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1、第 PAGE47 页 共 NUMPAGES47 页2023年最新的美女与野兽15篇【篇一:美女与野兽英文概括】 one day news came that a ship hadarrived which would make the merchant wealthy again. 有一天传来了这样的消息:一艘船来了,这可能使商人重新富起来。 the merchant set off to the city, andjust before he left he said, tell me, daughters, what gifts wouldyou like me to bring back

2、 for you 商人打算进城,出发前他问道:“ 告诉我,女儿们,你们希望我带给你什么礼物?” the two older girls asked for fineclothes and jewels, but beauty wanted nothing . realizing this madeher sisters look greedy, she thought it best to ask for something.bring me a rose, father, she said, just a beautiful redrose. 两位姐姐索要衣服和首饰,但是美女什么也不想要。但

3、是想到这样做可能会使姐姐们显得很贪婪,她想她最好要点什么。“给我一枝玫瑰花,父亲,”她说道,“我只想要一枝玫瑰花。” when the merchant reached the city hefound disaster had struck once more and the ships cargo wasruined. 商人来到城市里,他发现灾难又一次降临,船上的货物被毁了。 he took the road homewondering how to break the news to his children. he was so deep inthought that he lost

4、his way. 他走在回家的路上,心想如何把这个消息带给孩子们,他苦苦思索,以致于迷路了。 worse still, it started to snow, andhe feared he would never reach home alive. 更糟糕的是,天下起雪来,他担心他不能活着回家了。 just as he despaired he noticedlights ahead, and riding towards them he saw a finecastle. 正当他失望泄气的时候,他注意到前方有灯光,当他骑马前往时,他发现了一座富丽堂皇的宫殿。 the gates stood

5、 open and flares werealight in the courtyard. 大门敞开着,院子里的炉火燃烧着。 in the stables a stall empty with hayin the manger and clean bedding on the floor ready for hishorse. the castle itself seemed to bedeserted, but a fire was burning in the dining-hall where a tablewas laid with food. 看起来宫殿是被废弃的,但是餐厅里生着炉火

6、,桌上摆满了食物。 the merchant ate well and stillfinding no one went upstairs to a bedroom which had been prepared. it is almost as if i were expected, he thought. 商人吃过晚餐,但是他还是看不到主人 ,于是他走上楼,来到一间已经预备好的卧室。“似乎有人期待我来。”他心想。 in the morning he found clean clotheshad been laid out for him and breakfast was on the t

7、able in thedining - hall. 第二天早晨,他看到预备好的干净衣服和餐厅饭桌上摆放着早饭。 after he had eaten he fetched hishorse and as he rode away he saw a spray of red roses growing froma rose bush. 吃过早饭之后,他取回他的,正当他准备骑马离开的时候,他看到玫瑰花丛中开放着一束玫瑰。 remembering beautys request, andthinking he would be able to bring a present for at least

8、 onedaughter, he plucked a rose from the bush. 他想起美女的请求,想到至少可以带给一个女儿礼物,他从花丛中摘下一朵玫瑰花。 suddenly a beast-like monsterappeared. is this how you repay my hospitality it roared. youeat my food, sleep in my guest-room and then insult me by stealingmy flowers. you shall die for this. 忽然一只野兽出现了,“这就是你对我热情款待的回

9、报吗?”野兽咆哮道。“你吃了我的早饭,在我的客房里睡觉,还偷走我的花。你应该为此去死。” the merchant pleaded for his life,and begged to see his children once more before hedied. 商人祈求野兽饶他一命,并且恳求在他死之前再看孩子们一眼。 at last the beast relented. i willspare your life, it said, if one of your daughters will come herewillingly and die for you. 最后野兽说道“如果你

10、的一个女儿肯来为你受死,我将留条活路给你。” otherwise you must promise to returnwithin three months and die yourself. “否则你必须承诺三个月内返回这里自己死。” the merchant agreed to return andwent on his way. at home his children listened with sorrow to histales of the lost cargo and his promise to themonster. 商人同意会回来,然后上路了,他回到家里,孩子们很伤心地听

11、了他的故事,包括他失去的货物以及他对野兽的承诺。 his two elder daughters turned onbeauty, saying, your stupid request for a rose has brought allthis trouble on us. it is your fault that father mustdie. 他的两个大女儿转过身来,对美女说道:“你这个愚蠢的原望给我们大家带来了灾难。如果父亲必须死,那就是你的错误。”。 when the three months were up beautyinsisted on going to the cast

12、le with her father, pretending only toride with him for company on the journey. 当三个月结束时,美女坚持与父亲一同去城堡,假装只是在路上陪伴着他。 the beast met them, and asked beautyif she had come of her own accord, and she told him shehad. good, he said. now your father cango home and you will stay with me. 野兽迎接了他们,并且问美女是否自愿来到这里

13、,当美女回答是的时候,野兽说道:“ 好的,现在你的父亲可以回家了,而你要和我在一起。” what shall i call you she askedbravely. you may call me beast, hereplied. “我应该如何称呼你?”她大胆地问道。 “你可以叫我野兽”他回答。 certainly he was very ugly and itseemed a good name for him. 当然,他很丑陋,似乎这是一个合适的好名字。 beauty waved a sad farewell to herfather. 美女对她的父亲说再见。 but she was

14、happy that at least shehad saved his life. 但是她还是很高兴,至少她救了父亲的命。 as beauty wandered through the castleshe found many lovely rooms and beautiful courtyards withgardens. 美女在城堡里四处闲逛,她看到很多可爱的房间,和许多带花园的庭院。 at last she came to a room which wassurely meant just for her. 最后她来到一间屋子,很明显正是为她准备的。 it had many ofhe

15、r favourite books andobjects in it. 房间里有许多书和物品,都是她喜欢的。 on the wall hung a beautiful mirrorand to her surprise, as she looked into it, she saw her fatherarriving back at their home and her brothers and sisters greetinghim. 墙上挂着一面好看的镜子,让她惊讶的是,当她照镜子时,他看到父亲回到家中,哥哥姐姐欢迎他归来。 the picture only lasted a few s

16、econdsthen faded. 这个画面只保持了几秒钟就消失了。 this beast may be ugly, but he iscertainly kind, she thought. he gives me all the things i likeand allows me to know how my family is without me. “野兽或许很丑陋,但他真的很善良,”她想,“他给我许多我喜欢的东西,还允许我知道家里的情况。” that night at supper the beast joinedher at the candle-lit table. 那晚晚餐时

17、,野兽与美女一同在点着蜡烛的餐桌上用餐。 he sat and stared at her. at the endof the meal he asked: will you marry me 他坐下来,看着她。晚餐结束时,他问道:“你愿意嫁给我吗?” beauty was startled by the questionbut said as gently as she could, no, beast, you are kind but icannot marry you. 美女被这个问题吓了一跳,但是她还是尽量温柔地说道:“不,野兽,你很好,但是我不能嫁给你。” each day it

18、was thesame. 日复一日。 beauty had everything she wantedduring the day and each evening the beast asked her to marry him,and she always said no. 美女拥有任何她想要的东西,每天晚上野兽都求她嫁给他,但是美女一直都没答应。 one night beauty dreamt that herfather lay sick. 一天晚上美女梦见她的父亲生病了。 she asked the beast if she could goto him, and he refuse

19、d saying that if she left him he would die ofloneliness. 她向野兽请求是否可以看望父亲,但是野兽拒绝了,他说如果美女离开他,他会寂寞地死去。 but when he saw how unhappy beautywas, he said: if you go to your family, will youreturn within a week 但是当他看到美女很难过时,他说道:“ 如果你回家的话,你会在一周内回来吗?” of course, beautyreplied. “当然,”美女回答道。 very well, just place

20、 this ring onyour dressing table the night you wish to return, and you shallcome back here. “那好,如果哪天晚上你想回来,戴上梳妆台上的戒指,你就会回来了。” but do not stay away longer than aweek, or i shall die. “但是不要停留超过一周,否则我会死的。” the next morning beauty awoke to findherself in her own home. 第二天早晨,美女醒来发现她在自己家里。 her father was

21、indeed sick, butbeauty nursed him lovingly. 父亲的确生病了,但是美女很耐心地照顾他。 beautys sisters were jealous oncemore. 美女的姐姐又一次嫉妒她了。 they thought that if she stayed athome longer than a week the beast would kill her. 她们认为,如果她在家里停留超过一个礼拜,野兽就会杀了她。 so they pretended to love her andtold her how much they had missed he

22、r. 所以她们假装很爱她,告诉她说她们是多么地想念她。 before beauty knew what had happenedten days had passed. 不知不觉,十天过去了。 then she had a dream that the beastwas lying still as though he were dead by the lake near hiscastle. 后来她梦见野兽躺在城堡的湖边,似乎要死了。 i must return at once, she criedand she placed her ring on the dressing table.

23、“我必须立刻回去,”她哭了起来,然后戴上了梳妆台山的戒指。 the next morning she found herselfonce more in the beasts castle. 第二天早晨,她发现自己又回到了城堡。 all that day she expected to see him,but he never came. i have killed the beast, she cried, i havekilled him. 整整一天美女期望见到野兽,但是他没有来。“我杀死了野兽,”她哭着说道,“我杀了他。” then she rememberedthat in her d

24、ream he had been by the lake and quickly she ranthere. 忽然她忆起在梦里野兽躺在湖边,于是她跑向那里。 he lay still as death, down by thewaters edge. 他一丝不动地在湖边躺着,像是死去一样。 oh, beast! she wept, oh, beast! idid not mean to stay away so long. please do not die. please comeback to me. you are so good and kind. she knelt and kiss

25、ed hisugly head. “噢,野兽!”她抽泣起来,“噢,野兽!我并没想停留这么久,请不要死,回来吧,你这样善良,这样和蔼。”她跪下来,吻了他丑陋的脸。 suddenly no beast was there, but ahandsome prince stood before her. 突然野兽不见了,一个英俊的王子站在她面前。 beauty, my dear one, he said. iwas bewitched by a sell that could only be broken when a beautifulgirl loved me and wanted me in s

26、pite of my ugliness. when youkissed me just now you broke the enchantment. “美女,亲爱的,”他说道。“只有一个美丽的女孩爱上我,不嫌我丑,那个诅咒才会被打破。刚才你亲了我,就打破了这个魔咒。” beauty rode with theprince to her fathers house and then they all went together to theprinces kingdom. 美女和王子一同前往她父亲的家,之后他们一起来到了王子的王国。 there he and beauty were marrie

27、d. intime they became king and queen, and ruled for many happyyears. 王子与美女结婚了,很快他们成了国王和王后,并且统治了好多年,过着幸福的日子。 + 英译中2023年1月16日 上海 美女与野兽(2) 美女与野兽作者:郑秋丽 姚天文来源:北方文学2023年第11期 (一) 迪士尼童话故事美女与野兽翻拍多次,此次电影的拍摄由动漫和真人实景的组合,可谓别具一格。故事虽是第一次了解,但影片乍看之下,却惊喜满满、收获多多。 首先,善良带给人意外收获: 美女与野兽,在大多数人的观念里无论如何也碰撞不出爱的火花。随着影片情节的展开,我心

28、中的好奇也一直挥之不去,想要了解两个差异如此之大的人究竟如何能够在一起。如果贝儿不是救父心切,她不会孤身闯入阴森恐怖的古堡;不会与面目可怖的“野兽”据理力争;不会要求进入牢笼与父亲告别,在牢门关上的一瞬间代替父亲留在古堡。如果王子化身的“野兽”不是心存善念,应允贝儿进入牢中与父亲告别,同意贝儿代替父亲留在古堡。两个人就错过了相遇的机会。 如果“野兽”不是心地仁慈,故意放贝儿逃离古堡,又在贝儿路遇狼群时拼死相救;如果贝儿不是心地仁慈,在“野兽”被狼群袭击受伤后果断施救,而不是自顾自逃离;两个人就错过了相知的机会。 如果“野兽”不是心怀善意,与贝儿分享他的藏书,借助魔镜的力量带贝儿回归故居,以减轻

29、贝儿离家的孤寂;如果贝儿不是心怀善意,透过“野兽”狰狞的外表,发现他博学和幽默的一面。两个人就错过了相爱的机会。 如果“野兽”不是心底善良,虽然明知破解魔咒的钥匙就是博得美人一吻,却宁愿让贝儿获得自由。如果贝儿不是心底善良,在得知村子里的人去古堡滋事后,不顾个人安危勇敢前往搭救。两个人就错过了相守的机会。 所以,能够让看似不可能有交集的美女与“野兽”,真正在一起的契机,不是矫揉造作的伪善,不是处心积虑的设计,而是内心善良的真情流露。前苏联作家高尔基曾说,“善良,人所固有的善良,这些东西唤起我们一种难以摧毁的希望,希望光明的、人道的生活终将苏生。”美女与 “野兽”最终获得的幸福,要归功于彼此的善

30、良所创造的奇迹。 美女与野兽(3) 美女与野兽 美女与野兽 相识 他名为?,网上的nickname 为“美兽”。美兽暑假里决定去打工,竟然被某大网络公司录用了,当上一挡栏目的主管。他倒不是瞄准这笔丰厚的薪水,重要的是有一台电脑能让他白天免费上网,操“星际”。但这份悠闲的工作也有令人头痛的地方回复网友的e-mail。刚开始,每天收到e-mail 20 多封,他回信也不乏长篇大论。自从他在这个栏目里发表了几篇歪论后,“美兽是个兽名人心的大才子”这个消息不胫而走,成了全国皆知的秘密。每天几百封e-mail 飘然而至,他倒有高招应付,写好一封 e-mail,然后 same draft。内容大致是这样的

31、: “_,你好!谢谢你的来信!我很理解你,思绪万千,热泪盈眶,不知所云,下次再聊!” 只须在“你好”前填上各式各样的nickname,点击send,万事了! 一天,他照例机械地回信。“野女?!”这个与“美兽”很登对的名字,令他跳了起来。 以往的女生来信,不是直截了当地高呼:“美美哥,我爱死你了”,就是拐弯抹角地宣布:“阿兽,我已经改名为母美兽了”。这些有失水准的话,都是出自“漂亮公主”、“可爱娃娃”之类的人物。 野女只写了一句话:“你为什么叫美兽?” 他反问了一句:“你为什么叫野女?”一同发出去的是他的icq#。 终于有一天,icq里一声“h,oh!” 相知 download 美兽与野女的网络

32、私语! nickname 野女: 美兽啊美兽,为什么你偏偏叫美兽? 美兽:你是女生吗?if so,就告诉你。 野女:少罗嗦,我的性别在 name 里。 美兽:大学了的生物老教授,让我们上课用英语名字。他自己却把 jessie 念成了“脚癣”;把stephen念成了“屎的粪”;把matthew念成了“没手”。为了体现男性的威猛,我那帮哥们把它改成了“美兽”,他们也统统改了带“兽”的名字美不胜兽、无福消兽、兽终正寝: 野女:生物?你是学生物的? 美兽:二流大学生物系。? 野女:一流大学体育系。 野女:0 难怪叫“野女”。 野女:非也非也。一日,与一群女生深夜返校,路遇三个流氓,对着我们吹口哨,步步

33、逼近。本姑娘挺身而出,示范了一曲胆小鬼口哨版,说:“我乃体育系的高才生。中国功夫,跆拳道;印度瑜珈,空手道,谁与比高?” 美兽:你有180cm,100kg? 野女:你说呢? 专业 野女:r u there 美兽:sorry,刚才有只蟑螂,现在走了。 野女:怕蟑螂?你是学生物的? 美兽:一次,解剖小白鼠,我吓得不知从何下手,突然“天上掉下个林妹妹”。她从乙醚催眠,开膛破肚,到风光大葬,都一手包办。老教授对实验结果连称啧啧,还说:“美兽的肠子看得很清楚!” 野女:那你为什么学生物? 美兽:无奈。你学体育,家人不反对? 野女:他们无奈。我爷爷是作家,爸爸在中文系教书。我刚进大学时,也是念中文的,但我

34、一直坚持要改修体育。 美兽:书香门第!你的压力一定很大。 野女:还好,爸爸宁可受我的起,也不舍得孔夫子被我的“夫子猛于虎”气得从地下爬出来,找我理论。我练的是一项自小就爱的运动,倒也不亦乐乎。 美兽:铅球?举重?铁人三项? 野女:不告诉你。 爱情 美兽:你为什么总在深夜上网? 野女:爱我的人太多了,方便躲一躲。你呢? 美兽:爱我的人太少了,可以寻一寻。 野女:生物系的女生细心周到,温柔体贴,应该“近水楼台先得月”。 美兽:是挺温柔的。上次那个“林妹妹”把乙醚棉花扔给小白鼠时,嗲声嗲气的说:“小宝贝,姐姐给你吃棉花糖,好吗?”趁他晕乎乎的时候,一双白皙的魔爪伸了过去 野女: 恋爱到你的嘴里,怎么

35、杀气腾腾的? 美兽:你有何高见? 野女:如火如荼的是恋;如鱼如水的是爱。有个男生一切都好,只是他老在我耳边说:“我爱你”,还逼着我也说。 美兽:你说了吗? 野女:说了。我说:“我爱你才怪!”他要我说这三个字,没不让在后面加“才怪”。后来,不欢而散。我发现,我完全离得开他那句“我爱你”。 美兽:你就没有理想中的异性? 野女:有。文学家胡适先生。 美兽:“三从四得”先生? 野女:yes,太太出门要跟从;太太命令要服从;太太说错要盲从 美兽:太太化妆要等得;太太生日要记得;太太打骂要忍得;太太花钱要舍得。 野女:啊? 相约(voice chat) 野女:你怎么找到这份工作的? 美兽:我只不过在应聘表

36、的“性别”一栏写“见背面右上角”;在背面右上角写“见正面左上角”;在正面左上角写“见背面左下角”;在背面左下角写 “你对我的性别很感兴趣?你已经翻来覆去找了许多遍了!”面试我的中年妇女,按步骤做后,脸“唰”地一下红了,我也被录取了。 野女:cute! 美兽:愿不愿见cute的美兽一面? 野女:网友见面,俗套! 美兽:和美兽见面,不俗! 野女:smart!你现在到中山公园前的“blue star”红茶坊。我拿着女朋友二月刊,带着我最擅长的运动,与你切磋一下!bye! 相遇 美兽临时把家里睡觉的哥们“兽不了”拖了出来,壮壮胆。他们坐进了blue 暂时未发现目标。 “美兽,她在看女朋友!”兽不了激动

37、地叫了起来。 顺着他的手指,一个体重应以“吨”为计算单位的女人,一扭一扭地走了进来。高跟鞋显然苦于支撑这个庞大的身躯,仿佛能听到鞋跟发出的“吱呀”声。她轻轻地把屁股搁在了椅子上。她手上的杂志赫然写着“女朋友”。 兽不了“o-ley,o-ley”地唱起了“足球之歌”,还说:“她不是要与你切磋吗?没准拿你当铅球呢!” 美兽拖着沉重的脚步走了过去,一步三回头。来到她面前,90度的鞠躬行礼。闭着眼睛,把手伸了出来:“你好,野女!我是美兽!” 过了一会儿,他直起了腰,看看动静。不好!只见她脸上泛起了红晕,瞳孔放大,身体在颤抖坠入爱河的迹象。 “她爱上我了!”美兽暗暗叫苦。 胖女人也把手伸了出来,不过不是

38、与他握手,而是给了他一个狠狠的耳光。 兽不了看呆了。 “呵呵”一串银铃般的笑声,打破了近十秒的僵局。 “谁在笑?!”美兽怒气冲冲地回头一看,一个窈窕少女在门口笑得前仰后合,手上的黑子白子撒了一地,还有那本女朋友二月刊 希望本文美女与野兽能帮到你。 精品文案资料范文分享 美女与野兽(4) 美女与野兽 曲:林伊生词:潘伟源专辑:1994在某天杂志里发现艳照里面他双臂暖暖搭着你肩望照片像我昨日片段但已厌倦今天我冷冷扑灭了情火爱焰遇上漂亮野兽美女化做恶犬令我困在空虚里受挫折被爱诱骗梦里这深深的割伤的爪印一世伤心记念恨我会遇上你有过某夜某天夜里记着的一切像冷箭射碎暖意在背上深深的割伤的爪印一世伤心记念被

39、爱诱骗像记冷箭被爱诱骗一世伤心记念 以上就是关于美女与野兽的歌词,感谢您的阅读! 美女与野兽(5) 美女与野兽 Performer: the beast(丽芳 48) the handsome boy (黄林 25) Lumiere(琴琴 15) Cogsworth(珊珊 19) aside Gaston, but I just dont deserve you. 美女与野兽(11) 懂得爱 观美女与野兽电影感触 爱是一汪清泉,滋润着心灵的每一片土地;爱是一剂良药,能够拯救一颗无爱的心;爱是一枝玫瑰,载着清香,装点着你的世界。上周末,我们读书社成员去看了美女与野兽这部脍炙人口的电影。让我不禁感

40、受到爱的力量是多么强大! 故事的主角贝儿是一个向往自由,善良美丽的女孩,所有人都认为她是一个奇怪的人。一次,贝儿的爸爸在外出差,回来时因遇白狼,逃进了一座六月飞雪的城堡。走时,摘下了一朵玫瑰花,被野兽关了起来。贝尔以身赎父,把自己关在了牢笼里。这时,贝儿发现这里的老古董都是活的,并且他们都很欢迎贝儿。当贝儿发现了一朵被罩住的玫瑰花时,城堡的主人,野兽对她大吼大叫。贝儿无法忍受,逃离了城堡,但是她也遇到了白狼。正当贝儿被白狼步步逼近时,野兽救了她,但野兽自己却晕倒了。经过这一次险遇,贝儿慢慢知道这只野兽是因为心中无爱被女巫诅咒的王子,而那些古董,是受牵连的宫廷大臣。而此时野兽也慢慢变得温和起来。

41、他们俩之间渐渐产生了朦胧的感情。贝儿通过魔镜发现了自己的父亲步入险境,于是她告别野兽去救自己的父亲。谁知一直想得到贝儿的坏蛋加斯顿大举进攻城堡。当玫瑰花凋谢的最后一刻,贝尔亲吻了野兽,所有诅咒都消失了,野兽变成了英俊的王子,他们俩幸福的生活在一起。 故事是始终围绕着爱发展的,而在其中,包含了各种各样的爱。贝尔的母亲因为怕贝儿患上疟疾,让贝儿的父亲带着贝儿离开。贝儿的父亲怕贝儿难以承受压力,一直没有把母亲的事情告诉贝儿。贝尔为了让父亲免受牢笼之苦,以身赎父。而王子,因为心中无爱而变成了野兽。也因为爱,让贝儿与王子在一起 但我们反过来想一想,如果王子始终无爱,又怎么可能解除诅咒呢?在救贝儿于险境中

42、的时候,殊不知,王子已经解开爱的枷锁。王子有可能不知道,在他和贝儿的一次次相处中,他们已经产生了爱。他或许还不知道,当他让贝儿获得自由离开他那一刻,他已经懂得了爱。 现实也是一样。如果你爱着自己的鸟儿,你不应该每天让他呆在鸟笼里,而是应该让它翱翔于天际;如果你爱着自己的父母,你不应该只是让他们获得物质上的需求,而更应该多陪陪他们,让他们感到快乐与幸福。如果你真的爱一个人,你不应该逼着他爱你,而是让他们去做自己喜欢的事 什么是爱?爱是多陪陪你爱的人,让他感到幸福与快乐;什么是爱?爱是让你爱的人去做自己喜欢的事,让他不受束缚,感到自由;什么是爱?爱是通过你的努力让你爱的人来爱着你,这便是真正的爱。

43、而懂得爱,我们必须要懂得理解、懂得宽容、懂得善良、懂的帮助别人、懂得感谢别人 如果你没有爱,那你也获得不了爱:爱的玫瑰花终究会凋谢。或许我们应该,从现在起去爱生命,去爱生活,去爱生活中的每一个人 美女与野兽(12) 美女与野兽读后感 今天,我读了美女与野兽这篇童话,很受感动。 故事讲的是从前有一位王子,他既不善良又缺乏同情心。他不能善待每一个过路的老人,还用棍棒驱赶他们。一天,一个魔法师跳到他面前,说:“你是个没人心的人!我要把你变成一只野兽。这有五朵玫瑰花,是你五年的生命,五年中,你必须学会善良,尤其要有爱心。” 一天,一位珠宝商迷了路,来到宫殿,他摘了一朵漂亮的玫瑰花打算送给他的女儿。野兽

44、看见了,生气地说:“这是我一年的生命,我要杀死你,除非你把你的女儿带给我。”于是,美女来到了野兽身边,野兽关心她,爱护她,给她温暖,让她像呆在自己的家里一样。 日子一天天过去,美女很想去看父亲,野兽告诉她要快点回来。美女回到家中,忘了时间,魔镜提醒美女要尽快回到野兽身边。当美女回到野兽身边时,第五朵玫瑰花最后一片花瓣还没落下,野兽又变回了英俊的王子。 这个故事让我懂得人要有善心,要关爱别人。 三年级:零继年 美女与野兽(13) 美女与野兽英语影评 美女与野兽英语影评 Beauty and the beast was released in 1991 by Disney, it is a sto

45、ry that told us the real meaning of love. A long time ago, a handsome price was transformed into a hideous and ugly beast , because he was cold-hearted and made judgments based on people s appearance , and he would be restored to his original until he learned how to love and been loved return. If he

46、 didn t learn to love, he would die. Then he met the Belle who was a beautiful girl. When Belle showed up at his doorstep, he was filled with both hope and fear, he hoped that she may be his love and can make him back to be human, and feared that she may be repulsed by his ugliness and run away. She

47、 hated the Beast at first, but when he risked his life, fighting off the wolves to rescue her. Belle feels that the Beast was kind and warm-hearted. Though he was ugly, Belle didn t judge him by his appearance. In the movie, there was a young man named Gaston who was tall, strong and handsome, but s

48、hallow and rude. He wanted to marry Belle, but Belle refused him, and he was angry and decided to kill the Beast. Gaston and the Beast had different appearance, one was handsome but the other was ugly. But Belle chose the Beast, in her mind, appearance was not so important, a kind and loving heart w

49、as more important. When I finish the movie, I am aware of the importance of heart. We should not judge one person by his or her appearance. There is no doubt that a fairly appearance can leave us a good first impression. But it can never be the main factor when we judge them. Throughout the history,

50、 we can conclude that a person who is beautiful or handsome may be a dangerous one .On the contrary, the ugly ones can also be kind and warmhearted. If a person doesn t know how to love and care others, and only car about himself or herself, if we make friends with them ,we will feel tired, sad and

51、angry. Maybe we will lose some things because of them. In a word, from this movie and my own feeling, I think, we can t judge a person by appearance. What s more, in many times, people don t like to express their feelings directly. They will express their feelings in other ways and they don t said I

52、 love you frequently, for example parents, but it s also true love for us. So we need to feel it with our heart. Oh the other hand, sometimes we should say love bravely like Belle. I believe love is a good and warm thing that can bring happiness and power to those who love us. If a person who always

53、 supports us, loves us and gives us help, we should express our felling directly to him or her. Sometimes, to our family and friends, we could say our love to them as Belle. 美女与野兽影评 美女与野兽观后感 美女与野兽英语读后感 美女与野兽(14) 英语话剧剧本 7人,4男三女,一男为旁白,其余三男分别为美女父亲,野兽,花花公子,三女分别为美女大姐,美女二姐,美女 旁白:Hello,everybody,I am aside

54、.today I will tell you a very very beautify story.Now let me introduce the members of this story first.(一个一个指着说)the father of the beauty,beast,playboy, the eldest sister of beauty,the second elder sister of beaty,and the leading role of our storybeauty.now,our beautyful story is begining. 第一幕:出场人物:美

55、女父亲,美女大姐,美女二姐,美女 美女父亲(依依不舍的):my dear daughters,I must go . 美女三姐妹(很担心的):where will you go,fatherDont leave us! 美女父亲:I must go to a far away place,to talk a big business.If I talk succeed,then I will make very much money. 美女大姐,二姐:what! Oh yeah! father,if you are successful,please bring us some pretty

56、thing! 美女父亲:what pretty thing do you want, my dear daughters 美女大姐:I just want a diamond,my dear father! 美女二姐:I just want a precious stone,my dear father! 美女父亲:OK,I will bring them to you.And you,(对着美女) my dear little beauty,what do you want 美女:I want a pretty flower,daddy.Ill miss you. 美女父亲:Ill miss

57、 you too.But I have to leave.(转身离去) 美女大姐,二姐:good bye, father,rember to bring us a diamond and a precious stone! 美女:good bye, father,Ill very miss you!I love you! 第二幕: 出场人物: 美女父亲,野兽 旁白:the father of the beauty is going,one day he got a strange palce.He find he was lost his way.But a big castle appear

58、ed in his eyes. 美女父亲:wooIts so big and so beauty castle.(上前敲门)hello!anybody!plese open the door!(发现门是开着的)henthe door has been opened.(走了进去)wooso many delicious dishes,Im so hungry now, I think the master of this castle is a kind and warmheart man.Let me eat something.(吃了起来,吃到一半突然发现前面的花园有许多鲜花)henIts

59、so many flowers!I shall bring one to my little daughter beauty.(走过去采花) 野兽:You! 美女父亲(吃惊的):Oh no 野兽:How dare you!I have give you eating But I dont think you are so greedy! I will kill you and eat you! 美女父亲:no!Please dont!I have three daughters!If I die ,they will very sad! 野兽:You have daughtersDo they

60、 beauty 美女父亲:beauty!beauty!very beauty!espicially my little daughter , she like an angel! 野兽:Ok.Then I wont kill you.But you must take your little daughter to here.I want to see her! 美女父亲:oI understande. 野兽:If you dont take her to here three days after, I will kill you and your daughters and eat you


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