



1、综合英语2An Integrated English Course (2) 一、课程基本情况课程类别:学科基础课程课程学分:6课程总学时:96 学时,其中讲课:96学时,实验(含上机):0学时,课外:0学时课程性质:必修开课学期:第2学期先修课程:综合英语1适用专业:英语教 材:何兆熊.综合教程2(第2版). 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2013.开课单位:语言文化学院英语系二、课程性质、教学目标和任务 本课程为英语本科一年级第二学期的专业基础课;其教学目标在于进一步系统提高学生英语听说读写语言技能,为高年级的专业知识学习打好基础。在基础阶段,所谓语言能力是指能够正确,自然而灵活地掌握本阶段

2、所学的语言本身,而交际能力则是指能在某些场合恰当地并随机应变地使用语言的能力。学生通过上一个学期的学习,在语音、语调上应有较大的进步,实践能力有所增强,但本学期仍需要注重口头表达能力的培养。课程内容涵盖政治、经济、文化、科技、人文等各个方面的题材,及对话、访谈、短文、专题报道和新闻等各种语境形式。通过听、说、读、遣词造句的进一步训练,能促使学生更好地掌握英语基础知识和基本技能,进一步提高综合文化素养,为进入下一阶段的学习打下良好的语言能力和交际能力基础。 三、教学内容和要求Unit One. “Weve Been Hit” (12学时)(1) 了解:Words and Expressionsi

3、llusion, devastate, leave behind, off and on, make it, fill with (2) 掌握:Grammarwould vs. used to; used to vs. be used to; would, should, might, could; didnt need to do / neednt have done(3) 理解:Cultural backgroundPresident Bushs address to the nation; September 11 attacks重点:Grammar & Cultural backgro

4、und 难点:Words and ExpressionsUnit Two. The Virtues of Growing Older (12学时)(1) 了解:Words and Expressionspursue, inspiration, excursion, hold out, be obsessed with, vain(2) 掌握:Grammarconcrete nouns & abstract nouns; quantifiers & determiners; dangling participles (3) 理解:Cultural backgroundSamuel Ullman;

5、 Growing Pains重点:Grammar & Cultural background 难点:Words and ExpressionsUnit Three. My Stroke of Luck (12学时) (1)了解:Words and Expressionsvitality, console, authorize, go through, endure, given, set apart(2) 掌握:GrammarNegation and inversion; Unit noun; as as, as vs. like(3) 理解:Cultural backgroundShakes

6、peares Sonnet -Sonnet 116; Marriage benefits men more than women重点:Grammar & Cultural background 难点:Words and ExpressionsUnit Four. Cultural Encounters (12学时)(1) 了解:Words and Expressionsfacilitate, regardless of, cut down on, lie in, overlook, provided(2) 掌握:GrammarThe simple present and the present

7、 progressive; Position of adjectives(3) 理解:Cultural backgroundCross-cultural Communication Strategies重点:Grammar & Cultural background 难点:Words and ExpressionsUnit Five. Fourteen Steps (12学时)(1) 了解:Words and Expressionsdismiss, penetrate, rheumatism, be inclined to, disillusion(2) 掌握:GrammarNumerals;

8、 Determiners (both, each, either or neither, some, any)(3) 理解:Cultural backgroundStephen Hawking重点:Grammar & Cultural background 难点:Words and ExpressionsUnit Six. The Diary of the Unknown Soldier (12学时)(1) 了解:Words and Expressionsout of the blue, burglary, precaution, rioter, rumor has it that(2) 掌握

9、:GrammarQuestions; Object clause(3) 理解:Cultural backgroundRalph Waldo Emerson; World War II重点:Grammar & Cultural background 难点:Words and ExpressionsUnit Seven. Letter to a B Student (12学时)(1) 了解:Words and Expressionsbe apt to, acute appendicitis, take at face value, remove, handle(2) 掌握:GrammarDisju

10、nction; Relative words; whatever, wherever, whoever, whichever, whenever, and however(3) 理解:Cultural backgroundFrancis Bacon; Grades重点:Grammar & Cultural background 难点:Words and ExpressionsUnit Eight. Focus on Global Warming (12学时)(1) 了解:Words and Expressionsadapt, come up with, speculate, deforestation, awash, drought(2) 掌握:GrammarThe present perfect tense vs. the simple past tense; Connectives (because, as, since, seeing that, for, because of) (3) 理解:Cultural backgroundGlobal warming重点:Grammar & Cultural backgr


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