



1、题型七 连词成句 河北五年中考命题规律及趋势句子种类一般疑问句特殊疑问句祈使句与感叹句陈述句(简 单句)陈述句(复 合句)年份202020182017202020192018201720202019201820162020201920182017201620192017题号81818282818381838283828584848584848384818283858585句型结构Would you like 句型主系表Can主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语主系表主系表主谓宾主系表祈使句祈使句感叹句(Whataadj.n.单数主语谓语!)祈使句感叹句(Howadj.主语谓语!)祈使句there be 句

2、型(there is)主语谓语宾语时间状语主谓宾主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语there be 句型(there are)主语谓语宾语宾补主系表主谓宾there be 句型(there are)主系表I believe简单句I think简单句时态/一般现在时/一般现在时一般现在时 一般现在时 一般现在时/一般现在时/一般现在时/一般现在时一般过去时 一般过去时 一般过去时 一般现在时 一般现在时 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般现在时 一般现在时一般现在时一般现在时词数5464465546556665776547569【规律总结】连词成句题型句型结构多样,但均较为基础,涉及一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、陈述

3、句、there be 句型、感叹句 和祈使句。句子结构也偏向基础的主谓宾、主系表及简单的宾语从句,20172020 年没有词形变化,而且词组一 般直接给出来。【命题趋势及预测】预测 2021 年河北中考连词成句题型涉及的句子种类为:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和 there be 句型。 所给词数 49 个,有无词形变化均有可能。解题方法与技巧河北中考连词成句题看似简单,但是也注重考查学生的综合写作能力,因此掌握一些方法技巧是很有必要 的。看清标点,确定句式。注意看标点,不要写错句式。例 1 (2020 河北中考)you, tea, like, some, would_?【答案】Would

4、you like some tea?【解析】句意:你想喝点茶吗?本句是 Would you like 句型结构。例 2 (2019 河北中考)day, a, is, what, beautiful, it_!【答案】What a beautiful day it is!【解析】句意:多美好的一天啊!本句是感叹句,其结构是:Whataadj.n.主语谓语!【方法突破】连词成句题型中,英语句子的结尾符号只有三种:句号(.)、问号(?)、感叹号(!)。根据所给符号可以确定句子是陈述句、疑问句还是感叹句,从而得知所给单词的先后顺序。(1)若是句号,有主语,确定此句是陈述句。那么第一个单词应是主语。即句

5、子的顺序就可以为:主语谓语宾语(地点状语时间状语)。【注意】谓语要和人称、时态、语态等保持一致。(2)若是句号,且无主语,确定此句为祈使句。祈使句的结构与陈述句一样,但主语常常省略。祈使句的否定式多用 dont 引导,也可以用 never 引导,也可以用“Let宾语not动词原形其他”。(3)若是问号,就可以确定所写出的句子应是疑问句。如果所给的句子中有 where,how,who,what,when 等特殊疑问词,那就是特殊疑问句,这些特殊疑问词就是开头词;如果没有疑问词,就是一般疑问句,开头词应是 be 动词、助动词或情态动词。(4)若是感叹号,则确定为感叹句。所给词中肯定会有 what

6、或 how,且必须放在句首。数清动词,看清连词,确定句子的类型。注意动词形式的变化。例 1 (2020 河北中考)that, pass, ruler, me, yellow_.【答案】Pass me that yellow ruler.【解析】句意:把那把黄色的尺子递给我。本句为祈使句,省略了主语 you,pass 后为双宾语。例 2 (2020 河北中考)here, zoo, is, near, a, there_.【答案】There is a zoo near here.【解析】句意:这附近有一个动物园。本句为 there be 句型结构。例 3 (2020 河北中考)bike, on t

7、ime, Kate, the, returned_.【答案】Kate returned the bike on time.【解析】句意:凯特准时归还了自行车。本句是简单句。其结构是:主语谓语宾语。例 4 (2019 河北中考)win, I, the game, believe, theyll_.【答案】I believe theyll win the game.【解析】 句意:我相信他们将会打赢这场比赛。本句是宾语从句 ,believe 为主句中的谓语 , theyll will the game 为从句。【方法突破】(1)句子若只有一个作谓语的部分(通常为动词或动词短语),则为简单句。但需

8、要注意的是,如果在简单句中有几个动词,有的动词不作谓语,而是与 to 构成动词不定式 作宾语、宾语补足语或其他成分。(2)句子中若有 and,but,or,so 等,则通常为并列句。and,or,not onlybut also, neithernor,eitheror等可以连接并列成分,也可以连接并列句子。(3)句子中若有两个谓语,且有 that,how,what,which,if,when 等词语,则为复合句, 其中从句用陈述语序。(4)考查固定短语或句型。【注意】写完句子后要检查以下几点:(1)标点;(2)是否丢词、多词;(3)单词是否抄写正确;(4)结构是否正确,如:频度副词 ofte

9、n,always,never,usually 等一般放在 be 动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前;程度副 词 hardly,happily,heavily 等应该放在不及物动词之后,或及物动词的宾语之后。聚焦河北中考A(2020 石家庄十八县大联考二)1last, did, stay up, you, nightDid you stay up last night?2others, never, tell, to, liesNever tell lies to others3when, will, go, you, with, fishing, usWhen will you go fishi

10、ng with us?4a, what, movie, is, it, touchingWhat a touching movie it is!5they, Im, come, sure, soon, willIm sure they will come soonB(2020 石家庄 28 中教育集团模拟)1made, where, watches, the, areWhere are the watches made?2to, yourself, some, help, fishHelp yourself to some fish3bought, us, gifts, some, LucyL

11、ucy bought us some gifts4played, band, the, loud music, whatWhat loud music the band played!5wonders, why, was, she, I, late, againShe wonders why I was late againC(2020 唐山玉田县一模)1feel, do, thirsty, youDo you feel thirsty?2is, day, a, sunny, what, itWhat a sunny day it is!3would, how, meat, like, muc

12、h, youHow much meat would you like?4meeting, be, for, dont, the, lateDont be late for the meeting5test, I, to, for, study, the, decidedI decided to study for the testD(2020 遵化一模改编)1the, is, new, price, house, of, what, yourWhat is the price of your new house?2the, how, do, Internet, they, often, use

13、How often do they use the Internet?3beautiful, how, dress, is, theHow beautiful the dress is!4before, lock, to, leaving, the door, rememberRemember to lock the door before leaving5this, is, in, watch, Germany, madeThis watch is made in GermanyE(2020 沧州孟村县质量检测改编)1breakfast, has, for, eggs, every, Cat

14、hy, day, twoCathy has two eggs for breakfast every day2act, very, the, a, telling, honest, truth, isTelling the truth is a very honest act3what, he, boy, a, clever, isWhat a clever boy he is!4win, will, the, who, competition, discuss, letsLets discuss who will win the competition5Chinese, teacher, y

15、our, you, teach, does, PE, kung fuDoes your PE teacher teach you Chinese kung fu?F(2020 迁安二模)1do, what, we, shouldWhat should we do?2in, dont, photos, the, take, museumDont take photos in the museum3smile, her, how, is, sweetHow sweet her smile is!4cant, anything, I, interesting, findI cant find anything interesting5he, I, the, know, passed, exam, has, thatI know that he has passed the examG(2020 石家庄一模)1speak, dont, in public, loudly Dont spe


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