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1、2023届中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Could you please _the music? My baby is sleeping.Sorry. I will do it right away.Aopen up Bturn down Cdrop

2、 by Ddress up2、Sit closer to the fire. The _ of it can keep you warm and make your wet clothes dry.AlightBheatCcoldDbell3、My father says we wont go on a trip to Shanghai Disneyland._You are looking forward to it.AEnjoy yourselves!BNever mind.CWhat a pity!DDont worry about it.4、David didnt pass the d

3、riving test yesterday, so he was very _.AshyBgladCproudDdisappointed5、More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _ peoples attention over food safety.Ato raiseBraisingCto riseDrising6、Where are the twins?One _ flowers and trees in the garden, the other _ to help her.Ahas w

4、atered, has goneBis watering, has beenCis watering, has goneDhas watered, has been7、Which of the following is the best transportation for environmental protection in Jinan?ABCD8、- Thank you for sharing your room with me- _. Thats what friends are for.ADont mention it.BIt doesnt matter.CForget it.DTh

5、ats right.9、- On March 31st, 30 fire fighters (扑火队员) lost their lives in the forest fire in Daliangshan Mountain.-_AIm afraid not.BIm sorry to hear that.CI dont think so.DThats not for sure.10、Success comes from hard work. Lazy people can achieve .AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything. 完形填空11、This

6、week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. Many said they learned by 1 English. Some students had more specific _. Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was _ reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop s

7、ongs also _ a little. When we asked about studying grammar, she said, “ I _ study grammar. Its too boring.”Wei Ming feels differently. Hes been leaning English for six years and really loves it He _ studying grammar is a great way to learn a _. He also thinks that watching English movies _ a bad way

8、 because he can watch the actor _ the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating _ the people speak too quickly.Liu Chang said that _ the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. Students get lots of practice and they also have fun. She added that having c

9、onversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get _ about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,” she said.1Ausing Bspeaking Creading Dwriting2Aways Bplans Csubjects Dsuggestions3Athrough Bfrom Cby Dat4Alearned Bhelped Ctried Dworried5Asometimes Busually Cnever Dalways6Aasks Bthinks

10、Casked Dthought7Alanguage BEnglish Clesson Dword8Awas Bwasnt Cis Disnt9Ato say Bsaying Csay Dsaid10Awhen Bafter Cthough Dbecause11Ajoining Bhaving Cenjoying Dstudying12Ainterested Binteresting Cexcited Dexciting. 语法填空12、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式,使短文完整、通顺。每空只填一词(有两词多余)cup, happy, so, which, the ,good , think

11、, but, they, be, fail, teachA group of classmates got together to visit their old teacher. These classmates all had goodjobs and made lots of money. They talked 1. The teacher asked them the difficulty theyhad had. Then their talk soon turned to talking about the stress (d压力) in work and life, Thete

12、acher went to 2 kitchen and came back with a large pot of coffee and many 3 china ones, plastic ones and glass ones. Some are plain looking, some are expensive and someare lovely. The teacher told them to help 4 to the coffee.When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said,“ Can

13、you notice that allof you took nice-looking expensive cups, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones? You wantonly the 5 for yourselves, and it is the source of your problems.”“What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, 6 you went for the best cupsand then began looking at each others cup

14、s.”“Now 7 about this; life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position in society8 the cups. They are just tools to hold, and do not change the life. Sometimes, by caring onlyabout the cups, we 9 to enjoy the coffee. 10 dont let the cups drive you, and enjoythe coffee instead.”. 阅读理解A13、When som

15、eone who is in good health dies suddenly ,there is usually an inquest(审问)A coroner(验尸官)will do itHis job is to find out exactly how a person diedIf there is nothing suspicious(可疑的)about the death,he will decide that the person died fromnatural causes or an accidentif, however ,he is suspicious,he ma

16、y decide that the persons death was caused by a person or persons unknownOne day the coroner was trying to find out exactly what had caused the death of a local businessman,Henry WatsonThe mans wife was explaining somethingShe was very sad and had to stop from time to timeThe coroner did not want to

17、 make her sadder than necessary ,but he had to find out the truthThere were questions he had to ask“MrsWatson,I know this is painful for you,”he said,“but i want you to think very carefully and then answer my questionsYou and your husband were having dinner at homeIs that correct? ”“Yes”Suddenly he

18、fell to the floor? ”“Yes”“You stood up and hurried to him ?You knelt(跪下)beside him ?His stomach was in great pain? ”“Yes”“Did he say anything? ”The wife kept her head down“Please,MrsWatson,you must answer the questionWhat were his last words? ”The wife took a deep breath and then spoke“He said,”She

19、replied in a very low voice,“Im not surprised that seafood we had for dinner cost you only 50 cents,”1What is the purpose(目的)of an inquest when a healthy person dies suddenly?ATo help the poor familyBTo do a research on deathCTo find out the cause of deathDTo ask questions about the person2Where did

20、 Henry Watson die?AIn his company BIn a restaurantCIn a fish shop DAt home3What was the probable cause of Henry Watsons death?AEating the food that went badBGetting too oldCHaving a serious heart attackDBeing murdered by his cook4According to the story ,what would probably happen to the wife after t

21、his inquest?AShe would become a bad womanBShe would never buy any seafoodCShe would be much healthierDShe would ask the coroner to keep the secretB14、For years people have enjoyed following the life of Garfield the cat. Garfield is a popular comic book character, known for being lazy and fat. But th

22、e cat was back in the news recently for something you might not expect.A man in the United States changed the gender of Garfield to “none” on the cats Wikipedia ( 维 基 百 科 ) page. After that lots of people got angry and keptchanging Garfields Wikipedia page. They argued about whether the cat was a bo

23、y,girl or neither.Wikipedia finally locked the page to stop people editing( 编辑) it. Jim Davis, Garfields creator, settled(解决) the argument.“Garfield is male,” he simply told the Washington Post. The 71-year-old artist said he liked working with animals because they didnt have to be old, young, boys

24、or girls. He was angry that some people cared so much about Garfields gender.It seems like quite an unnecessary argument to have. But it is not the only recent example of argument about gender.To celebrate International Womens Day in Australia earlier this year, the city of Melbourne made10 traffic

25、lights with a figure( 人形) dressed in a skirt. They were designed to celebrate Womens Day and give them more confidence in public.But not everyone thinks the idea is necessary. Some people think it is important for women to be treated fairly in Australia, but that this idea is silly.“Im all for doing

26、 anything we can for gender equity(公平), but really?” Melbourne mayor( 市长)Robert Doyle told the Herald Sun. The mayor said this idea is more likely to be laughed at than bring respect to women.1What put Garfield the cat back in the news recently?AThe cats lazy character.BBeing included in Wikipedia.C

27、The cats picture being changed on Wikipedia.DThe cats gender being changed on Wikipedia.2What does the underlined word gender in the passage mean?A个性 B性别 C外貌 D脾气3According to Jim Davis, .AWikipedia should lock the page about GarfieldBGarfield can be a boy or a girl, and young or oldCartists dont car

28、e about animals age or genderDits unnecessary to take Garfields gender seriously4Why did Melbourne make 10 traffic lights with a figure dressed in a skirt?ATo laugh at women in publicBTo celebrate International Womens DayCTo bring more chances to womenDTo treat women fairly in Australia5What did Mel

29、bourne mayor Robert Doyle think of the traffic light idea?AIt would give women more confidence in public.BIt would help women be treated fairly in Australia.CIt would bring respect to women.DIt was not a good idea for gender equity.C15、Can you imagine living in the desert for a whole year, watching

30、the activities of a group of busy ants? Deborah Gordon did exactly that. She finally found out that there were four main groups of workers in the ant team: cleaners, haulers(搬运工), gatherers and security (安全) ants. Each group did their own job to finish the task of the whole team.Cleaner ants carried

31、 waste food from inside the nest to outside. Hauler ants walked on the top of the nest and cleared rubbish. Gatherer ants went out to find food for the whole team and security ants fought against anyone who wanted to hurt the members of the team.While she was watching the ants in the desert, Deborah

32、 found that the most interesting part was watching the ants dealing with difficulties, such as fighting against other insects that wanted to destroy their nest, or a big fire. At those moments, they would all stop what they were doing and go to help security ants to protect their home.What do we do

33、when people around us meet difficulties? What have we done to turn our world into a better place? Its time to think.1If there was a fire near their home, the groups of ants would_.Ajust do their own jobBrun away at onceChelp to fight against the fireDgo back into their nest2Which of the following is

34、 TRUE according to the passage?ACleaner ants carried waste food from outside the nest to the inside.BGatherer ants went out to find food for themselves.CEach group did their own job when meeting difficulties.DThere were some other insects that wanted to destroy their nest.3The writer mainly wants to

35、 tell us_.Aeveryone should help others when they meet difficultiesBthere were four groups of workers in the ant teamChow Deborah Gordon lived in the desertDDeborah Gordon is a brave womanD16、Thirteen-year-old Cindy had been bullied(欺凌) at school for about two years. Her bag, keys and mobile phone ha

36、d been stolen. She had also been knocked off her bicycle, kicked and punched(以拳重击). Cindy tried to fight back, but it always seemed to be her, not the bullies, who got into trouble. She became so afraid of going to school that she started to be absent from her classes. Finally, her headmaster set up

37、 a special plan, asking students to look after one another. He gave Cindy the courage to play the guitar in a school concert, Which gave Cindy new confidence and helped her respect from the other students. Gradually, the bullying began to stop. Cindys story is not uncommon, but help is always there.

38、 All students in the UK now have to follow strict bullying policies(政策). There are many charities and organizations giving support to young people, such as BullyingUK and Childine. So remember one very important piece of advice: If you are being bullied, dont put up with it tell someone.1How old was

39、 Cindy when she was first bullied?AAbout 7 years old. BAbout 9 years old.CAbout 11 years old. DAbout 13 years old.2Why was Cindy absent from her classes?ABecause she couldnt deal with her troubleBBecause she was afraid of her teachers.CBecause she liked playing.DBecause she had to work.3How did Cind

40、y receive respect?ABy fighting back. BBy setting up a special plan.CBy playing the guitar in a school concert. DBy asking an organization for help.4The underlined phrase put up with in the last paragraph mean _ .Astand Brefuse Cnotice Dmiss5What is the best title for the passage?ADisadvantages of bu

41、llying BBullying policiesCLeave bullying alone DSay no to bullyingE17、Saturday Kids ClubKids Club starts at 10:30 a.m., with creative activities, followed by the films at 11:00 a.m. For 3 13 years old.There will be no Kids Club on March 5 and March 26.Saturday,21 JuneMEET THE ROBINSONS102.minutesSat

42、urday,28 JuneTREASURE PLANET95.minutesSaturday,19 JulyTWO BROTHERS104.minutesSaturday,26 JulyMR BEANS HOLIDAY89.minutes NOTE TO PARENTS: Parents may leave children over eight alone in the cinema. but should know that the cinema is not providing any official child care.1A mother will be sure to meet

43、her kid at 12:30 after the film in the club. It must beA21 JuneB28 JuneC19 JulyD26 July2Which of the following is allowed to the cinema alone in the club?AA S-year-old baby.BA 10-year-old pupil.CA 19-year-old student.DA 30-year-old parent.3The longest film of the four is_ .AMEET THE ROBINSONSBTWO BR

44、OTHERSCTREASURE PLANETDMR BEANS HOLIDAYF18、 I love to go biking! Two years ago I bought an exercise bike(健身脚踏车). But soon I got bored with being at home, so I bought a used bike and started going for short rides. Now I plan day trips in my neighborhood (街区). When you drive a car, you miss many thing

45、s. Its surprising how much more you can see when youre biking.SamMy favourite thing to do at weekends is to go to the beach. The beach is beautiful all through the year. I usually drive there. If the weather is cold, I wear some warm clothes and go for long walks on the beach. When the weather is ho

46、t. I enjoy swimming or just lying in the sun.BarbaraAt weekends I like to read books. If the weather is nice, Ill take a good book to the park and stay there reading for hours. I think theres nothing as delightful as reading a good book.BillWeekends are for going hiking(徒步旅行) with my parents. We liv

47、e near some beautiful mountains. Sometimes we camp out at night. We really enjoy cooking dinner over a campfire and spending a night under the stars!Grace1Now Sam plans to_.Adrive a carBgo for short ridesCride his exercise bikeDgo biking in his neighborhood2Barbara_ if the weather is cold.Adrives on the beachBwalks on the beachCswims in the seaDlies in the sun3The underlined(划线的)word “delightful” in what Bill says probably means_ in Chinese.A有光线的B轻如羽毛的C令人愉快的D浅色调的4Wh


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