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1、精品文档 精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档期末检测卷(八)一. 单项选择 (15分)( ) 1. Xian is old city with long history. A. a; anB. a; aC. an; aD. an; an ( ) 2. Marys car is , so she has to take a bus to work. A. newB. brokenC. niceD. old( ) 3. Mum, I a Chinese dictionary. Can you buy one for me? OK. A. needB. findC. getD. take( ) 4.

2、 We have food in the fridge. Please go and buy some. A. any B. many C. not D. no( ) 5. What are you doing, Kate? Im my pen. I cant it. A. looking; findB. looking for; find C. looking; find out D. looking for; find out( ) 6. I will the train at 3:40 pm. Please meet me at the train station. A. get upB

3、. get offC. get awayD. get on ( ) 7. My brother Tom is getting ready the English test (测试). A. ofB. forC. withD. about( ) 8. What does this word ? Sorry, I dont know. Lets ask our teacher. A. writeB. learnC. haveD. mean ( ) 9. Jenny can English. She is her son an English story now. A. tell; talkingB

4、. tell; speaking C. speak; tellingD. talk; telling ( )10. Here are pictures. What can you see in the picture?A. two; twoB. two; secondC. second; twoD. second; second( )11. Teachers Day is in . Its a festival for all teachers. A. JanuaryB. May C. SeptemberD. December( )12. Tony and I love the sport.

5、He likes football. I like football, too. A. quietB. famousC. sameD. easy( )13. It is snowing! Wonderful! Lets go tomorrow. A. skating B. shopping C. swimming D. boating( )14. Whats the date? Its . A. cloudy B. 5 oclock C. Thursday D. April 8( )15. I think Ma Ming is the best student in our class. .

6、A. Youre welcome B. Thats all right C. Thats right D. It doesnt matter二. 完形填空 (10分)Im Alice from Suzhou. Im a teacher. I dont like to 16 at the same place for a long time, so I often go travelling. Travelling can help me 17 more about the world. Its a lot of 18. When I go to different places, I can

7、19 different people, know about different cultures (文化) and eat different foods. I 20 different ways of life. They make my life 21. I like learning new 22 and commu-nicating with foreigners (与外国人交流). Its interesting and exciting. I also love taking 23. There are many wonderful moments (时光) in our da

8、ily life. Pictures can 24 back lots of good memories (回忆). My 25 is to travel around the world. Travelling can make me love my life more. ( )16. A. studyB. stayC. knowD. follow( )17. A. work B. forgetC. learnD. fight( )18. A. courseB. fun C. helpD. hope( )19. A. look B. get C. meetD. leave( )20. A.

9、think B. inviteC. set D. enjoy( )21. A. colourfulB. busyC. quiet D. magic ( )22. A. poems B. plans C. languagesD. lessons( )23. A. directionsB. notes C. partsD. pictures( )24. A. carryB. takeC. putD. bring( )25. A. dreamB. jobC. lifeD. way三. 阅读理解 (20分)AMy name is Liu Ping. Im from China. I have four

10、 penfriends. Here is some information (信息) about them.NameCountryLooksHeight (身高)Favourite animalsJaneTheU.K.She has a small face and blue eyes.1.58 metresRabbitsMartinCanadaHis arms and legs are long. He has a big mouth.1.86 metresMonkeysCindyThe U.S.She has big blue eyes and a small mouth.1.65 met

11、resCatsBobAustraliaHe has brown eyes and a big nose.1.70 metresDogs根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。( )26. Where is Jane from? A. China.B. The UK.C. Canada.D. Australia.( )27. How tall is Martin? A. 1.58 metres tall.B. 1.65 metres tall. C. 1.70 metres tall. D. 1.86 metres tall.( )28. What are Cindys favourite animals?

12、 A. Dogs. B. Monkeys. C. Rabbits. D. Cats.( )29. What colour are Bobs eyes? A. Brown. B. Blue. C. Green. D. Black.( )30. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Liu Ping has five penfriends. B. Jane and Cindy are from the same country. C. Martins mouth is big. D. Bob likes monkeys best. BIt is a Sunday m

13、orning. Sam goes to visit his father by car. On the way, he feels very tired. So he stops his car and wants to take a nap (打盹).A moment later, a man walks to Sams car and knocks on the window. “Excuse me, sir. What time is it now?” asks the man. Sam doesnt have a watch. He looks at the clock of his

14、car and says, “8:15.” The man says, “Thanks.”After a few minutes, another man knocks on his window, “Sorry, sir, but do you have the time?” “8:25.” says Sam. He feels a little angry. The man thanks him, too.“I really want to take a nap,” says Sam. Then he takes out a pen and writes “I dont know the

15、time” on the paper. And he puts it on the window.But soon another man sees it and knocks on the window, “Sir, sir? Its 8:45 now.” 根据所给材料,选择最佳答案。( )31. Who does Sam visit on Sunday morn-ing? A. His cousin. B. His teacher. C. His father. D. His friend.( )32. What does the underlined word mean in Chine

16、se?A. 打 B. 敲 C. 踢 D. 撞( )33. What time is it when the second man knocks on the window? A. At 8:00. B. At 8:15. C. At 8:25. D. At 8:45.( )34. What doesnt Sam have? A. A watch. B. A car. C. A pen. D. A piece of paper.( )35. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Theres something wrong with Sams car. B. Tw

17、o men want to know the time.C. Sam is very hungry on the way. D. Sam doesnt tell anyone the time.四. 词语运用 (10分)A. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 36. Let me help you (提) this bag.37. Mike cant (驾驶) a car.38. Henry feels (孤独的) in the strange (陌生的) city.39. My grandpas birthday is on (三月) 19.40. We dont have (足够的) brea

18、d for everyone. B. 用所给单词的恰当形式填空。41. Thank you for (invite) me to your school.42. My bike is red. What about (you)?43. Thursday is the (five) day of the week.44. Li Feng would like some (sandwich).45. Walk (quick), or you wont catch the first bus. 五. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)46. 你的袜子和你的鞋很相配。 Your socks y

19、our shoes.47. 露西坐在她妈妈身旁。 Lucy is sitting her mother.48. 在这儿你能得到充分的休息吗? Can you here?49. 听! 那些学生们正在教室里吵闹。 Listen! The students in the classroom.50. 我们周末经常去爬山。 We often on weekends.六. 根据要求完成句子,每空一词。 (10分)51. Would you like some milk? (作肯定回答) , .52. Catherine is a policewoman. (对划线部分提问) Catherine ?53.

20、How much is the cup? (改为同义句) the cup?54. Let him play football in the park. (改为否定句) him football in the park. 55. Its windy and cool today. (对划线部分提问) today?七. 情景交际 (5分)从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话。其中有两项是多余的。 Clerk: What can I do for you, Madam (女士)? Mrs. Black: (56) Clerk: I see. What colour do you want? Mrs. Bl

21、ack: (57) Do you have any black ones? Clerk: Yes! They are over there. (58)Mrs. Black: Oh, I see them! How much is this pair? Clerk: Its 199 yuan.Mrs. Black: Oh, its too expensive (昂贵的). Clerk: What about this pair? (59) Its 119 yuan.Mrs. Black: OK. Ill take it. Clerk: (60)Mrs. Black: Nothing else.

22、Thank you. Clerk: Youre welcome. A. Its on sale these days.B. How old is your son? C. What else do you want?D. I want to buy a pair of sports shoes for my son.E. Please follow me.F. I cant find them. G. My son likes black. 八. 任务型阅读 (10分)Lisa is in Thailand with her cousin Nora these days. Lets have

23、a look at their trip. Friday Its 4 pm, and were on the way to the hotel. We get there by taxi. This is our first time to visit Thailand. Its sunny and people are friendly.SundayWe dont have much money, so we take a bus to Koh Samui (苏梅岛). The bus tickets are very cheap and the bus is full of people.

24、 Theres an old man sitting next to us. He has a radio and theres a football game on. Its very noisy so we cant read or sleep. MondayWe get a good room and we can see the beach from our room. The beach is very beautiful. Lots of people will come to the beach tonight, because there will be a beach par

25、ty here.61题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);62题完成句子;6364题简略回答问题;65题将文中划线句子译成汉语。61. Lisa is visiting Thailand with her cousin.( ) 62. Lisa and Nora take a to the hotel on Friday afternoon.63. What is the old man doing on the bus? 64. What can they see from their room? 65. 九. 书面表达 (10分)Frank寒假期间将去美国度假,请根据下面的提示介绍他的旅游计划。 1月18号坐飞机去纽约; 参观自由女神像并拍照留念; 观看时装表演 (fashion shows); 给朋友购买礼物。要求: 包括所有的提示内容,并可自由发挥; 语


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