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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、_ Tom_Maria loves this sport.ABoth, andBNot only, but alsoCBut, andDBoth, or2、For your _, you mustnt get out of the car in the wild an

2、imal park.AchoiceBchanceCsafetyDmistake3、Be confident, everyone. We _ finish the difficult task on time without others help.AcanBneedCmustDshould4、 Do you know the film Big Hero 6? Sure. I like it very much and I _ it three times since it was on.AseeBsawChave seenDam seeing5、These beautiful photos _

3、 on the Great Wall last week.Atake Btook Care taken Dwere taken6、Do you know the lady over there?Oh yes. is my English teacher.AHe BShe CHis DHer7、Steve Jobs was full of always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society .AinstructionBinvitationCintroductionDinvention8、-Mum, Ive s

4、igned for a big box by Future Express(快递). What s in it?-Im not sure. It_ be a present from your brother.AmightBmustCshouldDwill9、Mr. and Mrs. Li are old but healthy because they have good_.Alive habitsBliving habitCliving habitsDlive habits10、What kind of TV shows do you prefer?I like the ones _ ma

5、ke me laugh.AwhoBwhomCthatDwhat. 完形填空11、In San Francisco, I had this amazing experience. While I was waiting for the bus, I saw a homeless person carrying a 1 which said that he would like a cup of hot coffee. As soon as I 2 it, I knew it was time for me to carry out the task. I joyfully ran across

6、the street, thinking that getting 3 a cup of hot coffee would be great. I went to Uncle Bobs nearby and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me a 4 . I then walked back to the street corner where the man had 5 As I went up to him. I could see that the 6 I got, the more joy in his eyes I c

7、ould see.When I 7 him the hot coffee, I just said, This is 8 you, my dear. I could see so much 9 in his face and even a tear (眼泪) was running down. He kept thanking me and holding his coffee like the biggest 10 and prize in his life. It made me cry that a(n) 11 action can bring so much joy and make

8、someone feel really warm.I walked back to the 12 with such a happy hop. When the bus driver opened the door and I wanted to pay the bus fee, 13 , he waved me through and said, Honey, you dont need to pay. This is on me. He explained that it 14 his heart to see that I gave away free coffee.This 15 mo

9、ment was the warmest in my heart and it gave my day and my life a brand new start. It brings me such a joy to simply love and bless.1Aposter Bnotice Cpicture Dsign2Areached Bread Cfaced Dheld3Ame Byou Cher Dhim4Aticket Bhand Ccoffee Dprize5Astayed Bvisited Cshared Dexpected6Abetter Bcloser Cfarther

10、Dmore7Ashowed Bsold Chanded Dmade8Afor Bwith Cfrom Dabout9Asadness Bworry Cjoy Dhope10Alesson Btreasure Csecret Dchance11Aunusual Bsimple Cstrange Dcareless12Ahomeless person Byoung lady Ccoffee shop Dbus stop13Ain the end Bin fact Cto my surprise Dto be honest14Atook Btouched Cbroke Dcontrolled15Al

11、ucky Binteresting Camazing Dsuccessful. 语法填空12、Mr Black works hard these days and is very tired. In the morning Mrs Black wanted to go shopping. She drove the car out and Mr Black 1 (sit) on the back seat. Mrs Black stopped their car near a shop. You cant stop here, dear, Mr Black said. Cant you see

12、 the sign No2 (park) there? I 3 (not care) , said Mrs Black. Well, I 4 (stay) in the car and have a sleep, Mr Black said. I5 (be) too tired.After a while, a police car came. The policemen saw Mrs Blacks car and took away the car. They pulled the car to the police station. Of course Mr Black 6 (take)

13、 there too. He was still asleep on the back seat!. 阅读理解A13、A little stream (小溪) ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests. Then it reached a desert, “I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert,”she thought. As she started, she found hersel

14、f slowly disappearing into the sand. After many tries, she still failed. “Maybe I cant reach the ocean, she said sadly to herself. At this time, a deep voice said, “if a breeze (微风) can cross the desert, so can a river.”It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered, “thats because a

15、 breeze can fly, but I cant.”“Thats because you cant give up what you are. Let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze, and it can take you across,” said the desert.“Give up what I am now? No! No!” The little stream could not accept this idea.“The breeze can carry the vapor (蒸汽) across the desert an

16、d let it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again,” said the desert. “And whether youre a river or vapor, your nature (本性) never changes.”Hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the breeze. It carried her to the next stage (阶段) of her life.1Where did the little stream aim t

17、o go?ATo the desert BTo the mountain CTo the ocean DTo the air2What did the stream think when she reached a desert?AShe thought she couldnt cross the desert.BShe believed she could cross the desert.CShe thought she knew well about the desert.DShe started to worry about herself.3What does the underli

18、ned word “it” refer to (指的是)?AThe desert. BThe nature. CThe breeze. DThe stream.4What did the stream do in the end?ACrossed the desert. BStopped trying. CFailed to get to the ocean. DDied.5What is the main idea of the story?AThe road to success is not always easy.BWe should do the right thing whatev

19、er others say.COur lives can be as difficult as the little streams.DTo succeed, we should change the way we used to be.B14、There are different ways to store fish. One way to keep fish for future use is canning it. Well have this article describing, step by step, how to prepare dried fish.Begin with

20、fish that are out of the water. If the fish are small, leave their heads on. Cut off the heads if the fish are longer than twenty centimeters or weigh more than one hundred fifteen grams.Now clean the freshly caught fish. Cut off the scales and cut open the stomach. Remove everything inside. Then wa

21、sh the fish in clean water and fill salt into them.Next, put the fish in a container with a solution (溶液) of three hundred grams of salt and one liter of water. This will remove the blood from the meat. Keep the fish in the saltwater for about thirty minutes. After that , wash them again in clean wa

22、ter.Next, put the fish in a solution that has more salt in the water. The water should be salty enough so that the fish can float to the top. If the fish sink to the bottom of the container, add more salt to the water.Cover the container with a clean piece of wood. Place a heavy stone on the wood to

23、 hold it down. Leave the fish there for about six hours.After that, remove them from the saltwater and place them on a clean surface. Cover the fish with a clean piece of white cloth and let them dry.根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What is this article mainly about?AAbout all kinds of fishes.BAbout how t

24、o store fish.CAbout how to cook.DAbout food.2Which of the following is TRUE?ACut off the heads if the fish are longer than twenty centimeters.BCut off the heads if the fish are very small.CIf the fish weigh more than one hundred fifteen grams, leave their heads on.DLeave all the heads of the fishes

25、on.3What is the solution of salt and water for?ATo make the fish clean and dry.BTo make the meat more delicious.CTo keep the meat fresh.DTo remove the blood from the fish.4If the solution is not salty enough, _.AThe fish can not float to the top.BThe fish can float to the top.CThe fish will dry.DThe

26、 fish will go bad.5Which of the following is in the correct order?Acut off the scales cut off the heads open the stomach.Bremove everything inside the stomach wash the fish fill salt into them.Cplace a stone on the wood put the fish in salt water cover the container with wood.Dcover the fish with cl

27、oth put them on a heavy stone let them dry.C15、When Leonardo DiCaprio stepped onto the stage to accept the Academy Award for Best Actor on February 28, he received a rare standing ovation(鼓掌欢呼).After five acting nominations and 22 years of disappointed hopes since his first nomination(for Whats Eati

28、ng Gilbert Grape in 1993), the 41-year-old actor finally won his first Oscar for his effort in the film The Revenant, which hit Chinese cinemas on March 18.DiCaprios career took off when he played the romantic lead in Titanic(1997). However, the film also gave him the name “pretty boy”. People pay m

29、ore attention to his face than his acting. DiCaprio has been known as one of the pickiest actors in Hollywood. Instead of winning hearts in romantic films, he chose to work with more challenging productions.For the role of Hugh Glass, an 1820s fur trapper in The Revenant, DiCaprio wore 47 different

30、prosthetics(特效假体), slept in dead animals, and ate a bison liver. For over half the film, he crawled(爬) on the ground. An article in Life Week wrote, “Compared with DiCaprios terrible experience in The Revenant, Robinson Crusoes seems as easy and comfortable as a vacation.”His effort was accepted by

31、the Academy. After he has finally earned the US top acting award, DiCaprio is now working harder, turning to different challenges.1How many acting nominations did Leonardo DiCaprio win?ATwo. BThree. CFour. DFive.2In which film did Leonardo DiCaprio win the Oscar for Best Actor?ATitanic. BRobinson Cr

32、usoe.CThe Revenant. DWhats Eating Gilbert Grape.3What can we learn from the passage?AThe film was first shown in China on February 28, 2016.BLeonardo DiCaprio is one of the pickiest actors in Hollywood.CLeonardo DiCaprio wants to be a supermodel in the near future.DRobinsons experience is more terri

33、ble than DiCaprios in The RevenantD16、请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was the final game for my eightyearold sons soccer game.Near the end of the match,the score was two to one,my sons team being ahead.Parents sat around the field,offering encouragement. There were less than ten se

34、conds left and the ball stopped in front of one of my sons teammates,Mickey.With cheering shouts across the field,Mickey went back a little and kicked the ball with everything he had.All around me the crowd became crazy and excited.Mickey had scored!Then there was a complete silence.Mickey had score

35、d,but into the wrong gate the ball went into the gate of my sons team,ending the game in a drawYou see,Mickey has a serious illness in his head,which makes his IQ lower than that of normal children of the same age.And for him,he didnt understand what a wrong goal was.All goals were celebrated by a h

36、appy hug from Mickey.He had been known to hug the players whom he was fighting against when they scored.The silence was finally broken when Mickey,his face filled with joy,caught my son,hugged him and shouted,“I scored! I scored! Everybody won! Everybody won!” For a moment I held my breath,not sure

37、what my son would do or say.In fact,I didnt need to worry at that time.I watched through tears,when I found my son raised his hand and started to call out wildly,“Well done,Mickey!” Soon,members from both teams got together around Mickey,congratulating on his goal.Later that night,my daughter asked

38、who had won.“Everybody won,” I smiled and replied.1How did people feel when they saw Mickey score?AExcited. BSurprised. CSerious.2What does the underlined word “draw” probably mean?A失败 B平局 C胜利3Which of the following is TRUE about Mickey?AHis IQ is higher than his classmates.BHe got one score for his

39、 own team at last.CHe felt happy no matter who scored in the game.4Why did the author cry?AShe was angry with Mickey.BShe felt nervous about his son.CShe was proud of his son and other boys.5What can we learn from the passage?AMickey made who watched the game upset.BPeople were moved by Mickeys kind

40、ness in the game.CThe players from both teams were happy for Mickeys mistake.E17、A1If you are interested in a part-time job, you can call _.A4435-7792 B8467-6352 C3345-6789 D8956-77782Jessica and Lucas will meet at the school gate _.Aat 8 am on May 5Bat 8 am on May 6Cat 15:00 on May 5Dat 15:00 on Ma

41、y 63What will Jessica and Lucas do?AGo to a party. BGo to a movie. CGo climbing. DGo shopping.4A student in Class 2, Grade 8 found _.Aa telephone message Ba pair of sunglasses Ca dog Dan iPad5What can you infer(推断) according to the fourth piece of information?APuppy is a 6-year-old black schnauzer.B

42、Allens dog went missing on Man Street.CWe treat him as my family member.DYou can get a reward if you call Allen.F18、Circle 0 if the statement is not true of your child. Circle 1 if the statement is sometimes true of your child. Circle 2 if the statement is very true or often true of your child.0 1 2

43、 1. Argues a lot0 1 2 2. Cant pay attention for long0 1 2 3. Cries a lot0 1 2 4. Is cruel(残酷的) to animals or other children0 1 2 5. Gets in fights0 1 2 6. Has friends who get in trouble0 1 2 7. Lies or cheats0 1 2 8. Is very loud0 1 2 9. Doesnt like to talk0 1 2 10. Runs away from homeAdd the number

44、s you circled. That is your total score. If your total score is:0-5 Your child were an angel!6-10 Your child gave you a little trouble, but overall he/she behaved pretty well.11-15 Your child gave you quite a bit of troublemore than the average child.16-20 Your child gave you a lot of trouble!(Note:

45、 This questionnaire is just for fun. The real questionnaire(调查表) that psychiatrists(精神病学家) gave parents was much longer and was scored differently.)根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1Who is the form designed(设计) for?AParents.BChildren.CTeachers.DStudents.2According to the final score, you can judge whether

46、or not _.Ayour parents are too strictByour child is cleverCyour parents are kindDyour child is naughty(顽皮的)3If a child often fought with others, you should circle _.A0B1C2Dnothing4Which is not mentioned in the form?AIs noisy.BPlays with fires.CIs not friendly to othersDLeaves home without permission.5Which of the following it True?AThe questionnaire is designed just for fun.BThe questionnaire is right designed by psychiatr


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