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1、.现在完成进行时1the Present Perfect Continuous现在完成进行时1. The Present Perfect Continuous is formed in this way: (构成) Subject + have/has + been+ doingYouve been studying very hard.Has Steve been complaining about it?We havent been waiting for you long.22. Use (用途) 1) 现在完成进行时可以表示一个从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作。这个动作对现在有影响.

2、Im tired because Ive been running. 3 2) 现在完成进行时可以表示一个从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作。这个动作现在仍在继续中。I have been reading for 2 hours. I am still reading now. 43.现在完成进行时可以和since, for+一段时间,these few days, all this time(这段时间 ), all along(始终,一直), all the time(一直) all night, all the morning, all ones life, today, this wee

3、k, this month, during the night, recently等状语连用: 我读了3小时的书。I have been reading for 3 hours. 我写了一上午的信。 Ive been writing letters all this morning.51. 未完结性现在完成时强调动作的最后的结果,表示动作已经结束、完成;现在完成进行时强调动作本身,表示动作还没有结束、完成 (有延续性)。 I have read this novel. (已读完) I have been reading this novel. (还在读) They have widened t

4、he road. (路加宽了) They have been widening the road. (路还在加宽) 现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别6 2. 刚完结性的结果 现在完成进行时和现在完成时皆可表示动作对现在产生的结果(影响),但现在完成进行时所表示的结果 是刚刚完成的动作的结果 consequence ;(是临时的/ 直接的) 而现在完成时所表示的则是最后的结果/长久的影响(result)。 (动作可能刚结束,也可能早已结束) 7 We have been cleaning the classroom.(a)We have cleaned the classroom(b) (a)“

5、我们打扫教室来着。”表示教室刚刚打扫过,其目前直接的结果可能是:我们身上都是灰; 或是我们很累。 (b)“我们把教室打扫过了。” 教室可能是昨天打扫的,其结果是:现在教室很清洁,可以用了。 Your eyes are red and puffy. Have you been crying? 你的眼睛又红又肿,你是不是哭来着?(“哭”的动作刚刚结束,它是眼睛又红又肿的原因。)8Be careful! John has been painting the door(a)John has painted the door(b)(a)句表示约翰刚刚把门油漆过,现在油漆还未干,所以你要小心。(b) 句油

6、漆可能已干了。 门看来很新.9 3. 感情色彩现在完成进行时比较生动,有时含有明显的感情色彩,而现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,一种影响或结果,平铺直叙,没有什么感情色彩可言。如:Recently Mary has been doing her work regularly.(a)Recently Mary has done her work regularly(b)(a)句显然是在表扬玛丽。(b)只说明一个事实。10 Whos been eating my apples?(a)Whos eaten my apples?(b)(a)句有强烈的感情色彩,表示愤怒不满;兼有进行时态,所以有“苹果未被

7、全部吃光”的意思,(b)句只是希望回答的一个问题。 完成时态,说明“苹果一个不剩了”。 114. 重复性现在完成进行时往往表示动作在重复,现在完成时则常常不带重复性。 Have you been meeting her lately? (你近来常见到她吗?) Have you met her lately? (你近来见到过她吗?)12 5.习惯性,口语化 现代英语中,特别是口语,有一种倾向,就是对于像sit, lie, wait, stay,look等这样的动词,用现在完成进行时比用现在完成时更合乎习惯。例如: I have been sitting all afternoon. I have

8、 been waiting for you since morning. I have been staying in a hotel so far.比较: I have been singing all afternoon. (口语倾向于用) I have sung all afternoon.136. 现在完成进行时一般不适用于状态动词(如know,以及have, find, understand, be 等。 只能用现在完成时: 自从孩提我们就认识了。 Weve known each other since childhood.7. 现在完成进行时一般不用被动语态,应改用现在完成时的被动

9、语态: The road has been being repaired for months. 太笨重,应改为: The road has been repaired for months.8. 非延续性动词(Non-Continuous Verbs ),如 finish, join,die 等,通常不能用于现在完成进行时。 14Ive been sitting in a traffic jam for hours.1. Ive _ going everywhere by bike. 2. I _ been using the car for the last two months.Ex5.

10、 P37:Use the dialogues in Exercise 5 to complete the table.beenhavent 153. Have you _ watching Euro sport?4. What have been _?5. _ you _ cycling in the rain?beendoingHave been16a). Were so tired. We _ (cycle) in the forest all morning.b). Why was he arrested? _ he _ _ (sell) stolen cars again?ve bee

11、n cyclingHasbeenselling Ex.7 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Continuous.17d). The kids are very good today. They _ (play) quietly for two hours.have been playingc). I dont want him to give us a lift. He _ (not drive) for a long time.hasnt been driving18Mike: At last! Where _ (be)? I

12、 _ (wait) for an hour.have you beenhave been waitingPut the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. (P41-8)19Helen: Sorry, I _ (talk) to an old friend. I _ (not see) her for years. And imagine, we met in the middle of the street, just like that.Mike: What _ she _(do)

13、since you last saw her?ve been talkinghavent seenhasbeen doing20Helen: She _ (work) as a telephone operator in a hotel but she wants to change her job. She _ (not get on ) well with her boss recently.s been workinghasnt been getting on21Mike: Our company is looking for an operator. (8) _ (have) any

14、interesting offers yet?Has she had22Helen: I dont think so. She _ _ (not look) for a long time. She just _ (start).Mike: Then tell her about this offer. Shell appreciate it.hasnt beenlookinghas just started23 1. Judy: How long _(be) in Canada?Claude: I _(study) here for more than three years.2. I_ (

15、have) the same car for more than ten years. Im thinking about buying a new one.3. I _(love) chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a chocoholic.have you beenhave been studyinghave hadhave loved244. John _(work) for the government since he graduated from Harvard University. Until recently, he _(enjoy) his work, but now he is talking about retiring.5. Lately, I _(think) about changing my career because I _(become) dissatisfied with the conditions at my company.6. I _(see) Judy for mor


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