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1、Unit 9 Health and LifestyleSection 1Warming-upTeaching ProceduresStepsTeachers shouldStudents shouldStep 1Show the students the pictures, ask them to discribe the different pictures .Some students are chosen to describe the pictures to the class.Step 2Ask them how to keep healthy according to the pi

2、cture.Explain how to keep healthyaccording to the pictureStep 3Present some example answers and explain how to live a healthy life.Ask Ss to retell the answers in their own words.Step 4Explain some key words in the sentences in this activityStudents are given time to make more sentences using these

3、key words or phrases.Example AnswersControl weightIf you want to be a healthy person, first, you should have proper weight according to yourheight and age. Too much weight will cause so many diseases such as hypertension,hyperlipemia and hyperglycemia. But being too thin can also result in some dise

4、ases likemalnutrtion.Have good sleepEnough good sleep can ensure our body a good rest and then weH have good spirit and much energy to study and work. If we always go to bed too late or dont have regular rest time, well become weak in both our body and mind and cant study or work well.Have a good di

5、etOur body can absorb various nutritions from a good and balanced diet. So we should eat meat, milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables and so on in resonable proportion. If we prefer only one or two special foods, we may be short of some other microelements. At last different kinds of diseases will come to u

6、s.Do more body exercisesMore body exercises can make our body stronger and healthier. It can build up our muscles and keep us good figures. And It can also strenghthen our heart and improve our immunity so that we can live far away from the diseases.Project ITeaching Suggestions for Activity 1The te

7、acher can ask the students Do you think you are healthy? Why?”Talk about what kind of lifestyle is healthy.Ask Ss to conclude the factors that can make us healthy.The teacher introduces some English words to the Ss about healthy body and lifestyle. Then show them some pictures of the factors that ca

8、n make people healthy, for example a good diet and explain why.Teaching Suggestions for Activity 2Announce the answers after Ss finish the Activity 2. Then let the students describe each disease.Keys to ActivitiesActivity 2-Diseases1.fever2. sore throat 3. stomachache 4. toothache 5. backache 6. flu

9、 7. coughActivity 31. sore throat 2. cough 3. backache 4. flu 5. toothache 6. stomachache 7. feverTeaching SuggestionsListening Teacher lets the Ss listen and repeat after the recording. Ss can make sentences with the phrases.Dialogue Explain the language points in the dialogue and divide the class

10、into several groups. This part can be the after-class homework for Ss to role play.KeysPassage filling.meals 2.drink 3. fiber 4. fat 5. bakeTeaching Suggestion for Interview.Ask the Ss what kinds of food the chindren should eat if the childeren have got cough orstamachache and explain why. This part

11、 should take no longer than 5 minutes.Describe a kind of sports that you liked best in your childhood. You should include:Example Answer:Rope skipping was my favorite sport when I was a child. There were so many kinds of rope skipping. For example, you could hold one end of the rope with one hand an

12、d the other end with the other hand. And then you could swing the rope with your feet jumping over the rope. Another example was that one person held one end of the rope and the other person with the other end. They both swung the rope and the third person tried to jump over the rope.These kinds of

13、sports could exercise so many parts of our body, such as arms, legs and our heat and lungs. And of course it could coordinate our four limbs.It was when I was six years old that I first knew these kinds of sports. I remenbered that my elder sister and her classmates did these kinds sports in the str

14、eets and they palyed very well and happily. I admired them so much. So I asked my elder sister to teach me rope skipping. At first I couldn ft do it well, the rope was always stepped by me. But through my hard work and more practice, I did it quite well at last.I liked this sport not only because it

15、 could make my body strong and me happy, but alsobecause I could make good friends and I could leave me good memories about my childhood.Group DiscussionJoggingRunningaerobic exerciseanaerobic exerciselow speedhight speedlose weightimprove heart and lung functionsfor common peoplefor runnersNotes:Di

16、fferent sports have different functions. We should choose different sports according to our different purposes. For instance, if you want to keep healthy and loose weight you can choose jogging, brisk walking and some other aerobic sports. If you want to be a sports man, then you can choose whatever

17、 professional sports you like. But the premise is that your body permits.children who like doing body exercises children who dont like doing body exercises thinfathealthy bodyalways get illactivelazyReading and understandingKeys to PassageQuestion DiscussionPossible AnswersWhat becomes one of the mo

18、st popular topics?Health becomes one of the most popular topics.What kinds of exercises can we take every day?We can take swimming, jogging and so on.How many times should we brush our teeth every day?We shoul brush our teeth at least two times a day.(in the morning and in the evening)Search the Int

19、ernet and talk about other ways of keeping fit.Besides doing body exercises, we have other ways to keep fit. For example: 1. Developing the Right Mindset. It includes developing the right attitude, keeping track of your progress and be proud of minor improvements and creating a commitment contract w

20、ith yourself. 2. Eating and Drinking Right. It includes giving your body the fuel it needs, keeping your house stocked with the right food , drinking 1.52 liters (0.5 US gal) of water each day and letting your body rest.Project IITeaching Suggestions for Teaching English StoriesStep 1. Let the Ss re

21、ad the stories first and the teacher tells the stories to the class.Step 2. Ask interactive questions. As you read stories to them aloud, ask them questions about the characters or the plot. Help to teach Ss critical thinking skills by asking open-ended questions about stories.Step 3. Have the Ss pr

22、actice reading the stories aloud until the they can retell in theri own words.Text Translation 参考译文如何保持健康现在越来越多的人关心自己的健康。健康成为最受欢迎的话题之一。但是如何保持健康 呢?第一,每天有规律的锻炼,如游泳、慢跑等。研究说明,大量的运动会增强心肺功能。第二,我们应该保持饮食平衡,多吃蔬菜和水果,每天喝牛奶和吃鸡蛋。第三,良好的习惯 和健康的生活方式对我们的健康有好处。我们应该每天早晚刷牙。戒掉像吸烟和喝酒这样的 坏习惯也是保持健康的重要方法。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,保持高昂的情绪是至关重 要的。放松和娱乐是振奋精神和释放压力的方式。如果人们遵循这些保持健康的方式,他们将大大提升他们的健康水平。Language Pointsbe concerned about. 关心More Examples:My mother is concerned about my study.我妈妈关心我的学习。Fm concerned about my sister. 我关


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