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1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流M 1 U1 School Life一、词汇大集合I . 单词attend 出席 ,参加assembly 集会,会议earn 获得,赚,赚得respect 尊敬achieve 取得,实现grade 学分,年级,等级literature 文学average 一般的,平均的challenging 具有挑战性的lunchtime 午餐时间e-mail 电子邮件, 给 发电子邮件title (书的)名称,题目extra 额外的,外加的cooking 做饭,烹饪prepare 准备drop 放弃Spanish 西班牙语German 德语,德国人m

2、iss 思念,想念dessert (餐后的)甜点field 运动场,操场experience 经历,体验article 文章penfriend 笔友introduce 介绍immediately 立刻,马上former 从前的,以前的recently 最近,近来culture 文化develop 培养,养成photograph 照片,相片donate 捐献,捐赠gift 赠品,礼物display 陈列,展览kindness 好意,善意guest 客人,来宾speech 演说,演讲flat 套房bookcase 书橱,书柜please 使满意,取悦attention 注意,关注cover (书的

3、)封面,盖子ri:recent 新近的,最近的professor 教授regret 遗憾,后悔,惋惜inform 通知,告知run 管理,经营host 主持人,主人,东道主approve 批准,通过,赞成broadcast 广播,播放preparation 准备,筹备close 亲密的,靠近的53.outing 短途旅行,远足continue 继续,持续poet 诗人generation 一代,一代人select 选择,挑选require 要求,需要scary 让人恐慌的,吓人的nature 自然,大自然II .短语for free 免费pay attention to 对 注意baser。o

4、n 以.为基础be happy with 对 感到满意than usual 比往常make sure 确保the best way to do sth 做某事的最好办法spend doing 花费.做某事sign up 签约参加such as 例如as well as 也,和.样experience a different way of life 体验一种不同的生活方式earn respect from 赢得尊敬achieve high grades 获得高分sound like 听起来像used to do sth 过去常常at the end of 在 结束时geta general id

5、ea 了解大意word by word 逐字逐句地be available to/for 有效,对 有用upon doing sth 一 就 develop an interest in 养成 兴趣donateto捐赠.给.more than 不仅仅inform sb. of 告知某人某事pay attention to 注意make a decision 做出决定be responsible for 对 负责consist of 由 组成come up with 想出二、句型大集合Going to a British high school for one year was a very e

6、njoyable and exciting experience for me.我在英国上了一年学,那是段令我非常开心、非常兴奋的经历。I found the homework was not asheavy aswhat I used to get in my old school. 我发现这里的家庭作业不像我以前在原来学校那么繁重。My English improved a lot asI used English every day and spend an hour each day reading English in the library .我每天都在使用英语,每天还花一小时在图

7、书馆里读英文书,因此,我的英语有了很大进步。Though it didn t look like a table when it was finished , I still like it very much.尽管完工之后它看起来并不像一张桌子,但我还是很喜欢它。I do like eating dessertsafter meals as you mentioned in your article .正如你文中所提的那样,我的确很喜欢吃甜食。David was one of the most helpful students that we ever had.大卫是我们这里最乐于助人的学生

8、之一。Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China .学习一结束,他就开 始了中国之旅。The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall.大卫捐赠给本校的油画作品正在学校会堂展览。I can t go home until my mother getshome from work .我要等我妈妈下班了才能回家。We regret to inform you that our library will

9、 be closed nextWednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting .我们很遗憾地通知:由于举行运动会,图书馆下周三、四、五三天不对外开放。m 1u2 growing pains一、词汇大集合I . 单词act (戏剧的)一幕;vi.表现,行动vacation (美)假期;休假curtain 窗帘, (舞台上的)幕布surprise 使吃惊,使惊奇bend 弯腰,屈身, (使)弯曲touch 触摸,接触explain 解释,说明mess 混乱,杂乱,一团糟sink 水池,水槽,洗碗槽garbage 垃圾can 罐子,金属容器

10、leave使处于某种状态,听任charge 负责,掌管adult 成年人reason 原因,理由trust 信任behavior (美)行为,举止unpunished 免受惩罚的teenager ( 13-19 岁的)青少年fault 过错,错误scene (戏剧中的)一场,场面,景色mad 狂怒的,疯狂的hard 苛刻的,严厉的rude 粗鲁的,无礼的punish 惩罚explanation 解释,说明grown -up 成年人cash 现金truly 真诚地,真实地grandparent 祖父(母)boring 令人厌倦的,乏味的mark 分数,标志,记号test 测验,检验upset 心

11、烦的, 苦恼的, (使) 心烦/苦恼mix 混合,score 得分interest 使。 。 。感兴趣silly 傻的,愚蠢的sincerely 真诚地column 专栏,栏目insist 坚持,坚持认为cafe 咖啡馆,小餐厅chat 聊天,闲谈valuable 宝贵的, 珍贵的, 贵重的period 时间段,时期,阶段argument 争论,辩论,论点,论据freedom 自由relationship 关系mainly 主要地,大体上suggest 建议,暗示,使想起fight 争吵,争论,打架,争斗crazy 发狂的,疯狂的spare 空闲的,多余的selfish 自私的unloving

12、 缺乏爱心的forbid 禁止II .短语turn up 到达,出现a waste of 浪费no more 不再spare time 业余时间force sb. to do sth.强迫某人做某事can t wait to do sth 迫不及待要做某事do with 处理,处置be supposed to 应该,应当be (in) a mess乱糟糟leave sb. in charge 让某人负责, 掌管go unpunished 不受惩罚go out (灯)熄灭not. any more 不再,再也不go on diets 节食in secret 秘密地in no time 立刻,马上

13、put on weight 体重增加asa matter of fact 事实上in the long term 从长远角度看along with 连同 ;随同 be hard on对要求严格now that 既然,由于stay up 不睡觉,熬夜after all 毕竟mix up 弄混as though 好像,似乎Internet cafe 网吧at present 目前,当前side effect 副作用fall out (头发的)脱落have one sarm crossed双臂交叉even if 即使be proud of 以 骄傲take/follow/accept one s a

14、dvice接受意见keep in mind 记在心上make a difference 有影响, 有关系, 37provide sb. with sth/ provide sth for sb.提供insist on doing sth 坚持做某事forbid sb. from doing sth 禁止某人做某事to one s surprise 使某人吃惊的是二、句型大集合Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected.爸爸和妈妈外出度假,比孩子们预计的时间提前一天返回家中。You weren t suppo

15、sedto come home until tomorrow .你们不是应该明天才回来的嘛!The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone, but Spot looks so hungry !让你们用来买狗食的钱已经用完了,可是斑点看上去还是那么饿!This is not a family where bad behavior goesunpunished !这个家可不是一个对不良行为听之任之的地方!Eric sits on his bed, who has his arms crossedand looks angry.埃里克坐在

16、床上,瞧着双臂交叉,一脸怒气的丹尼尔。I feel like we have to punish him or he won t respect us.我觉得我们得惩罚他一下,要不然他会不尊重我们。We didn t think you would let the housegetsodirty .我们原本以为你不会把屋子搞得这么脏兮兮的。I still wish we could go and seea film tomorrow though !但我还是希望明天能去看场电影。If you kept your room looking tidy , then it wouldn t take

17、 you solong to clean it up.假如你让房间保存整洁,你就不必花很长时间去打扫它。Recently he has been refusing to do his homework , and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.最近他就是不做家庭作业,而是把时间浪费在看DVD 、听外国音乐上。M 1 U3 Looking good feeling good一、词汇大集合I . 单词gym 健身房,体育馆stay 保持slim 苗条的,纤细的figu

18、re 体型,身材weight 体重,重量,杠铃片ashamed 惭愧的,羞愧的since 因为,既然weight-loss 减肥的,瘦身的exercise 锻炼,运动work 起作用,有效果,奏效priceless 无价的,珍贵的recover 痊愈,恢复健康,重新获7日得,liver 肝脏failure 衰退,衰竭,故障,失灵,失败contain 包含,容纳harmful 有害的chemical 化学物资, 化学物品, 化学的operation 手术exact 精确的,准确的match 比赛,相配的人/ 物,匹配,相称follow 遵循,遵守,依照advice 建议,忠告seldom 很少,

19、不常,难得damage 伤害,attractive 有吸引力的touching 动人的,感人的stranger 陌生人embarrassed 尴尬的,难为情的pressure 压力actress 女演员overweight 肥胖的,体重超标的diet 节食,日常饮食,控制饮食properly 适当地,合适地skinny 极瘦的,皮包骨的lift 举起consider 考虑effect 作用,影响,效果affect 影响sportsman 运动员achievement 成就risk 冒险post (在网上发布的)帖子recognize 认出, 识别, 认可, 公认lifestyle 生活方式,生

20、活习惯energy 能量regularly 定期地,有规律地,经常regular 定期的, 有规律的, 经常的yet 然而,可是skip 跳过,略过control 控制calorie 卡路里,卡teenage 十几岁的system 系统skin 皮肤count 算数,有效relaxed 放松的,轻松的ability 能力concentrate 集中;全神贯注amount 量,数量loss 丢失,损失suggestion 建议II . 短语stay healthy 保持健康be dying to 渴望,切望hear from sb. 收到某人来信usedto do 过去常常work out 锻炼

21、loseweight 减肥put on weight 增肥be ashamed of 为 感到羞愧be popular among/ with 受 欢迎keep doing sth. 一直做某事二、句型大集合recover from 恢复,恢复知觉liver failure 肝功能衰竭regret to do 遗憾的去做regret doing 后悔做过causeto弓I起,导致donate . to 捐赠 be embarrassed about 因 感到羞愧go on diets 节食come across 偶遇,无意中发现in secret 秘密地get hurt 受伤build up

22、增进,加强on one s own 独立地,独自地consider doing sth 考虑做某事fall out 发生, 脱落side effect 副作用take the risk 冒险recommend sth to sb. 向 推荐along with 连同 一道in the long/short term 从长远看give up on 放弃,对 感到绝望asa matter of fact 事实上take in 接受,理解,吸收in no time 立刻.risk doing 冒险做某事.call sb. names 辱骂某人.a headache to 麻烦事.a good amount of 大量的I used to goto the gym three times a week, but I dontwork out any more.我以前也常去健身房, 一周三周,但我现在不锻炼了。I am trying to loseweight becauseI m soashamed of my body.我正在努力减肥,因为我的体形让我觉得很难为情。I regret taking those weight -loss pills . 我很后悔服用那种减肥药。I think you look


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