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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、 I have waited for Fast & Furious 8 for a long time! I am dying to watch it! Me too! Lets go to the movies together tonight.Acant hel

2、p watchingBcant wait to watchCdislike watching2、Excuse me, what time does Flight BA 2793 leave?Just a minute. I_ it for you.AcheckBcheckedCwill checkDhave checked3、- Its the best time to visit Lianyungang now. - This is the best place _ I have ever visited.AwhereBthatCwhichDwhen4、The radio says ther

3、e will be a rainstorm this weekend, so we have to cancel the hiking to Nanshan._Im looking forward to it.ANever mindBWhat a pityCMy pleasureDNo problem5、_ amazing music! Tan Dun made it just by controlling the speed of water flow.AHow BHow an CWhat DWhat an6、 Who the classroom tomorrow, Tony? Our gr

4、oup.Awill clean Bcleans Ccleaned Dclear7、I dont care how you do the job. I only care it can be done. Just give me a date!AwhereBwhatCwhyDwhen8、Its his new book, but I think it is more interesting than his other books.I agree with you. His latest book is up to his highest_Achoice Blevel Cwealth9、Hain

5、an is _ island with fresh air and bright sunshine.AtheBanCa10、Is it _ to do some shopping in that supermarket?Yes. I pass by it on my way home from work.Acheap Bconvenient Ccrowded Dexpensive. 完形填空11、In our life, it seems difficult to be polite to other people all the time. Many people become 1 to o

6、ther people very easily. Here are three pieces of 2 to help you be a polite person.You should say hello to other people with a smile, 3 it may be the first time you have met them. Nobody will feel strange or uncomfortable if 4 smile at someone when you first meet them. A sweet smile is the best way

7、to show your kindness and start a conversation. Whenever you need help 5 someone, say “please” before asking him or her. If someone has helped you, dont 6 to say “Thank you” in return. If you have done something wrong, be sure to say “Sorry”. Other people would be glad to help you in the future and

8、these simple 7 will show how polite you are.In some situations, you may not 8 on someones opinions, If you disagree on what someone says, its best to be calm and polite. 9 the words carefully , and try to understand what the person is saying. If he becomes rude, keep quiet for a moment. When he calm

9、s down, tell him your idea more 10 . Lets be a polite person!1Ayoung Bold Crude2Aadvice Bnews Csuggestion3Aif Bthough Cuntil4Ayou Byourself Cyour5Aoff Babout Cfrom6Aforget Bremember Crequire7Atexts Bnotes Cwords8Acheck Bagree Cchange9ALook for BListen to CSee10Aquick Bsadly Cpolitely. 语法填空12、根据下面短文内

10、容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。In 1971, a poor young man was traveling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. On the way, he had run out of his1so he had no food to eat and had to live in his car.One morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked into a restaurant and order

11、ed a big breakfast. After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found he had to2to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. He was so embarrassed(尴尬的) that his face turned red. The waiter, also the owner, walked behind the young mans seat. He bent down(弯腰), and stood up3a $20 bill in his ha

12、nd. It seemed as if it had fallen on the floor. “Son, you must have dropped this.” the owner said. The young man was so4that he couldnt believe his eyes! He quickly5for the breakfast and went out.On the way out of town, he realized, “6nobody dropped the money at all. Maybe the owner of the restauran

13、t just knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didnt embarrass me. What a kind person he is! 7I have the chance in the future; I will do the same to help others.”Now older, the man lives near Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars to poor people. He is regarded8the “S

14、ecret Father Christmas”, because at Christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those homeless people on the streets. Last year, he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City. 阅读理解A13、A young prince had just recently become King. In order to rule his kingdom, he decided to learn all t

15、he wisdom of world. Therefore, he gathered all the wise men from his kingdom and abroad and ordered them to look for books for him to read and learn from.Five years passed quickly. The wise men returned with their camels, carrying 5000 books full of wisdom. Seeing so many books, the king was so shoc

16、ked that he didnt know how to start. So he ordered the wise men to condense the books and bring them back to him. Another five years passed. The wise men again went to see the king, this time bringing 500 books, but the king still thought there were too many. Five more years passed. The wise men bro

17、ught back 50 books. At this time, the king was troubled with many problems, but he still felt were too many books.During the next few years, the wise men worked hard to condense the 50 books into one book and present it to the king. The king took no interest in reading this book, nor did he have tim

18、e to learn from it. More problems broke out in his kingdomhis enemies endlessly attacked and diseases affected his people. He did not have the wisdom to solve these problems. Finally, the king was killed by a ruler in the neighbour country and his country was destroyed.Waiting for wisdom to come to

19、you is just a way of being lazy. If there is no action, there can be no gain. Only if we set out to find wisdom can we make a difference.1Why did the king gather all the wise man?ATo help him rule the kingdom. BTo teach him some knowledge.CTo look for books for his kingdom. DTo look for books of wis

20、dom for him.2What does the underlined word “condense” mean?ATo put much information into a small space. BTo make the price of books lower.CTo make the books smaller than ever. DTo make the books easier than ever.3Why wouldnt the king read the ONE book made from 50 books?ABecause he didnt know how to

21、 start. BBecause he lost interest and time for it.CBecause he wasnt sure about that book. DBecause it didnt have the wisdom he wanted.4What can we learn from this passage?ATime and tide wait for no man. BWisdom can make a country strong.CWisdom wont come to you by itself. DThe meaning of living is t

22、o find wisdom.B14、阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AJIN TAI HOTELRoom Types Price (RMB)Standard room 880.00Ordinary single room 980.00Luxury single room 1280.00Sunshiny room 12.00Suite 2280.00Sunshiny suite 2580.00Luxury suite (the South Building) 5888.00Luxury suite (the North Buildi

23、ng) 9888.00Extra bed 100.00 All reservations (预定) will be kept until 6 pm. 12:00 noon is the latest checking out (退房) time.Reservation or any InquiresAdd: No. 38, Dianmenxi Street, 100035 Beijing, ChinaTEL: 66529988URL: http:/www.C/hote/jtfd.htm1(小题1)How much should you pay if you want to order an o

24、rdinary single room with an extra bed?A¥980. B¥1080. C¥1188. D¥1280.2(小题2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement above?AYour reservation cant be kept if it is 5 pm.BYou can only visit the website to get information.CYou shouldnt check out later than 12:00 noon.DYou have to pay

25、 2280 yuan for a sunshiny suite.C15、What do people drink in Western countries? They drink coffee, of course. Tea is the drink of us Chinese. Think again. In the West, tea is seeing to be cool again.In Western countries like the UK, coffee used to be the fashionable drink. Jenny Northam, a 28-year-ol

26、d English woman, remembers that ten years ago tea was unfashionable. “At that time young people didnt like tea. We thought drinking tea was uncool and old-fashioned. Tea was_something we only drank when visiting grandparents.”Several years ago US_Madonna, who lived in Britain, published a childrens

27、book_called The English Roses. She launched the book with a tea party. Since Madonna is the “Queen of Cool”, she took a big part in making tea fashionable. The British tradition of afternoon tea was fashionable again.In Britain, hotels accept bookings (预定) for afternoon tea weeks in advance. The tre

28、nd (趋向) had also taken off in the US. In New York and Los Angeles, more and more cafes are serving tea.The tea craze is not only down to Madonna, of course. People drink tea because they connect it with the idea of living life at a slower pace.People drink coffee and tea at different times. Coffee i

29、s seen as the drink of people in a hurry; tea of those who like to spend their time.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1(小题1)Ten years ago, tea was _.Ain style BfashionedCold-fashioned Dcool2(小题2)Whats the meaning of the phrase “pop icon” ?A流行偶像 B流行歌星C流行音乐 D流行明星3(小题3)The English Roses is the name of a _.Amovi

30、e Bpicture Chotel Dbook4(小题4)Ten years ago young people drank tea when they visited their _.Afriends BparentsCgrandparents Dclassmates5(小题5)The man who wants to spend his time with his friends, perhaps he will drink _.Acoffee BteaCorange DdrinksD16、Clothing is a language. It tells us about individua

31、l people: their personality, their aye, their place in society and so on. If we want to know more about society,we can look at traditional clothing.The continent of Africa has a long history and a rich culture,and this is shown in traditional dress . You often find three colours一red,gold and green i

32、n the clothing. The first colour stands for the blood of millions of people who suffered as slaves(奴隶); the second is for the rich resources of the African earth; and the third represents the grasslands of home.The patterns(图案) on the clothing also have a meaning. A common pattern is in the form of

33、a cross “”, which stands for “unity”. Another pattern is a rectangular box, which represents “strength”.Because clothing has a strong social meaning, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It wouldnt be good to wear the wrong clothing, or to wear clothes in the wrong way. For instance, in

34、 Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband differently according to the importance of the social event.Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose(宽松的) clothing. The climate, with the hot sun and wide temperature changes, requires that the clothes are com

35、fortable for daily life.Although many people wear western clothes, particularly in the big cities in Africa, traditional dress is very highly valued. This is because it has deep cultural meanings.1According to the passage,red .Arepresents the setting sunBstands for African unityCis chosen because it

36、 is a bight colourDis a reminder(暗示)of the sad history in Africa2According to the passage,which sentence is NOT RIGHT?AThe rectangular box in the pattern represents“strength”.BAfrica has a long history and a rich culture.CAfrican dress has deep cultural meanings.DAfrian people seldom wear loose clot

37、hing because of the climate.3The passage is mainly about in Africa.Athe history of clothesBmodern fashion stylesCthe meanings of traditional dressDthe materials used in traditional dressE17、A Smart HomeWhen youre not at home, many worries may start to crowd your mind. Did I turn the coffee maker off

38、? Did I lock the door? Are the kids doing their homework or watching television? With a smart home, you can quiet all of these worries.A smart home is a home with a communication network. This network connects devices(装置), such as lights and TV sets, and allows them to be controlled from far away th

39、rough electrical wiring, mobile phone communication or WiFi over the internet.More and more people may start to consider owning a smart home, because it makes life much more convenient. It can help keep your room at a certain temperature. It can record what happens inside the home and send the video

40、 to your phone. When you are on vacation abroad, you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessary. Some smart homes can receive a visitor, allowing him to come in and offering him a drink. They can even feed the cat and water the plants.Besides, smart homes are

41、easy to fix. Most smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum of tools, using only the guiding information. When a problem appears, you can deal with it yourself without paying a professional.However, for home-users, the smart home technology is far from perfect.

42、It can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devices. Also, because the smart home system allow its owner to get home information from anywhere, it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers(黑客),who may secretly use or change the information in the system.Now, many scientists are exc

43、ited at the future of smart home technology. Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator. While there are others who worry that those smart devices will make people lazier and lonelier. Whatever it is, one thing is for suresm

44、art home technology will change the way we live and work.1According to the passage, nowadays a smart home can lock the door through_.Aelectric lightsBmirror technologiesCmobile phonesDshopping programs2The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about _.Athe steps to use smart systemsBthe prices of

45、 smart programsCthe advantages of a smart homeDthe tools for setting up smart devices3Whats the writers opinion according to the passage?APeople will become less happy in the future.BPeoples life style will be different in the future.CMobile phones are the most important in smart homes.DSmart homes

46、are much better than other smart systems.F18、Do you know Ma Yun?He is Founder and Chairman of Alibaba(阿里巴巴)Group.Ma was born in Hangzhou.At an early age,Mawanted to learn English so he rode his bike each morning in order to go to a nearby hotel and talked with foreigners.He would guide them around t

47、he city for free in order to practice and improve his English.Ma is never afraid of failure in his youth.Although he failed the university entrance exam three times,Ma entered Hangzhou Normal Univrsity(师范大学).He majored in English and graduated in388.While at school,Ma was elected student chairman.He

48、 later became a lecturer(讲师) in English and International Trade at the Hangzhou Dianzi University.In the early of 315,he went to the United States,and with the help of his friend he got introduced to the Internet.In April 315,Ma,his wife and a friend collected twenty thousand dollars and started an

49、Internet company.He named their company“China Yellow Pages”.Within three years,his company had made 5,000,000 Chinese Yuan.In 33,he decided to give up his job in the US,and went back to Hangzhou with his team in order to found Alibaba.Alibabais a China-based business-to-business marketplace site on

50、the Internet,which serves more than 71 million members from more than 240 countries and areas.In September 2014 Alibaba became one of the most valuable companies in the world.Ma Yun becomes one of the most successful businessmen in China.1Why did Ma Yun guide foreigners around the city for free?ABec

51、ause he was a volunteer.BBecause he was a translator.CBecause he wanted to practice his spoken English.2What is the name of Ma Yuns first company?AHangzhou Dianzi.BChina Yellow Pages.CAlibaba.3Which is the right order of the following events according to the passage?a.Ma Yun started an Internet company“China Yellow Pages”.b.Ma Yun founded Alibaba.c.Ma Yun went back to Hangzhou with his team in 33.d.He became a teacher in English and


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