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1、-本页为预览页PAGE15-本页为预览页-本页为预览页22春学期(高起本:1509、1603、1609、1703)餐饮经营管理(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业-00001第1题. Which of the following techniques is effective in reducing purchasing costs?选项A:Change the purchase unit size to a smaller container to reduce the suppliers handling charges.选项B:Purchase directly from a distrib

2、utor or grower.选项C:Charge goods on credit to increase the suppliers cash flow.选项D:Increase supplier services.参考答案:B第2题. 餐饮管理人员必须知道政府管理机构这一特殊角色,而政府管理部门主要关注餐饮企业的()问题。选项A:饭菜的质量问题选项B:食品安全问题选项C:人员调动问题选项D:饮食营养问题参考答案:B第3题. Which of the following statements about commercial food service operations is true?选

3、项A:People aspiring to food service positions typically underrate commercial food service opportunities.选项B:The work in commercial food service operations becomes significantly easier, both mentally andphysically, as one moves up the organizational ladder.选项C:Commercial food service employees must of

4、ten work at times that other people want to be entertained.选项D:Commercial food service operations are much more likely to have modern equipment than noncommercial operations.参考答案:C第4题. The first responsibility of hospitality managers is to:选项A:foster a stimulating and enjoyable work environment.选项B:

5、meet or exceed guest wants and needs.选项C:develop appetizing and nutritious recipes.选项D:encourage professional growth among employees.参考答案:B第5题. 除了()类蔬菜以外,大多数蔬菜都需要在冰箱中保存。选项A:叶类蔬菜选项B:茎类蔬菜选项C:根茎类蔬菜选项D:果实类蔬菜参考答案:C第6题. What should a server do when taking a guests food order?选项A:suggest any specials of th

6、e day选项B:use the correct abbreviations on his or her orders选项C:answer any questions the guest has选项D:all of the above参考答案:D第7题. Aesthetic balance refers to:选项A:the relationship between food costs, menu prices, and other financial/marketing considerations.选项B:a commercial operations need to place ite

7、ms on the menu that will yield a specific level of profitability.选项C:the mix of guests from various demographic groups.选项D:the degree to which meals have been developed with an eye to the colors, textures, and flavors of food.参考答案:D第8题. 企业的年度预算一般包括每月计划,于是这些月计划就成了评价每月实际完成结果的标准。因此,经营预算的重要职能就是完成()选项A:计

8、划和管理选项B:计划和控制选项C:计划和修改选项D:协调和控制参考答案:B第9题. Inventory turnover rates are typically:选项A:lower for beverages than for foods.选项B:of little concern for computerized operations.选项C:the same for both beverages and foods.选项D:higher in chain operations than in independents.参考答案:A第10题. Which of the following s

9、tatements is true?选项A:There is no need for a receiving clerk to weigh, count, or measure incoming items if proper ordering systems are in place and working correctly.选项B:When a prime-supplier system is in place, there is an increased need for maintaining a formal issuing system for food service item

10、s.选项C:A just-in-time inventory system depends on the food and beverage operation maintaining a scanning system similar to that found in supermarket check-outs.选项D:Items in storageincluding alcoholic beveragescan easily be tracked with the aid of high-tech storage and inventory systems.参考答案:D第11题. Wh

11、ich of the following phrases describes a formal, written disciplinary program?选项A:a way to address, correct, and reinforce behavior选项B:not usually useful in a food service environment选项C:a method used by overly cautious managers选项D:a form of punishment参考答案:A第12题. What is the primary task of producti

12、on planning?选项A:deciding what specials will be served on a particular day选项B:creating standard recipes选项C:issuing all inventory that will be needed for a shift选项D:deciding the quantity of menu items to prepare参考答案:D第13题. Which of the following statements about lodging food service is true?选项A:Food a

13、nd beverage departments typically can generate required profits on the basis of sales to in-house guests only.选项B:Lodging food services often must compete with food and beverage operations outside the hotel to realize their economic goals.选项C:Full-service hotels rarely offer in-room food service.选项D

14、:In the lodging industry, food service facilities are typically found only in large lodging operations.参考答案:B第14题. 存储食品要确保适当的通风和空气流通。通常让物品距离地面和墙面()厘米比较适宜。选项A:5厘米选项B:10厘米选项C:15厘米选项D:20厘米参考答案:D第15题. Which of the following is a home food service innovation that is growing in popularity?选项A:providing ho

15、me delivery that includes service during the meal and clean-up afterward选项B:providing overnight delivery for long-distance take-out选项C:providing home replacement meals that customers pick up and take home with them选项D:all of the above参考答案:D第16题. Which of the following would appear on a balance sheet

16、?选项A:solvency ratios选项B:employee salaries选项C:equity选项D:transfers参考答案:C第17题. Which of the following is a refrigerated room used for central storage purposes?选项A:reach-in unit选项B:walk-in unit选项C:roll-in unit选项D:pass-through unit参考答案:B第18题. 标准食谱的出菜份数很容易通过调整系数来增加或减少,如果一个食谱的出菜份数是100份,那么要做170份时,调整系数是(),假如

17、原始食谱中需要200克砂糖,那么调整后的配料数量是()选项A:系数大约0.59和118克糖选项B:系数大约5.9和1180克糖选项C:系数1.70和340克糖选项D:系数17和3400克糖参考答案:C第19题. Which of the following tends to encourage entrepreneurs to enter the restaurant business?选项A:Many restaurants require relatively little capital to get started.选项B:Many menu item ideas can be fou

18、nd on the Internet.选项C:It is easy to learn how to operate a restaurant.选项D:Independent restaurants often bring in more revenue than chains.参考答案:A第20题. 定价决策中最重要的是与()相关的问题。选项A:利润选项B:成本选项C:顾客满意度选项D:竞争对手参考答案:D第21题. 下列管理人员中哪些属于大型企业的中层管理者()选项A:首席执行总裁选项B:董事长选项C:区域总监选项D:饭店总经理参考答案:A,C第22题. 下列哪些属于湿加热烹饪法?选项A:炸

19、选项B:蒸选项C:煎选项D:炖参考答案:B,D第23题. 无论是大型餐厅还是小型餐馆都需要进行采购,采购的计划要包含()选项A:购买适用的物品选项B:确定合适的数量选项C:支付合理的价格选项D:选择最低价的供应商参考答案:A,B,C第24题. 广告是餐饮经理为了实现市场销售目标而运用的重要手段,其优点是()选项A:费用低选项B:时间长选项C:辐射广选项D:内容可以尽可能多的进行描述参考答案:A,B,C第25题. 在管理程序中,制定有效的计划需要具备()因素。选项A:信息选项B:沟通选项C:灵活选项D:实施参考答案:A,B,C,D第26题. 企业在利用餐饮合同管理公司来管理其餐饮服务项目时,这种

20、方式有()优势选项A:大型餐饮管理公司有实力为企业解决各种餐饮服务问题选项B:管理公司能够以低于该企业的餐饮成本来经营选项C:餐饮管理公司能有效地同供应商讨价还价选项D:在企业的“自我经营”模式下,“餐饮服务顾问”可以帮助企业的行政管理人员进行日常的餐饮运营参考答案:A,B,C,D第27题. 下列()类型的软件有助于完成财会任务?选项A:工资管理软件选项B:收款管理软件选项C:付款管理软件选项D:日常班次管理软件参考答案:A,B,C第28题. 在进行营养菜单的设计时,我们应该采取下列()方式选项A:低糖低热选项B:高维生素选项C:低脂肪和胆固醇选项D:低钠少盐参考答案:A,C,D第29题. 以

21、下()说明了我们为什么要烹制食物?选项A:锻炼烹饪技术选项B:消灭有害微生物选项C:改善消化能力选项D:使食品产生、增加或改变味道参考答案:B,C,D第30题. 以下()属于现代餐饮服务中的改革创新选项A:汽车通道式快餐服务选项B:大型商场内的饮食大排档选项C:便利店内的餐饮服务选项D:电话和网络订餐服务参考答案:A,B,C,D第31题. the food temperature danger zone is 10C to 60C.选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B第32题. bartenders working at service bars do not serve beverages di

22、rectly to guests.选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A第33题. 打喷嚏,流鼻涕时,使用口袋内的手绢是极不卫生的行为。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A第34题. healthy diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and dariy products.选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A第35题. “小餐车服务”也叫法式服务,一般是为了突出餐厅精美的食品和优雅的气氛。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A第36题. job description is an organi

23、zational tool that lists the most important tasks that must be done by someone working in a specific position.选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A第37题. the relevance of all decisions about the menu depends on knowing your guests.选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A第38题. “处理由授权不当所引起的问题”属于管理程序中的用人活动。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B第39题. “在年底前,通过把顾客的就餐数量提高8

24、%,将顾客的平均消费提升10元,来提高晚餐的营业收入额度。”这是一个既具体又可衡量的市场营销目标。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A第40题. 餐饮服务的成功在很大程度上取决于餐厅经理,一位经验丰富且热情好客的经理,即使菜单在设计上有重大缺陷时,也可以保障各项工作顺利完成。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B第41题. 招待用餐是指提供给参观本企业的客人用餐。这些成本应该被看做是厨房部门的成本费用。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B第42题. someone who owens and manages a brand and sells the right to use the brand name is c


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