



1、茵荷兰综合大学新教学楼,鹿特丹,荷兰NEW BUILDING OF INHOLLAND UNIVERSITY, ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, 2000设计: DESIGN范埃联合建筑师Erick van Egeraat assoted architects(EEA)茵荷兰综合大学(修斯职业教育大学)位于荷兰鹿特丹南头地区。紧临港口地区的建筑多为建于19世纪和 20 世纪初的工业建筑。建筑对于这块场地来说,是城市尺度的,也是类型学的。委托人的愿望是建造一座灵活的21 世纪的建筑,通透但是能如市政城市规划所设想的那样,很好地融合于四周19 世纪的红砖环境中。 该设想考虑了

2、最终校园部分建筑的出租,甚至向办公建筑的改造。设计企图让场地的使用最大化:展开的双翼围合着中庭,底部 3 层是与公共空间,其上 6层为教室;沿南向立面展开的通高中庭,成为建筑的核心空间。表皮使用的材料主要是钴蓝色的幕墙和普通的透明玻璃,为建筑创造了最大的灵活性和非比寻常的外观。 建筑表达着学校的开放性格,也成为了学校的标志。(黄怀海 译)The Inholland University, (former IchthusUniversity of profesl education) is situated atthe Kop van Zuid in Rotterdam, the Netherl

3、ands.The adjacenrbor area houses much nineteenthand early twentieth century industrial architecture. The building refers to this harbor area, in urban scale as well as i pology. The cli s objectiveswere to create a flexible twentycenturybuilding, radiating transparency yet fitting ithenineteenth cen

4、tury brick building concept of the Municipalitys urban plan. The concept allows for the school to be partially rented out eventually, oreven to be convertedo an office building.Consisting of two extracted wings enclosing acentral atrium space, the conceptizes theusage of the plot. Specific and publi

5、c spaareplaced on thethree floors with the classroomson the upper six floors. The atrium space along the south fa峚de develops over the full height of the building, creating the heart of the building. Materials are predominantly cobalt blue screen- prosed glass and clear glass to allow the um of flex

6、ibility and remarkable views, and creating an expresof the open characterwhich is the schools trade mark. 11 侧立面/Facad(e 摄影/Photo: Christian Richters)234567总图/Situation远景/Distant vie(w 摄影/Photo: Christian Richters) 4 三层平面/Third floor plan5 四层平面/Fourth floor plan6 首层平面/floor plan7 二层平面/Second floor plan53当代荷兰建筑实践/CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICETHE NETHERLANDS9108 夜景/Night vie(w 摄影/Photo: Christian Richters)9.10 剖面/Section1111 内景/In


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