《商务谈判课件(英文)》Lecture 3_第1页
《商务谈判课件(英文)》Lecture 3_第2页
《商务谈判课件(英文)》Lecture 3_第3页
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《商务谈判课件(英文)》Lecture 3_第5页
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1、Lecture 3 Preparing for negotiationNegotiations require preparation. Any experienced business negotiator will tell you that there is never enough time to get ready. Good preparation is vital for a successful negotiation. Other things being equal, the party who prepares well does better. How does one

2、 prepare for negotiations? A Chinese ancient military genius, Sun Tzu, provided an answer: Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your e

3、nemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle.Question: If you want to be successful in a salary or career negotiation, what do you need to do to prepare for it?Answer:Lets watch a video, the speaker will tell you the answer.Listen carefully!ContentsInformation GatheringInformati

4、on ProcessingNegotiation Planning1. Information GatheringWith the development of technology, people are now in the age of information. Obtaining necessary information has been a guarantee for all kinds of activities. Negotiation is a kind of economic activity, during which one will obtain what one n

5、eeds with information, which essentially depends on information gathering. Information becomes the presupposition for knowing the opponents real intentions, and working out a strategic negotiation plan.1. Information Gathering1.1 Role of negotiation information1.2 Information on related environmenta

6、l factors1.3 Knowledge of the opponent1.4 Knowledge of competitors1.5 Knowledge of oneself1.1 Role of negotiation informationInformation is a kind of intangible asset with which greater value can be created. Information is a tool with which conflicts can be resolved. Information is the foundation on

7、 which bargaining power is built, and from which negotiators gain their confidence.Different information affects negotiation activity in a complicated manner. Some will determine the success of a negotiation directly, some indirectly. Arriving at a negotiation meeting without any notes, research fin

8、dings, or information of any kind is like a football team going to their game without any of their coaches. It follows, therefore, that the importance of information gathering can never be ignored. On the whole, negotiation information plays a crucial role from three aspects:First of all, negotiatio

9、n information serves as the basis for working out strategic plans. With a workable, adaptable and simple plan, negotiations can be guided on their correct path. A sound strategic plan is based on enough accurate information. During negotiations, the party who has more relevant information will work

10、out a workable negotiation plan, and thus gain an upper hand in negotiation. To do this the party will need to know the real needs of the other party, his negotiation interests and his bottom line.Second, information can be used as a means to control the negotiation process. To steer negotiations ef

11、ficiently, one must be clear about the ultimate result of the negotiation. To ensure that the negotiation process proceeds toward the negotiation goals, and to guarantee its smooth development, information is a helping hand, otherwise the process cannot be efficiently guided or coordinated.Finally,

12、negotiation information serves as the medium between the two parties. Even though there are different forms of negotiations covering different fields, there is one thing in common, that is, negotiation is a kind of communicative and consultative process. Without information as a medium, uncertaintie

13、s during negotiation cannot be removed, further discussions cannot be continued, and neither partys interests can be reconciled or balanced. Information acts as the grease that guarantees the smooth development of negotiations. 1.2 Information on related environmental factorsBritish negotiation expe

14、rt P.D.V. Marshen classified the environmental factors into 8 types: social customs financial statusinfrastructure and logistics suppliesclimate. political statesreligious beliefslegal systemsbusiness conventions1.2.1 The political statePolitics are closely related with national economies. To solve

15、certain problems, the government will put forward economic policies. When a country is politically stable, it will attract more foreign investment and engage in more trade with other countries. Therefore, before negotiation, the party must know clearly the political environment of the opponents coun

16、try, including its political system, current political situation, social stability, relations between the governments of the two negotiating parties, the degree of government control on imports, and other regulations that may affect the conduct of trade.1.2.2 Religious beliefReligion penetrates into

17、 every corner of peoples lives, including peoples life styles, value concepts, consumption behaviors, and business intercourse with other people. Religion can directly influence peoples ways of thinking. In the research stage, one needs to know whether a countrys policy or political state will be in

18、fluenced by religion. People should know religious rituals and taboos of that country.1.2.3 The legal systemA legal system will exert invisible influences on business negotiations. Export-oriented enterprises will come across various legal problems in either or both countries of the negotiating part

19、ies. So to reduce business risks, one must know clearly in advance what kind of law system is applied in that country (civil law system or common law system), what the legal procedure is, and how the law is enforced.1.2.4 Business conventionEvery country forms its own business convention, which incl

20、udes aspects such as the decision-making process, the importance of the target language, the role of lawyers in negotiations and signing of contracts, the order of the speakers on official occasions, whether it is acceptable for one party to hold negotiations with several potential parties simultane

21、ously in that country. Knowing all those answers in advance will help the negotiator to achieve better results.1.2.5 Social customsSocial customs vary from country to country, which will influence negotiations to a certain extent. They may involve many aspects of peoples lives such as the norms in d

22、ressing, gift-giving, greeting, dining, etc. 圣诞前夕,德国家庭还有一个最典型的习俗是烘烤圣诞干果杏仁蛋糕。圣诞干果杏仁蛋糕是一种裹着白色糖粉,内里含有果实颗粒的长形蛋糕。人们通常在享用蛋糕之前好几个星期就要开始烘烤,这种蛋糕制作过程十分繁复,要先将干果泡在酒里,然后将浸透酒香的干果和杏仁膏揉入到黄油面团中,在烘烤之后,还得在布满皱折的表面上撒满厚厚的白色糖粉。为使蛋糕发酵,烘烤后要将精心包装好的蛋糕放在干燥凉爽的环境中放置几个星期。人们也会烤制小饼干。根据个人口味和技术不同,圣诞小饼干可以用模子压出来,用手捏或是用工具挤压出来,在饼干制作原料中,常

23、用桂皮和茴香,杏仁也必不可少,然后撒上太古粉,浇上巧克力或糖浆,最后撒上各色的亮珠子或是用星型杏仁糖作装饰,放在盘子里五光十色的,十分喜庆诱人。1.2.6 Financial stateKnowing a countrys financial state including external debt of that country, its foreign exchange reserves, its credibility in payment, the convertibility of its currency, the changes in its foreign exchange

24、rate, the composition of its exports allows one to evaluate the countrys business environment. Knowing those factors will assist in knowing a companys ability to pay any obligations.1.2.7 Infrastructure and logistics systemInfrastructure and logistics refer to the general state of manpower, material

25、 resources, and financial resources of the country, including the availability of skilled labor, building materials, and capital. Besides, they also involve aspects such as any restrictions on employing of foreign labor, imported materials, introduced equipment, and local transportation conditions.1

26、.2.8 Climate factorClimate factors include the length of the rainy season, the amount of rainfall, the temperature, etc., which will influence peoples consumption habits, exports of products, and business negotiations. A company wanting to promote the sale of its products must take the climate facto

27、r into consideration. It cannot sell, for instance, air-conditioning systems in cold regions, for they are seldom used there. Of course, devices within a product to deal with weather conditions will surely promote the sale of the product, as for instance, a unit which combines warm air heating and c

28、old air conditioning.climatepolitical statereligious beliefslegal systemsinfrastructure and logistics suppliessocial customsbusiness conventionsfinancial status1.3 Knowledge of the opponentInformation about the companythe nature of the company, its development history, financial and credit status, f

29、eatures of its products, world market shares, production and supply capacity, price levels, preferred payment terms, negotiating targets or objectives. information about the negotiatorsthe authority within the team, their strengths and weaknesses, their BATXA, etc. Case 1Case 2Case 3Case 41.3.1 Natu

30、re of the companyForeign businesses can be classified into six types:1.Multinational corporations (MNC) with a good reputation;2.Business persons with a certain level of reputation with strong capital and market share;3.Business persons enjoying no fame at all, yet qualified; 4.Fundless companies, r

31、eferring to those acting as middle persons;5.Business persons dealing outside their companies purview and/or acting illegally;6.Tricksters.In doing business, one must know clearly with what kind of business one is dealing. One should avoid doing business with the last three kinds of firms or individ

32、uals so as not to incur losses. 1.3.2 Credit status and financial statusThe credit status of a company is the risk that a financial institution or a creditor will consider when extending credit or making a loan. The risk is, in effect, the possibility that the money will not be paid back (in the cas

33、e of a loan) or that goods once received will not be paid for. Factors which establish a companys credit status include its history of paying bills and debts. Case In some countries normal commercial transactions should be settled within 30 days of the transaction, and the credit rating will be lowe

34、red if payments are made after that time. Often after 90 days a debt will be referred to a collection agency or even to the courts. Any company that has a record of unbroken on-time payments of all its financial obligations will have a high credit rating.Included in the credit assessment will be the

35、 financial status of the company; that is the assets the company has which, in the event of a default, can be seized. The lender or creditor will assess the assets which the borrower owns and which could be seized and sold to meet a defaulted debt. Assets include real property, cash and deposits, as

36、 well as some intangibles (such as a trademark) which may have value if sold. 1.3.3 IndividualsAs far as team members are concerned, one should know them on an individual basis. One should know a great deal of information including their personalities, hobbies, negotiating styles, their negotiating

37、history, and the record of successful or unsuccessful cases. One should know who is the chief negotiator on the other side, what is his/her authority, his/her ability, and strong points and weak points. These questions need to be answered. During a negotiation, one should know with whom one is talki

38、ng: is he/she a decision maker?1.4 Knowledge of competitorsWith constant improvement in productivity and wide application of technology, goods are in rich supply. In the market place, there exist many producers manufacturing similar products. It is rare that there is only one producer dominating the

39、 whole market with unique products. So from the buyers point of view, knowing the market, the competitors, is important, for it can serve as a bargaining chip when negotiating. The negotiator can always threaten to go to a competitor. Information about competitors may include supply of and demand fo

40、r the products information about similar products technological development trends production capacityoperational statesmarket shares of the major producerscompetitors sales forces price levelsdistribution channelscompetition and relationship between or among rivals1.5 Knowledge of oneselfLast but n

41、ot least, before investigating anything, one should first know oneself. A seller needs to know his/her own capacities and abilities to provide what the buyer is looking for. The factors a seller needs to know include operational conditions like the products performance, production capacity, quality,

42、 types, price levels, cost composition, sales states, and market share.Knowledge of the opponentKnowledge of the competitorKnowledge of oneself2. Information processing2.1 Information sourcing2.2 Information processing2.1 Information sourcingThere are several sources from and methods by which to obt

43、ain needed information:1. Direct investigation: Sending a group or delegation to pay a visit to the other partys factory to get first-hand information, including its levels of production, technology, management and workers skills. The important thing is that before going, they must be prepared, with

44、 clear purposes and questions in mind.2. Collecting information from various publications like trade magazines, newsletters, annual reports, statistics, newspapers, radio broadcasting, TV programs, etc. In the information age, getting information useful to oneself through mass media is possible. The

45、 following cases show that some companies succeeded because they did well in information gathering and analyzing.Case 1First from a Pictorial with a photo of an oilfield worker in a big cotton-padded coat, busy working in heavy snow, the company analyzed that this oilfield might be located at some p

46、lace in the north of that country. Later on, from another special report in that country s national paper, they got to know the location of the oilfield. Then from a photo carried in its National Daily of a drilling derrick, specifically, describing aspects such as the position of the handle, they f

47、igured out the diameter of the oil well. Based on all this information, they designed oil equipment suitable for this oilfield. When the time came for that country inviting tenders from abroad, this company proposed suitable equipment and won the bid.Case 2Mitsubishi Corporation(三菱公司 ) invests about

48、 60 million US dollars each year in its information gathering. In the 1980 s, based on the information the company obtained from Europe and the United States, they deduced that the ban on Iran would be relieved soon. So one month before the embargo was lifted, they sent a delegation to negotiate dea

49、ls secretly. Within a week the Japanese signed agreements worth billions of US dollars with sectors of commerce, engineering, transportation, and machinery.Case 3Kentucky Fried Chicken serves as another example. To open its first quick-service restaurant chain in Beijing, KFC corporation obtained fi

50、rst-hand information concerning consumers, material market, the taste of the food, prices, and inner decoration of the restaurant. For example, their persons stood in the main business streets measuring the population flow, and sent samples to passersby. Finally they opened their chain store in Beij

51、ing and it turned out to be a success.3. Collecting information through related organizations, or trade activities like trade fairs and trade exhibitions. Organizations that may provide sources of information include banks, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Directories, Chinese Commercial Counselors Offic

52、es in foreign countries, and consumer organizations.4. Searching information from the internet. Current internet is an electronic library full of all kinds of information. Some reliable sources can be found on the websites of business magazines, worldwide organizations, or websites ending their addr

53、ess in org, edu, and gov.2.2 Information processing1st step2nd step3rd step4th stepto analyze or assess the informationto classify the remaining material into categories like information on the market, technologyto sift the information, that is, retain the useful information and get rid of the usele

54、ssto file the information so that it can be accessed quickly when needed Video from 林伟贤第2章 做好谈判前的准备/v_show/id_XNDA4MTIzOTUy.html第3章 收集信息选择策略/v_show/id_XMTgyMTU1NDAw.html企业管理管理博士,实践家知识管理集团董事长,培训杂志国际中文版创始人,中华教育训练发展协会理事长,曼陀罗训练的共同创办人,同富爸爸,穷爸爸作者罗伯特。T.清崎均为Money&You专业讲师(全球共六位),并且是全球唯一Money&You及Business&You

55、中文讲师。最擅长以幽默风趣又发人深思、闲话家常又切中要害的课程,协助每个人建立自己的成功系统,实践自己的成功梦想,是亚洲华人最受欢迎的讲师之一。3. Negotiation planning3.1 Establishing goals3.2 Clarifying objectives3.3 Prioritizing ones goals3.4 Defining ones interest3.5 Choosing a strategy3.6 Setting an agenda3.7 Building ones BATNA3.8 Choosing the negotiation place3.9

56、Rehearsing roles3.10 Adjusting based on reality backed up by learning3. Negotiation PlanningIn principle, after information gathering and analyzing, a simple and specific, but flexible negotiation plan should be worked out. The plan must be expressed in highly generalized words, so that the negotiat

57、or will have the headlines and principles of his plan in mind. The plan must be specific, and based on the contents of the negotiation. Without detailed contents, a summary cannot be made. Yet the plan must be flexible, the negotiator must listen to and watch the other party attentively, notice thei

58、r reactions to the elements of the plan, and adjust the plan accordingly. This is mainly because the plan is made unilaterally and many uncertainties cannot be taken into account. (Be careful who has copies, dont let the other party see it.)3.1 Establishing goalsBefore one starts research, the first

59、 thing that should be done is to set out clearly what is wanted from the negotiations. What is the best and the worst that could be the outcome? When setting negotiation objectives, one can take account of the following points:1. Determine what are ones different levels of goals;2. Determine what co

60、ncessions one will make and prioritize them;3. Determine what one wants to give in order to get what one wants;4. Figure out what conflicts will appear and how to deal with them;5. Determine the negotiation limit beyond which one will leave;6. Determine ones BATNA. One should try to determine ones o


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