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1、2023届中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、In many countries, people usually eat traditional food _ special holidays.AonBinCwithDunder2、Th

2、e passage and checked carefully before it was open to the public.ApolishedBwas polishedCpolishes3、Darning cant see the blackboard clearly because two tall boys sit him.Anext toBbehindCin front ofDon4、 I knew you lived on the 17th floor just now. And I live on the 19th floor. Really? Just two floors

3、_ me?AbelowBonCunderDabove5、Excuse me, would you like mind helping me with the math problem?Im sorry. , Im in a hurry.AIn general BIn fact CBy the way DOf course6、Sally, this is _ time youve asked me about that matter. Whats wrong with you?AthreeBthe threeCthirdDthe third7、There _ a great concert in

4、 the theater next Saturday evening.AisBwill haveCis going to beDwas8、_ news report it is! I can hardly believe it.AWhat amazing BHow amazing CWhat an amazing DHow an amazing9、When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life_ a group of people have in common.AwhatBwhoCwhereDthat10、It is a pity he lost

5、 his way in the forest and had to stay there for the whole night.AthatBwhenCwhereDwho. 完形填空11、One will feel happy when others flatter( 奉承) him in his face. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is to give him a “top hat” 31 .A student was going to leave the capital to become 32 official

6、 (官员) in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say 33 to his teacher.“It is 34 job to be a good official.” his teacher said. “ you must be strict 35 yourself and never be careless.”“Dont worry about me, sir.” The student answered. “I have already 36 anyone hundred top hats, which will 37 th

7、ose people quite happy.”“But we are really gentlemen! 38 could a real gentleman do such a thing ? ” His teacher was a bit _39 . “ Never forget 40 I taught you in class!” “ 41 are always right, sir. I also hate such things. But, sir, 42 no one really gentleman like you can be seen in the world now.”

8、said the student. It seemed that he had to do so. 43 hearing this, the teacher was pleased. “What you said is true!”“I have 44 one top hat already. Now I have ninety-nine 45 .” the student said to his friend later on when he asked the student what he had talked with the teacher about.1Ato dress Bdre

9、ssing Cwearing D to wear2Aa Bthe Can D/3Ahello Bgoodbye COK Dthanks4Anot an easy Bnot easy Ca good Ddifficult5Aabout Bwith Cfrom Dto6Amade Bbought Cprepared Drepaired7Agive Blet Ckeep Dmake8AHow BWhat CWhy DWhen9Apleased Bangry Cexcited Dsorry10Athat Bhow Cwhy Dwhat11AYou BWe CThey DUs12Ahardly Babo

10、ut Calmost Dnearly13ABefore BAfter CBecause DIf14Asent out Bbought Csold Dborrowed15Aleft Balready Cyet Dels. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。请务必将50-59小题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置!We all know that a mobile app(short for “application”) is a computer software program which is made to run on mobile ph

11、ones. There are many thousands 1 kinds of apps which are related to our life, study, work and so on.Word Easy is a fantastic English learning app with 2(word) exercises of different levels. Only when you pass a test of certain level can you go on to learn words of a higher level. Himalayas Reading 3

12、(have) millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children. Whats great about it is that you can use it 4(listen) to book recordings. Rall friend can 5(be) the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere 6

13、 any time.Vocabulary Hero may help you learn more English words 7 you are playing games. So if you have problems 8(remember) the new words when you learn English, use it!Fooducate can provide people with much information about that food if they scan bar codes(条形码) on food. It is a free app that 9(us

14、e) on mobile phones. It can tell users what is in 10(they) food, with simple information about calories, sugar, salt and fat.What great apps can you think of that would improve your life?. 阅读理解A13、When people communicate, they need words to express themselves. People living in different countries ma

15、de different kinds of words.Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand of words. But we do not need all these. To read short stories you need to know only about two

16、thousand words. Before you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.Vocabulary means a lot of words. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your own vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are a lot of books written in easy English for you

17、 to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.1(小题1)The number of different languages spoken is about _.A150 B15,000 C500 D1,5002(小题2)Before you leave your school, youll learn _.Aonly two thousand words Bfive hundred tho

18、usand wordsCmore than one thousand words Dthree or four thousand words3(小题3)To make your vocabulary bigger, you must _.Aget as many dictionaries as you canBread as many books as you canCbuy a lot of booksDhave a very large English dictionary4(小题4)You will enjoy_.Athe books written in easy EnglishByo

19、ur dictionaryCyour new wordsDfinding new words in a dictionary5(小题5)What is your most useful book?ABooks written in easy English. BBooks written in English.CYour dictionary. DShort stories.B14、 Mike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute, Indiana. Last year, he taught his stu

20、dents about the worlds rain forests. They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food, wood, and medicine.Destruction of the worlds rain forests is a serious problem. Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute!

21、 As part of a class project, Myers students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America. They paid $25 per acre. The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed. The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a rea

22、l rain forest.So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river. They saw alligators and crocodiles. In the middle of the week, a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest. “The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest. They broke small branches off t

23、he trees and threw them at us,” one of the students said, “It was a great learning experience for all of us,” said Myers.Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving the plants, animals, food, and culture. During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities.

24、 They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding, and visited Costa Ricas active volcano.Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.1How much did Myers students pay for the rain forest they bought?A$25B$75C$80D$20002What did Myers and his students do at the beginning of

25、 the trip?AThey went into the rain forest.BThey bought acres of rain forest.CThey took a boat ride down a river.DThey visited Costa Ricas active volcano.3The word “Destruction” in paragraph 2 probably means “the process of being _.”Adestroyed(破坏)Bdeveloped (发展)Cdescribed(描述)Ddiscovered.(发现)4When the

26、 monkeys saw Myers and his students, they _.Afelt excitedBfelt angryCjumped off the treesDleft the rain forest5The passage mainly shows that Myers and his students _.Adid something to protect rain forestBwanted to buy the rain forest in Costa RicaCwere interested in the culture of Costa RicaDwent to

27、 the rain forest for various fun activitiesC15、At the shopping mall, you probably think about spending, not saving. Think about all the lights that keep the mall bright. Think about all the water faucets (水龙头) in the toilet. Think about all the air conditioning in summer. Saving energy is a hot topi

28、c for such a big place!Many things at the mall use energy. Electric lights, infrared (红外感应) faucets and air-conditioners need electricity to work. One way to save energy is by keeping lights clean. More and more dust and dirt make the lights less bright. When malls keep lights clean, they can use fe

29、wer lights and keep the area just as bright, Using fewer lights means using less energy. You step up to the water faucet. The water starts to flow. You dont have to touch a thing. Why do malls have such fancy faucets? The answer is simple. They save water. Sometimes people forget to turn the water o

30、ff after they wash. Infrared faucets turn themselves off.The1_ is a hot topic for a big mall.ATo spend moneyBTo save energyCTo keep the mall brightDTo buy things2The best title for the passage is _.ALights, faucets and air-conditionersBSpending less moneyCEnergy saving at the mallDA hot topic3What w

31、ill the fourth paragraph probably talk about?AHow to save water when using infrared faucets in the mallBHow to save energy when using air-conditioners in the mallCHow to save money when shopping in the mall.DHow to save time when shopping in the mall.D16、Though there are so many passages about posit

32、ive thinking, few people really understand what it is. Being positive doesnt mean ignoring (忽视) what is happening around us. If someone is going through problems or living in a difficult situation, we cannot expect him to ignore his problems and start thinking positively right away.It is easier to t

33、hink positively when we are in a comfortable situation, rather than a bad situation. We cannot think positively when we have problems, unless we are trained to. No one can speak a foreign language before studying and practicing for some time. The same thing is true about being positive. However, say

34、ing that everything is going to be all right, smiling for no reason, or ignoring problems without trying to solve them, is not being positive. It is daydreaming.Positive people expect the best and believe that a bad situation will be improved, but they are also practical (明智的) people. They look for

35、opportunities and solutions instead of doing nothing. They can improve a bad situation with a positive attitude. They can not only keep thinking of the problem that they face, but they can also refuse to let the problem affect their mind too much.Positive thinking is being hopeful, and hope brings l

36、ight and happiness into our life. One can just live with a bad attitude, or one can try to do ones best in a bad situation. It is a matter of choice.1(小题1)When we are in bad situation, it is _ for us to think positively at once.Aharder BeasierCquicker Dslower2(小题2)Which one of the following is being

37、 positive?AIgnoring everything that we are facing.BDoing nothing but thinking.CDaydreaming all day.DTrying to solve problems.3(小题3)Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?ABeing positive can be trained, like learning a language.BPositive people can look for solutions in bad situ

38、ations.CProblems can have a bad influence on positive people.DPositive thinking is helpful for everyoneE17、阅读理解。How long are you willing to wait for a webpage to open before you start to lose your patience? Half a minute? A few seconds? Google engineers have discovered that even 400 millisecondsas s

39、hort as the blink of an eyeis too long for most Internet users.A millisecond is one thousandth of a second. People hardly notice such a small time difference, but it does cause them to stop searching, reported The New York Times. “Without question, nobody likes to wait,” said Arvind Jain, a Google e

40、ngineer. “Every millisecond matters.”Nowadays, millions of smart-phones and computers are continually gathering and sending out information. With so many people downloading maps, sports videos, news and restaurant recommendations, you can get digital “traffic jams”. Meanwhile, users are expecting fa

41、ster and faster service.Google found that if one website is 250 milliseconds slower than another website, then people will visit it less often. This is why technology companies are now competing to be the fastest. Google said people do expect different things from different websites because they rea

42、lize not all loading times are the same. For example, a person will be more patient waiting for a video to load than for a search result.Even so, four out of five online users will click away if a video takes too long to load. This makes it difficult for video websites to choose between the quality

43、of pictures and fast loading times.Trying to get a higher speed has always been part of the history of the Internet. In the 1990s, when the World Wide Web first started to become popular, it was very crowded and slow; people called it the “World Wide Wait”. But engineers managed to fight the problem

44、 with new inventions. They laid a lot of fiber optic cables (光缆)for sending in high speed; they improved software so it would work more smoothly; they placed computer servers all around the world to be nearer to users; all this increased speed.Nowadays we can enjoy much faster Internet. Famous searc

45、h engines such as Google and Microsofts Bing usually find search results in less than a second._1The report from The New York Times suggests thatAA millisecond is one thousandth of a second.B400 milliseconds is not so long for most Internet users.CA millisecond has nothing to do with the Internet sp

46、eed.DA millisecond really makes a difference to the Internet users.2The engineers did something to improve the speed, including _.a. making software work more smoothlyb. laying a number of fiber optic cables insidec. placing computer servers throughout the worldd. developing the quality of pictures

47、on the InternetAa b c Bb c d Ca c d Da b d3Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe quality of pictures comes first for video websites.BGoogle is 250 milliseconds slower than other websitesCMicrosofts Bing is the fastest engine the world nowDPeople are more likely to wait for loa

48、ding films than maps4What does the underlined sentence mean?AInternet users are willing to see more search engines set upBGoogle and Microsofts Bing should help find the searching resultsCThese companies should mind their steps, or they will break down soon.DThese companies need to catch up with the

49、 developing needs of Internet users5What can be the best title of this passage?ADont make me “www.wait”.BSearch engines work faster.CTraffic jams keep us waiting.DThe WWW becomes popular.F18、When you hear the words “streets dancer”, what is the picture that appears in your head? For most people, it

50、is a picture of a person wearing unusual clothes with a hat on his head, dancing to the music in a cool way. For example, a person who wears a large T-shirt dances on the street. Clearly, clothes those street dancers wear show their personalities (个性) and clothing styles. Now let us take a look at s

51、treet dancers clothing styles.TopsIf you look into the clothing styles of street dancers, you will notice that there is a large difference between the tops that men and women wear. For men, they often wear a large T-shirt with probably a jacket at times. However, for women, they often wear tank tops

52、 (无袖T恤) .BottomsToday, the street dancers still prefer wearing large jeans and a lot of men also wear Capri pants (七分裤). However, women start to wear mini skirts or shorts. Nowadays knee-high socks are also a popular new look for the women.FootwearFor any street dancer, shoes are important. Any pair

53、 of shoes that produces the slightest(最轻微的)sound can destroy(破坏) the performance. So they need a pair of shoes that allows them to move freely.In fact, street dancers clothing has to be something that allows for a lot of comfort (舒适) and that shows personalities. The two points are important for any

54、 street dancer. Without those things, it is difficult for street dancers to perform well and show their personalities. What do you think about the clothing style of street dancers? Maybe you like it or maybe you dont. Anyway, people have different ideas of beauty.1Clothes worn by men street dancers _.Aalways include a small and cool T-shirtBare always made up of Capri pants and knee-high socksCare different from those worn by women dancersDare the same as those worn by popular singers2According to this passage the street dancers shoes should be _.Athose that cant make any


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