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1、第 PAGE7 页 共 NUMPAGES7 页2023年最新的钢笔的英语是什么意思钢笔的笔头由金属制成,书写起来圆滑而有弹性,相当流畅。下面是小编给大家整理的钢笔的英语,供大家参阅! 钢笔的英语意思 pen 钢笔的双语例句 1. He sat behind a desk laboriously writing with an Army issue pen. 他坐在书桌后吃力地写着,用的是一支部队发的钢笔。 2. Harriet fiddled with a pen on the desk. 哈丽雅特摆弄着桌上的钢笔。 3. I always sketch with pen and paper.

2、 我总是用钢笔和纸画素描。 4. Daniel Winter nibbled on his pen. 丹尼尔 温特咬着他的钢笔。 5. She delved in her handbag for a pen. 她在手提包里翻找钢笔。 6. I ve been all over the shop trying to find that pen. 我一直在找那支钢笔. 7. Students are required to write their exercises in pen. 学生们被要求用钢笔做练习. 8. The intrinsic worth of the pen is 30 yuan

3、. 这支钢笔本身价值是30元. 9. This is my pen, and yours is on the table. 这是我的钢笔, 你的在桌子上. 10. Is this the pen ( that ) you were looking for 你找的钢笔是这一支 吗 11. When you buy new pens, get one with a sharper point. 买新钢笔时要买尖儿比较尖的. 12. We have a lot of pens, but we re shy on ink. 我们有许多钢笔, 但墨水不够. 13. Do you usually take

4、 notes in class with a pen or pencil 你在课堂上记笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔 14. As I bent over , my fountain pen fell to the ground. 我一哈腰把钢笔掉在地上了. 15. He gave me a book, a pen and some money besides. 他给了我一本书, 一支钢笔,此外还给了我一些钱. 钢笔的英语篇2 这是我的钢笔。 This is my pen. 你从我桌面拿走了我的钢笔,是吗 Did you borrow my pen from my desk 他给了我一本书,一支钢笔,

5、此外还给了我一些钱。 He gave me a book, a pen and some money besides. 他把钢笔、铅笔、书、杂志、磁带和杯子都扔进了一个盒子里。 He tumbled pens, pencils, books, magazines, tapes and cups into a box. 那天聊完天以后,他就顺手牵羊把我的钢笔和打火机都拿走了。 That day after our chat, he walked away with both my pen and the lighter. 我的钢笔和我的铅笔,请。 My pen and my pencil, pl

6、ease. 你的钢笔是什么颜色 What colour is your pen 我能用你的钢笔吗 Can I use your pen 我应该扔掉我的钢笔,搬到贫民窟去,我才能更好地缓解贫穷的疼痛,这比对着一本讨厌的书更有效果。 I should throw away my pen and move into the slums, where I could relieve poverty better andmore efficiently than with a poisonous book. 请把那个蓝钢笔给我看看。 Show me the blue pen, please. 这是一只钢

7、笔吗 Is this a pen 两支钢笔都是绿色的并嵌有金色的条纹,不过其中一支的条纹是横的,而另外一支,是竖的。 Both pens were green with gold stripes, but on one the stripes were horizontal; on the other, they were vertical 钢笔的双语例句2 举些例子:钢笔 所有的都还能写出来吗你需要27支吗 放在办公室里会不会更好呢 As examples: Pens-do they all write do you need 27 of them would they be better

8、off in theoffice 我可以用你的钢笔吗 May I use your pen 玛格丽特放下文件,拾起钢笔,却又踌躇了起来。 She put the paper down and picked up the pen, but hesitated. 因此我想,我的团队会说,当她开始敲打她的钢笔并且她的腿开始快速地移动,那就是时候要往前推进了。 So I think my team would say that when she starts tapping her pen and the leg starts movingquickly, that it s time to move

9、 on. 兰登不再多言,从夹克衫的口袋中掏出一支钢笔,将每行的字母重新排列来 Without another word, Langdon pulled a pen from his jacket pocket and rearranged the lettersin each line. 这是一支钢笔。 This is a pen. 我想要买这支派克钢笔,一支铅笔和一块橡皮。 I d like to buy this parker pen, a pencil and an eraser. 我拿出我的红色钢笔.现在,艾米和理查德也在吐舌头。 I take out my red pen Now Amy and Richard are sticking out their tongues. 把钢笔和铅笔放在文具盒里。 Put the pen and pencil in the pencil box. 向我兜售的第二个人是卖名贵钢笔和手表的。 The next man to approach me


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