



1、Lesson 42 Not very musical阅读理解1. Why did they stop at a square? They wanted to have a rest.2. When did they have theirglimpse of the snake?When the charmer began to play a tune.单词1. musicaladj. 精通音乐的2. marketn. 市场,市集词组:flea market 跳蚤市场stock market3. snake charmern. 玩蛇人,耍蛇人4. pipen. 管子5. tune词组:n. 曲调

2、une 合调走调 out of tune6. glimpsen. 一瞥词组:have a glimpse of 瞥了一眼翻译:我瞥到一眼数学卷子的。I had a glimpse of the key to the math exam.近义词:glance at 扫了一眼stare at 盯着,凝视7. snaken. 蛇8. movementn. 运动9. continuev. 继续词组 1:把某事继续下去 continue sth.词组 2:继续做某事 continue to do/翻译:他继续忽略父母的感受。ng somethingHe continued to ignore/ignor

3、ing his parents feeling.10. dancev. 跳舞11. obviouslyadv. 显然 = clearly12. differencen. 差别13.派生:nadj.的课文1. As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest.语法:as 引导时间状语从句 (详见语法重点)词组:have a walk = walk (详见语法重点)2. After a time, we noticed a snake ch

4、armer with two large baskets at the other side of the square,so we went to have a look at him.词组:the other side 表示(两边里的)另外一边3. As soon as he saw us, hthe baskets.cked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of词组:as soon as (详见语法重点)词组:pick up 的不同用法t bicycle was picked up in a small

5、 town. 意外地发现Hcked up Japawhen he was in France. (偶然地)学会I picked up a little monster from the moon. (顺路)接词组:be covered with 被.覆盖4. When he began to play a tune, we had ourglimpse of the snake.词组:play a tune = play music 演奏一首曲子5. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of thpe.单词:r

6、ise rose risenvi. 升raise raised raisedvt. 提高The sun rises.We will raise workers salary at the beginning of next month.6. We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs.【注意】一般很少用 very much 放在一起修饰 surprise而是用 very surprised 或 most surprised7. The sn

7、ake, however, continued to dance slowly. It obviously could notl the differencebetnn music and jazz!词组: l the difference betn A and B区分 A 和 B语法重点时间状语从句请按照数量要求完成时间状语从句常用连接词下表:连接词 when, while, as 的用法:都表示“当时候”,注意 when, while, as 引导时间状语从句的时态特性:同时发生在过去:延续性动词用was/wereng,非延续性动词用 didI was having dinner at a

8、 restaurant when Tony Steele came in.先后发生在过去,后发生的动作用 did,先发生的动作用 had done As I had had left the town, I drove to the next town.连接词 as soon as, hardlywhen, no soonern表示“一就”,强调动作紧接性。我一回来我就把电视关了。As soon as my mother had come back, I turned off TV.= My mother had hardly come back when I turned off TV.=

9、My mother had no sooner come back when I turned off TV.have 结构注意观察以下 2 组例句斜体部分:I walkedhe garden.I had a walkhe garden.We will talk about the problem tomorrow.We will have a talk about the problem tomorrow.结论:动词 = have a 对词EX. 同义转化1. I swamhe sea this morning.连接词中文释义连接词当时候when, while, as在之前before, by the time一旦once一就as soon as, hardlywhen, no soonern,自从since无论何时whenever, no matter when,直到untilI had a swimhe sea this morning.2. Those two sailors foughthe bar last


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