1、LectureSeptember 7th 2019LinseyComing up:Part 1 : native expressionsPart 2 : dictationPart 3 : culture pointsPart 1 Native Expressions:1. a penny for your thoughtsMeaning:a way of asking what someone else is thinkinga request to somebody who lost in consideration to share his or her thoughtsused for
2、 wanting to know what another person is thinking, usually because they have not spoken for a some timeExamples:“你沉默了一会儿,有什么想法吗。”“你看上去很严肃。说一下你的看法吧。”Part 1 Native Expressions:1. a penny for your thoughtsMeaning:a way of asking what someone else is thinkinga request to somebody who lost in consideratio
3、n to share his or her thoughtsused for wanting to know what another person is thinking, usually because they have not spoken for a some timeExamples:“你沉默了一会儿,有什么想法吗。”You have been quiet for a while, a penny for your thoughts.“你看上去很严肃。说一下你的看法吧。”You seem pretty serious. A penny for your thoughts.Part
4、1 Native Expressions:2. at the drop of a hatMeaning:at the slightest signalimmediately, without delaywithout any hesitationwithout any planning and for no obvious reasonExamples:我们现在的情况是法律随时都可能被曲解。如果你需要帮助,就去找迈克。他可以马上来。Part 1 Native Expressions:2. at the drop of a hatMeaning:at the slightest signalim
5、mediately, without delaywithout any hesitationwithout any planning and for no obvious reasonExamples:我们现在的情况是法律随时都可能被曲解。We now have a situation where laws are bent at the drop of a hat.如果你需要帮助,就去找迈克。他可以马上来。If you need help, just call on Mike. He can come at the drop of a hat.Part 1 Native Expression
6、s:3. back to the drawing boardMeaning:back to the planning stagestart again on a new design or plan after the failure of an earlier attemptback to the beginning because the current attempt was unsuccessfulExamples:我的实验失败了,所以我重新开始。有时候,从错误中走出来的最好方法就是从头开始重新开始。Part 1 Native Expressions:3. back to the dr
7、awing boardMeaning:back to the planning stagestart again on a new design or plan after the failure of an earlier attemptback to the beginning because the current attempt was unsuccessfulExamples:我的实验失败了,所以我重新开始。My experiment was a failure, so Im back to the drawing board.有时候,从错误中走出来的最好方法就是从头开始重新开始。S
8、ometimes the best way to proceed after a mistake is to start over and go back to the drawing board.Part 1 Native Expressions:4. the ball is in someones courtMeaning:it refers to the person who is responsible to make the next move,whether in an activity, game, incident or event the responsibility of
9、taking action lying with someoneExamples:全家人都支持他搬到另一个国家去的决定.但是,如果他在最后一分钟决定改变主意,那就看他的了。我已经同意和这个人见面,听取他的策划,但是他没有及时出现,决定权是在他手上的。Part 1 Native Expressions:4. the ball is in someones courtExamples:全家人都支持他搬到另一个国家去的决定.但是,如果他在最后一分钟决定改变主意,那就看他的了。The entire family has stood by his decision to move to another
10、country but the ball is in his court if he decides to change his mind at the last minute.我已经同意和这个人见面,听取他的策划,但是他没有及时出现,决定权是在他手上的。I have already agreed to meet this guy to hear his proposal out but he did not show up in time, the ball is still in his court.Part 1 Native Expressions:5. bark up the wron
11、g treeor be barking up the wrong treeMeaning:waste ones efforts by pursuing the wrong thing or path to make a wrong choicemake a mistake or wrong assumption in something you are trying to achieveExamples:如果你认为按照这些步骤就能解决问题,那你就错了。我不是散播那些关于你的谣言的人,那你还真错怪我了。Part 1 Native Expressions:5. bark up the wrong
12、treeor be barking up the wrong treeExamples:如果你认为按照这些步骤就能解决问题,那你就错了。If you think you will solve the problem by following those steps, you are barking up the wrong tree.我不是散播那些关于你的谣言的人,那你还真错怪我了。I am not the person who spread those rumours about you, you are barking up the wrong tree.Part 1 Native Exp
13、ressions:6. be glad to see the back ofMeaning:to be glad that you no longer have to deal with someonebe pleased when somebody leaves or when something ends because you did not like themExamples:我老板折磨了我十年之后,他终于离开了公司。我很高兴终于熬出来了。我妹妹已经和我们住了六个月了。我爱她,但很高兴这一切结束了。Part 1 Native Expressions:6. be glad to see
14、the back ofExamples:我老板折磨了我十年之后,他终于离开了公司。我很高兴终于熬出来了。After my boss made my life difficult for ten years, he finally left the company. I was glad to see the back of him.我妹妹已经和我们住了六个月了。我爱她,但很高兴这一切结束了。My sister has been staying with us for six months. I love her but would be glad to see the back of her.
15、Part 1 Native Expressions:7. beat around the bushalso, beat about the bushMeaning:avoid talking about the main topicnot speaking directly or preciselyExamples:请你不要再拐弯抹角了,开门见山好吗?当我问乔治是否知道是谁拿走了我桌上的文件时,他开始拐弯抹角,拒绝给我一个直接的答复.Part 1 Native Expressions:7. beat around the bushalso, beat about the bushExample
16、s:请你不要再拐弯抹角了,开门见山好吗?Will you please stop beating about the bush and get to the point?当我问乔治是否知道是谁拿走了我桌上的文件时,他开始拐弯抹角,拒绝给我一个直接的答复.When I asked George whether he knew who had taken the files from my desk, he started beating around the bush and refused to give me a direct answer.Part 1 Native Expressions
17、:8. the best of both worldsalso, the best of all possible worldsMeaning:a win-win situationa situation in which one can get the advantages of two different or contrasting things at the same timeExamples:“如果你决定住在这里,你就能享受到乡间的绿意和城市生活的便利设施。这真是两全其美,真的。”“你可以买到便宜的东西,但你必须在质量上做出妥协。鱼和熊掌不能兼得。”Part 1 Native Exp
18、ressions:8. the best of both worldsalso, the best of all possible worldsExamples:“如果你决定住在这里,你就能享受到乡间的绿意和城市生活的便利设施。这真是两全其美,真的。”If you decide to live here you get the greenery of the countryside and the amenities of urban life. Its the best of both worlds, really.“你可以买到便宜的东西,但你必须在质量上做出妥协。鱼和熊掌不能兼得。”You
19、 can get this item for cheap, but youll have to compromise on quality. You cannot have the best of both worlds.Part 1 Native Expressions:9. best thing since sliced breadMeaning:something that is too finean excellent person or thingExamples:网络的发明改变了我们的生活方式; 这是有史以来最好的东西。他表扬她的方式你会这么想的,她是有史以来最棒的。Part 1
20、Native Expressions:9. best thing since sliced breadExamples:网络的发明改变了我们的生活方式; 这是有史以来最好的东西。The invention of internet has changed the way we live; it is the best thing since sliced bread.他表扬她的方式你会这么想的,她是有史以来最棒的。The way he was praising her - you would think that she was the best thing since sliced bread
21、.Part 2: dictation Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Word Bank of the Day:overgeneralize 过度泛化stoplight 红灯Demandingness 苛求型 Inflammatory labeling 煽动性的标签cognitive distortions 认知扭曲irrational 非理性的rational 理性的cruel 残忍的selfish 自私的exist 存在 evolutionary 进化的ancestor 祖先alert 警告injustice不公平energize 激励con
22、front 面对increase 提高nervous system 神经系统digestive system 消化系统conserve 保存dilated 扩大的extremities 四肢complex 复杂的forces of nature 自然力量Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?overgeneralize 过度泛化stoplight 红灯Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?They tend to overgener
23、alize, they use words like: always,never, every, this always happens to me, I never get what I want, or i hit every stoplight on the way here today. 他们倾向于过度概括,他们使用这样的词:总是,从来没有,每一次,这总是发生在我身上,我从来没有得到我想要的,或者我今天在这里遇到的每一个红绿灯。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Demandingness 苛求型 Part 2: Dictation what
24、 makes you so mad?Demandingness: they their own needs ahead of the needs of others I dont care why this person is driving so slow, they need to speed up or move over so I can get to this job interview.苛求型:他们把自己的需要放在别人的需要之前我不在乎这个人为什么开得这么慢,他们需要加快速度或者挪过去,这样我才能去面试这份工作。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so
25、 mad?Inflammatory labeling 煽动性的标签Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Inflammatory labeling they call people fools, idiots monsters, a whole bunch of things Ive been told Im not allowed to say during this Ted Talk.煽动性的标签他们, 称人们为傻瓜,白痴, 怪物,还有好多我被告知是我不能在Ted演讲中说的词。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so
26、mad?cognitive distortions 认知扭曲irrational 非理性的Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?So for a long time, psychologists have referred to these as cognitive distortions or even irrational beliefs, and yeah sometimes they are irrational. Maybe even most of the time.很长一段时间以来,心理学家把这些称为认知扭曲,甚至非理性信念,是的,有时它
27、们是非理性的。也许大部分时间都是这样。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?rational 理性的cruel 残忍的selfish 自私的Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?But sometimes these thought are totally rational. there is unfairness in the world, there are cruel selfish people and its not only okay to be angry when were treated po
28、orly, its right to be angry when were treated poorly.但有时这些想法是完全理性的。世界上有不公平,有残忍自私的人,当我们受到不公平的对待时,愤怒是可以的,当我们受到不公平的对待时,愤怒是正确的。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?exist 存在 evolutionary 进化的ancestor 祖先Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Now there is one thing I want you to remember from my talk to
29、day, its this: Your anger exists in you as an emotion. Because it offered your ancestors both human and non-human with an evolutionary advantage.从我今天的演讲中,我想让你们记住一件事,那就是:你的愤怒作为一种情绪存在于你体内。因为它为你的祖先提供了人类和非人类的进化优势。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?alert 警告injustice不公平Part 2: Dictation what makes yo
30、u so mad?Just as your fear alerts you to danger, your anger alerts you to injustice. it is one of the ways your brain communicate to you that you have had enough.正如你的恐惧使你警觉到危险,你的愤怒使你警觉到不公正。这是你的大脑与你沟通的方式之一,你已经受够了。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?energize 激励confront 面对increase 提高Part 2: Dictati
31、on what makes you so mad?Whats more, it energizes you to confront that injustice, think for a second about the last time you got mad, your heart rate increased. Your breathing increased, you started to sweat.更重要的是,它激励你去面对不公平,想想上次你生气的时候,你的心率升高了。你的呼吸加快了,你开始出汗。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?ne
32、rvous system 神经系统Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Thats your sympathetic nervous system otherwise known as your fight or flight system kicking in to offer you the energy you need to respond.这是你的交感神经系统,也就是你的战斗或逃跑系统,为你提供你需要的能量来做出反应。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?digestive system 消化系统co
33、nserve 保存dilated 扩大的extremities 四肢Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Thats just the stuff he noticed. At the same time, your digestive system, its slowed down so you could conserve energy, thats why your mouth went dry and your blood vessels dilated to get blood to your extremities.这正是他注意到的。与此同
34、时,你的消化系统变慢了,所以你可以保存能量,这就是为什么你的嘴变干了,你的血管扩张,让血液流到四肢。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?complex 复杂的forces of nature 自然力量Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Thats why your face went red, its all part of this complex pattern of physiological experiences that exist today. Because they helped your
35、 ancestors deal with cruel and unforgiving forces of nature.这就是为什么你的脸会变红,这都是今天存在的复杂的生理体验模式的一部分。因为他们帮助你的祖先对付残酷无情的自然力量。Part 2: Dictation what makes you so mad?Part 3:cultural pointsPart 3: Culture PointsThe Origin of Valentines DayWord Bank of the Day:immortal: living or continuing forever.punish: to
36、make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or broken the law.brook: a small streamFascinated by: extremely interested by something or someone.appear: come into sight; e visible or noticeable smoke appeared on the horizonseem; give the impression of being. she appeared not to know wha
37、t was happening Part 3: Culture PointsThe Origin of Valentines DayThe ox was actually an immortal from the Heaven. He made mistakes in the Heaven and was punished as an ox in the Earth. One day, the ox suddenly said to the cowherd, You are a nice person. If you want to get married, go to the brook a
38、nd your wish will be come true. The cowherd went to the brook and saw all 7 pretty daughters of Emperor came down from Heaven and took a bath in there. Fascinated by the youngest and also the most beautiful one, he took away her fairy clothes secretly. The other six fairies went away after bath. The
39、 youngest couldnt fly back without her fairy clothes. Then the cowherd appeared and told her that he would not return her clothes unless she promised to be his wife. After a little hesitation and with a mixture of shyness and eagerness, she agreed to the request from this handsome man. So they marri
40、ed and had two children two years later.immortal: living or continuing forever.Part 3: Culture PointsThe Origin of Valentines DayOne day, the old ox was dying and told the cowherd that he should keep his hide for emergency purpose.The Emperor found the skys not that beautiful as before without the 7th daughter weaving clouds and rainbows. He wanted his daughters grandmother to find the missing daughter an
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