



1、完形填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。Li Ming is thirteen years old. He is a middle school student. There are many 21._ in his school. For him, he joins 22. _ clubs: the soccer ball club, the calligraphy (书法) club and the chess club.First, there are many 23. _ in

2、the soccer ball club and most of them areboys. They think playing soccer ball can make them 24. _. And he 25._ thinks so. Second, he joins the calligraphy club 26. _ calligraphy ishis favorite. He started to learn it 5 years 27. _. He is happy that he can writebeautiful Chinese characters ( 汉字 ) 28.

3、 _ brushes now. Third, he likesthinking, and the chess club helps 29. _ think in different ways. He learns 30. _ when he wins (赢), but he learns more when he loses (输).21. A. games22. A. two23. A. studentsB. clubsB. threeB. girlsC. shopsC. fourC. boys24. A. cold B. quiet25. A. too B. yetC. healthyC.

4、 also26. A. soB. because C. if27. A. ago28. A. on29. A. me30. A. a lotB. againB. byB. herB. a lot ofC. aroundC. withC. himC. lots ofATo control the COVID -19 outbreak( 新 冠 疫 情 ),many schools in China started the new semester( 学期)online. School in many cities, like Beijing andGuangzhou, started onlin

5、e classes on Feb.17. Shanghaistarted on Mar.2, and Changsha started on Feb.10.Huang Yahui, a 14 - year-old girl from Beijing No. 66 Middle School, used hercomputer at home to take online classes. She told the reporters, “Our daily schedule starts from 7:30 am to 5 pm. We have Chinese, Math, English

6、and self -learning classes about infection prevention ( 传染病预防), and class, meetings. And we do eye exercises in the daytime and do homework at night.”Huang and most of her classmates enjoyed the online classes. And they found it exciting to keep learning in a new way. With the epidemic situation( 疫情

7、形势 )getting better in China, many schools are starting to reopen. Huang went back to school on Jun.1.46. When did Beijing start online classes?A. On Feb. 17. B. On Mar. 2.47. How did Huang Yahui take online classes at home?C. On Feb. 10.A. With her iPad.B. With her computer.C. With her smart phone.4

8、8. Why did students take online classes during the winter vacation?A. To enjoy a long vacation.B. To prevent the COVID-19 infection.C. To have classes in a new way.49. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Students in different cities took online classes at the same time.B. Stu

9、dents didnt have any homework after online classes.C. Students can go back to school because the situation is getting better.50. To keep fighting against the COVID -19, students cant _ after getting back to school.A. wash hands often B. wear a mask C. stay close to each otherBDo you know when and wh

10、ere to look for rainbows?We hardly ever see them because they need two thingstogether: sunlight (sunshine) and rain. We often cant tellthe color of sunlight with our eyes, but it has all the colors of a rainbow.A rainbow appears(出现) when raindrops take these colors apart ( 分离). All thesecolors move

11、fast at the same speed in the air: 671 million miles an hour. But whensunlight passes through water, it slows down. Some colors go through water fasterthan others. Red light goes first through water. Orange is almost as fast. Then comes yellow, green and blue. Purple light goes the last. As light me

12、ets water, it refracts ( 折 射) and different speed makes different refraction. We can see a rainbow because sunlight makes some changes between the air and water.A rainbow appears across from the sun. And when you see a rainbow, you can forecast(预测) the weather. If a rainbow appears in the morning, t

13、hen the sun is in theeast or southeast. So the rainbow is in the west or northwest. And weather usuallymoves from west to east. So maybe the rain is coming in your way. Things are different if you see a rainbow in the afternoon.51. When can we see a rainbow?A. On sunny and rainy days.B. On cloudy da

14、ys.C. On snowy days.52. What does the underlined word “speed” mean in Paragraph 2?A. 光速B. 速度C. 空间53. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 2?A. When to look for a rainbow.B. Where to look for a rainbow.C. What makes a rainbow.54. We can learn from the passage EXCEPT(除了) _.A. a rainbow appears across from

15、 the sunB. you can see red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple in a rainbow C. you can look for a second rainbow outside the first one55. According to Paragraph 3, we can infer(推断) that _. A. the sun and the weather move in the same wayB. the weather will be good if you see a rainbow in the afte

16、rnoon C. you can see a rainbow if you look at the sun语篇补全 阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补 全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共 4 小题,计 8 分)Is it easy for you to learn English? Do you have any problems or feel upset( 沮丧 的 ) when you learn English? 56._? It has to do with your attitude(态度) and the way you learn it. If yo

17、u want to learn English well, try these tips(秘诀). Dont be afraid of making mistakes(错误).English is a language. If you want to get good listening, speaking, reading andwriting skills, you need a lot of practice. 57._. As you practice more, you get better at it. 58._.When does your head work best, in

18、the morning or at night? Its good for you totry something hard or important at that time. Do you enjoy watching English movies,listening to English songs or reading English books? Would you like to study on yourown, with your group or others? Choose the ways you like and start with the easy ones. Yo

19、u can have your own learning habits. Focus on your class and homework.Its getting popular to take after-school classes, but focusing on the classes inyour school is the best choice. 59._ and make friends with them.Because they are the best English learners and teachers around you. They can share all

20、they know and help you all the time. And your homework also helps to practice and test.A.B.C.D.E.Listen to your English teachers carefullyAnd practice makes perfect(完美的)Why are some students quite good at learning English Have your own learning stylesWhy do we have to learn English语篇翻译(共 5 小题,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,然后将画线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。Mrs. Miller is our English teacher. She has some pictures. Today she shows those pictures to us in class. 65. 她想要我们从中学到一些东西。Here are three pictures. 66. In the first picture, we can see Mrs. Mille


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