1、第02讲 语音知识+听力测试国际音标一、语音知识.英语共有48个音素,分为元音和辅音两大类。元音有20个,分为单元音和 双 元音。辅音有28个,按 声带振动情况分为浊辅音和清辅音。英语音素中半元音音素是/w/和/j/,鼻音是/m/、/n/、/n/o. 26个字母中有5个元音字母,分别为:a, e, i, o, u ,音标为ei i: ai eu ju:o 一个半元 音字母是y。元音字母在重读开音节中发字母的名称音,在重读闭音节中发短音。二、国际音标兀音音标元音音标指发音时不受到发音器官的阻碍发出的声音,国际音标里,元音音标共20个:元音(20个)单元音前元音 /i: Illi /e/ /ae/
2、中元音 /3 : / e /a /后元音 /u: /u/ / : /D/ /a: /双元音开合 双元音 /ei / /ai / / i / /au / /ou /集中 双元音/i 0/eo/ /u 0/元音音标中单元音按发音时舌头位置的不同分为前元音、中元音和后元音,辅助音按发音时口型的变化分 为合口双元音和集中双元音,如上表所示。元音(20个)单元音长元音 /i: / /u: /a: / : /3 : /短元音 /i / /u / /a / /d / C /e/ /ae/双元音 合口双元音/ai /ei / i / /au/au/集中双元音/i 0/eo/ /u o/元音音标中单元音按发音时
3、音音长短的不同分为长元音、短元音,长元音音标符号包括“:”号,如上表所示。C. The paper cant be put off to hand in.What dictionaries can be used by students?A. English-English dictionaries.B , English-Chinese dictionaries.C. Oxford English dictionaries.What can we learn from the conversation?A. The students like school uniforms.B , The
4、students want to wear their own clothes.C. The school rules will be changed soon.What do we know about Peter?A. He isn talkative.B. He studied very hard. C. He failed to get into college.二、长对话 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。Why does the man thank the woman?A. She offered him a job B. She told him information on a
5、 job. C. She helped him with the interview.What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Go out to celebrate.B Take the job seriously.C. Rebuild his confidence.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。Whafs the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends.B. Neighbors.How will Bill and Mary go home?A. By bus.B. By t
6、axi.C. Customer and waitress.C. By subway.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Boss and secretary.What do the speakers plan to do?C. Salesman and customer.A. See Martin.B Have a car fixed.C. Buy a car.When will the speakers go to a car shop?A
7、. This Saturday.B This Sunday.C. Next Sunday.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。What is Bills attitude toward his exam result?A Greatly excited.B. A bit dissatisfied.What does the woman suggest Bill do?A. Be hard on himself.B. Go out for dinner.How soon will the speakers leave home?A. In about 15 minutes.B. In about
8、30 minutes.三、短文听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。What is Big Lots?A, A parking place.B. A big store. What did the speaker find in the basket?A . A wallet.B. A mobile phone. What information did the speaker get about the woman?A , Her workplace.B. Her phone number.What did the woman offer to the speaker?C. Terribly dis
9、appointed.C. Go shopping with her.C. In about 45 minutes.C A womans house.C. A letter.C , Her home address.A. A postcard.B. A job.C. A meal.第02讲 语音知识+听力测试国际音标一、语音知识1 .英语共有48个音素,分为元音和辅音两大类。元音有20个,分为单元音和 双 元音。辅音有28个,按 声带振动情况分为浊辅音和清辅音。英语音素中半元音音素是/w/和/j/,鼻音是/m/、/n/、/n/o2. 26个字母中有5个元音字母,分别为:a, e, i, o, u
10、 ,音标为ei i: ai eu ju:o 一个半元 音字母是y。元音字母在重读开音节中发字母的名称音,在重读闭音节中发短音。二、国际音标兀音音标元音音标指发音时不受到发音器官的阻碍发出的声音,国际音标里,元音音标共20个:元音(20个)单元音前元音 /i: Illi /e/ /ae/中元音 /3 : / e /a /后元音 /u: /u/ / : /D/ /a: /双元音开合 双元音 /ei / /ai / / i / /au / /ou /集中 双元音/i 0/eo/ /u 0/元音音标中单元音按发音时舌头位置的不同分为前元音、中元音和后元音,辅助音按发音时口型的变化分 为合双元音和集中双
11、元音,如上表所示。元音(20个)单元音长元音 /i: / /u: /a: / : /3 : /短元音 /i / /u / /a / /d / C /e/ /ae/双元音 合口双元音/ai /ei / i / /au/au/集中双元音/i 0/eo/ /u o/元音音标中单元音按发音时音音长短的不同分为长元音、短元音,长元音音标符号包括“:”号,如上表所示。兀音音标表 单元音:/i:/、 /I/、 /3 :、/。/、 / :/ /D/ /u:/、/u/ /a:/、/A /、/ae/、/e/双元音:/ei / /ai / / i / /au/、/ou/ /i。/、 /e。、/u。/注意,元音也可以
12、分为:1)长元音:/0:/ :/u:/i:/o:/2)短元音:/ a / /D / /。/ /工 / /u/ /e/ /田/10 对清浊辅音:清辅音:p也k田0 s tr ts f tf浊辅音:b d g v z dr dz 口 d其他辅音:清辅音:h浊辅音:m n 1 r w520个元音音标发音单词例如/i: / sea, he, see, piece, ceiling/i / sit, build, miss, mythId bed,desk, head4)屈/ bad, land, bank, stamp (a和e中间是连起来的)/a:/ car, fast, class, plant,
13、 calm, aunt/D / hot, want/ :/ door, more, sport, ball, warm, author, court, bought, caught/u:/ good, who, blue, soup,/u / look, put, women, could/a / cup, come, blood, rough11)/3 :/ girl, work, serve, nurse/ cadre, ago, forget, polite, dollar, doctor, famous, Saturday双元音8个如下:/ei / cake, they, play,
14、eight, great/ai / bike, die, neither, light, try, find, height, eye/ou / phone, cold, boat, soul, grow/au / house, town 17)/0 1 / boy, oil/i。/ dear, idea, deer, here, fierce/e。/ pear, care, there, fair/u o/ tour, poor辅音音标发音单词例如/p/ pay,put,cup,open,panda/b/ bread,club,lab,rabbit,garbage/t/ talk,taxi,
15、tell,kitty,night/d/ duck,deep,dog,card,bed/k/ key,cold ,card,desk,cup,cat/g/ eagle,egg,lag,dig,glass/f/ fish,finger,face,floor,frog/v/ very,dove,ever,leave,invite/s/ sit,say,sky,face,bus/z/ zebra,zoo,zero,seize11)/J / ship,sheep,fish,clash,shirt12)/3/ visual,version,vision,leisure/d3 / jarjam,July,a
16、ngel,cage/0/ south,path,mouth,math,path/d/ they,those,other,teethe/ts/ cats,boats,meets,gifts/dz/ beds,cards,rides,friends/tr/ trade,trill,metric,tree/dr/ drink,dress,dream,draw/h/ home,hello,hand,happy/r/ rain,read,red,grass/I/ line,like,alive,meal,pool/m/ mud,move,swim,smart,animal/n/ no,winner,an
17、t,brain/ ink,bank,sing,spring,pink/w/ swan,with,what,white,work/j/ yak,youth,yell,billion,unit三、读音方法在学习字母在单词中的读音时有三种方法:第一种:去尾法,有九个,b、d c、p、t、v、z、j、ko比方:能根据读音把b分成两个音标/b/i/,去尾顾名 思义,就是把最后一个音去掉,第一个音,就是在单词中的发音;第二种:掐头法,有六个,f、Im、n、s、xo比方f能根据读音把f分成两个音标/e/、/f/,把第一个音去掉 就是在单词中发音;第三种:比照法,就是把字母在单词中的发音和在汉语拼音中的发音比
18、照,有五个:g、h、y、w、ro我们可 以发现,这五个音和拼音中的音很相似,所以可以这样记。拼读规那么一、音节及音节的划分.音节的定义:音节由音素组合而成。一个元音加上一个或几个辅音即可构成一个音节,一个元音也能构成一个音节。某 些辅音也能与其他辅音构成音节。.音节构成A:一个元音和一个或多个辅音可以构成一个音节,如:be/bi:/; big/bl g/B: 一个元音可以构成音节,如about/。 baut/, I/ai/C:成音节即由辅音和成节音/, /m/, /n/, /n/构成的音节,如:button/ bA tn/.音节的分类A:开音节:指以发音的元音字母结尾的音节或元辅e结构。如:g
19、o/gou /; photo / fbu tou /; cake /kei k/; like/lai k/B:闭音节:以辅音字母结尾(r, w, v除外),同时只有一个元音音素的音节,如:bag/b氏g/; stop/stDp/C:r音节:即ar/a/; er/o/; ir/o/; or/o /; ur /a/在非重读音节中一般发短音/.音节的划分口诀:一在后,二分手一在后:如果两个元音中有一个辅音,那么把这个辅音的发音划到后面。二分手:如果两个元音中有两个辅音,那么平分这两个辅音的发音,前后各一个。一般来说,一个单词的发音元音的总数决定了这个单词所包含的音节数目,也就是说有几个元音音素就有几
20、个音节,如一个音节:I; a; six; girl; one; how两个音节:fa/ther; re/move; peo/ple; ri/ver; rea/dy三个音节:cen/tu/ry; vi/ta/min; cer/tain/ly.不同音节中元音字母的发音在闭音节中的元音字母一般发短元音,如:a/ae/cat;e/e/bed;i/I/big;o/D /dog;u/a /bus在开音节中的元音字母一般发字母的名称音绝对开音节:以发音的元音字母结尾。如:she八i/; hi/hai /相对开音节:元辅 e 结构。如:lake/lei k/;like/lai k/; coke/kouk/二、
21、不完全爆破音与浊化.不完全爆破音(incomplete plosion)带有不完全爆破音的词或句子,听起来好像有些音被吞掉,但实际上并未完全被吞掉。当两个辅音相邻时 前面的辅音由于受后面辅音的影响,在发音时只需要作出这个音的口形,但不需要把音发出来。这种要发 而又不发出来的音就是我们所说的不完全爆破音,这种发音现象叫做失去爆破。爆破音/p/b/t/d/k/g/,两个或两个以上的爆破音相连,只爆破最后一个爆破音,其他爆破音只需要作出口形即可。如:act;two.爆破音后跟破擦音0寸,爆破音失去爆破。如pi(c)ture; tha(t) judge.爆破音后跟摩擦音时只需做出口形,不爆破。如:br
22、ea(k)fast.爆破音后跟鼻音时,爆破音亦不爆破。如:goo(d) morning.浊化(soft)浊化就是把清辅音发成与其相应的浊辅音。一般情况下,在音节开头如果有两个在一起的清辅音,那么第 二个清辅音就要浊化,即发成浊辅音。常见的有:/sp/sb /如:sport;/st/sd/ 如:stair;/sk/sg / 如:sky; scarf; school.连读(liaison)在英语的实际运用中,人们常将属于同一意群的词连在一起,一口气说出来。意群中词与词之间不留空隙,这种读法叫连读。如:NotAatAalL Please takeAa lookAatAit. I findAa boo
23、k inAit.(book 与 in 分别在两个不同的意群中故中不连读。三、重音、语调与节奏.重音(stress)单重音英语的每个词,至少有一个音节读得特别重而清楚,而其他的音节那么轻而含糊。读得重而清楚的音节,叫做单词重音,又叫重读音节。读得轻而含糊的音节,叫做非重读音节或轻读音节。如:interesting; dictionary; relay; fofget; enough; dislike句子重音实词如名词、实意动词、形容词、副词等,一般需重读,但在倒装句中实意动词要轻读。如:She always made her class interestingUnder the tree sto
24、od an old man.代词以及虚词如冠词、连词、介词等往往不重读,但作表语的介词短语中的介词需重读。如:The ball is under the chair.Which grade are you in?.语调(intonation)英语语调,即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调(pitch)高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。(1)降调:主要用于陈述句、祈使句、特殊疑问句、感叹句句末,表示肯定、明确或意思表达完整。如:Please open the door. What a fine day! 升调:主要用于疑问句或表示请求的句子末尾,表示不太肯定、亲切和意思未完。如:Would you like
25、a cup of tea? /Do you often go to school by bike? /(3)降升调先升后降:常用于选择疑问句中或列举时。如:Is your friend / a boy or a girl? Which do you prefer, / tea or coffee? There are eggplants, / cucumbers, / tomatoes and potatoes in the market.先降后升:常用于补充说明或反意疑问句中。如:We have to hurry up, Im afraid. /He hasnt booked the roo
26、m, has he? /3.节奏(the rhythm)读长句时,需要注意在意群之间换气,稍作停顿,而一个意群内部不可停顿,以便意思保持完整。如:Our English teacher/told us/an interesting story.He and his brother/have already finished/doing their homework.检测训练一、短对话What does the man like about the movie?A. Its funny plot.B. Its music.C. Its actors.【答案】C【原文】W: That is a g
27、reat movie, isnt it? It has some really funny parts, and I think the actors are really good.M: I agree about the acting, but I dont think it is funny. I dont care much for the music.How much is a concert ticket for a child?A. $2.B. $4.C. $8.【答案】B【原文】M: Concert tickets are 8 dollars for adults, half
28、price for children.W: OK. Id like one adult ticket and two children tickets, please.What does the woman suggest doing first?A. Having breakfast.B. Buying the medicine. C. Traveling to the town.【答案】A【原文】M: We really must go to the town to buy that medicine right now.W: I think thats OK after we have
29、breakfast.What will Sam do tonight?A. Attend a party.B . Fly to Tokyo.C. Have a meeting.【答案】B【原文】W: Sam, could you come to the party?M: rd love to, but Ill fly to Tokyo on business tonight. Til attend some meetings there in the next few days. Where is the man probably going now?A. A gift shop.B . Hi
30、s brothers house. C. The Childrens Center.【答案】A 【原文】W: Why are you in such a hurry?M: Tomorrow is Childrens Day, but I havent got a gift for my brother.What does the man say about the new film star?A. He is popular with young people.B. He is not handsome. C. He is a goodactor.【答案】A【原文】W: Look! That
31、handsome boy is a new film star, isnt he?M: Yes, hes very popular with young people. But I dont think he acts well.What is the picture about?A. A city.B. A farm.C. A pet.【答案】B【原文】W: What a nice picture! A beautiful farm with cows everywhere!M: Thank you. I took the picture when I stayed in the count
32、ryside.How will the man go to park?A. By bus.B. By car.C. On foot.【答案】A 【原文】W: Would you like to go to the park by car?M: No. You see, its Sunday today and it isnt very crowded on the bus.兀音音标表 单元音:/i:/、 /I/、 /3 :、/。/、 / :/ /D/ /u:/、/u/ /a:/、/A /、/ae/、/e/双元音:/ei / /ai / / i / /au/、/ou/ /i。/、 /e。、/u。
33、/注意,元音也可以分为:1)长元音:/0:/ :/u:/i:/o:/2)短元音:/ a / /D / /。/ /工 / /u/ /e/ /田/10 对清浊辅音:清辅音:p也k田0 s tr ts f tf浊辅音:b d g v z dr dz 口 d其他辅音:清辅音:h浊辅音:m n 1 r w520个元音音标发音单词例如/i: / sea, he, see, piece, ceiling/i / sit, build, miss, mythId bed, desk, head4)屈/ bad, land, bank, stamp (a和e中间是连起来的)/a:/ car, fast, cla
34、ss, plant, calm, aunt/D / hot, want/ :/ door, more, sport, ball, warm, author, court, bought, caught/u:/ good, who, blue, soup,/u / look, put, women, could/a / cup, come, blood, rough11)/3 :/ girl, work, serve, nurse/ cadre, ago, forget, polite, dollar, doctor, famous, Saturday双元音8个如下:/ei / cake, th
35、ey, play, eight, great/ai / bike, die, neither, light, try, find, height, eye/ou / phone, cold, boat, soul, grow/au / house, town 17)/0 1 / boy, oilWhat is the woman doing now?A. Having a meeting.B. Having a meal.C. Working.【答案】B【原文】M: Hi, Mary. This is Ted. Are you busy?W: We*re having dinner now.
36、Can I call you back in half an hour?How does the man help the woman?A. By filling out the form for her.B , By telling her his personal information.C. By reading the information on the form.【答案】C【原文】W: Excuse me! Can you read out this form fbr me? Ive forgotten my glasses.M: Of course, maam. First, y
37、ou should write down your name and address, and then your telephone number.What are the speakers talking about?What the mans hobby is.Whether the man learned drawing.When the man went to high school.【答案】A【原文】W: Tell me, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?M: I enjoy drawing.W: I didnt know yo
38、u could draw.M: I learned back in high school.When will the man arrive at the party?A. At 7:30.B. At 8:00.C. At 8:30.【答案】C【原文】W: What time does the party start?M: It starts at 8 oclock. I think Ill arrive half an hour late because I have to work late today.What is the relationship between the speake
39、rs?A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient.C. Classmates.【答案】C【原文】W: I didnt go to school yesterday because I was sick.M: Im sorry to hear that. Do you want the notes and homework from English class?W: That would be nice, thank you.M: No problem. I hope to see you at school tomorrow.What is th
40、e woman going to do?Pay for the shoes.Go to the shoe shop.Borrow money from the man.【答案】B【原文】W: Your shoes look really nice. How much did you get them for?M: They only cost me about forty dollars.W: Im going to get a pair fbr my husband. Let me see if Tve got enough money. Who is the girl talking to
41、?A. Her dentist.B. The police.C. A guide.【答案】A【原文】M: Now open your mouth wider.W:Ah.M: Oh, good girl. Well, I can see whafs happening. There is a hole in your tooth.What will the man do next?A. Go to the movies.B. Keep on studying.C. Check out some books.【答案】A【原文】W: Come to the movies with us, Matt.
42、 Youve been in the library all day. You need to relax.M: You are right, Jenny. Tve been studying fbr so long. I need to take a break.What does the man usually do on Sunday afternoons?He goes shopping.He works in the garden.C , He reads the newspaper.【答案】B【原文】W: What do you usually do on Sundays?M: I
43、 go shopping in the morning, work in the garden in the afternoon, and read the newspaper after dinner. When will the match begin according to the man?A. At 2:30.B. At 3:00.C. At 4:00.【答案】C【原文】W: We do need to hurry up. Its already 2:30. The match is supposed to begin in 30 minutes.M: You must have b
44、een told the wrong time. I am sure the match begins at 4:00.What does the man like to drink?A. Tea.B. Coffee.C. Water.【答案】C【原文】W: I prefer tea to coffee, but whenever we visit Harry, he always serves us coffee.M: I dont like coffee, either. All I really want is a glass of cold water.How did the spea
45、kers go to France?A. By train.B. By air.C. By car.【答案】B【原文】M: Here we are in France at last. What a journey! Air travel is more tiring than driving.W: You wouldnt have said that if you had driven a long way. Lets take the train next time.What does the woman want to borrow now?B. The eraser.C. The sc
46、issors.A. The dictionary.【答案】A【原文】W: Can you give me my eraser back, please? Id like to use it.M: Sure, here you are.W: OK. And would you mind lending me your dictionary? Oh, and thanks for your scissors.Why does the woman call Jack?A. To ask him to close the window.B , To make a complaint.C , To ge
47、t her notebook back.【答案】A【原文】W: Gee, its freezing here! Jack, would you mind closing the window?M: Hold on. Just let me finish this note first. What does the woman mean?A. Matt might see the strong mouse.B , Matt might know how to get more cheese.C. Matt might have eaten the cheese.【答案】C【原文】W: Thats
48、 funny. Tm sure theres some cheese left. There must be a strong mouse around our house that can open the fridge! Matt, what do you say?M: Er. maybe there is one.How does the man probably feel now?Satisfied.B. Nervous.C. Disappointed.【答案】C【原文】M: You said you could play the drum well. Is that all? I h
49、ave high hopes for you.W: Hmm. I was too nervous just now. Til do better next time.25 . What was the womans worry in her dream?A. Failing to finish the homework.Being late for school.Her being laughed at.【答案】A【原文】W: In my dream, I was covered with books, being worried about the deadline of handing i
50、n my homework.M: That means you have too much homework to do.Why does the woman want to design the school uniforms?A. To make money.B , To wear what they like.C. To satisfy the schoofs need.【答案】B【原文】W: We should be allowed to design our school uniforms.M: Why do you think so?W : We should decide wha
51、t we like to wear.What does the man mean?The question is not very clear.The woman is late for class again.The paper cant be put off to hand in.【答案】C【原文】W: Professor, could I hand in my paper two days later? I want to add some fresh material to it.M: Im afraid thafs out of the question.What dictionar
52、ies can be used by students?English-English dictionaries.English-Chinese dictionaries.C. Oxford English dictionaries.【答案】A【原文】W: Students should be allowed to use dictionaries when writing a composition.M: Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionaries.What can we learn from the conversa
53、tion?A. The students like school uniforms.B , The students want to wear their own clothes.C. The school rules will be changed soon.【答案】B【原文】W : What school rules do you think should be changed?M: Well, I think we should be allowed to wear our own clothes.W: Whats the reason?M: We would feel more com
54、fortable and that is good for studying.What do we know about Peter?A. He isnt talkative.B. He studied very hard. C. He failed to get into college.【答案】C【原文】M: I think one cant achieve anything just by sitting there and talking about it.W: I cant agree with you more. Thats why Peter failed to get into
55、 college.M: Yes, Peter is talkative and he should be more hard-working.二、长对话听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。Why does the man thank the woman?A. She offered him a jobB. She told him information on a job. C. She helped him with the interview.What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Go out to celebrate.B. Take the
56、 job seriously. C. Rebuild his confidence.【答案】31. B 32. A【原文】M: Hi, Linda!W: Hello, Jim! You look so happy! Whats new?M: I got the job you told me about last week.W: Thafs great! Congratulations!M: Thank you very much indeed. You helped me rebuild my confidence.W: Dont mention it. Youre always good.
57、 What about going out to celebrate?M: That would be great.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends.B. Neighbors.C. Customer and waitress.How will Bill and Mary go home?A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By subway.【答案】33. A34. B【原文】M: Is it really 11:00? Where did the tim
58、e go? Mary and I had such a wonderful dinner in your new home, but Im afraid weve missed the last bus.W: Do you want me to drive you home, Bill? Its no trouble.M: No, thanks. I know you have to work tomorrow. We dont want you to be tired on your first day at work, Sue.Well call a taxi.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下
59、小题。35.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B , Boss and secretary.C.Salesman and customer.36.What do the speakers plan to do?A.See Martin.B , Have a car fixed.C.Buy a car.37.When will the speakers go to a car shop?A. This Saturday.B . This Sunday.C.Next Sunday.【答
60、案】35. A 36. C 37. A【原文】M: Why dont we get ourselves a new car, dear? The old one is falling apart.W: What a good idea! When shall we go and look?M: What about sometime next week?W: No. I cant wait. Lefs go this Saturday.M: OK.W: Where shall we go?M: Theres a car shop down the road. How about going t
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