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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1You can ask anyone for help. _ here is willing to lend you a hand.AEveryoneBNo oneCOneDSomeone2Different cultural features of ethnic groups a

2、re _ one another and work out a melodyAin tune withBin parallel withCin contrast toDin response to3Our team has just narrowly won the game. I feel so relieved now._!ACheer upBYou betCWhat a pityDWell done4He has no idea what the book is aboutHe have read it very carefullyAneedntBshouldntCcantDmustnt

3、5Im sorry. I shouldnt have been so rude to you.You _ something not very nice to me, but thats OK.Ahave said Bhad said Cwere saying Ddid say6When Thanksgiving Day is the corner, stores and supermarkets are busy with people.AaroundBonCwithDat7Why _ you choose to work in a remote village school when yo

4、u can own a respectable job in a city?AneedBshouldCmustDwill8Children are likely to _ some bad habits when playing the piano if they dont have proper lessons.Akeep upBcatch upCpick upDgive up9A new movie Sacrifice came out last year, Ge You played adoctor saved an orphan at the cost of his own baby.

5、Ain which; whoBwhen; whoCon which; by whomDwhere; whom10My teacher often says that success in making money is not always a good _ of success in life.Abelief Belement Ccriterion Dinstance11_ the students from their endless homework the school has decided to take a series of measures.AFreedBTo freeCFr

6、eeingDHaving freed12-There are probably aliens living here on earth.-_! I cant believe you said that.ACome onBForget itCGo aheadDAllow me13Why do you turn to me for help _ you can easily work out the problem independently?Auntil BwhenCafter Dunless14 volleyball is her main focus, she is also great a

7、t basketball.ASinceBOnceCUnlessDWhile15Look! Mary is crazily looking for something again! _ , she cant find her keys.ATypicallyBOccasionallyCAccordinglyDParticularly16Mr. Smith didnt understand _ made his son so upset that evening. Awhat was itBwhy it was thisChow that wasDwhat it was that17_ challe

8、nges in Chinas car-sharing economy, shared mobility still has a promising future.ADespiteBBesidesCConcerningDRegarding18All the students are required to check they have made some spelling errors in their compositions.Awhether Bwhat Cthat Dwhich19Hes quite _, but I cant imagine him as president of su

9、ch a large listed company.Aenthusiastic BgenerousCcompetent Dsympathetic20In Beijing, more than 21,100 people _ to donate their bodies by the end of 2017, as the city promoted a body donation campaign from 1999.Ahave applied Bhad appliedCwould have applied Dapplied第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、

10、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) We all have defining moments in our lives - meaningful experiences that stand out in our memory. Many of them owe a great deal to chance: a lucky encounter(相遇) with someone who becomes the love of your life. A new teacher who spots a talent you didnt know you had. These moments

11、seem to be the product of fate or luck. We cant control them.But is that true? No necessarily. Defining moments shape our lives, but we dont have to wait for them to happen. We can be the authors of them. It is possible to create defining moments if we understand more about them. Our research shows

12、that they all share a set of common elements. We start by asking: why do we remember certain experiences and forget others? In the case of big days, such as weddings, the answer is pretty clear-its a celebration that is grand in scale and rich in emotion. No surprise that its more memorable than a m

13、aths lesson. But for other experiences in life -from holidays to work projects-its not so clear why we remember what we do.Consider an experiment in which participants were asked to submerge(浸入) their hands for 60 seconds in buckets filled with 14 water. (Remember 14 water feels much colder than 14

14、air.) They were then asked to submerge their hands for 90 seconds instead of 60, but during the final 30 seconds, the water warmed up to 15. The participants were then given a choice: would you rather repeat the first trial or the second?Psychologists have explained the reasons for this puzzling res

15、ult. When people assess an experience, they tend to forget or ignore its length. Instead, they seem to rate the experience based on two key moments: the best or worst moment, known as the peak, and the ending.In the participants memories, what stood out for them was that the longer trial ended more

16、comfortably than the shorter one. So when we assess our experiences, we dont average our minute-by-minute feelings. Rather, we tend to remember flagship moments: the peaks, the pits(低谷) and the transitions. What we dont remember are the bits in between-sometimes there is little to distinguish one we

17、ek from the next.Partly this is because there may be only a dozen moments in your life that show who you are-those are big defining moments. But there are smaller experiences, too, in the context of a memorable holiday, romantic date or work achievement. Once we understand how we remember certain mo

18、ments and why, we can start to create more moments that matter.1、How does the author understand defining moments?AWe can create defining moments in our lives.BDefining moments are just out of our control.CNo similarities exist between defining moments.DDefining moments consist of smaller experiences

19、.2、We can learn from the experiment that _.Athe striking moments are more likely to be remembered.Bthe length of an experience determines our memory of itCit is meaningful to distinguish the bits in between flagship moments.Dall the components of an experience should be equally remembered3、What woul

20、d probably be discussed in the following part of the text?AWhat to prepare for lifes trials.BWhy to create defining moments.CWhom to owe our good fates to.DHow to create lifes big moments.22(8分)Do you live in a city where looking up the air quality forecast is just as important as checking the weath

21、er forecast for the day? Many places around the world have terrible pollution problems. But now new research suggests that we might be able to protect ourselves,naturally and easily simply by taking vitamin BThe study was conducted by a team of international researchers. Their focus was on a polluta

22、nt known as PM2.5. Its size, approximately l/40th the width of a human hair, makes it particularly dangerous because it is readily inhaled and small enough to spread through the body via the blood. This can cause damage to the lungs if PM2.5 is being breathed in regularly.The current experiment invo

23、lved subjects being exposed to clean air and a placebo(安慰剂) to record baseline responses. They were given the placebo for four weeks, then exposed through a face mask to air from a highly polluted area in downtown Toronto. The researchers measured methylation (甲基化) changes to DNA; the damage increas

24、ed in each participant. However, in the repeated experiment, when the volunteers were given a vitamin supplement containing 1 milligram of vitamin B12, 50 mg of vitamin B6, and 2.5 mg of folic acid daily for four weeks, it reduced the damage to the DNA by a range of 28 to 76 percent.The results indi

25、cate how prevention at an individual level could be used to fight the harmful effects of PM2.5. However, researchers stressed that research was in its early stages. Future studies, especially in heavily polluted areas, are urgently needed and theyll finally develop preventive measures using B vitami

26、ns to prevent the health effects of air pollution.1、What does the underlined word “inhaled” in Paragraph 1 refer to?Abreathed. Bsmelt.Capproached. Ddiscovered.2、How does the author introduce the current experiment?ABy analyzing causes. BBy giving examples.CBy making comparisons. DBy describing effec

27、ts.3、What can we learn about the researchers in the last paragraph?AThey warned people of heavy pollution.BThey regretted not using enough volunteers.CTheyll soon find more ways to test B vitamins.DTheyll confirm the findings in highly polluted areas.4、What can be the best title of the text?APM2.5 I

28、s Most DeadlyBVitamin B Benefits People MostCVitamin B Offers Air Pollution ProtectionDAir Quality Forecast Is Extremely Important23(8分)Phone batteries rarely last a full day anymore, so carrying compact chargers (小巧的充电器) is becoming normal. But many of these so-called portable devices are heavy, th

29、ick and inconvenientuntil Solar Paper is developed.Chicago engineers have designed a super-thin, lightweight panel (面板) called Solar Paper capable of charging an iPhone in two hours and many panels can be combined to boost its power. It was created by Chicago-based Yolk. After raising more than $1mi

30、llion online for the production, it is now available to purchase throughout the country. It comes in four versions2.5W, 5W, 7.5W and 10wdepending on the output needed for various devices. And these different models are created by combining individual 2. 5W panels together.A 2.5W panel will charge an

31、 iPhone 6 or Galaxy S3 in five hours. The 5W version charges the same devices but cuts changing time to two hours or three hours if its cloudy. The 7.5W model Solar Paper changes the devices in the same time as the 5W version but produces more energy when it is cloudy. The 10W version is ideal(理想的)

32、for the iPad Air 2, and will charge a device in 2.5 hours. Each individual panel measures 3.5 inches 6.7 inches0.6inches, weighs 60g and 1.5mm thick.Other features include a unique automatic reset (重置) function which stops and starts the Paper charging when cast with a shadow or placed in sunlight.

33、Other solar chargers require you to re-plug the wire at these conditions. It also has a low-energy LCD screen that displays the amount of power the Solar Paper produces in real time.1、What does the underlined word “boost” in the second paragraph mean?ABalance.BIncreaseCPossess.DReduce.2、How is Solar

34、 Paper different from other solar chargers?AIt can be carried wherever you go.BIt can produce more electricity.CIt can produce power even if its rainy.DIt can get reconnected automatically after a shadow.3、What is the authors purpose in writing the text?sATo introduce the strengths of solar chargers

35、.BTo praise Chicago engineers for their efforts.CTo introduce a new type of solar charger.DTo advise producers to make phone batteries last long.4、What can we know about the Solar Paper?AYolk started an online activity to fund production of Solar Paper.BCustomers are able to buy Solar Paper all over

36、 the world.CThe 7. 5W version is the best choice if users charge an iPad.DThe LCD screen shows how much current an iPhone uses.24(8分)The old saying that practice makes perfect seems to make no sense when it comes to schoolwork. Many educators today are looking for evidence to support the case for ho

37、mework, but are coming up empty-handed. “Homework is all pain and no gain,” says author Alfie Kohn. He points out that no study has ever found a relationship between homework and academic achievement in elementary school.Mary Jane Cera is the academic administrator for the Kino School, a private, no

38、n-profit kindergarten0through-12th-grade school in Tucson, Arizona, and she maintains a no-homework policy across all grades. The purpose of the policy is to make sure learning remains a joy, not a thing that discourages social time and creative activity.Many supporters of homework argue that life i

39、s filled with things we dont like to do, and that homework teaches self-discipline, time management and other non-academic life skills. Kohn challenges this popular idea; he says that if kids have no choice when it comes to homework, theyre not really exercising judgment, and are instead losing thei

40、r sense of autonomy.At the Kino School, Cera says children often choose to take their favorite parts of school home. “A lot of what we see kids doing is continuing to write in journals, practicing music with their friends, and taking experiments home to show their parents,” she says. Surveys of Kino

41、 graduates suggest that the early control they are given over their education continues to serve them well into college, and that they feel better equipped to manage their time and approach professors with questions than other students do.One of the reasons why we continue to assign homework, Kohn s

42、ays, is our obsession(着迷)with standardized tests. Even if we can agree on the importance of kids doing better on tests, he says, there is no research to suggest that homework is the ticket to success.Wherever the homework debate goes next, its worth taking a moment to examine if were asking the righ

43、t questions about our childrens education.1、Which of the following is Kohns idea?AHomework teaches students life skills.BStandardized tests are not important in education.CThe quality of homework is linked to students interests.DHomework is not connected with academic achievement in elementary schoo

44、l.2、According to the text, Mary Jane Cera _.Athinks that learning should help develop students creativityBargues some homework should be assigned to studentsCfinds her students cant finish their homework on timeDbelieves in the connection between homework and academic achievement3、What can we infer

45、from the fourth paragraph?AStudents who so more homework study better.BStudents who refuse homework have better time management skills.CStudents who have control over their studies can do better in college.DStudents who have better professors have better academic performance.4、What is the attitude o

46、f the author towards homework?AOpposed. BObjective.CIndifferent. DSupportive.25(10分)As my fortieth birthday approaches, inevitable as a new hair-do, I realize how many women friends Ive had over the years: Most have come and gone with the changes of life, just like the latest shoe fashions waltz in

47、and out of my closet.Some of my friends, like some of my shoes, were silly mistakes. They never did fit properly, and they always felt slightly “off”, no matter how hard I tried to fit my feet into them. Others were my absolute favorite for a while, but they wore out or wore off. All style and no su

48、bstance; the quality just wasnt there.Then there are my true friendsthe ones who, like a pair of fine shoes, never go out of style or out of favor, whose appeal and value just increase with wear and time. These are friends who stay in touch and stand by meas if they and I have never gone off to a ne

49、w state, or a new job. Physical distance does not separate us; time does not change the fundamental fact of our friendship; the wear and tear of life does not stop us. The sole still support us; the colors and lines still please us; the uppers, still strong but gown son, gently bent around feet. Our

50、 connection is securely fastened, unaffected by the whirlwind of changes weve each been through, even when life carries us in different directions.If the comparison fits.Deborah is the evening shoe, elegant and lovely. She appreciates the finer things, choose only the best, and still looks polished

51、long after the rest of us have drooped. She is a study in elegance and knows the difference between bone, and winter white. From this splendid treasure, Ive come recognize my own appreciation for the finer things in lifeand to the realization that I deserved them.Jane is pair essential, timeless pum

52、ps that I wear often and would be lost without. With this classic, my basic needs and comfort level are assuredleaving me time and energy for fun. I can move gracefully from day to night, from work to play, from jokes to discussion. My step is light; laughter comes easily and I am ready for adventur

53、e.Georgiana is my pair of standard white Kedsfamiliar, comfortable and good for all seasons. Ive had them since long before. They are part of my childhood. They take me home, and I am a kid again diving into the ocean on a hot summer day. They have been up the hill and through the mud with me. They

54、keep me moving forward, even when putting one foot in front of the other feels like the hardest thing Ive ever done. I know I can slip them tomorrow and after. I am indebted to these lovely worn sneakers.In the shoe rack of life, these are the friends I cherish. They are the base upon which I stand.

55、 They accompany me on my chosen path, regardless of where it leads or how bumpy or how humpy or winding it gcts.1、Paragraph 2 is mainly about .Awhy I dont like some of my friendsBwhere I can find good friendsCwhen I should say good-bye to my friendsDhow I deal with those good friends2、Which of the f

56、ollowing friends is a “Jane”?AHe / She has been together with you in difficulties and sufferingsBHe / She always lives up to your expectation and keeps his/her wordsCHe / She has been honest enough to point out your mistakes in timeDHe / She keeps a balance between life and work and lives an energet

57、ic life3、The underlined word “indebted” in Paragraph 7 is closet in meaning to .Ainterested BembarrassedCgrateful Dguilty4、The purpose of the passage is to .Ashare with you the writers opinions on how to make friendsBexpress the writers gratitude to her true friendsCpour out the writers concerns abo

58、ut some friendsDconvey some common embarrassing conflicts with friends第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)He never believed that true love existed. His parents divorcedwhen he was young and he didnt think that true love was able to survive in todays wo

59、rld.He was 1 wrong.His grandparents were always supportive to the kids and tried to help them when their parents 2 He knew they loved each other, he just wasnt sure it was true love. He had 3 heard them say, “I love you” or they hadnt shown any affection 4 hugging. They had been married for over fif

60、ty years and he thought that their true love was gone.But again he was wrong. His grandfather, Ralph, was struck ill in his junior year of college and he didnt know how serious it was until he fell and hurt his hip (臀). While in the hospital, the doctors 5 瘤) in his lungs. They told him that he had


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