Unit 4 知识清单 高考一轮复习牛津译林版选修九_第1页
Unit 4 知识清单 高考一轮复习牛津译林版选修九_第2页
Unit 4 知识清单 高考一轮复习牛津译林版选修九_第3页
Unit 4 知识清单 高考一轮复习牛津译林版选修九_第4页
Unit 4 知识清单 高考一轮复习牛津译林版选修九_第5页
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1、第页 共6页高考一轮复习英语M9U4 清单单词短语:1.a straightforward process 简单的过程a straightforward man 直率的人to put it straightforwardly 说得更直接了当一些2.a vague impression 对印象模糊a vague description 粗略的描述3. underline the words and phrases 在词汇短语下划线underline the moral of a story 强调故事的寓意underline his ignorance of the matters 凸显了他对这些

2、问题的无知4.the bare hands 徒手,赤手空拳 the bare facts 基本事实 the bare necessities 基本必需品 adv. barely 仅仅,刚刚,勉强可能;几乎不5.strike,struck,struck strike sb on the head 打某人的头 It suddenly struck/ hit/ occurred to sb that. 某人突然想到 be struck by/ on/ with sb/ sth 被某人(或某物)打动,迷恋某人(或某物)wait for the clock to strike 等钟敲(几点) It wa

3、s not long before the tragedy struck again.不久后悲剧又发生了。 on strike 罢工 strike a match 划火柴 strike a balance (在对立二者之间)找到折中办法,平衡(对立的双方)strike a deal/bargain达成(对双方都有利的)协议6have a thorough understandingknowledge of the subject 对这一学科的透彻了解clean the room thoroughly彻底打扫房间7.a delicate china 易碎的瓷器 a delicate surgic

4、al operation 精细的外科手术 8.catch on 受欢迎,流行 Somehow,making up modem idioms is not as straightforward as it first appeared few of these idioms would ever really catch on. 不知怎么的,现代习语的编制不像它起初表现的那么简单极少的习语真的会流行起来。catch on(with sb) 受某人的欢迎catch on(to sth) 理解9.ease the burden 减轻负担burden oneself with sth: sb be b

5、urdened with 使担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等)She got off the bus, burdened with two heavy suitcase.她提着两只沉重的手提箱下了公共汽车。10. have the distance shortened/ lengthened 缩短拉长距离 11.count on sb to do 指望(某人做某事) count on it that. 确信某事会发生 What really counts/ matters is 真正重要的是. It is not what you say but the way you say it that

6、counts 重要的不是你说的内容,而是你说话的方式。12.a stout man 肥胖的,粗壮的人 stout resistance 顽强的抵制 13.fill ones bell 填饱肚子y 14.a neat room 整洁的房间 a neat uniform 朴素的制服 a nest solution to the problem 对该问题妥善的解决 15.deliver a speech 发表演讲 deliver goods 递送货物 deliver a baby 接生 16. public image/ carved image 在公众心目中的形象雕像 17.in other wo

7、rds 换句话说 18.have a vague or loose connection with 与有隐晦或松散的联系 19.be reduced to(not) doing 沦落到 20.hire oneself out 为人打工 After spending every penny of his money and being reduced to hiring himself out to feed pigs, e realized that he bad been_a fool and went home. 在花光每一分钱后,他沦落到为人打工,替别人养猪。他意识到自己是多么愚蠢,于是

8、回家。21. dream of a golden man flying over the palace梦到一个金人飞行于宫殿上22 develop a high level of competence in communication skills 将交流技巧提高到较高水平23. on ones behalf- on behalf of sb 代表某人 24.house the refugees 给难民提供住处 25. be centered around/ center around以.为中心26.be shaped like 形状似 27. The White Horse Temple i

9、s Important to Chinese pecople and history, and as such, it is one of the first historic buildings that the government listed to receive special state protection.对于中国 人民和中国历史来说,白马寺具有重要意义,正因为如此,它被政府列为首批受国家重点保护的历史建筑。30. The early bird catches the worm.28.hear the sounds repeated and multiplied 听到放大的声声

10、回音 29.feet of clay (受人敬仰或尊敬的人)不为人知的弱点see the handwriting on the wall 看见灾难即将降临的标志 the apple of ones eye 掌上明珠 Garbage in, garbage out. (计算机中)无用的输入,无用的输出 by and by 不久,过一会儿 be good for the soul 有好处 a devil 淘气鬼,调皮鬼 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. 英雄所见略同。Dont count your chickens

11、 until they are hatched. 别高兴地太早。Make hay while the sun shines. 抓紧时机31.bureaucratic adj. 官僚的,官僚主义的 句子:1. Unless you recognize an idiom when it is being used, it is easy to misunderstand what you read or hear spoken. 除非你能识别习语运用,否则你很容易误解所读到的或听到的内容。2.Since the Bible was translated into English centuries

12、 ago,many Hebrew_and_Greek idioms have become part of the English language. 自从圣经几个世纪前被翻译成英语之后,很多希伯来和希腊语中的习语九成了英语中的一部分。3. Seeing the handwriting on the wall, then, means to see signs that disaster is coming. 因此,“看见墙上的字”意思是看见灾难即将降临的标志。4.It comes from a story where a son left home to waste all of his time and money in amusing himself. 这个习语来自于一个故事,故事中的儿子离家出走,虚度光阴,挥霍金钱,寻欢作乐。5.The officials travelled westwards to Central Asia and arrived in what is today Afghanistan. 这群大臣西行至中亚,到达今天的阿


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