1、第一章 适用范围Applicable Scope第一本“规定”适用于与北京首都航空有限公司以下简称“首都航空” 和上海金鹿公务航空有限公司以下简称“上海金鹿” 签订包机运输合同或执行产品方案政策的各种客 户类型。Article 1 This manual applies to various types of clients who signs Charter Flight Contract with Beijing Capital Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Capital Airlines) and Shanghai Dee
2、r Jet Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Deer Jet) or conducts product scheme and policy.第二章 包机手续Charter Procedure第二承运人解答包机人咨询。In case of any consultation from the CHARTERER, the CARRIER shall explain.第三为包机人解释承运人公司产品方案或价格政策。The CARRIER shall explain the product scheme or price p
3、olicy to the CHARTERER.第四承运人确认意向飞行时间、飞机运力、飞行申请、机组资源等和包机飞行相关事宜及所需信息。The CARRIER shall confirm charter flight relevant and required informationsuch as flight time, transport capacity, flight application, crew resource, etc.第五承运人根据包机人飞行意向提供报价单。The CARRIER shall provide quotation in accordance with the
4、flight intention of the CHARTERER.包机人确认飞行后承运人为包机人提供包机运输合同及乘客保障信息单 (客户填写内容包括航线、日期、时刻、人数、乘客姓名、证件名称、证件号码、行李重量、接送车辆、飞行各站联系人及联系方式、机上餐食要求等其他服务要求的详细信息 , 详见 附件六) 。After the CHARTERER has confirmed the flight, the CARRIER shall provide the CHARTEREwRith Charter Flight Contract and Flight Service Information
5、Form(see Appendix VI for the content filled in by the client , including the specific information of flight route, date, time, passenger number, passenger name, credential name, credential No., luggage weight, picking up vehicle, contact person and contact information of each flight station, flight
6、catering requirements and other service requirements).(一)如包机人在飞行过程中出现起飞时刻,飞行日期,任务航段、乘客信息、各地机场接送机联系人或车辆等一切和飞行有关的信息变更,包机人有责任第一时间通知承运人。In case there s change of information relevant to the flight including departure time, flight date, mission flight leg, passenger information, contract person for pick
7、up service in each airport, or vehicle, the CHARTERER has the responsibility to inform the CARRIER immediately.( 二 ) 包机人应保证每位乘客持有符合中国民航现行规定的有效证件,进出境乘客应保证持有相关国家要求的有效旅行证件,国际飞行应遵守各国航空管制规定和法律规 定。The CHARTERERshall guarantee that each passenger holds the valid credential complying with the existing laws
8、and regulations by China Civil Aviation. The crossing passenger shall guarantee to hold valid travel credentials required by relevant country, and international flight shall follow the air traffic control stipulations and legal regulations of each country.(三)由于包机人原因(如身份证、护照等证件与本人身份不符,或携带民航和国家法律法规规定的
9、危险品登机,或不能按合同规定时间准时登机等)包机人未能按约定时间执行或未能履行签订的飞行计划, 承运人不负责因此导致未能飞行产生的后果,对于飞行计划中未执行的部分包机款, 承运人应返还包机人,但包机人应承担未执行该飞行任务而产生的实际费用。The CARRIER shall be exempted from the liability for breach of Contract for failure to implement the scheduled flight mission in light of the reasons caused by the CHARTERER(such a
10、s credential (ID or passport) not being consistent with one s identity, carrying any dangerous goods prohibited by civil aviation and state laws and regulat ions, or passenger s delayed boarding). The CARRIER shall return the unimplemented charter expense to the CHARTERER, but CHARTERER shall assume
11、 any expenses arising therefrom.(四) 包机人如租用多架承运人飞机,需事先将每架飞机乘坐的乘客名单提供给承运人。In case the CHARTERERrents multiple aircrafts, he/sheshall provide CARRIERwith the passenger list for each aircraft.根据民航有关规定,如乘客携带行李超过承运人机型限制范围,承运人可协助乘客办理地面转运或储存,费用由乘客自理。 如乘客坚持要求携带超额行李乘坐公务机,承运人有权拒绝起飞。 如乘客携带特殊行李请提前咨询承运人。According
12、 to the relevant stipulations by civil aviation, in case the passenger carries the luggage exceeding the limited range of the jet type, the CARRIERmay assist the passenger in ground transfer or storage and the expense shall be paid by the passenger. If the passenger still insists to take the extra l
13、uggage on board, the carrier shall be entitled to refuse to provide flight services. In case of special luggage, the passenger shall consult the CARRIER in advance.如因承运人原因无法安排合同中原定机型执行飞行,承运人将免费为包机人升级至更高级别机型保障飞行,若因包机人拒绝机型调配,则签订的包机合同可被终止,双方承担各自的损失。承运人机型等级顺序从低到高依次为“豪客系列f湾流 200系列- 湾流IVf湾流 A湾流450系列-达索 7X
14、f湾流550fBBJ1-BBJ2 ACJ。In case the planned jet type in the contract is not available because of theCARRIER ,the CARRIER shall provide a higher level jet type for the CHARTERER. If the CHARTERER refuses to accept the jet adjustment, the contract shall be ended. The CHARTERER and the CARRIER should assu
15、me their respective expenses deriving therefrom.第六条包机人按照合同规定时间支付包机款。The CHARTEREsRhall pay the charter expense in accordance with the Contract.第七条承运人为包机人在指定保险公司承保。The CARRIER shall underwrite for the CHARTERER in specified insurance company.第八条承运人在起飞前一天向包机联系人提供航线各机场地面代理联系方式,由各机场地面代理与包机联系人直接联系并约定飞行当日
16、迎候乘客的时间和地点。The CARRIER shall provide the charter contact person with contactinformation of each airports ground agent one day before the flight, so the ground agent can directly contact the charter contact person to decide the time and location to meet the passengers.第九条 飞行当日起飞前一至二小时确认乘客到达当地机场的时间,并通
17、报各保障单位做好飞行前准备,根据约定的时间,机场地面代理在约定地点接引乘客进场、协助乘客办理相关入场手续。Confirm the arrival time one or two hours before the departure and informall support units to well prepare for the flight. In accordance with the agreed time, the airport ground agent meets and guides the passengers to enter the airport at agreed
18、location and help them go through relevant boarding procedure.第十条执行包机飞行。The charter takes the flight.第十一条飞机抵达目的地前当地地面代理提前与迎接乘客的接机人取得联系,通知等候乘客的时间和地点。Before arriving at the destination, the local ground agent shall contact the pick-up person in advance to inform the pick-up time and location.第十二条 飞机降落
19、后当地机场地面代理安排乘客出场并送乘客至前来接机的车辆旁。After the aircraft is landed, the local airport ground agent shall arrange the passengers to exit the airport and send them to the pick-up vehicle.第十三条 飞行结束后承运人征询包机人的飞行意见,承运人在接收到包机人提出的意见或投诉后需要在5 个工作日内给予包机人回复处理意见或办法。After the flight, the CARRIER shall ask CHARTERER for id
20、eas or comments on the flight and provide treatment plan or method within 5 workdays after receiving the opinion or complaint.第三章 乘机手续Chapter 3 Boarding Procedure第十四条 国内飞行乘客需要在起飞前20 分钟抵达起飞地机场,国际飞行乘客需要在起飞前 2 小时抵达起飞地机场;Article 14 The domestic flight passenger shall arrive at the airport 20 minutes bef
21、ore the departure, and international flight passenger shall arrive at the airport 2 hours before the departure.第十五条北京出港航班:送乘客车辆停在贵宾室停车场,乘客走VIP 通道过安检,上贵宾摆渡车到达飞机下。For Beijing outbound flights: the pick-up vehicle shall stop at the parking lot for the VIP room. The passengers go through the safety insp
22、ection by VIP passage and arrive at the aircraft by VIP shuttle.第十六条北京进港航班:乘客下飞机后上贵宾摆渡车,摆渡到机坪出口乘客接机车辆等候处。Beijing inbound flights: after getting off the aircraft, the passengers get on the VIP shuttle and the shuttle sends them to pick-up vehicles at the exit.第十七条包机人在飞行及进出机场过程中需随身携带有效证件。The CHARTERER
23、 shall bring valid credential along during flight and when entering and exiting the airport.第十八条根据中国民航乘客规定 ,如乘客携带贵重物品乘机,需事先在乘客保障信息单中注明所带物品清单并严格遵守国家与民航的法律法规,如未事先声明,造成的任何后果,由包机人自行承担。In line withPassenger Requirements of Civil Aviation Administration ofChina, passengers bringing precious items shall id
24、entify the carrying items in Passenger Guarantee Information Form and strictly comply with the laws and regulations of China and civil aviation. If not stated in advance, the CHARTERER shall bear the consequences arising therefrom.第十九条贵重物品的性质、价值等应符合相关的国际规定和承运人规定,如乘客携带危险品或违禁物品,造成的任何后果,由包机人承担。The natu
25、re and value of precious items shall comply with relevantinternational stipulations and CARRIERregulations. In case passengers carry dangerous goods or prohibited items specified byPassenger Requirements ofCivil Aviation Administration of China,the CHARTERER shall be liable forany consequences arisi
26、ng therefrom.第二十条如乘客携带小动物,需参照中国民用航空旅客、行李国内运输规则中关于小动物的规定。Passengers carrying small animals in the course of domestic flights shall abide by regulations on live animal stipulated byChinas civil aviationpassengers, baggage, domestic transportation rules.第二十一条包机人须认真了解前往国家和地区的证件要求, 并应保证每位乘机人持有有效证件。承运人可按时
27、提醒并协助包机人办理相关证件手续, 但由于包机人所提供的乘客证件与本人不符、 失效或不符合前往国家或地区的相关规定而导致飞行未能按合同约定时间执行或取消时,由包机人承担所有相应的责任,与承运人无关。承运人应返还包机人合同中未执行航段费用,但包机人需承担因此而产生的实际费用,所有涉及乘客相关责任的问题,包机人和承运人有义务向乘客传达。The CHARTERER shall ensure that each passenger holds valid documents. Incase passenger documents provided by the CHARTERERare inconsi
28、stent or invalid, the CHARTEREsRhall assume all responsibilities incurred by failing to operate the flight on agreed schedule under the contract or flight cancellation. The CARRIER shall refund the fee of unimplemented fight legsto the CHARTERER according to the contract, but the CHARTERER shall pay
29、 theactual costs arising therefrom. All issues related to the liabilities ofpassengers shall be communicated to passengers by the CHARTEREaRnd CARRIER.第二十二条包机人所执行的航线涉及到中国境内外的相关机场时,乘客应自觉遵守相关的机场规定,如有违反而导致的法律责任和刑事责任,由乘客自行承担。Passengers should consciously abide by regulations stipulated by relevant domes
30、tic airports where the CHARTERER implements the flight routes. The passenger should bear legal and criminal liabilities deriving therefrom insured by himself or herself.第二十三条包机人乘坐北京首都国际机场进出港国际航班时,需由客人本人填写中华人民共和国海关统一制作的进出境旅客行李物品申报单并签字,销售代表、乘务员、地面服务人员等均不得代客人填写;Article 23The Charter need to fill in the
31、China Customs Luggage Declaration Forms whenCharter take international flights in and out of China by Beijing capital international airport, sales representatives, cabin crews, ground service staffs are not allowed to fill out Instead of Charter.第二十四条合同中提到的儿童,是指年龄满两周岁但不满十二周岁的人。Article 24 Children me
32、ntioned in the contract are passengers over two (2) but less than twelve (12) years of age.第四章 标准空中服务Chapter 4 Standard Air Service第二十五条承运人会根据航程时刻信息,结合机型特点、乘客国籍、宗教信仰、身体状况(是否有糖尿病、高血压等)安排餐食。Article 25 Based on the flight time, The CARRIER will arrange the catering bycombining the jet type features, pa
33、ssengers nationality, religion, physical condition (whether there s diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, etc).第二十六条在自身具备配餐公司的机场,参照海南航空头等舱标准配备餐食;在自身不具备配餐公司的机场,由机场代理或乘务员从星级酒店或高档餐厅外购。 外购餐食受航班起飞时刻、包机人指定地点卫生条件、运输保存等条件限制,承运人不承担因以 上不可控情况而产生的餐食安全和质量责任。Article 26 The airports with catering company shall p
34、repare the catering by referring to first class standard of Hainan Airlines, and airports without catering company shall have the airport agent or flight attendants buy food from star hotel or first class restaurant.Outsourcing meals is chartered flightdeparture time, designated place sanitation, tr
35、ansportation, preservation conditions, such as more than the carrier does not undertake because of uncontrolled situation of food safety and quality responsibility.第二十七条配餐时段划分标准如下:The division standard of catering period is as follows:本表飞行时间长度单位为“分钟” 。The flight time in this table is in the unit of
36、Minute.起飞时间下限和起飞时间上限分别表示区间的起讫时间(不含地面滑行时间) 。The lower limit and upper limit of the departure time respectively represents the starting time and end time (ground taxi time excluded).“/ ”表示“或” ,如“0-60”时间段中,如果飞行时间在 30 分钟左右配水果切片,60 分钟左右视乘客人数和时间区域可配水果切片或点心餐。“/ ” means “or” . For example, in the time perio
37、d of “0 - 60” , if fruitslices are provided 30 minutes afterdeparture, fruit slices or dessert canbe provided about 60 minutes after departure according to passenger number and time range.本表主要是作为机上配餐的基本依据,ACJ飞机、BBJ飞机及其他特殊航班、或乘客有特殊要求的航班需按实际情况另行调整。This table is taken as the basis of airline catering.
38、For ACJ aircraft, BBJ aircraft and other special flights, or the flights with special passenger requirements, adjustment shall be made correspondingly.点心餐的概念为:Dessert refers to:A 西式点心餐:三明治、甜点、新鲜果球;A Western dessert: sandwich, confection and fresh fruit balls;B中式点心餐:中式点心(多为冷点)、粥或甜品、新鲜果球。B Chinese des
39、sert: Chinese refreshment (usually cold), porridge, confection and fresh fruit balls.第二十/l条承运人每航班标准配备多种酒水饮料(含依云矿泉、可乐、健怡可乐、雪碧、苏打水、带汽矿泉、果汁 3款、啤酒1款、世界著名产地干红/干白各1款、高木茶叶3 款、及咖啡、红茶、牛奶)。As per the flight standard, the CARRIER shall provide various drinks(including Evian Mineral Water, Coca Cola, Coca Cola
40、Light, Sprite, sodawater, sparkling mineral water, 3 types of juices, one type of beer, one type of world famous dry red wine/dry white wine, 3 types of advanced tea, coffee, black tea and milk).第二十九条承运人每航班标准配备多种小吃。As per the flight standard, the CARRIER shall provide various snacks.第三十条承运人每航班标准配备多种
41、报刊杂志、影碟光盘,及象棋、围棋等娱乐用品。As per the flight standard, the CARRIERshall provide various entertainment articles such as newspapers, magazines, video disks, chess, Weiqi, etc.第三H一条豪客飞机配餐时段划分标准The division standard of catering period of Hawker aircraft:起飞时限下限Lower Limit of Departure Time起飞时间上限Upper Limit of
42、 Departure Time飞行时间长度AFlight Time A (minute)飞行时间长度BFlight Time B (minute)飞行时间长度CFlight Time C (minute)飞行时间长度DFlight Time D (minute)05: 3008: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert早餐Breakfast早餐Breakfast早餐Breakfast4人(不含)以上 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert早餐Breakfast早餐B
43、reakfast08: 3009: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert4人(不含)以上 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert09: 3010: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner4人(不含)以上
44、 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert正餐Dinner10: 3011: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 4 peopleFruit/DessertDessertDessert/DinnerDinner11: 3013: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner止餐Dinner止餐Dinner4人(不含)以上 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心
45、餐Dessert点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner止餐Dinner13: 3015: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner4人(不含)以上 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner15: 3017: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Desse
46、rt点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner止餐Dinner4人(不含)以上 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner17: 3019: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner19: 3005: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 4 peopl
47、e水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert第三十二条湾流飞机配餐时段划分标准The division standard of catering period of Gulfstream aircraft.起飞时限下限Lower Limit of Departure Time起飞时间上限Upper Limit of Departure Time飞行时间长度AFlight Time A飞行时间长度BFlight Time B飞行时间长度CFlight Time C飞行时间长度 DFlight Time D05: 3008: 300-60
48、60-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/早餐Dessert/Breakfast早餐Breakfast08: 3009: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert09: 3010: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Desser
49、t/Dinner点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner4人(不含)至8人(含)58 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner8人以上(不含) 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner10: 3011: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert水果为主/点心餐
50、Fruit/Dessert点心餐/止餐Dessert/Dinner止餐Dinner11: 3013: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner13: 3015: 300-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner15: 3017: 300-6
51、060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner4人(不含)至8人(含)58 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner8人以上(不含) 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner17: 3019: 300-6060-9090-12
52、0120以上 1204人(含)以下& 4 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner4人(不含)至8人(含)58 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner8人以上(不含) 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐/正餐Dessert/Dinner正餐Dinner19: 3005: 300
53、-6060-9090-120120以上 1204人(含)以下 8 people水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert水果为主/点心餐Fruit/Dessert点心餐Dessert点心餐Dessert第五章 标准地面服务Chapter 5 Standard Ground Service第三十三条迎送乘客服务工作程序:Article 33 Service procedure of meeting and seeing off passengers:(一) 北京出港航班Beijing Outbound Flight乘客到达前10 分钟,承运人现场保障员提前在机场外约定地点迎接乘客;10 minu
54、tes before the passengers arrive, the site guarantee personnel of the CARRIER shall meet the passengers at the agreed location outside of the airport in advance.2 承运人现场保障员需提前同机场相关单位确认各项保障环节都已准备就绪;The site guarantee personnel shall confirm that all support sections are ready with relevant airport uni
55、ts in advance.3 乘客到达机场后,承运人现场保障员引导乘客到贵宾室休息,同时安排贵宾室服务员将乘客行李提拿到贵宾室;或者直接引导乘客通过安检通道及联检通道并登机;After the passengers have arrivedat the airport,the siteguaranteepersonnel shall guide them to rest in the VIP room and ask VIP room attendants to carry the passenger luggage to the VIP room, or directlyguide the
56、passengers go through the safety inspection and joint inspection and board.4 如果是国际离港,承运人现场地面保障部保障专员在出境前由签派席提醒机组按照乘客数量携带足量 进出境旅客行李物品申报单 , 指导客人在公务机候机楼填写 进 出境旅客行李物品申报单协助交至海关,并将尽量协调安排联检单位到贵宾室查验证件及行李;现场保障员负责向乘客收齐护照,并代为办理乘客出境手续;Before international departure, ground handlers of operator must remindcrews t
57、o bring enough China CustomsLuggage Declaration Forms with the number of passengers, also guide passengers to complete and pass the form to custom. And the site guarantee personnel of CARRIER shall try its best to help and arrange the joint inspection unit to inspect the credentials and luggage inVI
58、P room. The site guarantee personnel collect passports of the passengers and go through the outbound procedure on behalf of the passengers.5 现场保障员同机长确认可以登机后方可安排贵宾室服务员或行李员先将乘客非手提行李通过安检, 并送上贵宾摆渡车, 然后引导乘客过安检通道, 并送上贵宾车After confirming the boarding availability with the captain, the site guarantee person
59、nel can arrange VIP room attendants or porters to have the non-hand luggage of the passengers go through the safety inspection and carry them to the VIP shuttle, then guide the passengers go through the safety inspection and get on the VIP shuttle.6 乘客人数在10 人以下,现场需安排一辆贵宾摆渡车迎送宾客;If there are less tha
60、n 10 passengers, the site guarantee personnel shall arrange one VIP shuttle to pick up the passengers.如宾客人数在10 人以上,现场应安排两辆贵宾摆渡车迎送宾客,并尽量引导主宾乘坐车况较好的贵宾摆渡车;Ifthere are over 10 passengers, the site guarantee personnel shall arrangetwo VIP shuttles to pick up the passengers and try its best to guide the c
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