



1、2021-2022学年安徽省蚌埠市第三十五中学高二英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Nobody could believe what Tom says because he is _ changing his mind. A. regularly B. steadily C. suddenly D.constantly 参考答案:D2. Did Dorice go out last night?-Yes, but she _a at home. Her little sister needed her care. A. may have stayed B. must have stayed

2、 C. could have stayed D. ought to have stayed 参考答案:D3. George Washington was born in 1732 in a rich family in _ is now the state of Virginia.A. whichB. whereC. thatD. what参考答案:D【详解】考查宾语从句。句意:乔治华盛顿于1732出生于现在是弗吉尼亚的一个富有家庭。what引导宾语从句what is now the state of Virginia并在句中做主语。故选D项。4. Every year a flood of

3、farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they_ before leaving their hometowns.A. promised B. were promisedC. have promised D. have been promised参考答案:D句意为:每年大量农民工涌入深圳,去寻找他们离乡前别人给他们许诺的挣钱的工作。此处农民工是“被许诺工作”,需用被动语态,故排除A和C两项;B项仅表一般过去时的被动;D项表示“已经被许诺”,故选D。5. You could see the runners very well fr

4、om _ we stood.A. which B. where C. that D. when参考答案:B6. The good result _ the correct methods, that is to say, correct methods _good result. A. lies; lead B. leads to; lie in C. lies in; lead to D. lies to; lead to参考答案:C7. When you learn a lesson from the mistake you made, you have made the mistake

5、_.A. flexible B. available C. worthwhile D. alternative参考答案:C8. If it _ tomorrow, I would stay at home watching TV. A. should rain B. rains C. was to rain D. will rain参考答案:A9. For a moment I could say . I could only stand and look. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing参考答案:D10. You look

6、tired and sad. _, you are in a difficult position there now.A. Indeed B. Obviously C. Actually D. Particularly参考答案:B11. _ from the top, the city looks more beautiful. A. To see B. Seeing C. Seen D. See参考答案:C略12. Whatever weather it is, I always see the policeman_his place and direct the traffic.A.ta

7、ke upB.make upC.look forD.stand for参考答案:A13. The discovery of new evidence led to .A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught C. the thief to be caught参考答案:C略14. Tom is quite interested in the job which he has applied AforB/CinDwith参考答案:A15. The monument was built in hon

8、or of the explorer who was believed _ the river.A. to have discovered B. to have been discovered C. to discover D. having been discovered参考答案:B16. _ earlier, I would have managed to make an appointment with the professor for you. A. If you informed me B. Had you informed me C. Should I inform D. If

9、I was informed参考答案:B略二、 新的题型17. Today I went to a conference, _41_ two students had a debate about the strengths and weaknesses of the Internet.The first speaker talked about the positive_42_(affect) of the Internet on our lives. The first is its value for people who _43_(look) for information now.

10、For example, with the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student will find enough information at his or her command. The second is our ability _44_ (relate) to others through the Internet and it is especially important for disabled people _45_ cant leave their homes. The _46_ (two) speaker

11、 talked about the negative effects of the Internet _47_our lives. For example, some experts think that the outcome of spending too much time on the Internet is difficulty in _48_(form) social bonds. They were also quite explicit(明确的) about how heavy Internet users spend _49_(much) time with their In

12、ternet friends than their real-life friends from school and work.Both sides presented lots of statistics to support their arguments. My own judgment is that though the Internet is beneficial, we should use our _50_( intelligent) and not be a slave to it!参考答案:41. where 42. effects 43. are looking 44.

13、 to relate 45. who 46. second 47. on 48. forming 49. more 50. intelligence这是一篇议论文。文章论述了网络的好处和坏处。【41题详解】考查定语从句。句意:今天,我参加了一个会议,在这个会议上,两位同学对网络的好处和害处进行了辩论。逗号后面是非限制性定语从句,修饰a conference,引导词在从句中作抽象的地点状语,应用关系副词where引导该从句,故填where。【42题详解】考查名词。该空作介词about的宾语,且空前有形容词positive修饰,故该空应填名词,且根据下文,文章介绍了网络两个好的影响,故该处应填名词

14、复数形式,故填effects。【43题详解】考查时态和主谓一致。who _(look) for information now是定语从句,修饰people,该空在从句中作谓语,且根据时间状语now,那么,该空应用现在进行时态。且who指的是people,根据主谓一致原则,该空应填are looking。【44题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:第二个影响即使我们通过互联网与他人交往能力。the ability后面接动词不定式作定语,故该空填to relate。【45题详解】考查定语从句。_5_ cant leave their homes是定语从句,修饰disabled people,引导词在从句中


16、该空作use的宾语,且空前有形容词性物主代词our修饰,故应填名词,故填intelligence。三、 阅读理解18. 阅读下列短文,然后从所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。 To me, the ocean is our greatest wilderness. I love swimming in it , surfing its waves, watching it from shore and thinking about all the life living unseen under the surface.When I take my little kids to c

17、heck out tide pools, were overjoyed when we find a sea star or some shellfish. Lately, though, Ive noticed a change in my favorite pools: there are more sea grasses and fewer animals with shells. I cant help feeling these small changes portend something more troubling about our oceans. It matches wh

18、at scientists are telling us: our oceans are being troubled by carbon dioxide that threatens corals, color1 ful fish, salmon, sea otters, even whales. Our oceans are facing a major change.Every hour, a million tons of carbon dioxide from cars, factories and power plants rain down on the worlds ocean

19、s. Carbon pollution brings about a chemical reaction that turns sea water more acidic (酸的) and takes away things important for sea animals . Some of us are already feeling the effects of this growing crisis(危机). Shellfish farmers in the Pacific Northwest have HYPERLINK / t _hplink reported a decreas

20、e in natural and farmed oysters(牡蛎). Just this week, a new HYPERLINK / t _hplink study proved the link between the huge reduction in the numbers of oysters and ocean acidification. As polar waters become more acidic, Alaskan fishermen are troubled by the future of smaller fish. Without action, ocean

21、 acidification will have a disastrous influence on the food chain, affecting not only sea life but the people who depend on it for food and their living. Already, our oceans have become 30 percent more acidic since preindustrial times, and it gets worse every day. We can stop this frightening dream,

22、 but only if we act now. Thats why the Center for Biological Diversity has started a petition (请愿书) requesting President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency to develop a plan to deal with ocean acidification. Decisive action can save sea life as we know it. Now it isnt too late to save our

23、 oceans and sea life. With immediate action to reduce carbon dioxide release we can start taking important steps today to deal with this disastrous situation. Join me in our petition calling for a national plan to save our oceans.The authors recent visits to the tide pool brought her _ .A. happiness

24、 B. anger C. concern D. comfort58. The underlined word “portend” in Paragraph 3 probably means _ .A. predict B. prevent C. replace D. reduce59. What the author worries about most is _ .A. the harm of sea grasses B. carbon pollution in the sea C. that the petition may be turned down D. how fishermen

25、can make a living in the future60. What is the main purpose of the text ?A. To inform. B. To educate. C. To persuade . D. To instruct.参考答案:C A B C19. Imitation might be considered the sincerest form of flattery (恭维), but if you take it too far in a job interview you could be giving the wrong impress

26、ion to a potential employer.Scientists have discovered too much imitating in a job interview situation leaves an employer thinking you are incompetent, untrustworthy and not very likeable. Studies have shown that gentle imitation usually acts as a social glue in human relationships; it can promote t

27、rust.Two people who like each other will strengthen their bond by unconsciously imitating each others gestures in an unnoticeable way, such as leaning forward at the same time.But in recent years, imitation has been used as conscious approach by people who want to succeed in business. However, the n

28、ew research suggests this could cost your reputation. The study was conducted by the University of Californias psychology department.Piotr Winkielman, a professor of psychology at the university in San Diego, said, “Imitation is an important part of social intelligence. But it is not enough to simpl

29、y know how to imitate. Its also important to know when and when not to. The success of mirroring depends on mirroring the right people at the right time for the right reasons. Sometimes the socially intelligent thing to do is not to imitate.”The study asked people to watch several stage videotaped i

30、nterviews, some of which featured a friendly interviewer while, in others, the same person was unapproachable. The people being interviewed in the videos imitated the interviewers simple gestures such as leg-crossing or chin-touching. Interviewees were then evaluated on their general competence, trustworthiness and likeability by participants. Despite the fact that the participants were not instructed to watch for imitation and reported no awareness of it, it still influenced their evaluations. Interviewees who imitated the unfr


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