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1、Part FourLanguage StudyENTERWord Study Phrases and Expressions Word BuildingGrammar Language StudyContentsWord StudyWord list:somehowconsiderpinchsnaprummagesprayashamedattachdemonstratetoneclearWord Study I know what we are doing is legal, but somehow it doesnt feel right. They came anyhow they cou

2、ldby boat, train, or plane. It sounds crazy, but I believe it anyhow.adv. in a way not specified, understood, or knownCompare: anyhow, anywayanyhow: in whatever way or manner; however; nevertheless1. somehowTo be continued on the next page.Word Studyanyway: in any way or manner; whatever; neverthele

3、ss; regardless Get the job done anyway you can. It was raining but they played the game anyway.Word Study All things considered, the reform is a success. She considers waste to be criminal.2. to think or deem to be; to regard v. 1. to think carefully about 2. considerTo be continued on the next page

4、.Word Study Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training. She failed to consider the feelings of others.4. to show consideration for3. to take into account; to bear in mind To be continued on the next page.Word Study consider suggests objective reflection and reasoning The fa

5、culty deems the essay to be by far the best one submitted. I regard your apology as the end of the matter. 3. regard often implies a personal attitude2. deem is more subjective through its emphasis on judgment as distinguished from contemplationSynonymsdeemregardaccount reckonTo be continued on the

6、next page.Word Study4. account and reckon in this sense are rather literary in flavor and imply calculated judgment I account no man to be a philosopher who attempts to do more. I cannot reckon you as an admirer.To be continued on the next page.Word Study It is considerate of you not to play the pia

7、no while I was having a sleep.cf.considerate considerableconsideringconsideration He bought a house at a considerable expense.2. considerable: adj. rather large or great, as in size, distance, or extentconsiderate: adj. showing kind regard for the feelings; thoughtful; careful not to hurt or cause i

8、nconvenience to othersTo be continued on the next page.Word Study Shes very active, considering her age.cf.considerate considerableconsideringconsideration We will give your proposal consideration. Safety is the most important consideration in choosing a car. 4. consideration: n. careful thought; de

9、liberation; factor to be considered in forming a judgment or decision3. considering: prep. in view of; having regard toWord Study These shoes pinch my toes. buds that were pinched by the frost a face that was pinched with grief2. to nip; to witherv. 1. to squeeze or bind (a part of the body) in such

10、 a way as to cause discomfort or pain3. pinchWord Study The reporter snapped the governor as she was getting into her car. He snapped at the child.2. to speak abruptly or sharplyv. 1. to take photograph4. snapWord Study He rummaged in/through all the drawers, looking for a pen.ransacksearch I had a

11、rummage about/around the house, but I couldnt find my certificate anywhere.2. n. a thorough search among a number of things or a confusion of miscellaneous articles1. v. to make an energetic, usually hasty searchSynonyms5. rummageWord Study1. v. to disperse (a liquid) in a mass or jet of droplets Th

12、e pipe burst and the water was spraying everywhere. Can you feel the spray from the waterfall?2. n. water or other liquid moving in a mass of dispersed droplets, as from a waveSynonymssplashsprinkle6. sprayTo be continued on the next page.Word Study splash: to propel or scatter (a fluid) about in fl

13、ying masses The kids were splashing about in the shallow at the swimming pool. The priest sprinkled water on the babys head.2. sprinkle: to scatter in drops or particlessplash sprinkleWord Study You should feel ashamed of what you have done.cf.shamefulshameless shameful conduct shameless exploitersh

14、ameful: adj. causing shame; disgraceful 导致羞愧的;可耻的shameless: adj. without shame; feeling no shame 厚颜无耻的adj. feeling shame 感到羞愧的,惭愧的7. ashamedWord Study They attach great importance to the threat. The girl is very much attached to her grandparents. She attached great value to being financially indepen

15、dent. He is thirty two, he is gorgeous, hes got his own house, and whats more, he is unattached.Antonymv. 1. to fasten, secure, or join, connect 2. to bind by emotional ties, as of affection or loyaltydetachattachedunattachedattachmentantonymWord Formation8. attachWord Study He demonstrated the laws

16、 of physics with laboratory equipment. He demonstrated affection by hugging. People went on the street to demonstrate against the tax hikes.v. 1. to present by experiments, examples, or practical application; to explain and illustrate 2. to show clearly and deliberately; to manifest 3. to participat

17、e in a public display of opiniondemonstrationdemonstrative9. demonstrateWord FormationWord Study Dont ask me to singIm tone-deaf. He was in a very bad moon when he arrived, and that set the tone for the meeting.cf.tunen. 1. a sound of distinct pitch, quality, and duration; a note 2. manner of expres

18、sion in speech or writing in tune/out of tune with the pianotune: n. a melody10. toneWord Studya clear dayclear watera clear, perfect diamond a clear record with the policea clear path to victorya clear case of cheatingadj. 1. free from clouds, mist, or haze 2. free from what dims, obscures, or dark

19、ens 3. free from flaw, blemish, or impurity 4. free from impediment, obstruction, or hindrance 5. plain or evident to the mind; unmistakablecf.cleanWord Formationclearnessclarifyclarityclarification一个晴天清澈的水完美无瑕的钻石没有前科通往胜利坦途一桩明显的诈骗案11. clearThe end of Word Study.List:pitch in take ones word for itres

20、ort tocome to ones aidfor ones sakefeel cornered have no choice but to domake it up to e up withon ones partbreak upPhrases and Expressionsother phrasesPhrases and Expressionspitch into: to attack with words or criticizepitch up: to arrive in a place If we all pitch in, it shouldnt take too long. Af

21、ter we had seen the video everyone started pitching in with comments on its fault. He pitched into me as soon as he arrived, asking where the report was. He finally pitched up two hours late.to set to work vigorously; to join forces with others; to help or cooperatepitch intopitch up1. pitch inPhras

22、es and Expressions If he says theres $500 in the envelop then Ill take his word for it. He said he would give me a job and I just took him for his word. to believe what sb. says is true2. take ones word for it = take sb. for his wordPhrases and ExpressionsI had to resort to violence to get my money.

23、to use sth. for help, because you cannot find any other way of acting3. resort toto help or supportPhrases and Expressions An anonymous millionnaire has come to the companys aid by lending it the money it needs to keep it in business. He gets about with the aid of a walking stick. She went to the ai

24、d of a man trapped in his car. The concern was in aid of famine relief. cf.with the aid ofgo to the aid ofin aid of4. come to ones aidPhrases and Expressions Lets not disagree for the sake of a few pounds.1. because of Lets say, just for the sake of argument/ for arguments sake, that prices rise by

25、3% this year.2. for the purpose of For Gods/Christs sake, turn that music off. For Goodnesss/Petes/heavens/pitys sake dont let her know what I told you.3. used to emphasize requests or orders and when you are angry or have lost patience5. for ones sake = for the sake ofPhrases and Expressions I felt

26、 cornered at the party when he bore me to death about his difficult childhood. to feel forced into a situation where its hard to escape6. feel corneredPhrases and Expressions We have no choice but to close the hospital.to the only choice we have is to 7. have no choice but to doPhrases and Expressio

27、ns Im sorry we cannot take you with us but I promise Ill make it up to you somehow.make it up to: to give sb. sth. or do sth. for (esp. sb. for whom you have caused trouble)2. make it up with sb.: to forgive and become friends again after argument We often quarrel but we always make it up with each

28、other soon after.8. make it up to sb.Phrases and Expressions He came up with a cure for the disease. to bring forth or discovercome up against: to encounter, esp. a difficulty or major problemcome down with: to become sick with (an illness) He came up against great difficulties. He came down with th

29、e flu. 9. come up withPhrases and Expressions Brilliant strategy on the part of Confederate forces ensured their victory at Chancellorsville.regarding or with respect to the one specified10. on ones part = on the part ofPhrases and Expressions break up a chocolate bar The crowd broke up after the ga

30、me. The marriage broke up.1. to separate into pieces; to divide2. to scatter; to disperse3. to bring or come to an end11. break upTo be continued on the next page.other phrasesbreak downbreak in(to)Phrases and Expressionsbreak down: to collapse; to fail in machinery usage; to suffer physical or ment

31、al weakening 2. break in(to): to enter a building by force The elevator broke down. a prowler who was trying to break inThe end of Phrases and Expressions.Word BuildingList:PrefixhypoPrefixhyperSuffixing1. Derivation prefix: hypo- “below; under” Word Buildinghypotension hypothermiahypocellularhypocritehypogenesishypohemiahypomaniahypostatic血压过低体温过低细胞减少的伪君子医 发育不良贫血医 轻度躁狂本质的,实体的,实在的Word Buildinghypertension hypers


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