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1、管立方专业引领共成长 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)储立智立方专业引领共成长 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)六年级英语春季班教师日期学生课程编号09课型复习课课题期中复习(1)教学目标1)期中复习:6B U1-U5词汇、知识重点。2)阅读:完型填空、首字母填空专项训练,答题技巧复习。3)书信写作:给外国朋友写邮件,介绍中国传统节日教学重点1) 6B U1-U5复习,能在语境中正确使用所学词汇、知识点。2)介绍中国传统节日教学知版块时长16B U1-U5词汇、知识点复习2完型填空专项训练3首字母填空专项训练4写作:给外国朋友写邮件、介绍中国传统节日5师生总结6作业布置(8

2、551.6B期中复习(U1U5)PresentationPart 1语言运用Unit 1A: How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?从上海到北京多远?B: Its about 1,400 kilometers.大约 1400 公里。How can we travel to Beijing? 我们可以怎么到北京We can travel by train.我们可以乘火车到北京。A. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Bangkok by ship?乘船从上海到曼谷要多久?It takes ab

3、out three and a half hours.大概需要 3.5 小时。Tokyo is north-east of Shanghai.东京位于上海的东北部。表达喜欢Many tourists like visiting museums, palaces and parks in Shanghai.许多来北京的游客喜欢参观博物馆、宫殿和公园。People in Tokyo love eating sushi.东京人喜欢吃寿司People in Bangkok love eating fruit and spicy food.曼谷人喜欢吃水果、喜欢吃辣。Thats right.那是对的区别

4、:Thats right. /Thats all right.(没关系/不用谢)/ All right.(好吧,同意对方的提议)Unit 2My Aunt and Uncle have lived in Los Angeles for six years.我的姑姑和叔叔在洛杉矶生活了 六年。My grandma has not been to the USA before.我的祖母之前从来没有去过美国。They have already done a lot of things. But they have not packed their suitcase yet.他们已经做了 许都事情,但

5、是他们还没有打包好行李。Our plane leaves for Los Angeles at three o clock tomorrow afternoon. 我们往洛杉矶的飞机明天下 午三点启程。廿立督立方专业引领共成长 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)笳督立方13.上陋LUF专业引领共成长 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)Unit 3His job was to give advice to the king.他的工作是向国王进谏。The king lost a battle because he did not take Qu Yuan s advice.国王因为

6、没有听屈原的建议而输掉 了战役。The country was in danger. Qu Yuan was so sad that he jumped into a river and died. It was the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Today, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember him on that day every year.国家危在旦夕,屈原伤心欲绝以致于他投江为国捐躯。那天是农历五月初五,今天人们每年的 这一天都吃粽子、赛龙舟来

7、纪念他。Sally likes sweet rice dumplings without beans , but she doesnt like salty ones with meat . Her sister doesnt like rice dumplings . Shed rather have a piece of pizza.Sally喜欢不带豌豆的甜粽子,但她不喜欢带肉的咸粽子。她姐姐不喜欢粽子,她宁愿吃块披萨。-Would you like some rice dumplings?(向别人提供食物)-Yes, please. I like rice dumplings.(接受对

8、方的食物)/-No, thanks. I don t like rice dumplings. I would rather have some sandwiches.( 礼貌拒绝对方的食 物,并说明缘由)区分:-Would you like to watch a film with me this weekend?( 询问对方是否愿意做某事 )-Yes, I d like (to.意去做)-Id like to. But I have an important meeting this weekend.(不愿意去做,委婉拒绝、说明事由)Unit 4. I dont like doing pu

9、zzles. I like playing football in the playground. Thats my favourite outdoor activity.我不喜欢玩拼图。我喜欢在操场踢足球,那是我最喜欢的户外活动。.给建议(should)How often do you practise swimming?I practice swimming twice a year.A: You should practise more.I always have a headache because I watch too much television. I should watch

10、 less television.我总是头疼,因为我看太多电视。我应该少看点电视。My sister always has a cold because she doesnt have enough exercise. She should have more exercise.我妹妹总是感冒,因为她没有穿够衣服。她应该多穿点衣服。Mr. Yang had a stomach ache yesterday because he ate too many rice dumplings. He should have eaten fewer rice dumplings.王先生昨天因为吃了太多的粽

11、子而胃疼。他本该少吃点粽子。Unit 5In 15 years time, I will be tall and strong. I ll possibly be a policeman or a fireman, but I d like to be a doctor. Im good at Chinese, but Im poor at English and Maths. I have to practise English and Maths more. I have to learn how to make sick people better.十年后,我会长高、变强壮。我可能会成为

12、警察或消防员,但是我想成为医生。我擅长中文, 不擅长英语和数学。我得更多的练习英语与数学,我得学习如何让病人康复。Part 2词性转换序号单词词性释义n.旅行1n.游客v.建造2n.建筑v.飞;飞行(过去式:flew 过去分词:flown)3n.航班;飞行v.通过4n.乘客v.出发5出发时间v.到达6到达时间adj.积极的;活跃的7n.活动(复数:activities)adj.真的8adv.真地9n.健康q寄立智立方专业引领共成长n.n./adv.num.adv.v.n.n.n.v.n.n.v.n.adj.adv.n.n.健康的不健康的10一(个、只)一次;从前11两个两

13、次;两倍12称出重里13记者报告14烘;烤面包师面包房15(sang, sung)唱;演唱歌手;歌唱家16可能;能做到(或取得)可能地17消防队员火;火灾就PracticeI . Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)Every student must wear uniform in school. ( )A./B. aC. anD. theHave you ever had toothache? ()A. aB. anC. /D. theWith our teachers help, we are doing much better English. ( )A.

14、inB. atC. onD. withThese children are not feeling. They had better go to see a doctor. ( )5 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)笳督立方13.上陋LUF专业引领共成长 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1).A. goodB. wellC. nicelyWe hope that there will be traffic jams and air pollution.(A.fewer lessB. fewer fewerC. much manyJudy went to the d

15、entist because she ate candy. ()A. too muchB. too manyC. much tooMore than people took part in the competition. ( )A. hundreds ofB. two hundreds ofC. two hundred of-How long does it take to travel from Beijing to Bangkok by air?-)D. wonderfully)D. many manyD. many tooD. two hundredA. Four and half h

16、ours B. Four hours and half C. Four and a half hours D. Four days and a halfIt takes me about half an hour at weekends. ( )A. doing shoppingB. to do shoppingC. do shoppingD. to doing shoppingKitty s grandma doesn;t like pizzas at all. Shed rather some dumplings. ()A. hasB. haveC. to haveD. havingDoc

17、tors job is peoples lives. ()A. saveB. savingC. to saveD. savedYou should eat vegetables and meat. ()A. fewer more B. more - lessC. less - moreD. more - fewerMany young people enjoy the pop music. ( )A. hearingB. listening toC. listen toD. to listen toHe practise English and Chinese more because he

18、is good at them. ()A. hasB. has toC. doesnt haveAll students wear uniforms in most schools. ( )A. canB.cantC. mustDon ;t take the newspaper away. I it yet. ( )A. will readB. have readC. wont readJohn and Alice in America for six years. ( )A. livesB. liveC. livedI bought a new dictionary yesterday. I

19、t me $8.5.( )A. spentB. tookC. costD. doesn t have toD. mustntD. haven t readD. have livedD. paidI love salty rice dumplings,I hate the sweet ones with red beans. ( )A. becauseB. butC. andD. soYou have eaten too much spicy food,you have a sore throat. ( )A. becauseB. butC. soD. howevercan whales sta

20、y under the water? ()A. How longB. How oftenC. How fastD. How muchThe problem is so difficult that students can work it out. ( )A. manyB. a littleC. lessD. few-Would you like something to drink?D. Give me.D. You re right.D. Certainly. I really like some orange juice. ( )A. Yes, I wouldB. Yes, please

21、C. Id like to.-Mum, would you like me to help with cleaning the floor?-I would be a lot help. ( )A. No, thanks.B. Yes, I would.C. Yes, please-Would you like a cup of tea?-. I have just had some coffee. ( )A. Thanks a lot.B. No, thanks.C. Here you are.II. Fill in the blanks with the given words in th

22、eir proper forms( 用所给单词的适当形式填空 )Passengers must at the airport two hours before the departure time. (arrival) ( )The old man in an accident three years ago. (death) ()We should do a lot of outdoor to keep healthy. (active) ()How much will you in 15 years time? (weight) ()can find some famous hotels

23、in Tokyo. (tour) ()The king always took advice. (he) ()turn yellow in autumn. (leaf) () TOC o 1-5 h z Eddie will beanastronaut when he grows up.(possible)()The king andthenew emperor didn t like him.(dead)()We have already got our cards. (board) ()Its for us to make a kite within 5 minutes. (possibl

24、e) ()Cindy wouldlike to be a in the future. (report)()Drinking toomuchwine is. (health) ()Young men in the village are very. They are getting ready for the race. (excite)()Many tall can be seen here and there in Shanghai. (build) ()There plenty of water in the glass. (be) ()The traffic in Shanghai i

25、s much(good) than before. ()专业引领共成长 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)Barack Obama is the black President in the United States. (one) ()We like the song You And Me in 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. (real)()Having too much of spicy foods with Sudan I can be dangerous to our. (healthy) ( )Rewrite the sentences as

26、required.(按要求改写句子 )Mary does some housework at home every week.(改为否定句 )()Mary any housework at home every week.My mum has already made some meat for me.(改为一般疑问句 )() your mum made any meat for you?Sally is a beautiful girl. She has long hair.(合并为一句)()Sally is a beautiful long hair.My brother plays fo

27、otball with his friends twice a week.(对划线部分提问)()does your brother play football with his friends?The girl learned English all by herself.(保持句意基本不变)()The girl English.Its fun to see butterflies and bees flying in the garden in spring.( 改为感叹句 )()it is to see butterflies and bees flying in the garden i

28、n spring!learn, to, sick, better, I, make, have, people, how, to (连词成句 )()Fill in the blanks with the proper preposition (用适当的介词填空 )How far is it Shanghai Singapore?Beijing is the capital China.Tourists usually go shopping Tokyo.A lot of tourists enjoy swimming the sea these beautiful beaches.I have

29、 never been the U.S.A before.You must arrive the airport two hours the departure time.There are plenty shops in this neighbourhood.Mr. Green is leaving Beijing tomorrow.People eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember Qu Yuan that day everyyear.Look out, Tom! You are danger.Qu Yuan j

30、umped a river and died.普立fj J. J/口山f FI like black coffee. I like coffee sugar.They boys are playing football the playground.I want to take a photograph this new camera.He is reading the notes the back of the photo.He will be tall and strong ten years time.I am good English, but I am poor maths.Tim

31、is born January, 1996.2.完型&首字母填空PracticeChoose the words or expressions and complete the passage.It is a Tuesday in February in Britain. A family is in the 1 cooking a simple dish. Do you knowwhat they are making?Every year in early spring, children look forward to a special ( 特殊的)day. This day is c

32、alled Shrove Tuesday. It once had a religious( 宗教的)meaning but now people usually 2 it as a day to eat onekind of food-pancakes. So people often call Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day.Pancakes are very 3 to make. First, flour ( 面粉)is mixed with eggs and milk to make a thicksauce called batter (面糊).This mix

33、ture is then quickly poured into a very hot frying pan ( 平底锅).The batter is cooked quickly on one side. Then this half-cooked pancake is tossed ( 抛)into the air so that the other side can be cooked. Children have lots of 4 tossing pancakes into the air. Sometimes theycant catch the pancake in the pa

34、n and it falls to the floor in a terrible mess( 一塌糊涂 )! It does not 5a long time to cook a pancake on both sides and so very soon it is ready to eat. People usually eat pancakeslemon juice and sugar. Some people like to eat them with jam. You must roll up ( 卷)the pancakeand eat it quickly before it

35、gets cold.So why dont you try and cook pancake at home? They are very delicious. In fact, they taste so good that most people only eat them once a year-on Pancake Day.笳督立方13.上陋LUF专业引领共成长 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)专业引领共成长1.A. sitting roomB. bedroomC. studyD. kitchen2.A. think ofB. think outC. think overD.

36、 think about3.A. cheapB. expensiveC. easyD. quiet4.A. placeB. chanceC. choiceD. fun5.A. costB. takeC.spendD. pay6.A. inB. onC. withD. forRead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.All around the world, people drink tea. But tea doesn nm ean the s 1 thing to everyone. Indifferent count

37、ries people have different ideas about drinking tea.People in China like to drink tea with n 2 in it, and they often have it with their friends or bythemselves. They have two kinds of tea green tea and black tea. They may drink tea at any time of the day anywhere. But they don t drink tba ju3t they

38、go to bed, for tea makes them awake.In England, people like to drink tea with milk and sugar in it, and they often have it in the afternoon with their friends.In Japan, people also e 4 drinking tea very much. It is very popular there. They drink tea everyday. They have it in different ways from that

39、 in China. Some young Japanese girls are g 5 at makingtea. They can do it beautifully.In the U.S.A., people drink tea at b 6 or after meals. They usually use tea bags to make their tea.Making tea with tea bags is faster and easier than making it with tea leaves in teapots.HomeworkChoose the words or

40、 expressions and complete the passage.Do you know there s Mothers Day in May? Its on the second Sunday of May. Mr. Howard Johnson thinks, M is for the 1 things she gave me, O means only that shes growing 2, Tis forthe tears were shed to save me, H is for her heart to purest gold; E is for her 3, wit

41、h love-lightshining, R means right, and right she ll always be, put them all together, they spell MOTHER, a word that means the world to me.”What will you do to celebrate Mother s Day? Many people think it s important to 4 mother fortheir hard work. Children and father can get up early, cook breakfa

42、st and clean their house when mother is. They want to make her relaxing and happy. It s also interesting to give 6 to mum. Flowers10 / 12六年级英语春季班课程期中复习(1)and chocolates are very popular. If you live far away from your mother, don t forget to make a phone call to her. Dont you think so?1.A. millionB. muchC. mealD. must2.A. penB. outdoorC. ordinaryD. old3.A. earB. eyesC. earthD. end4.A. takeB. thankC. buyD. give5.A. in returnB.


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