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1、清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:HYPERLINK :/qinghua.yeryy / 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果小学英语主要句型归类(三年级上册六年级下册)I询问姓名、年龄。1, Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is _. 我叫。2, How old are you? 你几岁了?Im 12. 我十二岁。II询问颜色。1, What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?Its yellow and white. 黄白相间。2, What colour are they? 它们是什么颜色的?Theyre green. 绿色的。II

2、I询问数量或价钱。1, How many kites can you see? 你可以看见几只风筝?I can see 12. 我可以看见十二只风筝。2, How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支彩笔?I have 16. 我有十六支。3, How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?Three. 三口人。4, How much is this dress? 这条连衣裙多少钱?Its ninety-nine yuan. 九十九元。5, How much are these apples? 这些苹果多少钱?The

3、yre thirty-five yuan. 三十五元。IV询问时间或日期。1, What time is it now? 现在几点钟?Its nine oclock. Its time for English class. 九点。该上英语课了。(Its eight oclock. Its time to go to bed.) (八点。该上床睡觉了。)2, What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Monday. 星期一。(What do we have on Mondays? (我们星期一上哪些课?We have Chinese, English, math ) 语文、

4、英语、数学)3, When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?Its October 1st, our National Day. 十月一日,国庆节。4, When do you do morning exercises? 你们什么时候做早锻炼?I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. 我们通常8:30做早锻炼。V询问方位或地方。1, Where is my toy car? 我的玩具汽车在哪儿?Its here, under the chair. 在这儿,在椅子下面。2, Where is the canteen? 餐厅在哪儿?It

5、s on the first floor. 在一楼。3, Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪儿?Theyre in the door. 在门上。4, Excuse me. Where is the library, please? 对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿?Its near the post office. 在邮局附近。5, Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?Im from China. 我从中国来。6, Where does the rain come from? 雨是从哪儿来的?It comes from the clouds. 它是从云层里来的。VI询问想

6、吃的东西。1, What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? 你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么?Id like some bread and milk / rice and soup. 我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。2, Whats for breakfast / lunch / dinner? 早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?Hamburgers and orange juice. 汉堡包和橙汁。VII询问天气状况。1, Whats the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气如何?Its rainy today. How

7、 about New York? 今天是雨天。纽约呢?Its sunny and hot. 今天是晴天,天气很热。VIII询问身体状况或情绪。1, How do you feel? 你感觉如何?I feel sick. 我觉得不舒服。2, Whats the matter? 怎么了?My throat is sore. / I have a sore throat.我的喉咙疼。3, How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. 你好吗,莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。I failed the math test. 我的数学考试没有通过。IX询问职业、身份或人物。1, W

8、hats your father / mother? 你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?Hes a doctor. / Shes a teacher. 他是一名医生。/ 她是一名教师。2, What does you mother / father do? 你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?Shes a TV reporter. / Hes a teacher. He teaches English.她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。3, Whos that man / woman? 那位男士 / 女士是谁?Hes my father. / Shes my mother. 他是我父亲。 /

9、 她是我母亲。4, Whos this boy / girl? 那个男孩儿 / 女孩儿是谁?Hes my brother. / Shes my sister. 他是我兄弟。 / 她是我姐妹。5, Whos your art teacher? 你们的美术老师是谁?Miss Wang. 王老师。Whats she like? 她长什么样儿?Shes young and thin. 她很年轻、苗条。X询问兴趣、喜好。1, Whats your favourite food / drink? 你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什么?Fish / orange juice. 鱼。 / 橙汁。2, Whats y

10、our favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?Winter. 冬天。Why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天?Because I can make a snowman. 因为可以堆雪人。3, Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。Whats his hobby? 他的爱好是什么?He likes riding a bike. 他喜欢骑自行车。4, Do you like peaches? 你喜欢吃桃子吗?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 喜欢。/ 不喜欢。X

11、I询问平时一般或通常做的事情。1, What do you do on Saturdays / on the weekends? 你星期六 / 周末一般做什么?I usually do my homework. Sometimes I play football. 我通常做作业,有时候踢足球。XII询问正在做的事情。1, What are you doing? 你在做什么?Im doing the dishes. 我在洗盘子。2, Whats your father doing? 你父亲正在做什么?Hes writing an e-mail. 他正在写电子邮件。3, Whats Mike do

12、ing? 迈克正在干什么?Hes watching insects. 他正在观察昆虫。4, Whats the tiger doing? 那只老虎在干什么?Its running. 它在奔跑。5, What are the elephants doing? 那些大象在干什么?Theyre drinking. 它们正在喝水。XIII询问将要做的事情。1, What are you going to do? 你准备做什么?Im going to the cinema. 我准备去看电影。When are you going to do? 你准备什么时候去?This afternoon. 今天下午。2

13、, Where are you going this afternoon? 今天下午你准备到哪儿去?Im going to the bookstore. 我准备到书店去。What are you going to buy? 你打算买点儿什么?Im going to buy a comic book. 我准备买本漫画书。XIV询问曾经做过或发生过的事情。1, Where did you go last weekend / yesterday / on your holiday?你上周末/昨天/假期到哪儿去了?I went to Wuhan. 我去了武汉。2, How did you go the

14、re? 你怎么去的?I went by train. 我坐火车去的。3, What did you do there? 你在那儿做了些什么?I went shopping. 我去购物了。XV一般疑问句。1, Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗?Yes, it is. 是的。Is your sister in the living room? 你姐姐在客厅吗?No, she isnt. / Yes, she is. 不在。/ 在。2, Is this your skirt? 这是你的短裙吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的。/ 不是。3, Is

15、your English teacher young? 你的英语老师年轻吗?Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. 是的。/不,她不年轻。4, Are these / those / they cucumbers? 这些 / 那些是黄瓜吗?Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 是的。/ 不是的。5, Is there a river in the park? 公园里有一条小河吗?Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. 有。/ 没有。Are there any bridges in your village? 你们村子里有桥

16、吗?Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 有。/ 没有。6, Can I wear my new shirt today? 我今天可以穿新衬衫吗?Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 可以。/ 不可以。7, Can you wash your clothes? 你会洗衣服吗?Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 会。/ 不会。8, Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? 你的笔友住在上海吗?No, he doesnt. He lives in Beijing. 不,他住在北京。9, Does s

17、he teach English? 她教英语吗?No, she doesnt. She teaches math. 不,她教数学。10, Did you read books yesterday? 你昨天读书了吗? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 读了。/ 没读。XVI “How”问句。1, How do you go to school? 你怎么上学?Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 我通常步行上学。有时候骑自行车。2, How can I get to Zhongshan Park? 我怎么

18、到中山公园去?You can go by the No. 15 bus. 你可以乘坐15路公汽。(Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left. Its on the left.) 直走五分钟,然后左转。公园就在左边。3, How tall are you? 你有多高?Im 160 cm tall. Im taller than you. 我有160公分。我比你高。4, How heavy are you? 你有多重?Im 48 kg. Youre heavier than me. 我有48公斤。你比我重。5, How do you feel? 你感

19、觉如何?I feel sick. 我觉得不舒服。How does Chen Jie feel? 陈洁感觉如何?Shes tired. 她很疲倦。XVII其他特殊疑问句。1, Whats in the classroom? 教室里有什么?A board, six lights, three fans, many desks and chairs.一块黑板、六盏灯,三把电扇和许多桌椅。2, What about you? / How about you? 你呢?3, I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 我喜欢这件白毛衣配这条绿短裙。4, W

20、hose is it? 它是谁的?Its mine / yours / his / hers. 是我的。/ 你的。/ 他的。/ 她的。5, What can you do? 你会做什么?Im helpful. I can sweep the floor and do the dishes. 我很能干。我会扫地、洗盘子。6, Whats your bedroom like? 你的卧室是什么样儿的?There is a big closet and a new mirror. There are blue curtains.卧室里有一个大衣橱和一面新镜子。还有蓝色的窗帘。XVIII描述家人或朋友。

21、(略) 清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:HYPERLINK :/qinghua.yeryy / 清华大学英语教授研究组提供牛津小学英语3A第二单元颜色单词的教学设计及评析“开口”源于自信自信是一个人迈向成功的重要因素。作为一种稳定的性格特征,自信心可以成为重要的精神支柱和积极进取的内在动力。因此培养学生学习英语自信心是一个应该引起重视的问题。我在平时的教学实践中深深体会到自信是学生开口说英语的最主要动力。下面是我在执教牛津小学英语3A第二单元颜色单词的教学设计: 一、Greeting1、Songs:Hello!Hi, Nancy!Nice to meet you! (表演

22、唱形式)2、Free talk:Hi /Hellow / Good morning / Nice to meet you! 教师面带微笑,走下讲台与学生握手问候。评析:一个微笑、一个问候、一个简单的弯腰握手动作,缩短了师生间的距离。在这种宽松的氛围中,每个学生都敢于和乐于开口说英语,个个抢着与老师握手,学习热情特别高涨。 二、Revision教师拿出已学的三种颜色的单词卡片,边问候边提问学生,“What colour is it?”记忆力强又比较胆大的学生纷纷举起了手,我点了一个想举又不敢举的学生。一开始他犹豫着吞吞吐吐地说,“Black.”我点了一下头,说了声,“Good!” 然后我引导他又

23、把Black读了三遍,这三遍他说得愈显自信,且声音清晰、响亮。接着我引导大组进行练说比赛,把复习由点到面铺开。学生们在竞赛的激励中都说得那么响亮、清晰,效果还真不错。评析:三年级学生初学英语,既希望得到教师的肯定,又害怕出错羞于尝试。此时此刻,教师及时的肯定与表扬就显得尤为重要。教师一个默许的眼神、一句鼓励的话语、一份由衷的赞许都能极大地调动学生开口说英语的积极性,在实践中树立学好英语的自信。 三、Presentation 在认读这些颜色类单词时,如果逼学生死记硬背,只会起到事与愿违的效果。教师只有想方设法帮助学生趣记、乐学,学生才能在愉快中接受信息,巩固所学知识,达到较好的效果。1、摸卡片猜


25、有的学生熟练地命令着出示颜色的名称,有的学生则边想边思索着出示颜色的名称,有的学生听着指令迅速地找出相应的颜色然后我引导学生发出指令让老师找出相应的颜色。评析:利用游戏活动教学新单词,巧妙地激起了学生的学习兴趣。学生在听指令找水彩笔和说指令让别人找水彩笔的过程中,达到了用英语思维的效果,也享受到了学习的乐趣。 3、多媒体辅助教学。教学最后一个单词brown时,我让学生观看录象“GoGo学英语”。在观看的过程中,学生们特别认真,特别兴奋,遇到自己认识的颜色马上就自信地说出来,同时也学会了brown这个单词。 评析:利用多媒体,将学生刚认识的颜色逐一呈现出来。通过有趣的卡通人物、生动的情景,美妙的

26、音乐,使学生仿佛置身于实际情景之中,学生边看边兴致勃勃地读着自己认识的单词,稚嫩的心田填满了成功的骄傲与喜悦。对于新单词的学习就不用费太多的功夫了。 四、 Consolidation 为了巩固所学知识,教师设计了两个游戏,由易到难、由浅入深,逐步深入。 1、猜颜色。我先准备一些单词的图片,如白色的小猫,棕色的大象,绿色的小鸟游戏开始,请一名学生到前面猜,猜的学生面对全班站立,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中说:“This is a bird。What colour is it?Plese guess。”猜的学生可以问全班同学:“red (green)?”等,全班同学答:“Y

27、es”或“No”。猜对的可以换另一位学生继续猜。2、速认速记。我准备好颜色的单词卡,从中挑选三张让学生快速认记,我说:“One,two,three。”便拿掉卡片,让学生说出是哪几个单词,最快举手说对这三个词的同学可以获得一个小奖品。评析:在基本掌握单词的基础上,这两个游戏强化了学生的记忆力,也增强了师生、生生之间的互动与合作,使得每个学生有更多的机会更自信地开口说英语,充分调动了学生的学习积极性。 五、Practice.1、Listen and colour 在练习前教师要详细讲解方法,并作示范,帮助学生顺利完成此题。 评析:由于学生初学英语,做这一类练习是第一次,帮助他们成功地完成练习,培养

28、他们学习英语的成就感、建立起学习英语的自信心就显得尤为重要。因此,教师应作好充分的示范,放录音时作适当的停顿,让每个学生都能经历成功、体验到成功。 六、Homework要求学生到生活中去找颜色、说颜色,感受生活中处处有颜色的道理,激发学生爱色彩,热爱大自然的感情。 在这堂课中,我认为在培养学生的学习自信心方面做得比较成功的有:1、重视激情激趣,为学生营造良好的学习氛围教师要对教学充满激情,对学生充满爱心。在教学中,我通过自己的言行、表情传递给学生亲切、鼓励、信任和尊重的情感信息,使得学生不怕出错,敢于开口讲英语,从而激发他们的上进精神,帮助他们树立起自信心、自尊心,使得他们获得良好课堂学习环境


30、我,体会到“跳一跳就能摘到桃子”的成就感。因此,在英语教学中,教师应积极创造条件和环境,使学生尽可能多开口,如让学生扮演“小老师”,参加游戏、竞赛,边看录象边读出认识的颜色等。学生在乐趣和活动中积极表现自我,体验到了成功的愉悦,增强了学习英语的自信。“成功,是靠成功推动。”只有让自信这朵小花在学生心里生根发芽,我们才会看到它开花结果的那一天。清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: / 清华大学英语教授研究组提供Module1UNIT 101:42.61Lucy lives in London.01:46.161.Listen, point and find “does, liv

31、es”.01:59.43Hi, Amy. What are you doing?02:03.79Im reading a letter. Its from my friend Lucy.02:07.61Where does she live?02:10.38She lives in London.02:12.73Dear Amy ,02:15.47How are you ?02:16.72Im very well .02:18.40London is very cold now .02:21.74Is it cold in Beijing too?02:24.69It was my birth

32、day on Saturday.02:27.75Now Im nine . 02:30.10Here is a photo of me on my birthday.02:33.65This is my new friend, Zara. Shes got long, black hair.02:39.22Shes very nice. This is a picture of Zara and me .02:44.39We were at Buckingham Palace.02:47.00Write to me soon. Tell me about China.02:50.48From,

33、 Lucy02:52.332.Listen and say.03:03.56Where does she live?03:06.33She lives in London.03:07.98It was my birthday on Saturday.03:11.92We were at Buckingham Palace.03:15.68UNIT 203:20.15Ive got a new friend.03:23.811. Listen and repeat.03:32.24Dear Lucy,03:34.39Thank you for your letter.03:36.42Happy

34、birthday to you . I am still eight.03:40.16I will be nine in April.03:42.41The weather in Beijing isnt cold .Its warm.03:46.06Ive got a new friend too. Her name is Lingling.03:50.30Shes got short , black hair.03:52.54Shes very nice.03:54.89Here is a photo of Lingling and me .03:57.74From,Amy03:59.26

35、2.Listen and match the letters and photos.04:12.24Dear friends,04:14.80I am from Mexico.04:17.52My name is Anita.04:19.87I liketraditionalMexican food and traditional dancing.04:25.64I also like football and watching TV.04:28.80What about you?04:30.84From,Anita04:34.00Hi friends,04:37.52I am from In

36、dia.04:39.88I am wearing traditional Indian clothes.04:43.04I am nine years old.04:45.60I like music and dolls.04:47.45From,Indrani04:50.61Dear Chinese friends,04:54.87I like basketball.04:53.87I love computer games too .04:56.51My favourite food is hamburgers.05:00.35I am American. I am ten.05:04.0

37、1From,John05:05.763.Listen and say .Then sing.Module2 UNIT100:08.49I helped my mum.00:10.841.listen, point and find words ending in “-ed”.00:24.71Yesterday, I cleaned my room.00:27.77I finished my homework.00:31.22I washed my trousers.00:34.98They were very dirty.00:37.12Then I helped my mum.00:40.4

38、9Mum was very happy.00:43.83Your are a very good boy, Daming.00:46.79Thank you, Mum.00:48.352.Listen and say.01:00.11Yesterday, I cleaned my room.01:03.56I washed my trousers.01:08.00Then I helped my mum.01:12.44UNIT 201:18.60Amy painted a picture.01:22.161.Listen and repeat.01:21.16Yesterday, Mr Sm

39、art cooked noodles.01:26.20Tom helped him.01:29.44Ms Smart phoned Grandma.01:34.40Sam watched TV.01:38.66Amy painted a picture.01:42.813.Listen and say. Then chant.01:57.07She painted a picture.01:59.11She watched TV.02:00.97She played the flute.02:03.32She played with me.02:04.57He listened to musi

40、c.02:07.21He played football.02:09.17He helped his mother.02:10.63There were biscuits for all.Module3UNIT 100:05.80She didnt walk to school yesterday.00:12.361.Listen, point and find “didnt”.00:24.71Lingling usually gets up at half past six on Mondays.00:30.35But she didnt get up at half past six ye

41、sterday.00:34.19She usually walks to school.00:37.96But she didnt walk to school yesterday.00:41.59She usually learns English and Maths.00:45.64But she didnt learn these things yesterday.00:48.80Yesterday was National Day!00:53.55Lingling watched TV and played with her toys.01:02.622.Listen and say.

42、01:15.96Lingling didnt get up at half past six.And she didnt walk to school.01:23.80She didnt learn English and Maths.01:28.24UNIT 201:34.62I didnt play football.01:36.861.Listen and repeat.01:46.61On Sundays, I usually paly footall in the park .01:50.73But I didnt play football yesterday.01:54.08An

43、d I usually ride my bike .01:57.55But I didnt ride it yesterday.02:00.61It was raining !02:02.54I stayed at home.02:04.213. Listen and say .Then sing.Module4UNIT 100:08.10Chinese people invented paper.00:12.251.Listen, Point and find “invented”.00:25.29Chinese people invented important things.00:28.

44、73Yes thats right.00:31.97Chinese people are very clever, you know.00:35.42Chinese people invented pager.00:39.58Paper? Like this?00:41.93Yes.00:42.97Chinese people invented printing too.00:48.22We print books and newspapers.00:50.49Thats right.00:54.73Look, I printed this newspaper.00:56.69Ha, ha ,

45、ha.00:59.042.Listen and say .01:11.50Chinese people invented paper.01:16.46Chinese people invented printing.01:20.82I printed this newspaper.01:25.50UNIT 2 He invented this bicycle in 1839.01:37.361.Listen and repeat.01:46.29Look at this picture.01:49.04Its a bicycle.01:51.49Look at the man on the b

46、icycle.01:54.96He was English.01:57.00He invented the bicycle in 1839.02:04.373. Listen and say. Then sing.Module5 UNIT 100:09.69We went to the Great Wall.00:12.541.Listen, point and find “went, saw, ate, had, bought”.00:29.91Was it a school trip yesterday?00:33.75Yes. We went to the Great Wall.00:3

47、6.62We climbed to the top.00:40.46And we saw lots of mountains.00:44.23We ate biscuits.00:47.99And we ate apples.00:50.34So, you had a good time ,boys!00:55.04Yes. And we bought you a present.00:57.86Its a picture of the Great Wall .01:02.22Thank you,boys.01:04.572.Listen and say.01:14.92We went to

48、the Great Wall.01:17.58We saw lots of mountains.01:22.44We ate apples.01:26.57We had a good time.01:31.61UNIT 201:38.46I wore warm clothes.01:41.931.Listen and repeat.01:51.60Dear Amy,01:53.14Yesterday, we went on a school trip.01:57.37We went ice-skating.02:00.19I wore warm clothes-trousers and a s

49、weater.02:05.52The ice was very cold.02:08.16First, I fell over.02:11.11But it didnt hurt .02:13.25Then I learnt to skate .02:15.39It was easy!02:17.35And I didnt fall over again!02:20.02It was really fun.02:22.26From,Lucy02:24.933. Listen and say. Then sing.Modale6 UNIT 100:31.69It didnt make gold.

50、00:34.271.Listen, point and find “didnt”.00:48.82Ma Liang was a good boy .00:51.38He helped people.00:53.13He had a paintbrush .00:56.29It was magic.00:58.33This old woman didnt have food.01:02.46So Ma Liang painted food .01:04.91Then the food was real.01:07.55There was a bad man.01:10.61He didnt he

51、lp people.01:12.96He took Ma Liangs magic paintbrush.01:16.20The bad man didnt have gold.01:19.86So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush.01:22.49But it didnt make gold .01:25.68It made a snake 01:27.172.Listen and say.01:43.84This old woman didnt have food.01:47.57The bad man didnt help people.

52、01:52.54The magic paintbrush didnt make gold.01:57.81It made a snake.01:59.67UNIT 202:06.15He didnt come back.02:08.711.Listen and repeat.02:17.56The and man was engry.02:21.11The magic paintbrush didnt help him.02:24.27It only helped Ma Liang.02:27.72He took Ma Liang away.02:31.48“I want a big ship

53、,”said the bad man.02:33.00“You paint it !”02:35.53so Ma Liang painted the ship.02:39.19Then the ship was real.02:42.35The bad man went to sea in his ship.02:41.35But he didnt come back.02:43.993. Listen and say . Then chant.02:58.95Georgy Porgy Was a naughty boy.03:01.38He was bad to the girls And

54、broke their toys.03:05.64But when the boys Came out to play,Georgy Porgy Ran away.Module7 UNIT 100:08.20Did you break your toy?00:10.921.Listen, point and find “did, didnt”.00:24.56Mum, Tom is crying!00:36.10Did you fall, Tom?00:41.46No, I didnt.00:44.62Did you break your toy?00:48.38No, I didnt.00:

55、51.02Did you see a scary thing ?00:56.29Yes, I did.00:59.01I saw a monster on the TV!01:03.92Dont worry, Tom.01:06.142.Listen and say.01:21.40Did you fall?01:23.83No, I didnt.01:26.86Did you see a scary thing?01:29.89Yes, I did.01:32.21UNIT 201:39.08There were three children.01:42.611.Listen and rep

56、eat.01:51.26There was a big monster. It had three heads.01:56.72There were three children.02:00.66The monster wanted to eat the children.02:05.39The children ran away .02:08.34Then I cried!02:10.51Look , Tom . The monster didnt eat the children.02:16.25Oh, good!02:19.213. Listen and say . Then chant

57、.02:34.25There was an old woman.02:35.79She lived in a shoe.02:38.25She had lots of children.In face , twenty-two.02:42.38She gave them soup and she gave them bread.02:46.82She kissed them good night and put them to bed.Module8 UNIT 100:08.88What did she play?00:11.941.Listen, point and find “what,

58、when”.00:25.81Look, Amy. Some English children came to China last week.00:31.40Did they come for the music competition?00:33.85Yes, they did.00:35.71When did they come ?00:38.64They came last Wednesday. Look, this girl won a gold cup.00:44.28What did she play?00:47.52She played the flute.00:48.98I c

59、an play the flute too!00:53.00So practise a lot. Then you will win a competition too!01:09.562.Listen and say.01:20.33When did they come?01:22.68They came last Wednesday.01:24.92What did she play ?01:28.37She played the flute.01:29.94UNIT 201:36.76Where did you go ?01:39.401.Listen and repeat.01:49.

60、11Yesterday was a holiday. Where did you go ?01:53.76I went to the zoo.01:55.72What did you see ?01:58.86I saw lions and tigers.02:01.50Where did you go , Tingting?02:05.47I didnt go out . I stayed at home.02:09.123. Listen and say . Then chant.02:23.88What did you do yesterday,02:26.44Where did you


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