1、xx大学本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告题 目学生姓名 学号专业学 院指导教师本选题的意义及国内外发展状况:IC 卡是集成电路卡(Integrated Circuit Card)的英文简称,在有些国家和地区也称之为聪明卡、智能卡、灵巧卡(Smart Card)、智慧卡(Intelligent Card)或微电路卡(MicrocircuitCard)、微芯片卡(Microchip Card)等。将一微电子芯片镶嵌于符合 ISO7816 标准的 PVC(或 ABS 等)塑料基片中,封装成外型尺寸与磁卡类似的卡片形式,当然也可封装为钮扣、钥匙、饰物等特殊形状。自 1972 年法国人罗兰.莫雷诺(Rola
2、nd Moreno)首先提出 IC卡的设想,1976 年法国布尔(Bullw)公司研制出世界第一枚 IC 卡以来,IC 卡技术飞速发展,已经形成一涉及全球众多著名电子巨头的新兴技术产业。城市一卡通是以一张 IC 卡作为信息载体和接口,建立的城市综合信息管理平台,是城市信息化的重要组成部分。通过向市民发行用于城市生活的 IC 卡,将参与一卡通系统的以城市交通为代表的公共事业应用系统、以社会保障为代表的政府管理应用系统和以电子钱包为代表的金融支付应用系统等各个行业统一起来,采用一致的付费方式,方便市民消费,统一信息管理。香港“八达通”城市一卡通系统,是目前国内乃至世界上运营最为成功的。1994 年
3、香港五大公共交通运输机构 ,包括地铁、九广铁路、九巴、城巴和香港小轮(HYF)携手合作,成立了联俊达有限公司(于 2002 年改名为八达通卡有限公司),负责开发和推行非接触式智能卡技术。1997 年 9 月,八达通系统正式面世,迈进令香港人生活更轻松的第一步。此崭新系统让乘客一卡在手,通用于多种公共交通工具,免除使用辅币之不便。八达通面世超过十年,一直力求创新进步。今天,使用八达通的范围遍布衣、食、住、行等各方面。全港 95%年龄介乎 16 至 65 的市民使用八达通搭乘交通、购物消费或外出用膳,毋须携带辅币,轻松方便。八达通最初是通用于公共交通工具上的简便收费系统,现在,已广泛地扩展至零售业
4、小额交易及许多其他范畴,如支援商业及住宅大厦出入门禁系统及学校里各种设施等,得到超过 2000 家服务供应商的支持。八达通不只提供卡片款式。由租用版八达通至适用于个人客户或企业的销售版八达通,八达通式式俱备,而且种类与日俱增。由锁匙扣、吊饰、手表至限量版八达通等,能切合不同客户的需求和品味。八达通不单成功融入了市民的日常生活,亦让大家生活得更轻松方便。2004 年 7 月,深圳市政府召开了“关于研究推进深圳市交通一卡通相关工作的会议”,提出了深圳市交通坚持“一张卡、一个标准、一个公司运营”的原则,并提出了在坚持企业化、市场化原则的基础上,组建深圳通公司并于 2004 年12 月 13 日注册成
5、立。自此,深圳通开上了快车道,至 2009 年末共发卡 670 万张,预计2011 年末发卡总量将突破 1000 万张。深圳通已经在公交应用领域全面铺开,实现了关内地铁及 1 万余台公交大巴的全覆盖。在小额消费领域,成功开通了多家连锁超市、商场,目前总量已接近 500 家,安装读卡器近 15000 台。在未来的三年, 深圳通计划实现地铁(轨道交通)、公交巴士全覆盖,并应用到部分出租车上,扩展小额消费领域,商户总量将突破 3000 个,争取在包括公交一卡通区域的互联互通上有新的突破,发卡总量突破 1,000 万张。深圳通也给深圳市民带来了真真正正的实惠,2009 年 1-8 月份公交刷卡优惠总额
6、达3.31 亿元,珠三角一小时经济生活圈已不是梦想,八达通、深圳通、“羊城通”等各自为政的城市一卡通系统必将融为一体。文献综述:The business plan is what I refer to the large number of documents, including regular publications, internet, data, conference proceedings, etc., using knowledge of learning a variety of economic management in Shenzhen University, such
7、as project management, Marketing Management, corporate strategy theoretical knowledge of management, managerial economics and financial management courses and case analysis method combined with the actual situation of the project is completed. Theory papers cover project management, marketing manage
8、ment, market analysis and forecasting, financial analysis and evaluation of investment projects of knowledge. In the writing process, the main application of the relevant literature follows. The first is to learn the knowledge of the dissertation, particularly the business plan writing and used in m
9、y thesis writing. Mainly related to the literature designate the first wing, the CAO New MBA Dissertation Writing Guide, Zhuhai Xiong, written business plan book guide for the preparation of Ding Wen Jing How to write a business plan, Chen Yu How to Write a Business Plan and other works as well as s
10、eniors business plan thesis, I learned the topics of the papers from the literature, structure, research methods and writing steps or even the specific computer layout settings skills and knowledge of business plans points of the concept, role, writing of the book, write specifications, as well as e
11、nterprises of different periods (Start-up, growth, maturity) the focus of the business plan and writing a more in-depth understanding and experience; at the same time, I also understanding of the business plan is an all-round description of the operation of the project file, from all aspects of inte
12、rnal structure, personnel, management and operation of the projects external conditions, market conditions, marketing strategies, costs, economic benefits to analyze. Projects in an operational business plan for the development of enterprises to set a more specific direction and focus, so that emplo
13、yees understand the business objectives, and motivate them to strive for a common goal; allows investors and other partners to understand business conditions and objectives, to provide confidence for investment and cooperation in decision-making. Followed by the reading and analysis of the relevant
14、technical documentation, market analysis, statistics, laws and regulations, policy documents and other literature. City Card is an emerging industry, the breadth and depth of its applications in the rapidly expanding its knowledge is an ever-deepening process associated with the book market books an
15、d rare. In view of this, I mainly rely on networking and professional publications for relevant information, such as the construction of the IC card application (/ic/), city utilities IC Card Application Network (http :/ / /) Card Network (/), the Golden Card Project magazines. First like to thank o
16、f Luyong Ning Code IC system and non-contact IC card Principles and Applications, the authors believe that in modern urban construction and management of Central Africa is more suitable than the IC card contactless IC card, in the modern public transport system, a the application of the cartoon is v
17、ery necessary because it will greatly improve the operating efficiency of urban public transport, improve service quality, and can analyze the data obtained by the card system to further improve the operation of public transport, such as site set up, train scheduling, detailed analysis of applicatio
18、ns and application areas of the IC card expansion gave me great inspiration. The city of Hong Kong Octopus card system is one of the most successful operating system, its analysis of the article was of concern to me. Such as Tradelink Electronic Commerce specifically () have written the Octopus succ
19、ess, Chief Executive Officer of Octopus Cards Limited, the text Eric Tai said: Octopus, such as a lamp switches, and no one will bother to power how to generate only knew only need to look at will be open to press the button, lights ., the success of the Octopus is very important to the people of Ho
20、ng Kong, not only part of our lives, made us easier. Furthermore, management is professional in-depth study and application of theoretical writings. For example, Wang Jianguo, in their book 1P theory - mesh economic times, new business model proposed in the nature of information, networking, knowled
21、ge and culture for economic, many industries have been no significant or simply do not boundaries. Accordingly, the target customers of the enterprise products market is no longer a single product and target customer is no longer one to one relationship, but a network of relations. To take advantage
22、 of the network economy and external, between the enterprise value chain, enterprise and between enterprises, between enterprises and customers, the introduction of third-party stakeholders to pay profit model into the game of competition among enterprises profitable win-win cooperation. The essence
23、 of the City Card project is to establish a network of economic, either party in the project would be the interests of beneficiaries. The public in obtaining benefits at the same time, convenience and better service; the operation of the project partners will enhance service levels and operational e
24、fficiency, reduce costs, and get more customers to patronize; government management efficiency, urban management into the digital and information technology. Another example of marketing management theory, all the marketing strategies are built on STP marketing - market segmentation, target market s
25、election and product positioning based on. Market segmentation is to develop the companys marketing strategy, consumer or customer requirements as a starting point, a series of market research and feasibility studies on the internal consideration of the purchase decision-making and external behavior
26、al factors, the use of mathematical statistics, simulation market and other methods single market in accordance with different standards and features are divided into more than a one or several similar characteristics of the sub-market (do not rule out the intersection between the sub-market phenome
27、non). Companies according to their own resources and external competitive situation, from which to choose their own have a comparative advantage, or that more investment value of the sub-market as the companys target market. Market segments, the company must evaluate the relevant market segments, to
28、 determine into which the target market on this basis, and to further analyze the target market customer value proposition. Selected target markets, competitive advantage, determine the marketing strategy to reach their target markets, including product strategy, channel strategy, brand strategy. Ot
29、her theories of the economic evaluation of investment projects through the investment shares of the companys background, investment budget, sales, costs and profits of the effective index prediction using simulation of financial statements in the form, and use the net present value, evaluation of th
30、e payback period and other economic benefits of investment in shares of the company assessed. Michael A. Hitt, Strategic Management in the analysis tool to guide the project to face the opportunities and threats, the enterprise has its own advantages and shortcomings of in-depth discussion and analy
31、sis. Paid off: too much the topic of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, we cut from a small topic to talk about interoperability issues in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen and Hong Kongs Octopus. A few years ago it was suggested, can make the interconnection of Shenzhen and Hong Kong transport card interoper
32、ability, so that not only promote the economic development of the two places, a lot of convenience to the public. To discuss today is the question: Shenzhen Tong and Octopus in the end can not be interconnected, there is no interoperability is necessary, the old words: because I have been dealings b
33、etween Shenzhen and Hong Kong, always carry two cards , an Octopus, a Shenzhen-pass. Octopus in Hong Kong is indeed very convenient to use public transport, take a taxi, or to grocery stores and shopping malls to buy things very convenient, a multi-purpose card. At present, Shenzhen limited to bus,
34、subway, in the 7-11 convenience store and buy something, I think this is an improvement. I hold two cards, pulled out Octopus in Hong Kong, to return to Shenzhen took out Shenzhen through, and sometimes often go wrong, so I think the implementation of some inconvenience, a sign of multi-line with th
35、e permanent residents in Shenzhen to Hong Kong , it was suggested that the card two concept, I hope to achieve this goal as soon as possible. Zhong Jian: the present level of development of Shenzhens and Hong Kong Octopus has a big gap, limited to bus and subway. Octopus In addition to the bus, subw
36、ay diet, consumer payment system, should be the development trend of modern society. In any case, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, city trend to further strengthen the two places in one hour inside the living area, two places, including the increasing amount of information to facilitate the fishe
37、s. But for now, I feel that Shenzhen Tong and Octopus to truly achieve interoperability, a card will work in both places, there is some difficulty, after all, two different electronic payment systems, as well as the renminbi and the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate, the two electronic delivery system,
38、 I think that may be implemented in the future. Wang Dongjun: Shenzhen Tong and Octopus card interoperability is necessary. Whether the needs of the environment, the objective needs of the development of the Shenzhen company is necessary. Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation is a very fast pace, more freq
39、uent exchanges of the two members of the public. Shenzhen Tong, from a subjective in terms of the formation of a large market to promote the development of Shenzhen through the expansion of the range of applications there are a lot of opportunities, we also support interoperability is committed to t
40、wo cards, this is our goal, from the necessity of is no problem. Feasibility, technical, commercial or policy to solve related problems, should be able to achieve. Zengfan Yong: I think the Shenzhen Tong and Octopus interoperability is a general trend, the recent introduction of the Pearl River Delt
41、a reform and development planning framework co-operation between Hong Kong and Guangdong. People from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, from Shenzhen to Hong Kong changing the card to use, difficult to use. If the Shenzhen public holds a Shenzhen Card can also be used in the grocery store can be consumed by bu
42、s, in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Tong in Hong Kong can also take the subway, consumer, and friends in Hong Kong to Shenzhen is also the same, so for two to the public is a good thing, can promote communication and cooperation of the two places. Wang Dongjun: from the first, the Shenzhen and Hong Kong interconnection surface, the two cards, the interconnection of the two enterprises, Shenzhen and Hong Kong policy system is not exactly the same, whatever the policy level, the two companies , the need for government suppo
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