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1、顾家北(389522376) 19:07:32complex sentence顾家北(389522376) 19:09:21i want to obtain a degree顾家北(389522376) 19:09:38I can find a good job顾家北(389522376) 19:09:57i want to obtain a degree because I can find a good job (T)顾家北(389522376) 19:11:07Immigrants should get themselves顾家北(389522376) 19:11:19o the hos

2、t community if they want to live a happy life.egrateo顾家北(389522376) 19:11:20fito顾家北(389522376) 19:12:17Immigrants shouldegrateo the host community, if they want to live a happy life. (T)顾家北(389522376) 19:15:06Even though students can take advifrom education authorities, but they should still have fr

3、eechoifor enrolments.顾家北(389522376) 19:16:16students have the right to choose their subjects freely, although they can take advice from education authorities.(T)顾家北(389522376) 19:17:13Unless meet peoples basic needs, a country is very difficult to track many so as crimes.顾家北(389522376) 19:19:05l pro

4、blemchUnless all basic needs of people are met, it is not easy for countries to tackle more so such as crime.(T)顾家北(389522376) 19:22:15l problems4.这可以给国家带来竞争优势(competitive edge),如果年轻人受过好的教育。It will take competitive edge for countries if young people receive good education顾家北(389522376) 19:22:56It ca

5、n give a country a competitive edge, if young people are well-educated.(T)顾家北(389522376) 19:25:25Disadvantaged children do not feel they are inferior to others because they have equal ac education.顾家北(389522376) 19:25:51s toDisadvantaged children do not feel inferior to others because they have educ

6、ation.(T)顾家北(389522376) 19:27:59theequal acs toSome tourists feel embarrassed when they cannot pick up the local language.顾家北(389522376) 19:29:46Once young people earn a reasonable salary,they beg顾家北(389522376) 19:30:21o repay the loancannot顾家北(389522376) 19:30:47Once young people earn a reasonable

7、salary,they beg顾家北(389522376) 19:31:51o repay the loan (T)they enable to repay the loan.顾家北(389522376) 19:36:15“t the population is growing older”is beved顾家北(389522376) 19:37:41this job is done顾家北(389522376) 19:39:08The demand for health care is increasing顾家北(389522376) 19:40:21The demand for health

8、 care increases顾家北(389522376) 19:40:36The demand for health care increased顾家北(389522376) 19:41:571.muting 可以更加激发雇员的动力(improve motivation)。很多雇主发现Many employers findtmuting can improve their employees motivation.顾家北(389522376) 19:43:28Many employers have found顾家北(389522376) 19:44:52tmuning can improve

9、 employees motivation.(T)2. The major disadvantage of old buildings is顾家北(389522376) 19:47:23t they are in a se of disrepair.AOF B & Bs A区别顾家北(389522376) 19:47:28Bs A顾家北(389522376) 19:47:42the legs of the table顾家北(389522376) 19:47:48the tables legs顾家北(389522376) 19:49:42罪犯可能会society)。他们应该遵律,成为一个对社会有

10、价值的成员 (worthy membersofl Offenders may realizet they should observe laws ande worthy members of society.顾家北(389522376) 19:51:26Offenders may realizet they should observe laws ande worthy members of society. (T)顾家北(389522376) 19:52:11ande worthy members of society.顾家北(389522376) 19:52:17they should o

11、bserve laws顾家北(389522376) 19:54:55eworking 会降低工作效能(reduce productivity),原因是在家办公的人(remote workers)不完成他们的任务。eworking may reduce productivity because remote workerss tasks can not meet the deadline顾家北(389522376) 19:57:41eworking can reduce productivity, due to the fact their tasks on time. (T)顾家北(38952

12、2376) 20:02:07t many remote workers cannot completeI disagree with the ideat we cannot deal with problems ofing population.顾家北(389522376) 20:06:495.确实如此,免除学费(abolition of tuition fees)可以鼓励贫穷的学生去上大学, abolition of tuition fees can encourage less well-off students to go to colleges.顾家北(389522376) 20:07

13、:52It is clear(T)t the abolition of tuition fees can encourage disadvantaged students to go to university.:史上最有效率的顾家北(389522376) 20:15:08,点击立即宠爱女神吧!Students do revifor exams and improve their skills for academic life.顾家北(389522376) 20:17:25Students do revifor exams and many teachers might ignore oth

14、er aspects of development suchas sol skills. (T)顾家北(389522376) 20:19:53增加销量,也鼓励无节制的商品消费(relentless consumption)。 Advertisements increase sales volume and encourage relentless consumptions.顾家北(389522376) 20:20:40Advertisements increase sales and encourage the relentless consumption of goods. (T)顾家北(3

15、89522376) 20:22:41学生可以提高计算机知识(computer literacy)和更好地理解(digital technology)。Students can improve computer literacy and have a better understanding on digital technology.顾家北(389522376) 20:43:123.exclu可能会经受文化冲击(cultural shock),并可能会有被排斥的感觉(sol)。Immigrants can undergo cultural shock also may have feel of

16、 the so顾家北(389522376) 20:44:24l exclu.Immigrants may experience culture shock and have a sense of so顾家北(389522376) 20:45:10l exclu.(T)4.可以增强技能,事业进步 (advance career)。Immigrants can improve skills and advance career.顾家北(389522376) 20:45:58年轻人可以找到工作,并过上体面的生活(make a decent living)。Young people could fin

17、d jobs and make a decent living.顾家北(389522376) 20:47:186.有的时候会出现不真实的信息 (incorrect information),并且含有偏见。News reports may sometimes have incorrect information and contain bias.顾家北(389522376) 20:48:331.对于就业市场(labour market)的趋势和雇主的需求有很好的了解。Theernment shouldgain a good understanding of labour markets tren

18、ds and employers needs顾家北(389522376) 20:49:37Theernment has a good understanding of the trends in the labour market andalsotherequirements of employers.(T)顾家北(389522376) 20:52:28Theernment has a good understanding of the trends in the labour market andalsotherequirements of employers.顾家北(389522376)

19、20:55:41定语从句修饰的名词称之为“先行词”顾家北(389522376) 20:55:48Students who have inborn talents can attend additional classes.顾家北(389522376) 20:56:34students have inborn talents顾家北(389522376) 20:57:31从句(who have inborn talents)去掉,主句:Students can attend additional classes顾家北(389522376) 20:59:27关押犯人一直是一种处理那些违法(break

20、 laws)的人的方式。 Imprisoning prisoners always the way of addressing people who breaks laws.顾家北(389522376) 21:00:42Imprisoning prisoners always the way of addressing people顾家北(389522376) 21:01:10Imprisonmens long been a method to reform those who break laws. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:01:25Imprisonmens long be

21、en a method to reform those (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:02:13those peopreak laws. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:03:13Young people may buy a new generation of electronic products, such as mobile phones and tabletcomputers, which have通知:管理员 顾家北e highly affordable.游客使用文字聊天。顾家北(389522376) 21:04:13Young people may buy a

22、 new generation of electronic products, such as mobile phones and tablet computers,顾家北(389522376) 21:05:14havee highly affordable顾家北(389522376) 21:05:22products havee highly affordable顾家北(389522376) 21:06:06Education is particularly important for those offenders from less well-off backgrounds, who v

23、iolated the law due to poverty and unemployment.顾家北(389522376) 21:06:12Education is particularly important for those offenders from less well-off backgrounds, who violated the law due to poverty and unemployment.(T)顾家北(389522376) 21:06:46Education is particularly important for those offenders from l

24、ess well-o顾家北(389522376) 21:08:07ackgrounds (T)offenders violated the law due to poverty and unemployment. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:12:47Online courses are suitable for children who cannot go to school every day.顾家北(389522376) 21:13:48Online courses are suitable for children who cannot go to school ever

25、y day. (定语从句特指世界上小孩其中的一部分,在这里就是“不能够每天上学的小孩”)顾家北(389522376) 21:15:30Online courses are suitable for children with disabilities, who cannot go to school every day.(非限制性定语从句不特指,只是提供附加信息,这句话意思就是世界上所有的残疾的小孩都是不能每天上课)顾家北(389522376) 21:17:31Online courses are suitable for children with disabilities, who can

26、not go to school every day.(非限制性定语从句不限定先行词,只是提供附加信息解释先行词的全部,这句话意思就是世界上所有的残疾的小孩都是不能每天上课)顾家北(389522376) 21:19:43Pursuing a degree overseas is expensive for poor children, who cannot afford tuition fees of secondary education.顾家北(389522376) 21:22:20Newsanizations sometimes sensationalise some news stor

27、ies, which may have an adverseimpact on our daily lives. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:24:09University students may choose to work in cities, where they can enjoy a higher standard of living.顾家北(389522376) 21:24:20=in which顾家北(389522376) 21:24:48cities顾家北(389522376) 21:25:15in cities,they can enjoy a higher

28、standard of living. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:26:05in cities,顾家北(389522376) 21:28:011.商品的大规模生产(mass production)是迅速增加的另一个原因。顾家北(389522376) 21:28:52Mass production of consumer goods is another reason why waste has increased ra顾家北(389522376) 21:29:11ly. (T)why =for which顾家北(389522376) 21:29:30for another re

29、ason, waste has increased ra顾家北(389522376) 21:30:46ly.(T)There are many mixed ability classes in which children study together regardless of ability.顾家北(389522376) 21:31:22mixed ability classes are there顾家北(389522376) 21:34:12children study togetherixed ability classes, regardless of ability.顾家北(389

30、522376) 21:34:51There are news reportst contain bias.顾家北(389522376) 21:35:26There are many products which are endorsed by ce顾家北(389522376) 21:36:13ducts are endorsed by cerities.顾家北(389522376) 21:36:56There are many students who prefer to study at prestigious universities.顾家北(389522376) 21

31、:37:42studentsprefer to study at prestigious universities. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:38:02There are some news reports which are likely to spread fear in communities.顾家北(389522376) 21:38:21There are some news reports are likely to spread fear in communities.顾家北(389522376) 21:38:58(T)There are some young p

32、eople who find it difficult to decide the care顾家北(389522376) 21:39:08ath.(T)There are some young people who find it difficult to decide the care顾家北(389522376) 21:39:17ath.news reports are likely to spread fear in communities. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:40:19young people find it difficult to decide the careath. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:41:06There are many immigrants顾家北(389522376) 21:41:16t feel homesick.(T)immigrants feel homesick.(T)顾家北(389522376) 21:42:08These employees have a flexible schedule every


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