happy to hear the words


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