



1、名师精编 优秀教案Teachers activities Students activities . Unit5 Section A 1a-2c 教案微山县西平一中 张善斌Teaching aims Knowledge: Learn the Present Progressive Tense and some new words. Ability: Listening, speaking and writing skills and Communicative competence. Moral education: the ability to cooperate and deal with

2、 the difficulties. m Key points: What are you doing. I watching TV.Is Nancy doing homework. No, she isn Shes writing a letter.Difficult points: the rules of v-ing and the use of the Present Progressive Tense, especially the questions and “Yes/No ” answers. Teaching methods: Task based Teaching proce

3、dures Step1 1. Tell 名师精编优秀教案1.Look at some students we ll talk about: what People are doing in this class. .2. Get Ss to look at some pictures and know about some activities. 2. Read some new pictures on the screen and let words. them know about some 3. Look at some activities. other activities on 3

4、. Teach some new words the screen and clean-cleaning , read-reading, answer some on questions. 4.Ask some questions Step2 1. Tell Ss to open the textbook and turn to page 25 , go into Happy Apartments to know :What are the people 1. Read the word: apartment 2. Match the words with the activities. do

5、ing . 3. Listen to the tape 2. Teach Ss to read the word and write the apartment numbers from 1a 3. Play the tape let Ss know: what are they doing . 4. Tell Ss: From the recording 4. Practice: Ask and answer in pairs. 5. Play a game . 名师精编 优秀教案we know what Jenny, John, Dave and Mary are doing. Step3

6、 1. Play the tape let Ss look at 2a and answer the questions. 2. Play it again; let Ss put the questions and answers in order 1. . Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 2. Listen it again to make a conversation. and put them in 3. Ask two Ss to act it out. Step4 1. Tell Ss to it in pairs by t

7、hemselves then the teacher check their answers. 2. Ask some pairs to act them right order. 3. Act out the conversation 1. Ask and answer in pairs and try to guess: What s he/she doing. out 2. Act them out in pairs. Step5 1. Encourage Ss to sum the Present Progressive Tense. Step6 1. Guide Ss to look

8、 at the rules of v-ing on page100. 2. Tell Ss to play a game. 1. Sum the Present progressive tense. 1. Try to remember the rules of v-ing. 2. Play a game. 名师精编 优秀教案Step7 : Do some exercises:一、挑选填空:1. What are you doing. I_ eating A. eat B. can eat C. D. am eating 2. We want _this book now. A. readin

9、g B. am reading C. read D. to read 3. It s eight o clock. Jims family _TV. A. is watching watching B. are C. watch D. to watch 4. That boy isn t _the teacher . A. listen C. listening B. listens D. listening to 5. _ you _ the window. Yes, I am. A. Do, clean C. Are, cleaning 二、动词填空B. Is, cleaning D. Do, cleaning 1.He_ _ do his homework now. 2.Look. That girl _ _ ride the 名师精编 优秀教案bike. 3.Tom and I _ _clean our bedroom now.4.My moth


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