已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江西卷)英语第I卷(选择题共115分)第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分) 回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将您的答 案转涂到客观答题卡上。第一节(共 5小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下小题,每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt? 19.15.B. 9.18C. 9.15.答案是 C。What do

2、es the man want to do?Take photos.B. Buy a cameraC. Help the womanWhat are the speakers talking about?A noisy nightB. Their life in town C. A place of livingWhere is the man now ?A. On his wayB. In a restaurantC. At homeWhat will Celia do ?A. Find a playerB. Watch a gameC. Play basketballWhat day is

3、 it when the conversation takes place ?A. SaturdayB. SundayC. Monday第二节(共 1 5小题:每小题 1 .5分,满分 22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出的最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对 话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5秒钟;听完后, 各小题给出 5 秒钟的做答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、 7 题。What is Sara going to do ?A. Buy John a gift.B. Give John a surprise

4、 C. Invite John to FranceWhat does the man think of Sara plan ? sA. FunnyB. ExcitingC. Strange.听第 7段材料,回答第 8、 9题。Why does Diana say sorry to Peter ?She has to give up her travel plan.She wants to visit another city.She needs to put off her test.What does Diana want Peter to do ?A. Help her with her

5、studyB. Take a book to her friendC. Teach a geographylesson.10.her.11.12.A. To tell her about her new jobWho n eeds a new flat ?A. AlexWhere is the woma n now ?A. I n BaItimore.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。B. To ask about her job ProgramB. An drea.B. In NeW York.C. To pla n a meeti ng WithC. Mira nda.C. In AVon

6、听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。Why does the man Call the Woma n ?What does Jan Con Sider most importa nt Whe n he judges a restaura nt ?Where the restaura nt is.Whether the PriCeS are lowHow well the food is prepared.When did Jan begin to Write for a magazine ?After he Came back to SWede nBefOre he Went to the Un

7、ited States.AS soo n as he got his first job in 1982.What Jan do to find a good restaura nt ?A. Talk to people in the street.B. SPeak to taxi driversC. ASk hotel clerks.What do We know about Jan ?A. He cooks for a restaura nt.B. He travels a lot for his work.C. He PreferS AmeriCa nfood.听第10段材料,回答每17

8、至20题。What do We know about the Plaza Leon?C. It S a PUbIiC place.C. FridayS and SatUrdays.C. Hernan des Street.C. It has a famousA. It S a new buildingB. It S a small town.When do Parents and ChiIdren like going to the Plaza Leon?A. SatUrday ni ghts.B. Sun day afternoons.WhiCh Street is known for it

9、s food shops and markets ?A. Via del Mar Street.B. Ferna ndo StreetWhy does the SPeaker like HOratiO Street best ?A. It has an Old Stone SUrfaCe.B. It is n amed after a writer.Uni VerSity.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节.满分45分)笫一节单项填空(共 15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。- ThankS a lot for your b

10、ook. I found it Very interesting. . I m glad you enjoyed it.A. All the bestB. It is noth ing C. No tha nks D. Very well.211景空际题。本题的关键点在于ThankS a lot fr your book A.j,1意.一切顺利:B.没什么F甫客气* C不 谢谢你;D.很好根IE情景交际中用来回Sthank艸表示不用 谢的答语只有E选顼符合.【问意】Ai非常惑谢你)的曲,我觉得它很有趣“ DI不客气*我祖髙买你善欢它UWhenever I made mistakes, the

11、teacher Pointed them out With.A. CUriOSityB. SatiSfaCt ion.C. envyD. Patie nce.D. jfit With词搭配的杰宾短语Q AJWiIh curiosity 好奇地F PAVith SItiSfaCdOn 満意地: C AVithCrliky 茱慕地;D With PatienCe 耐心MIfgfi无论什么时帧我犯了情,占卯总昱耐心地给我捋出來.Can be good at Something for 40 years if he doesn t IoVe it.A. An ybodyB. EVerybOdyC. N

12、obodyD. SomebodyC考査不定代ifl=解题关键:抓住题意 anybody任何人;everybody每亍人,所有人 oldy Vt J smehody 【句意】如果不薛欢某件班”没冇人能40年如一日地i好它。What a terrible experience !, you-re sa nbws the main thing.A. Any way.B. Besides.C. Otherwise.D. Therefore., trFlll iM Xi析扎artpvayAj 论如啊:B.bcsidc 此外T 也=ClOtcmiv卄列Ih IMIerVfl0f |貝| 此。匂总】多么If

13、f枝的经加啊!不需怎么说.你现在T - l.tTOnly When he apologizes for his rudenessto him again.A. I will speak. B. will I speak. C. do I speak.D. I speak.25Bffi-本SSI第 个%fttT观眄 only.fi 特饰削诃、frji1 或犧IR从旬时.主旬用部分砂*沥:牛关就工是讪ii Gl状借从问 W勒从0T的用(本廳中从旬用5 -IftftftIHI I川此it句川翘將來臥【句JfiJ只有当他为也的n I r,f wRii 甕才S nft话(IEJII L将从观是摘崔时阀状

14、JMh義件狀讥从旬bU讣易状i从却屮则果1J - t将来昧 AAjjii IKa.(t M来时引导状蔚从旬的连訶诃WhelubeiMCliq IIlIIllJ = nr 3 IfJ IlnLk;u hnmhThere are a small number of people involved, POSSibIytwenty.A. as few asB. as little asC. as many asD. as much as2S A rr达:公题的关键词 anall HUnIberof 7 小部分:少数的)排除C 与D选项,它们都盍示线达i题中ppkJ可数名词,因此讥确答案为A* B洁项

15、中的Iitil匕表*少的M之意时*不可以用来修悔町数gl,【旬意】只有少部分人牽涉在内,少达一十人“MOther always complains that ChiIdrentheir shoes Very quickly.A. find outB. WaSh outC. Wear outD. Set outC.-査动词诃组词文辨析 A.findOUt搞淸是F弄HlJft ; BlWaShOLIt诜掉*冲掉;C.wearOut 穿坏F用坏;D.set Ollt lB 开始nj蚂蚂总是抱怨孩了们很快就把牲穿坏了。She SayS that She ll have to close the sho

16、pbus in ess improves.A. ifB. unl essC. afterD. Whe nB考査连词词义辨析。A.如杲;B如果不;除非;C.在之后;D.时候【句童】她说如杲生意没有好转的话,地将不得不关掉这个商店*When I WaS a child, IWatCh TV Whenever I Wanted to.A. shouldB. couldC. mustD. n eed29B考査1态动词*木题的解题关键在于从句When 1 WaS a child; ff f整个RJ子的时态为 过上时:Hted的过上式 nedcd LM此D逸顶为衲iiS A i顶ShoUld r 人瑞連f

17、 Ih衣达 有义务或有贡任做某事.意*应当3 B选In CQUld用庄过去时屮我示欄可能I甘或“能 力飞匸选项mM很少用于过上式.般隹过山时态中经常用 Wt3代生【句意】找小的时候*无ft时假姐右电WL祁可以看*One Of you breaks the WindoW Will have to Pay for it.WhOeVerB. WhateVerC. WhiCheVerD. WhereVer.30C査看从属连诃用法区别=本题的解题关键是分析出这儿于从輛连诃在从句中做的成分; WhoCVtJr引导从句吋在从句中取捡使用做.EiTV; WhatCVer引片从旬时在从句中可以做主语、 宾晤以及

18、定语可以单WUJ也呵叫与其后的名诃 迦他成分:它与WhiChe诧r的It中-个 区别 whichever SlT范帀的* ; Whf)IeVCr没冇范用.jK WhCrCVCr Jl导从句时在从句 屮做状语。本题缺的是主涪部分.曲one Ctynu Ilfu看出呈有范围的因此锁立答案U【句意】你们当中无论哪个弄坏了窗户都将必须赔偿它的QShethe CarPet With some Very nice CUrtains in colour.Conn ectedB. fittedC. equippedD. matched.3LD. : A.connect,.*.nh 用,.-把连按起: BJjr

19、tl pffiIftKffj ft河Jti 1使 适 Mr ttl,l 适应 t ; C .equip.wit tl !If 百 ( H b i3ich.With便*tld她把杉芭的iT1j地筐挤配起*齢Animals are obviouslylower form of life thanman.a ; /B. the ; theC. a ; theD. / ; /32SSW用法B 4MWWSW数用任起加n VA-人左刘I陷WMt用囲此IE确齐霜为扎【旬息】很显然Uk慌比雄动物星较低般的供侖昭式 _He wrote a Ietterhe explains What had happened

20、in the accident.A. WhatB. WhiChC. WhereD. how33 C.考语从句n解题关犍是判断5诺从句关联词的选择方法,即:根据先冇诃在世冠 从句IIftS的成分来判断。木题中先厅词IECr在从句中做地点状语,因此,正确普案为C, 【句意他 r -Mf祥信屮他MA+的一切4CfJift What tj IlOW都不可以号导定语从旬.Ifto look after IUggage for someOne else, inform the police at Once.A. askedB. to askC. ask ingD. havi ng asked.A.省略Pr

21、住ii引导的从句中.l 的vl be.常将】语和民宵畤, 题关遊:观察題訂与选项。本题J祈使句,新使句通常JB动词原形开久,省略iff you. 再观察选项,ask you /J; 关爲 丙此从句的完16表达方式是if you are ISked N此,懺定答案A.【句总】4i人让你A照看行李.请马上通知警察【拓展】与if用it -样的还冇when、thought asf .jI词口Ito ViSit you later that day, but I had to Phoneand Cancel.A. comeB. CameC. am ComingD. WaS Coming釘d 考在幼词吋态

22、“本题的题眼是血It Chy和but. Ib that day J断定遍该川过公的某艸时 态。扎-般视在时:艮一般过去时:U現在进打时:D+过去进衬时排除A与匚。 but m,躍我打算来,但不得不打电话取消3对于come. go. arrive等位置转移的动词町以用 进行时表达将来意义Q因此.答棠杲0【旬意】尽管珠天我打算来呢,我还足打电话取消了.第二节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其段落大意,然后从 36至55各题所给的四个选项A.BC和D,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Diane Ray WaS completely SeIf-Centered

23、 and Very spoilt. Her Parents gave her 36 She Wanted, knowing that She would throw a temper tantrum( 耍小孩脾气 )if they did not. She would SCream and kick and 37 On the floor drumming her heels. Her Parents always 38.That WaS Why She WaS alone On the 39, Wearing an expensive SWimSUit. It has taken amass

24、ive tan trum to 40 her Pare nts to buy it. They Were back at the beach-house, 41 from the tan trum She had throw n Whe n they told her that it WaS too dan gerous to go div in g 42.“ Dangerous ? ” She had said.“ You just don t want4e td hvem going and if you try tostop me, I ll scream. ”“ What are yo

25、u doing ?CeaaIVdd. Diane jumped. She did not know that the man WaS there44 he spoke .I m going diving,” She anSWered.“ You shouldn t SWim that day,”5 the manhere is a storm Coming up.”“ You should mind your own 46 !” Diane replied and WaIkeChtO the gen tle waves.If you go out there you 47 IJ be the

26、man called after her. She did not bother to reply.Diane SIiPPed into the Water and dived 48 Until White CaPS began rolling in and it became harder to 49 against the CUrrent ( 水流).SaItWater hit against her face, making it _50 to breathe. Oh, Why had She no t Iiste ned to advice.Panicking, She bega n

27、to 51 . Then ,just as it Seemed as if She would slip ben eath the surface,She heard a 52voice.“ HoICdn !I Krdming. With53, She Say the old man rowing anancien t- look ing boat towards her.I hope youVe Iear ned a less on. You PUt 5SbQth ”ShOUted an grily, as he dragged her over the Side of the55. Gra

28、tefully, Diane tha nked him andran towards the beach-house.36. A. eitherB.n eitherC. nothingD. everyth ing37. A. jumpB.lieC. SPinD. sleep38. A. Set outB.Set inC. gave inD. gave QUt39. A. beachB.bedC. floorD. ShiP40. A. allowB.WarnC. getD. Prefer41. A. ChangingB.recoveri ngC. appeari ngD. traveli ng4

29、2. A. aloneB.awayC. aga inD. aside43. A. timeB.moneyC. foodD. fun44. A. WhenB.Un tilC. afterD. OnCe45. A. decidedB.inten dedC. advisedD. repeated46. A. bus in essB.SWimSUitC. friendsD. Pare nts47. A. angryB.sorryC. Con fusedD. excited48. A. nervouslyB. sadlyC. shylyD. happily49.A. riseB. SWimC. StoP

30、D. row50.A. difficultB. easyC. comfortableD. SUitabIe51.A. SPeakB. Si ngC. SniffD. SCream52.A. CaImB. frighte ningC. beautifulD. disgust ing53.A. regretB. reliefC. i nterestD. ease54.A. powerB. SafetyC. dan gerD. thought55.A. houseB. WaVeC. beachD. boatI定文体抓主本文空JaiH述-个小ffi9fwf?历的Utai.个irffip. 截乂R龙坏的

31、小女核不辨疋母劝吿也朱听 位总人如*M如凤附快W, IBiS了立碗 ffi- S: df.1篇章轴狗nXtitM第(IXlr)U iunv Ra IELrViItrelI Hrad 绻 PaiIl Jthrjv% JitcptrttrurtiHy ue 我为中ter TT常當要小顼子第-* ara,2-R)hgIKr rirvnh rno diirt 枷 Mn diin: (he 3 : ho IlIdni s.ini; X 雷form CnIIUl* up: mindUrn;called: not bother to rrplj,; diwd nhilt CipAi hit UBtKl hr

32、 fnr: hrerhe J 啊 1)、IWf)1MCUCd to the nth ice;ii人出弭山:乂埒;F诉Ife 牛人趣翩水很危縊她爪听个人养 ifa. wtf: il他不輕移i?HHg fA. rth InJ她 Itt得再卜I积 她H的潜帕h;柴门色的人 mTt 4TI1I 们她的t ilfMW D,根揺上下文IfHK下:立说刮她“宾命以门我为中吐弹1擁宜坏了 completely eLf-c?Iltre(I ml VerJr poUt).下文说4果父不那杵假,她就会发小孩子脾 气、因此JTOSB: 5她想更的切东西(everything).37. Ba根据生活常识IML小孩子耍腺

33、气的时縁 通常是文尖叫又踢脚又翳(Ik)在迪 上出卿后跟骰打地IfiU其余三逸项分别JS为:劃服;旋转;睡觉.不ns*3. G 考6词词财析,她 悭小療脾P 她的父勺忌是屈K,让步(gftvciii) U SetalX JFT i SCtin以为背景: gave out 分阪ffftsg A 利用下文睛彌Jl根据下文提到的diVIng可知.Jfe在浊眸(beach)上,准备 卜水C 根ffiT境解题 隔 STtrk的小舊了腕气才i也父用给胞滾的* II: 某人做某事;get Somebody to do something. tt项分别Jfi为:允许彳警告羊更喜瞧 偏 Sl不苻會谄锐B 根ST

34、SMH.父樋特诉她矢潜木腹危险的时熾.她又耍小孩了脾气.父 应该很不高烁 回到了i2J 2H,悭慢地消气.凶此ff retdverins (fr6m)i 7 芳中恢艮过来。梵余三适顶分别为;改变;出规;旅存均不符合题怠42” A-棍竭上文词汇复现解JS,本J扌I J1That Wa hy UW和HZlQne提爪了答案II41 D:根据生活常识和语境解题此处 divingt足 谢媪鮎舌创恢】足材血VCfun玩f开心*Bo ft査固定句型:ii櫛(宜到才h直到那牛人说话.如才知逍他在那里IlC r Ift据同义词Jf现解题* 由州朴空JRrti -旬话Oh, Why had se nt Iktel

35、Irtl t the cMmT*中的OdViCC t那牛(advised)她的.扛余三项分別意为:决定:打算;Kr沟本符合诺t46 BD此处考査固定结构* nuLxl your OWn business息为计f竹;I l !的IL或不巧亍i H事.Hr 利用下文嗜吓解JSL 根据 50 审Jl I(lflO, WhV IMd Slle IlIM IiMe*kl Io (IKl lvfe?可知她后悔丁,固此老人爭先就警吿她;你会后悔(SCny)的。m 根据同番的情色彩和语境解瓦 首先,D项的感情色彰叨显不同丁贞他:皿 K次.t达成所愿.因比会潜得很幵心t hapfily) 4 RgTMH. IS

36、为显凤Ie即将来l故而浪很人,逆流游泳(SWiln)棍 闲祗.注意KnV是折用热划Isc Ar tRW的轟AU和语MML人顶砂占怙色*湎直7兀Tr lL他 顶 瓦次根務讥境博知.iiK冲前种fife的N此jtWWiF CdimCUIt) 53. D 根据生活常识解Ah此时她处J IlankJiinSHX J-IJI-金父叫XmmhIftJiSiS.唱flfaMSt52. A欄B下文HM.从卜血的人说的伽Id on! r coning;. IIr见他很橹.处tSt也足为了址女襪仃空全IL俶:g令人雷怕的:XWWi专人庆戕I 的.4l; rWI兜理:計适,均侶.G根据上文HW1槪据F,ii描楚的t

37、ff tl的怡形中H載临 也是讨耳直陰的.岡此妇克的JMu-他心都址卜危陰fda申 2屮D 根IS旬内楚关豪解題* Jll,说凱Tdn)KgQ(I btroer the ite Ork o*此St总为WiS 过=老人陡把空我拖杵越过恥物的侧或边. (波浪,沙滩器哪比屮只仃船符 作逻轴了I第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2份,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe light from the CamPfire brightened the darkness, but it could not PreVent the

38、 damp Cold OfDenniS S SWan沼泽地)CreePing into their bones. It WaS a Strange place. Martinand Tom WiShedthat they had not accepted JaCk S dare. They liked CamPing, but not near thiS Swamp.“ So, ” Martin asked as they Sat WatChing the hot coaS.“ How did this place get itS name ?“ Are you SUre you Want t

39、o hear it ? It S a SCary story, ” Warned Jack.“Of course! ” Cried out Tom.If there Were anything to be SCared of, you Wouldn t hathis place! ”“ Ok, but don t Say I didn t Warn you, ” Said Jack, and he began this tale.“ Way back in time, a man called DenniS tried to Start a farm here. He built that C

40、Ottage overthere to live in . In those days, the area looked quite different - it WaS COVered With tall trees andthe swamp was a crystal-clear river. After three hard years, Dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops. He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.“ You

41、are clearing too much land, warned one old man. The land is a living thing. It will hitback at you if you abuse it.“ Silly fool, said Dennis to himself.If I clear more land, I can growcommoere crops. Iwealthier. He s just jealous! ”“ Dennis continued to chop down trees. Small animals that relied on

42、them for food and shelter were destroyed. He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door. He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land. He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”“What happened ? ” Martin asked. It

43、was growing colder. He trembled, twisting his body closer to the fire.The land hit back just as t he old man warned,Jack shrugged.Dennis disappeared. Oldfolks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater. His body was never found. ”“ Whaa StUPid story, lau

44、ghed Tom. “ Pla ntscan t Before he had fini Shed SPeak ing, he screamed and fainted( 晕倒 ). The other two boys jumped up with fright, staring at Tom. Suddenly, they burSt out laughing. Some green SwamP ivy ( 常春藤 ) had covered Tom S face. It waS a while before Tom could aPPreciate the joke.The underli

45、ned word“dare ” in ParagraPh d1 inS mcloeSaening to .courageB. aSSiStanceC. inStructionD. challengeWhy did Jack tell Tom and Martin the Story ?To frighten them.To SatiSfy their curioSity.To warn them of the danger of the Place.To PerSuade them to camP in the SwamP.Why did DenniS ignore the warning o

46、f the old man ?A. The old man envied him.C. He waS too buSy to liSten to otherS.Why did Tom Scream and faint ?A. He Saw DenniS S ShadowC. HiS friendS Played a joke on him.The old man waS fooliShD. He waS greedy for more croPS.He waS Scared by a PlantD. The weather became extremely coldWhat leSSon ca

47、n we learn from the Story of DenniS ?A. GraSP all, loSe all.B. No Sweat, no Sweet.It iS no uSe crying over SPilt milk.D. He who makeS no miStakeS makeS nothing.O Sri UI i Z4 1: Z11W?/ XI IllC Liyhl 1h)m IhCdIlI(IfUT briglkLJILLCl LbCdiuincwf. but i CLnIJd IlUI PrCYCin ChC (IilnlatOllj OfDClIIJiS 5np

48、( n?if JItrwpiiit! IEnu (hi bones, h *3 d StnngC PMgHJ M * I l LN厂k 泊;V:. jJ, U 1i-l IJx A lTlIJ DdlniS 畀i Ndl 1 t t的 fj -.人 止打世 Jk i J iJ A. ut牌 勺*i、EV: E Lhtjx FlJ i!; in沆tiun 4:i *; l: D. daJkDc lii 解題思跖 臥化I啲H绘描述利人则怦仃的再爱叩IRmp文诞Xi屮;賤址lfS干t项丼険: I il A 城.TJ l .IrJ 卜莫 A i frL il IVJ S7 B Jf艸刃H?(理Jr股I

49、巧IU押淞;3屮的丿;峯丘的不*曲问P ii rn:*川 J hlf fI JXr 1 Lus ffj 冥 iif M干扰顼幷險;考生要结甘上下丈找推H目的切入点A!fi Hj4b -RrU iJliijj IIYJA DMi明捏11樹忖.述坨扯檢良壮i丄LY:门也打说战見彳刪何和bj rr 便 -j,f-; 1OJiTjiij 込.HiJ 显仃討 Ili 阳 rjiiJt-ir7 (IY 掘 ilJ DCiUliS ijrj M的用嗎 仃的同学*炼答F和冏財的丹邹迥辽和恩W frJu5X.D D顶文 中未提及.I难句学习】When internatioiu aid is give StepS

50、 TnllSt be taken to ensure MjRHhat the aid reaches the PJUPk fb luii it is intended翻讦:半被给予斥际按助时* I人门丈用i鞍采般殆施去确保援助能够到达需要援助的人予 中口ffr 本柯的主干是 StePS InUSI be taken to CnSurC . that 引导宾r从句,做 ensure 的宾语 for WhoTTl弓I导宦语从h修怖先JhiidPCOPI比 be intended for 打算:所用;专为“JB 设计F *2r SOnIetimes Vrhat is rake for granted

51、, IikC the SCtring UP f a water PIIrifiCanon Phrt Or the ailjninisUdLijii Uf LL SChOUL CULlId be IJSefLiI Ibr toutJtr U IliCh arc Iookiij abu io MJhtr CeLHnkjjj PrOblCms.湘详;打时, jfUBW; SO) faSS5WWK他 J* W决这气常见M聘的国家足破(f啊ffJ 0分H;术 I. 是 What is take IVr 卿MtdCULJd be useful.,T WhSit JJl 1.t, *jJ- (. 屮Bt V

52、jfh IikC介词周语敘状ilb补充说叩h Wta引i AJ-J.修怖先J?伺mwtries CMany people think that IiSte ning is a PaSSiVe bus in ess. It is just the opposite. LiSte ning Well is an active exercise Of OUr atte ntio n and hard work. It is because they do not realize this, Or because they are not willing to do the work, that mo

53、st people do nOtliSten well.LiStening well also requires total ConCentratiOn UPon someOne else. An essential Part of listening well is the rule known as bracketing BraCketing inCIUdeS the temporary giving UP or Setting aside of your own PrejUdiCeS and desires, to experience as far as POSSibIe someOn

54、e else world from the in side, StePP ing into his Or her shoes. Moreover, SinCe liste ning well in volves bracketi ng, it also in volves a temporary accepta nce of the other PerS on. SenSing this accepta nce, the SPeaker will Seem quite willing to open UP the inner Part of his or her mind to the lis

55、tener. TrUe communicatiOn is Under Way and the energy required for listening well is so great that it Can be accomplished Only by the will to exte nd on eself for mutual growth.Most of the time We lack this en ergy. EVen though We may feel in OUr bus in ess deali ngs or social relationships that We

56、are listening well, What We are usually doing is listening selectively. Often We have a PrePared list i n mind and won der, as We liste n, how We Can achieve Certa in desired results to get the Con VerSati On OVer as quickly as POSSibIe or redirected in WayS more SatiSfaCtOry to us. Many Of US are f

57、ar more interested in talking than in listening, or We SimPIy refuse to listen to What We don hear.It WaSn t Until toward the end of my doctor Career that I have found the knoWIedge that One i S being truly listened to is frequently therapeutic( 有疗效的)In about a quarter of the Patients I saw, SUrPriS

58、 ing improveme nt WaS show n duri ng the first few mon ths of PSyChOtherapy(心理疗法), before any Of the roots of problems had bee n Un COVered or expla in ed. There are SeVeraI reas OnS for this Phenomenon, but Chief among them, I believe, WaS the PatientCeSSe that he or She WaSbeing truly listened to,

59、 often for the first time in years, and for some, PerhaPS for the first time ever.66.67.The PhraSe “ StePP ing into his or her shoesA. PreParing a topic list firstdirect ing the talk to the desired resultsWhat is mainly discussed in ParagraPh 2 ?A. How to listen well.C. Ben efits of liste ning.” in

60、ParagraPh 2 PrObabIy means.focusing on one S OWn mindexperiencing the SPeaker S inSide worldWhat to IiSten to.Problems in Iiste ning68.69.70.ACCOrd ing to the author , in com mun icati On people tend to.A. liste n activelyB. liste n PUrPOSefullyC. Set aside their PrejUdiCeSD. ope n UP their inner mi


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