1、Inspec 数据库培训on EV2 Tianjin University June 2005培训内容EV2 platform Update IEE & Inspec 背景回顾, 学科/ 地区的覆盖面, 文件类型, 最新发展主题字段 (Subject fields) 的结构和它的使用.标题 (Title)、摘要 ( Abstract)主题词 (Subject terms)、控制词 (Controlled Terms)、非控制词 (Uncontrolled Terms)分类代码 (Classification codes)处理代码 ( Treatment code)化学索引 (Chemical
2、Index)数值索引 (Numerical Data Index) 书目字段 (Bibliographic fields) 检索。Q & AThe IEE(The Institution of Electrical & Engineers)成立于1871, 总部 设 在伦敦130,000 成员 -欧洲最大的专业工程师学会注冊为非赢利机 构 IEE 提 供 的 服 务 颁发专业资格证书 制订安全和标准条例 举办学朮会议 34 Professional Networks ()IEE.tv初 級 出版物 -书, 期 刊 二 次 出版物 - Inspec Database Inspec的专业覆盖五大学
3、科的科学和技术方面的文献,全球各国查新和专利申请/审批必检数据库物理 (Physics)电子,电机工程学 (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)计算器和控制工程学(Computer &Control Engineering)信息技术 (Information Technology).生产和制造工程学 (Production & Manufacturing Engineering) Inspec 数据库820万条文献(March 2005)覆盖80个国家的出版物覆盖超过140个国家的作者4000期刊和2000会议论文集 每年增加近45万条文献,即每星期增加近8
4、000条文献文献种类期刊会议论文集, 会议论文书和书的章节文献报告和报告章节毕业论文文献种类的百分比期刊73%会议论文 17% 发表在期刊的会议论文 8%其它 2%其它包括: 书和书的章节 文献报告和报告章节 毕业论文Journals 73%Conferences 25%Others 2%25 %Figures correct as of Jan 2004Inspec Top 20 PublishersACM Japanese Journal Appl. PhysicsAIP Publishing MAIKNauka/Interperiodica APS Opt. Soc. AmericaAl
5、lerton Press PlenumAmerican Geophys. Union Science PressAstron. Soc. Pacific Taylor & FrancisElsevier WileyGordon & Breech SpringerIEE SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.IEEE IOP Publishing Inst. Elect. Inf. & Comm. Eng. Univ. of Chicago PressWorld ScientificApril 2002Inspec Physics JournalsHigh Energy Physics
6、266Atomic & Molecular Physics149Fluid Dynamics & Plasma & Optics125Solid State Physics193Materials & Mechanics146Biophysics & Biomedical Journals129Astronomy & Astrophysics220 Note: Approximate number of Journals is givenInspec Engineering JournalsElectronics & Telecommunications380Instrumentation/A
7、erospace 60Power Engineering300Control & Systems Engineering300Computing800Note: Approximate number of Journals is givenIT Journals for BusinessNo of JournalsInformation Technology Journals 150Accounting TechnologyInformation Management & Computer SecurityTechnology in Banking & FinanceHealth Manage
8、ment TechnologyWhat to buy for businessComputer Fraud and SecurityHome Office ComputingPC WorldEDI Forum: The Journal of Electronic CommerceIT Notes for BankingTraining & DevelopmentComputers & FinanceNetwork ComputingInspec Database Subjects4.7 millionrecords 2.1 millionrecords2.7 millionrecords600
9、,000 records65,000 records物理电子,电机工程学计算机和控制工 程信息技术 生产和制造工程学Figures correct as of Jan 2004A. 物理 - 4.7 MillionA0 通用部分A1 基本粒子A2 核物理A3 原子分子物理A4 基础物理A5 等离子体和放电物理学A6 固态 (非电子) 物理A7 电子固体物理A8 跨学科物理学A9 地球物理学, 天文学10%20%30%A4 Fundamental Physics (20%)基礎物理Electricity/Magnetism電磁學 Optics光學 Acoustics聲學 Fluid dynami
10、cs液體力學 Mechanics機械學 Heat processes熱過程 A8Cross-disciplinaryPhysics跨學科物理學 33%Materials science 材料科學 Physical chemistry 物理化學 Energy resources& Environmental Science 能源 & 環境科學 Biophysics Medical physics生物和醫學物理學 B. 电子电机工程学 - 2.8 M 0%20%40%B0 通用部分B1 电路B2 电子组成和部件B3 磁和磁的零件, 材料装置B4 光电子/材料, 光应学B5 电磁场B6 通信B7 仪
11、器和它的应用B8 电子系统Engineering materials工程材料 B0General & Mathematics & Materials (35%)Engineering mathematics工程數學 Electrical engineering& general topics機電之程學 和一般科目 Mathematical analysis數學分析 Integral transforms積分 & 轉換 StatisticalanalysisNumericalanalysisOptimisationMaintenance & safety維修,保養 Production engi
12、neering生產綫Management管理Contracting合同合約 Education & training教育和訓練 Deposition & preparation沉殿和制備 Properties材料屬性Testing 材料測試 Sonics & Ultrasonics聲學和超聲學 Special Applications11%特殊應用 Instrumentation16%議器 B7Biomedical engineering生物醫學工程 Aerospace techniquesEarth sciences地球學 Military systems軍事系統和裝備 Nuclear in
13、strumentation核裝備 Metrology & Measurementequipment/systems 量度學, 測試議器和系統設備 C. 计算机和控制工程 - 2.1 M0%20%40%C0 普通和管理C1 系统和控制理论C3 控制技术C4 数学和计算机理论C5 计算机硬件C6 计算机软件C7 计算机应用技术C1Systems&control theory44%Stability 穩定性 Optimal control 優控學 Fuzzy controlNeurocontrol Nonlinearcontrol.Applications.Information theory信息理
14、論和程序 Adaptive systems自動識認系統 Pattern recognition圖案辨認 Artificial intelligence人工智能 Integral transformsStatistical analysisOptimisation.Mathematicscomputing/control計算機/控制的數學議論基碼 Control theory控制理論學 Systems theory系統議論 C7Computer Applications計算機應用38%Engineering工程學 Natural sciences自然科學 Business &Administra
15、tion商業管理 Information Science信息科學 Other applications其他 Humanities computingCAI.Home computingPhysics & chemistryMathematicsGeophysicsAstronomy.Biology & medicinePublishing.Information servicesInformation retrieval Electrical/ElectronicControl engineeringProduction engineeringMechanical .Computer engi
16、neeringOffice automationFinancial computingEducational ADPManufacturing ADP.Medical ADPD. 信息技术 - 65,0000%20%40%60%D1 普通和管理D2 信息技术的应用D3 信息技术系统D4 办公室自动化/通信技术D5 办公室自动化和计算机技术Public utilitiesFarmingBuildingTransportIndustryD2 Applications應用技術 69%BusinessHealth carePublic administrationFinancial applicati
17、onsMarketingDistributionMediaPersonnelEmergency servicesLeisure industryEducationInformation systemsD3Generalsystems14%Microforms縮微複製品 Monitoring/alarm systems 監視警告糸統 Records management記錄資料管理 Video systems錄像糸統 Voice equipment聲音裝置 Copiers複印機 Office environment辨公室環境 Mailroom systems郵件系統 E. 生产和制造工程学 -
18、600,000E0 普通在生产和制造工程学的文献E1 生产和制造工程学E3 工 业 界Figures correct as of Jan 2004Diverse Coveragetraffic controlTraffic signal control by Egogramsenvironmental scienceImpact of science and technology on energy and environmental research and developmentpacemakersParadoxical undersensing at a high sensitivity
19、 in dual chamber pacemakersphotographyColor handling in panoramic photographycomputer gamesA principal cognitive precondition of successful child-computer interactions in the information societylaser printersLong-haul lasers buyers guideradarFully integrated automotive radar sensor with versatile re
20、solutionradiation effectsModeling natural space ionizing radiation effects on external materialsmanufacturingAnalysis of a decentralized production-inventory systemnanotechnologyMolecular motors: natures nanomachinesInspec Online 检索系统: WOK, EV2, Ovid/ERL, EBSCOhost, Dialog, OCLC,从1969到现在的数据每周或每月更新In
21、spec on EV2 自 1898的数据 9 百万条文献自 1969的数据 8.2 百万条文献 数据每周更新容易检索, 快速检索和高级检索等检索介面网上叙词表 (Inspec Thesaurus) 可浏览的网上索引 选择检索字段和限制 同一平台可检索CPX & Inspec数据库 容易检索 (Easy Search)介面 如要在所得的结果內再進行二次检索,可于“Refine Search”內输入检索词,並选择 “ Within results” 。但如要重新检索新的词或词組,可选择”All content”。在查寻结果屏幕的右边,一些與检索结果相关的词或词組被提取出來,读者可參考这些信息來重
22、新设计检索数据库, 作者, 受控词,分类代码,文件类型, 语言, 出版年份,出版者等。Compendex、Inspec 和 Combined Compendex & Inspec 数据库的检索结果可以按相关性(relevance)或出版时间(publication year)进行排序。快速检索 (Quick Search)介面点击浏览索引框旁边的按钮,可选择所想使用的索引,然后点击浏览(Browse),相应的索引则会出现。用下拉式菜单选择要检索的字段。用下拉式菜单选择数据库更新的次数(從1到4次)。选择要检索的数据库。高级检索 (Expert Search)介面在高级检索(Expert Sea
23、rch)界面,使用 “wn” 语法可检索下列字段。 例如要检索一个作者的姓名时,先输入姓、逗号和空格,然后输入名字的首字母及后缀(如果有后缀),然后加入wn AU语法。Inspec EV2 可检索的索引字段主題字段目录字段标题摘要非控制词控制词 分类代码 处理代码 化学索引数值索引天体目标索引AuthorAuthor affiliationPublication yearMeeting info(location, title)Source titleDocument typeLanguagePublishersCountry of publicationIdentifying code (I
24、SBN/ISSN )主題字段 标题TI摘要 AB主題词索引非控制词 UI控制词 CI特殊索引分类代码 CC处理代码 TC化学索引 CX数值索引 ND天体目标索引 AOI自 由 词控制词Truncation/Boolean Review Boolean/ Proximity Operators OR, AND, NOT, NEARliquid near crystalline near phase Truncation / Wildcard * unlimited right-hand truncation $ used for stemming retrieves also managing,
25、 manager, managed etc autostemming in Quick Search (can be disabled)$managementTitle (标题)TIAbstract (摘要) ABSubject TermsUncontrolled Index (非控制词)UIControlled Index (控制词 )CISpecial IndexesClassification Codes (分类代码)CCTreatment Codes (处理代码 ) TCChemical Indexing (化学索引 ) CXNumerical Data Index数字索引 NDAst
26、ronomical Object Indexing AO主題字段检索标题 (TI)取自原文, 如原文 非英语, 它将会被翻译成英语。如果需要, 额外的词会增加在标题后 Didahdidit dit didah didahdit dahdit dah didididit dit dahdidahdit dahdahdah dahdidit dit! 常用检索字段Spreading the net (bank communications) (Morse code program)摘要(AB)取自原文, 如原文 非英语, 它将会被翻译成英语。自由词字段常用检索字段Title (标题)TIAbstr
27、act (摘要) ABSubject TermsUncontrolled Index (非控制词)UIControlled Index (控制词 )CISpecial IndexesClassification Codes (分类代码)CCTreatment Codes (处理代码 ) TCChemical Indexing (化学索引 ) CXNumerical Data Index数字索引 NDAstronomical Object Indexing AO主題字段非控制詞字段 (Uncontrolled Index Term)Definition:One field of an Inspe
28、c record that includes key words and phrases from the original document selected by indexers to represent the key concepts of the document非控制詞字段 (FL)单词或词组取自标题摘要全文 索引员的专业技术知识非控制詞字段可在高级检索介面检索e.g. “shangdong wn fl”DVD overview removable storage media AB- DVD has been proposed as a removable storage med
29、ia for consumers and computers in the multimedia era. Computer applications have been expanding to include high quality moving picture applications using digital compression technology such as MPEG1 and MPEG2. Consumer products, such as CD-Audio, Video-CD etc., using digital technology have become w
30、idely used. Digital signal processing technology has become widespread over broadcasting, CATV and communication. This evolution has been supported by LSI based on progress in DRAM technology. These expansions of digital technology require large capacity storage media. . . . . DVD overview removable
31、 storage media continued Optical technology has been expected to be the most promising removable storage media for both consumer and computer environments. DVD has been proposed as a new large capacity optical storage media unifying ROM, RAM and -R disk systems combined with video and audio applicat
32、ions. DVD-Video also provides good interactive capability for multimedia application such as edutainment and entertainment. Additional Uncontrolled Terms Assigned: semi-conductor memory; digital video discs非控制詞(Uncontrolled)在這些检索中特别有用新概念, 缩写和全名产品或公司名称地名化学制品 (无机化合物分子式, 有机化合物名称)数字数据非专业或技术性词或词组自 由词检 索存
33、在的问题存在下面些变化拼写 首字母缩略词 (acronyms) 术语 (terminology) 标点 (punctuation)如果忽略得上述变化, 结果的相关性会降低拼写的不同colour color defencedefenseatomisationatomizationaluminiumaluminumfibrefibercataloguecatalogsulphursulfurmodelingmodellinghaemodynamicshemodynamicsdiscdiskprogrammeprogramgreygray首字母缩略词表达的不同(Acronyms)Thousands
34、of acronyms are usede.g. RAM, NVRAM, DRAM, SRAM (RAM variations)Authors often assume the acronym(s) are known One acronym is often used for more subjectsPC (microcomputers or printed circuits or programmable controllers)HV (high vacuum or high voltage)FEA (finite element analysis or field emitter ar
35、rays) 首字母缩略词表达的不同(Acronyms)检索SDISDI : Selective Dissemination of InformationScalable Delay InsensitiveSerial Digital InterfacesStrategic Defence Initiative术语的不同(Terminology)US vs UKaerial vs antennalift vs elevatorassisted vs aidedfield specific - examplePC, desk-top computer, microcomputer, laptop
36、Many examples exist in almost every subject 符 号(Symbols) ogamma alphabetadegreeintegralSymbols are retrieved by English words标点的变化infraredinfra redinfra-redIR自 由词检 索的要诀 记住拼写,首字母缩略词,术语,标点等变化用截词符 *用not; or; and 检索下面字段時要注意:快速检索: TI; AB; all fields; Sub/Ti/FL高级检索: TI,AB,FL, Exercise 115 MinutesSee Hando
37、utSearch records relate to the topics:Colour TelevisionPCDVDWWWIBM/Toshiba/BMWTitle (标题)TIAbstract (摘要) ABSubject TermsUncontrolled Index (非控制词)UIControlled Index (控制词 )CISpecial IndexesClassification Codes (分类代码)CCTreatment Codes (处理代码 ) TCChemical Indexing (化学索引 ) CXNumerical Data Index数字索引 NDAstr
38、onomical Object Indexing AO主題字段控制词索引(Inspec Controlled Term) 择自Inspec叙词表的关键词和词组 标点符号,拼写和专有名词标准化 选用高度相关词或词组 相关词或词组被且选用在最恰当的水平 Inspec叙词表 (2004) 有1万6千个词或词组,其中有9,092是优先词, 8,275是引入词为什么用控制词 (1)? 拼写规范化 (Standardised Spelling),e.g. analysers - analyzers center, modeling, fiber, 标点符号规范化 (Standardised Punctua
39、tion) e.g. online - on line, on-line and online为什么用控制词 (2) ?专业或技术性词或词组规范化 (Standardised terminology)Internet - Web Servers/World Wide web/Air pollution - Acid rain; atmospheric pollution; global warming; greenhouse effectAntennas - “antennas and aerials”Television - colour /business television; TV;为
40、什么用控制词 (3)?增加记录相关性Inspec 叙词结 构-优先词 preferred terms-TelevisionUFTV, colour television, business television NTcable television, digital television, .BTtelecommunication servicesTTtelecommunicationRTtelecommunication controlvideo recording, telefilmingCCB6400; C3370J; D2105; E3050DIJanuary 1969PTA/V上位词
41、 BT顶级词 BT下位词 BT叙词表/引入词和它的树状结 构TVUSE Television叙词表/引入词和它的树状结 构TVUSE televisiontelecommunication - (顶级词 TT)telecommunication services (上位词 BT)television (优先词 PT)cable television (下位词 NT )怎么寻找最相关词的叙词(控制词)通过试验查寻 on “Easy Search”查寻网上叙词表輸入词检 索词, 浏览提 示结果浏览上位词,下位词,顶级词,相关词 Exercise 215 MinutesSee handoutSear
42、ch records relate to the topics: (compare the results of using search Field of “ subject/ti/ab” and “Controlled Index”)Find records relate to “Printers”.Find records relate to “semiconductor Materials”Find thesaurus term for the following topicsSDI information science topic“helicopter control”Title
43、(标题)TIAbstract (摘要) ABSubject TermsUncontrolled Index (非控制词)UIControlled Index (控制词 )CISpecial IndexesClassification Codes (分类代码)CCTreatment Codes (处理代码 ) TCChemical Indexing (化学索引 ) CXNumerical Data Index数字索引 NDAstronomical Object Indexing AO主題字段分类代码(CL)Inspec分类代码是一个很强大的检索工具,可将检索范围限定在特定的研究领域。Inspec
44、分类表分为五大学科如下:A. 物理B. 电子,电机工程学C. 计算器和控制工程学D. 信息技术E. 生产和制造工程学分类代码的结 构 B7650CSection Code Letter - Electrical & Electronic EngineersFirst LevelInstrumentation & Special ApplicationSecond LevelAerospace facilities and techniquesThird LevelGround SupportFourth Level (Optional)Aircraft Control 分类代码 - BB0 G
45、eneral, engineering maths & materials scienceB1 Circuit theory, circuitsB2 Components, electron devices & materialsB3 Magnetic & superconducting materials & devicesB4 Optical materials & applications, optoelectronicsB5 Electromagnetic fieldsB6 CommunicationsB7 Instrumentation & special applicationsB
46、8 Power systems & applications分类代码 - B76B7000 Instrumentation and special applicationsB7100 .B7600 Aerospace facilities and techniquesB7700 Earth sciences.B7610 General aspects of aircraft, space .B7620 Aerospace test facilities and simula.B7630 Aerospace instrumentation.B7640 Aerospace propulsion.B
47、7650 Ground support systems.B7630A Avionics.B7630B Power supplies.B7630D Space vehicle electronics.B7650C Air traffic control.B7650E Space ground support centres分类代码 - B7B7000Instrumentation and special applications.B7600Aerospace facilities and techniques.B7610General aspects of aircraft, space veh
48、icles/satellites.B7620Aerospace test facilities and simulation.B7630 Aerospace instrumentation.B7630A Avionics.B7630B Power supplies.B7630D Space vehicle electronics .B7640Aerospace propulsion.B7650Ground support systems.B7650CAir traffic control.B7650ESpace ground support centres.B7700 Earth scienc
49、esenter B7* to retrieveall records below it分类代码 - B76B7000 Instrumentation and special applications.B7600Aerospace facilities and techniques.B7610General aspects of aircraft, space vehicles/satellites.B7620Aerospace test facilities and simulation.B7630 Aerospace instrumentation.B7630A Avionics.B7630
50、B Power supplies.B7630D Space vehicle electronics .B7640Aerospace propulsion.B7650Ground support systems.B7650CAir traffic control.B7650ESpace ground support centres.B7700 Earth sciencesenter B76* to retrieve everything below it includes B7600 分类代码 - B76B7000 Instrumentation and special applications
51、.B7600Aerospace facilities and techniques.B7610General aspects of aircraft, space vehicles/satellites.B7620Aerospace test facilities and simulation.B7630 Aerospace instrumentation.B7630A Avionics.B7630B Power supplies.B7630D Space vehicle electronics .B7640Aerospace propulsion.B7650Ground support sy
52、stems.B7650CAir traffic control.B7650ESpace ground support centres.B7700 Earth sciencesEnter B7650* toretrieve these records 分类代码 - B76B7000Instrumentation and special applications.B7600Aerospace facilities and techniques.B7610General aspects of aircraft, space vehicles/satellites.B7620Aerospace tes
53、t facilities and simulation.B7630 Aerospace instrumentation.B7630A Avionics.B7630B Power supplies.B7630D Space vehicle electronics .B7640Aerospace propulsion.B7650Ground support systems.B7650CAir traffic control.B7650ESpace ground support centres.B7700 Earth sciencesenter B7650C retrieve these speci
54、fic records BElectrical & Electronic EngineeringB7 Instrumentation and special applicationsB76 Aerospace facilities and techniquesB7650 Ground support systemsB7650CAir Traffic ControlNotes:1. Classification codes can be searched at any of the above level 2. Truncation (*, ?) must be used at the five
55、-digit level分类代码 - B7650C分类代码 - 收窄检索的结果Aeros. Facili. & TechnAvionicsGround support centreInstrum. & special te分类代码 - 导航检索B6220M(Mobile Radio System)B6210P(Teleconferencing)C6130S(Data security)分类代码 好處使用分类代码改进查寻相关性 如要寻找非常具体类型的詞/詞組,可使用更詳盡的分类代码去檢索。例如: B7630A 为航空电子学 怎样查寻相关的分类代码 ?于容易检索 ( Easy Search) 介面
56、里,通过所得的结果,于屏幕的右边,可直接点击相关分类代码的词或词組,然后通过试验查寻相關的分類代碼。查寻网上在叙词表(Inspec Thesaurus) Exercise 315 MinutesSee handoutSearch records relate to the topics:Control application technique use on photographyBiological effects of radiationJava in multimedia seversTitle (标题)TIAbstract (摘要) ABSubject TermsUncontrolle
57、d Index (非控制词)UIControlled Index (控制词 )CISpecial IndexesClassification Codes (分类代码)CCTreatment Codes (处理代码 ) TCChemical Indexing (化学索引 ) CXNumerical Data Index数字索引 NDAstronomical Object Indexing AO主題字段处理代码 (TR)处理类型(Treatment type)用于说明文献的研究方法及所探讨主题的类型。INSPEC数据库可用的文件处理类型(Treatment type) 限定有:应用 Applica
58、tions引文 Biographical经济 Economic实验 Experimental一般性综述 General Review新發展 New developments实用 Practical产品评述 Product review理论 Theoretical处理代码 (TR)Applications Bibliographic Economic aspects General or review New developments Practical Product review Theoretical Experimental A description of the actual use
59、 or implementation of an instrument, device, method, technique, computer program or physical effect, where a specific application is describedDocuments containing a bibliography or significant list of references(50)Document deals with cost, pricing, market forecast, etc.Documents give an overall vie
60、w of a subject. General approaches, overviews & introductory articlesDocument is meant to be of direct practical use and is of particular interest to engineers & design staffIntroduced in 1985. Includes product comparisons, tables & buyers guidesSubject matter is generally theoretical or mathematica
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