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1、 Module 7 Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.WY四年级上册单词卡fruit /frut/ (名词) 水果例句: Do you like fruit? 你喜欢吃水果吗?单词卡chicken /tkn / (名词) 鸡联想:cock/rooster公鸡 hen母鸡 chick小鸡例句: Look! There are five chickens. 看! 有五只鸡。单词卡bear /be (r)/ (名词) 熊形近词: pear梨tear眼泪bean菜豆联想:panda熊猫短语:teddy bear 泰迪熊例句: Three bears ar

2、e riding a bike. 三只熊在骑自行车。单词卡pig /pg/ (名词) 猪形近词: big 大的联想:wild pig野猪复数:pigs例句: There is a pig under the tree. 树下有只猪。课文讲解Listen, point and say.1There is a boy on the bike.自行车上有一个男孩。There are three boys on the bike.自行车上有三个男孩。Oh! There are twelve boys on the bike!哦!自行车上有十二个男孩。课文讲解Listen and say.2There

3、is a panda in the photo. Its eating fruit.照片里有一只熊猫。它在吃水果。There are three chickens in the photo. Theyre eating rice.照片里有三只鸡。它们在吃米。fruit是名词。泛指“水果”时,fruit为集合名词,只用单数,不用复数;当表示“水果的种类”时,常用复数形式fruits。 chicken意思是“鸡”,指小鸡,是可数名词。chicken还可以指“鸡肉”,是不可数名词。课文讲解Listen and say.2There is a bear in the photo. Its eating

4、 sweets.照片里有一只熊。它正在吃蜜糖。There are eleven pigs in the photo. Theyre eating fruit and vegetables.照片里有十一头猪。它们在吃水果和蔬菜。No! There are twelve.不!有十二头。课文讲解Point and say.3There are two cats. Theyre climbing a tree.课文讲解Point and say.3There are three boys. Theyre playing football.课文讲解Point and say.3There are sev

5、en girls. Theyre dancing.课文讲解Point and say.3There are five boys. Theyre running.课文讲解Listen and say. Then sing.4三只绿鹦鹉树上站着三只绿色的鹦鹉。树上站着三只绿色的鹦鹉。现在一只绿色的鹦鹉意外掉下来。树上站着两只绿色的鹦鹉。树上站着两只绿色的鹦鹉。现在一只绿色的鹦鹉意外掉下来。树上站着一只绿色的鹦鹉。树上站着一只绿色的鹦鹉。现在这只绿色的鹦鹉意外掉下来。树上没有绿色的鹦鹉。THREE GREEN PARROTSThere are three green parrots standing

6、 in the tree.There are three green parrots standing in the tree.Now one green parrot accidentally falls.There are two green parrots standing in the tree.There are two green parrots standing in the tree.Now one green parrot accidentally falls.There is one green parrot standing in the tree.There is on

7、e green parrot standing in the tree.Now the green parrot accidentally falls.There is no green parrot standing in the tree.课文讲解Look, remember and say.5There are two girls. Theyre rowing a boat.有两个女孩。她们正在划船。No, they are playing chess.不,她们正在下围棋。课文讲解Look, remember and say.5There is an old man. Hes readi

8、ng a book.有一个老人。他正在读书。Yes, he is.是的。课文讲解Look, remember and say.5There is a girl. She is riding a bike.有一个女孩。她正在骑自行车。No, thats a boy.不,那是一个男孩。课文讲解Do and say.6There is a lion in the photo. Its running fast.照片里有一头狮子。它跑得很快。Grammar句型结构:There are+可数名词的复数+其他.There are three chickens in the photo. 在这张照片里有三只

9、小鸡。 分析:该句型是 there be句型的复数结构,用来表示“某处有(复数的)某人或某物”,侧重于客观存在。知识积累: there be句型的就近原则there be句型中有多个名词并列出现时,be动词与其相邻的名词保持数的一致。若为可数名词的单数或不可数名词,be动词用is;若为可数名词的复数,be动词用are。There is a pen and two pencils on the desk. 在书桌上有一支钢笔和两支铅笔。There are two pencils and a pen on the desk. 在书桌上有两支铅笔和一支钢笔。eg: There are three b

10、irds in the tree. 在树上有三只小鸟。 Grammar巧记 there be用法口诀:there be 句型不一般,主语放在be后面,单数主语用is,复数用are很简单。变否定,be后要把not添,变疑问,be要提到there前。肯定句中“一些”用some,否定疑问any要把some换。返回课文Exercise一、用“is”或“are”填空。1.There _ a boy in the photo.2.There _ three girls over there.3.There _ many people in the park.4.There _ an old man.5.T

11、here _ six kites in the sky.is are are is are 二、选择合适的单词补全句子。A.sweets B.on C.eating D.no( )1.There are five dogs _ the bike.( )2.The children are eating _.( )3.There is _ bird in the tree.( )4.The sheep are _ vegetables.ExerciseB A D C 三、单项选择。 ( )1.Look _ the photo. A.at B.to C./( )2.Lets have a _. A.look at B.look C.see( )3.There are some _ there. A.horse B.horses C.a horse( )4.The sheep is _ vegetables. A.eating B.eat C.eats( )5.There _ three


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