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1、天 一 大 联 考 2 01 8-20 19 学 年 高 考 全 真 模拟 卷 ( 三 ) 英 语 卷 Wor d版含听力答案学习好资料精品资料天一大联考高考全真模拟卷(三)英语注意事项本试卷共150分 考试时间120分钟。答题前,考生务必将密封线内的项目填写清楚。请将选择题答案填在答题表中,非选择题用黑色签字笔答题。第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最使选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后 ,你都有10秒钟的时间 来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

2、例:How much is the shirt?9.15.B, 9.18. C.:.15.答案是CoWhat s the weather like now?Sunn y. B. Win dy. C. Cloudy.Where does the conv ersati on take place?I n a restaura nt.B. In a coffee shop. C. In a hotel?What does the man order for himself?A cup of coffee. B. A glass of oran ge. C. A piece of cakeWhat

3、does the woma n think of her prese nt degre? ?A. Less competitive. B. More practical. C. Completely useless.What time will the n ext train to Los An geles leave?A. At 10 : 05 a. m. B. At 10 : 15 a. m. C. At 10 : 50 a. m.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下而5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 标在试卷

4、的相应位置c听每段对话或独白前,你 将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时 间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。Why does the woma n have no pla n for Than ksgi ving?A. She has n ever celebrated it. B. She hates to celebrate it alone.C. She is too busy to do it.Where will the speakers spe nd their Than ksgi ving Day?A. At the wo

5、ma n s home. B. At the woma ns home.C. At their friend s home.听第7段材料,回答第8 9题。What color is the woma ns daughter s dress?A. Red.bb B. Blue. nnnn C. Yellow.What does the man probably do?A. A teacher B. A policema n. C. A waiter.1 0. Whnts wrcma with the woniHii s mother?s mother stay in hctspoal ?A. S

6、he had heart disease. B. She had an operati on.mmt C. She had a car accide nt.How long should the woma nA. For two days. B. For three days. C. For five daysWho is probably the ma n?A. The woma n s cous inB. The woma ns brothCr.The woma n s boss.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。When did the woma n find out some one

7、had broke n into her house?A.At about 10 o clock. B. At about 11 o clock.C. At about 12 o clock.How did the thief get into the house?By break ing the win dow.By damag ing the lock.Through an uni ocked door.What does the man thi nk of the thief?A. Skillful. B. Intelligent. C. Awkward.Why is the house

8、 in a mess?The woma n dici n t clea n it.The woma n s child messed it.The thief tur ned it upside dow n.What should the stude nts write clow n in the forms?Why they 11 be on campus.When they ll be on campus.Whether theyll be on campus.How many dormitories will be ope n duri ng the win ter vacati on?

9、A 1B.31C.32.What will be closed duri ng the win ter vacatio n?The post office and the college office.The library and the computer cen ter.The college store and the dining halls.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将 答案写在题后的答题表中AIdaho 4-H State Teen Associati o

10、n ConferenceThis is an educati onal eve nt focus ing on post-sec on darv and career explorati on.Both 4-H ( Head , Heart, Health , Ha nd) and non 4-H youth are offered theopport unity to participate in a wide variety of activities, in clud ing:? Educatio nal workshops?Com mun ity and campus tours?Se

11、rvice lear ning projects?State Teen Associati on elect ions?On-campus liv ingAdults are welcome to atte nd the Idaho 4-H State Teen Associati on Conven ti on as chaperones(监护人).Please review the adult chaperone position description and discover if this opport unity is for you. To apply, please compl

12、ete the on li ne chaper one applicati on.College stude nts may also atte nd as collegiate volun teers. Please review the collegiate volunteer position description. To apply, please complete the collegiate volun teer applicati on.ScholarshipsPlease con tact your local UI Exte nsion county office to l

13、ear n how to apply for both coun ty/district and state Ischolarships.The Doris Roper ( Youth Leadership Scholarships and the John Thiessen(Adult Leadership Scholarships)applicatio ns are available to curre ntly en rolled 4-H members/v olun teers through 4-H Online.Conference Arra ngeme ntsJune 24 -2

14、7, 2019? Moscow, Idaho? Completed Grades 8 to 12? Registrati on ope ns April 1 , 2019 Ben efitsYon11 be helped to pinpoint (精确找至U)the qualities and characteristics youpossess and use them to discover yourown stre ngths and become superheroes. You 11 know the qualities of successful workers such as t

15、eamwork, read ing andmath, and com muni cati on skills along with other skills such as goodman ageme nt, leadership and a strong work ethic. Withthe inspiring words and determination, they 11 help you find your inner superhero and build teamwork. Be sure to visit and like the Idaho 4-H State Tee n A

16、ssociation Facebook page.What can college stude nts do at the Conferen ce?Arrange the conferen ce.B. Do volun tary work.C. Atte nd educati onal workshops. D. Serve as chaper on es.How long does Idaho 4-H Slate Teen Associati on Conference last?4 days. B. 8 days.C. 12 days. D. 24 days.Which of the fo

17、llowi ng will you ben efit from the Conferen ce?Beco ming a hero.B. Buildi ng teamwork.C. Improving your strengths. D. Creating inspiring work.BOne of my earliest memories is in a nursery class, learning the letters. By that point, though, books were already a huge part of my lif my pare nts read to

18、 me all the time, and my dad taught me to pronounce the words correctly and do maths games.Whe n I got to primary school, the academic side was nt a proble but fitt ing in was, and I was bullied (欺负)a bit. I was nt into the typical“ boy ” stuff, like sports I enjo yed singing, dancing, play ing the

19、guitar and perform in g. I used to spe nd activity lessons s让 ting with the teachers, because I couldnt handle the playgound.At the age of 11 , though, I started at Sylvia Young Theatre School, and for the first time,让 felt like I was being taught by people who genuinely“ got im e. Oneparticular, Ra

20、y Lamb, was a huge in flue nee. He was one of those educators who would always teach you more tha n you thought you were going to lear n, somehow managing to weave scie nee,engin eeri ng and motorcycle maintenance(摩托车维修)into a si ngi ng less on, effortlessly. You did nt mess abo und with him you did

21、 nt want to; he was teach ing you so much.I did read in depe nden tly as a child, but I would n t say I actively got pleasure out of it, really. By the age of nine Id started acting professionally, and that was my life I loved it. Then, when I was about 13 , the first Harry Potter came ou一 and it ch

22、a nged my life. For the first time, I got completely lost in a book一 I wan ted to live in that world, and I couldnt wait for the next installment (分册)in the series. That experie nee made me want to create someth ing of my own, result ing in my successful writing career.What do we know about the auth

23、or at primary school?He was easy to become aggressive.B. He enjo yed doing sports very much.C. He was slow at lear ning mathematics. D. It was hard for him to adapt himself.Which of the follow ing best expla ins the un derl ined words ha ndle the playgo und in paragraph 2?Play with others. B. Show h

24、is tale nts.C. Enjoy doing sports.D. Clea n the playgro und.What in spired the author to be a successful writer?A. Ray Lambs huge in flue nee. B. Read ing Harry Potter series.C. Sylvia Young Theatre School. D. His own act ing professi on allyWhat ca n be a suitable title for the text?What I Learned

25、at SchoolB. The Origin of My CareerC. The lesso ns 1 Had in Primary School D. Beautiful Memories Made Me Hap pyCResearchers from Radboud Un iversity Medical Cen ter found thal memoty champions arent all that different from us. People with an average memory can also greatly improve their memory abili

26、ty by using whats known the mind palace method, the secret weapo(武器)of the fictional character Sherlock Holmes.To do this, you just n eed to picture a place you 1 re familiar with, eg, your study. Then, remember this place in as much detail as possible, for this is your own mind palace. Suppose you

27、want to remember a shopp ing list. You can start by spreadi ng out all the items around your study in your mind. This means each item on your list is conn ected with a remembered place in your study. You tn rvel to that remembered place as you think of the list.To explore the effects of this method

28、on the brai n, researchers gathered 51 participa nts with average memory levels and no previous memory trai ning. After 40 days of daily 30-minute training periods, participa nts doubled the amount of words they could remember. Four mon ths later, eve n without con ti nued training, their recall per

29、forma nee rema ined high.Once you are familiar with these strategies and know how to apply them, you can keep your performanee high without much further training, ? said Martin Dresler, an assista nt professor from Radboud Un iversity Medical Cen ter.Additi on ally, the trai ning also affects the wa

30、y our brain cells conn ect. After training, the way that the participants brain cells connect begins to be like those of memory champi ons compared to sca ns take n before trai ning. Researchers believe this could be resp on sible for their in creased memoiy. But what makes this research so fasc in

31、ati ng is that it seems to prove that the tale nt to store things in your mind isn t dow n to gen es. Dresler found there was no differe nee in brain structure betwee n memory champi ons and no rmal peoples, which means memory champi ons are not born with differe nt brains.W hat can we lear n about

32、Sherlock Holmes?He was a real pers on in history.He had an extremely good memory.He was a detective with stra nge ideas.He was always proud of his mi nd palac.What does the un derli ned sentence in paragraph 2 mean?Go to the orig inal place with more items.Travel to the place after you leave your st

33、udy.Relate everything in the study to one item on the list.Try to fill your list with what you can recall in the study.What can we infer from lhe last paragraph?The memory champi ons did nt cha nge after training.Rememberi ng all the items can improve your memory.The more you practice your memory, t

34、he cleverer you become.The tale nt to store thi ngs in your mind has nothing to do with gen es.What s the purpose of this passage?To en courage people to do more research.To inform people of a scie ntific discovery.To advise people to take part in the trai ning.To in spire people to become memory ch

35、ampi ons.DWhether you re on a long road trip or stuck in traffic during a daily commute (通 勤),a low iPhone battery could spell disaster for the bored driver. At first, it may seem harmless to plug your phone into your car s USB port. But charg ing your iPhone duri ng your ride might be a big mistake

36、.Why? For starters (汽车的发动装置),the USB port in your vehicle probably provides less electricity than your phone really needs to be charged. As a result, your phone might be switched off while it is charged, or worse- hardly charged at all. Ma ny people may no tice that on their ride home from work thei

37、r pho ne is charged very little during their 30 to 60 miutes rid,Brad Nichols, a technician at Staymobile, told Reader s Digest. This is mostly due to the fact that the phone is using more power tha n the car charger is suppl ying it.”Nichols also says that your phone could receive too much power, e

38、specially if you re using a Cigarette Lighterport to charge up. Most Cigarette Lighters can supply up to 10 amps (电流单位),while most chargers use one to three amps. A damaged charger can provide incon siste nt power to the device, result ing in sudde n pauses or viole nt charg ing that could cause ove

39、rheat ing, damage to the internal parts, or on the rare occasi on, destroy the device.Charging your phone while on the road could empty your cars battery, too. If you leave your car running on“ accedsxryycr engine is off, but you still use theradio 一 the device will draw power from your cars battery

40、 as it charges. This usually isnt a big deal for those who own new cars with healthy batteries, Nichols says. But if your car is an older model, you might want to avoid charg ing your phone through its USB port.Most importantly, its not safe to use your phone while operating a vehicle. Any time if a

41、 pers ons hands leave the wheel or eyes leave the road, it becomes in credibly dan gerous for him or her and the other people around him or her, Nichols says.What do we know from paragraphs 1 & 2?What we can do whe n we re stuck in traffic.The bored driver may cause a disaster easily.We should n t c

42、harge a pho ne in the car whe n driv ing.Its harmless to plug a phone into the car s USB port.Why are some figures used bv Brad Nichols in paragraphs 3 & 4?A. To prese nt a ki nd of facts.B. To summarize his research.C.To leave a deep impressi on. D. To make his ideas persuasive.What causes the over

43、heat ing whe n your iPh one is charged in the car?A. I neon siste nt power to the device. B. The quality of your cars battery.C. Some damages to the internal parts.D. The sudde n pauses of the car.What tone does the text speak with in the last paragraph?A. Humorous. B. Serious. C. Gen tleD. Ambiguou

44、s.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写 在题后的答题表中。选项中有 两项为多余选项。Gett ing along well with your n eighbors makes your com munity a happier and safer place to live._36 Maintain and clea n any shared spaces. If you live in a town home, or apartme nt, you might end up shari ng resp on sib

45、ility for a hallway, entran ce, or yard with your n eighbors_37 You can remove or carefully store your pers onal items, such as hikes. Pick up any trash that von see, too. For example, to maintain a law n space, talk with your n eighbor about rotat ing mowing duties each week.38 To keep your n eighb

46、ors happy and your home clea n, take out your trash accord ing to the local schedule. Also, use the correct trash containers and follow any restricti on regard ing chemicals or oversized items.Do your n eighbors a favor whe n possible. If you see your n eighbor struggli ng with a package, offer to h

47、elp them. If you notice that they do not have a mower, offer to let them use yours. If you are helpful to your n eighbors, dont feel ashamed whe n you n eed to reach out for assista nee as well. For example, if your n eighbor is going out of tow n, they might ask you to watch over their home_39Atte

48、nd and host n eighborhood eve nts and associati ons. In vite a few of your n eighbors over for a nice dinner or barbecue. Find out if you are suitable to participate in a local com mun ity orga ni zati on._40 These are great ways to get to know your n eighbors whether you ve bee n in the area for da

49、ys or years. For example, a com mun ity associati on could work together to put on a local street festival or eve n small dinners.Clea n your home every day.Doi ng a favor to others makes you happy.Put your trash out at the right time and day.If not, talk to your n eighbors and create your own.Do yo

50、ur part to keep these spaces as nice as possible.The key to being a good n eighbor lies in several facts.Then, whe n you take a trip, you can ask them to return the favor.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写 在题后的答题表中。Ten years ago, my mom

51、gave me a special but welcome gift. It was a fancy blood pressure_41 My doctor told me I had high blood pressure and she 42 to make sure I was keeping track of it. Being in my early twenties at the time, this situation should have 43 me , but it did n t. I had long bee n 44 from n ameless an xiety a

52、nd stress that45 being a decade long struggle. Its only bee n in the last few years that, through lots of self inquiry, 46, and diet, Ive slowly escaped it, day by day.I m happy to say that I no Ion ger n eed my blood pressure mon itor. miym is 47 and does nt n eed it either, but I know she_48 a lar

53、ge amount on it whe n her finan ces were not the best. I decided to put it up for_49 on li ne for a proper fee, and a woman_50 say ing she wan ted to buy it from me shortly after_51 it. I went to a coffee shop and met up with her, along with an older woman who looked like her mother. Neither of them

54、 looked like they were in 52 shape.She slowly took out some_53 from her wallet to pav me, and it struck methen that I could 54 let her pay me.her “ here, just take it.I had a Smile card on hand in my wallet ; I 55 it out of the bag and told56 aShattempted to hand me the cash I again. I aga in _57 th

55、at she take it. She was thrilled and 58 me. I wished them good health and a happy life.Although I did nt 59my mom in cash, I am more tha n happy that Irepaid her 60 pass ing on her gift tosome one who really n eeded it. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。41. A. con ductorB. i nstructorC. mon itorD. exa

56、m iner42. A. i nten dedB. stoppedC. rememberedD. chose43. A. comfortedB. shockedC. relieved D. refreshed44. A. judgi ng B. preve ntingC. sufferi ng D. separat ing45. A. compla ined aboutB. set about C. gave upD.en ded upA. struggleB. exerciseC. experie nee D. researchA. calm B. en ergeticC. kind D.

57、healthy48. A. focused B. don atedC.spe ntI), purchased49. A. sale B. excha ngeC. com muni cati onD. chargeA. guara nteed B. resp on ded C. observedD. preferredA. deliveri ngB. finding C. posti ngD. recei ving52.A. poor B. goodC. slim D.fat53. A. salary B. cardsC. souvenirs D. cash54. A. impossiblyB.

58、 quietly C. surely D. happily55. A. squeezedB. withdrew C. pushed D. took56. A. frustratedB. embarrassed D. con fused D. delighted57. A. claimed B. remarked C. orderedD. i nsistedA. promised B. tha nked C. admired D. awardedA. repay B. rewardC. supportD. impressA. forB. as C. by D. in第二节(共10小题;每小题1

59、.5分,满分15分)The Ni ngxia Hui aut onom ous regi on_61 ( make) historic achieveme nts in social developme nt since it was foun ded_60 years ago, chairwoma n of the regi on said.“ The regi on has econo mically developed, and its econo mic power has beccfime(stro ng) tha n ever,Chairwoma n Xia n Hui said

60、duri ng a n ews conference of the State CouncilInformation Office in Beijing on Thursday.Foun ded 63 Oct. 25, 1958 , Nin gxia, in n orthwester n China, has a populati on of 6.82 million. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the region. The region1 s GDP reached 345 billion yuan (


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