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1、Lotus Cars CEO, Phil PophamAndExecutive Director, Sportscar Engineering, Matt Windleon the occaof theGuangzhou Auto Show路汽车 CEO Phil Popham路跑车工程执行总监 Matt Windle广州车展Press Conferencript发言稿22 November 2019, 10:00 10:202019 年 11 月 22 日,10:00 10:20n ho and hunyng.Its a real pleasure to be here in Guangzh

2、ou Lotus has a very bright future in China.Already the Evora GT410 isdeveloa great following among sportscar fans across China andwith our growing dealer network here,t popularity is growing fast.你好!欢迎。非常高兴今天能来到广州,路拥有光明的前景。的 Evora GT410 已然跑车者群体里积累了众多的粉丝,再加上不断扩展的经销商网络,路的知名度在迅速。Id like to expressnks o

3、n behalf of all of Lotus to our colleagues andinvestors at Geely, for their unwavering support and ambition for ourbrand.It isnks to our shareholderst we are here today tocerate the Chidebut of Evija theworldsall-electricBritish hypercar.借此机会代表路的全体同事,向吉利控股的同事与投资人表达由衷的谢意,感谢对路品牌始终如一的支持与信任。正是由于股东们的支持,今

4、天才能在这里共同路全球首款英伦纯电动超级跑车 Evija 的中国首秀。As Mr. Feng has said, Evija is thefruit of our Vi80 10-yearstrategy.It is our giant leap forward.正如所说,Evija 是路80 十年结出的第一个VI果实。它是向前迈出的一大步。It puts Lotus back on the map, and paves the way for our return toiconic sus over the next decade. New products, a new globalnet

5、work, and a global industrial footprwill serve a new generationof performance car buyers and users as we approach our 80th year.Evija 的推出,不仅让路重回公众的视线,更为下一个十年的闪亮回归铺平了道路。接下来,推出新的产品,打造新的全球网络,铸就全球化的工业布局,而随着路品牌大跨步地迈向 80,也准备好去迎接新一代性能车型的用户。The all-new Evija is the spearhead of this strategy on sale now and

6、in production next year in Hethel our headquartershe UK. As youhave just seenhe film this is no concept car. Already we haveprototypes undergoing real, physical testing at speedhe UK. Andthe testing is going well, reaching andeven exceeding many of ourbenarks. This is a landmarkt Iroud to share with

7、 you,here in China today. Evija means the up to its name.in existence and it lives全新 Evija 是路的先锋。现在已经开放订单,VI80并将于明年在路总部英国正式投产。正如大家刚才在的影片中看到的,Evija 并不是概念车。的原型车已经在英国进行了动态测试,不仅完美满足量产车标准,更超过了的预期。今天,能够第一时间与中国消费者这一历史性时刻,我感到十分自豪。 Evija 寓意“开创者”它不虚此名。It is:它代表着:The worldsBritish EV hypercar全球首款英伦纯电动超级跑车The路L

8、otus hypercar推出的首款超级跑车The路Lotus under the stewardship of Geely加入吉利之后推出的第一款全新车型It is also:它更意味着:The mosterful car ever to enter series production世界上动力最为强劲的量产车型The worlds lightest production EV hypercar at just 1680kg全球最轻的量产电动超级跑车,重量仅为 1680 千克And, it:不仅如此,它:Accelerates from 0-100 kph in under three se

9、conds and 0-300kphin under niconds0100 公里/小时加速不到 3 秒,0300 公里/小时加速不到 9 秒Will reach a top speed of more最高时速超过 320 公里/小时n 320kphHas a range of 400km, with full charge capability in under tenminutes行驶里程达 400 公里,10 分钟便可充满电池It is a new global calling card for Lotus Cars and Lotus Engineering.它是路汽车与路工程团队的标

10、杆之作。I mentionedt Evija means thein existence, but for us, whatit really means and embodies, is,t, Lotus Is Back!.我刚刚提到,Evija 这个词原意是“开创者”,但对而言,它的真正含义和象征是:“路回归了!”nk you.大家。Tol us more about Evija, I would like toroduce our ExecutiveDirector of Sportscar Engineering, Matt Windle also the manresponsible

11、 for the wonderful Evora GT410 sportscars we have displayed in our booth.Matt:下面,邀请路跑车工程执行总监Matt Windle 为大家介绍有关Evjia 的细节。Matt 也是今天展台上这些 EvoraGT410 跑车幕后的。Matt,舞台交给你了。nk you Phil.This isthefull electric Lotusthough, asa former Tesla chief engineer, I canl yout Lotus is no strangerto EV technology.We w

12、ill build aum of 130 exles of Evija many of which are already sold. I canchanger. Here is why:l yout it is a true gamePhil。Evija 确实是路第一辆纯电动车型。不过,我本人作为拉前任首席工程师,可以向大家保证,路对电动车技术并不陌生。Evija 限量生产130 台,其中很多都已被预定。可以说 Evija 是真正的划时代车型,为什么这么说呢?Everything about Evija is For The Drivers.I dont beve there isanoth

13、er EVhe worldtl im this.Evija 的每一个元素都是为驾驶而生“For The Drivers”。我认为,世界上没有任何一辆电动车能诠释出这句话的含义。From the mid-engined-inspired Lotus layout, to the aerodynamics anddownforce, the drivingition, vehicle stance and unbevableperformance.It is instantly recognisable as spel with uniquecharacter yet, it is, unques

14、tionably, a Lotus.不论是以路中置发为灵感的布局,还是出色的空气动力学性能、高速状态的强大下压力,以及在驾驶、车身姿态和卓越的动力方面,它都做出了完美诠释。Evija 看上去是特立独行的,但同时,它也保持着路最纯粹的。Thethingt strikes you as you approach Evija are the trulyperfect proportions. The body appears shrink-wrapped around thechassis creating a light, athletic and agile figuret is pure Lo

15、tus.当你走近 Evija,第一眼打动你的便是它近乎完美的车身比例。其车身与底盘的融合,塑造出路标志性的轻盈、动感、灵敏的线条。The cabin iskered down betn the four wheels keng thecentre of gravity low, and you can immediaaerodynamics on the design.y see the influence of车舱紧紧深陷于四轮之间,把重心压低。空气动力学的设计元素完美呈现。It appears to have been carved by air, with the slippery, s

16、oft surfacesections and crisp lines inspired by nature, fighter planes and ouriconic race cars of the 1960s and 70s.车身仿佛是被的空气雕琢过一样,顺滑、柔和的表面辅以锐利的线条,以大自然、战斗机和路上世纪 60、70 年代车型为灵感。This porosity flows right the way through the car. From theakes atthe front corners, to the bonnet, open front wheel arches a

17、nd all theway through to the stunning rear-quarter venturis.空气在车身的孔隙间,从前侧的进气口,到前舱盖,流经开放的前轮拱罩,一直到车身后侧美妙的文氏管通道喷薄而出。As you can see, the rear ls ribbon strips of lightt frame theventuris look like jet afterburners, continuing the aerodynamic,aviation theme.尾灯的造型像是飘动的丝带,凸显出文氏通道的造型,看起来犹如喷气式飞机的发排气口,整体呼应着高效

18、空气动力学和航空科技的。Evijas aerodynamics include the active rear wing forumdownforce. And the F1-inspired rear diffuser with Drag ReductionSystem (DRS).Evija 的空气动力学系统不仅包括够将下压力最大化的主动尾翼设计,更包括与 F1原理相同能够减少车身阻力的 DRS 系统和尾部。Step inside Evija and you find the perfect balance betfocussed character and bespoke luxury.n track-走进 Evija,你会发现内饰在功能设计与高级定制的奢华元素中实现了完美的平衡。As with every Lotus car, t


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