高中英语 新外研必修一U2 课时3 Using language 课件_第1页
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高中英语 新外研必修一U2 课时3 Using language 课件_第3页
高中英语 新外研必修一U2 课时3 Using language 课件_第4页
高中英语 新外研必修一U2 课时3 Using language 课件_第5页
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1、深圳市教育科学研究院 2022 年1月深圳教育云资源平台建设教学教材:外研版高中英语新教材必修一教学内容:Unit 2 Exploring English第三课时:Using Language执教人:杨婧/深圳实验学校光明部Jan.29th, 2022Exploring English理解英语语言现象阐释交际问题探索英语学习方法Starting out 第1课时Understanding ideas第2课时Using Language 第3课时Listening & speaking第4课时Developing ideas第5课时Presenting ideas & reflection第7课

2、时单元大观念: 学习英语语言现象,思考语言与文化、社会的关系,反思自己学习过程中遇到的问题,并最终创造性地提出英语学习的新方法。Writing第6课时3Unit 2 Exploring English课时3Using LanguagePineapplehamburgereggplantInteresting & creative, but also confusing.Common rulesWord Formation!Review: word formation1. Look at the sentences and expressions from the reading passage

3、. Match the words in bold to the types of word formation.a Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple.b sculpt a sculpturec When we see rain, we can say “its raining”d WHO 1 abbreviating 2 changing the part of speech 3 adding a prefix or suffix 4 combining two or more wordsbdcaReview: word formati

4、onCan you find more examples of each type in the reading passage?1 abbreviating: IT, US2 changing the part of speech: When we see snow, we can say “its snowing”.3 adding a prefix or suffix: paint-painting, hard-hardly, soft-softly, Harm-harmless/harmful, shame-shameless/shameful, visible-invisible4

5、combining two or more words: hamburger, eggplant, seasick, airsick, carsick, homesick, homework, houseworkReview: word formation英语中的构词法主要有缩略法(abbreviation), 转化法(changing part of speech), 派生法(adding a prefix or suffix ) 合成法 (combining two or more words ) Word formation 构词法: 是单词构成的基本规律,按照一定的语言规律创造新词的方

6、法叫做构词法。Review: word formation合成法 Combining two or more words定义:把两个或者两个以上的独立且语义不同的单词合成一个新词,构词方式较为灵活。合成词的词义通常可以由组成它的单词的词义推测出来。a 合成名词 sun + shine = sunshine, week + day = weekdayb 合成动词 under + estimate = underestimate, over + come = overcomec 合成形容词 heart + felt = heartfelt, life + long = lifelongd 其他合成

7、词 every + body = everybodyReview: word formation 派生法:Adding a prefix or suffixprefixsuffixnegativenounadjotheradvverbReview: word formation Prefix:un-, in/im/il/ir-, dis-, mis-Review: word formation Suffix - noun 1. 表示人和物的名词后缀 teacher, actor, engineer, actress, musician, scientist2. 抽象名词和集体名词后缀 marr

8、iage, failure, creativity, employment, education, bilingualism, honesty, survival, cleverness, friendship, neibourhood, importance, truth, kingdom-er, -or, -eer, -ess, -ician, -ist-age, -ure, -ity, -ment, -ion, -ism, -y, -al, -ness, -ship, -hood,-ance, -th, -domReview: word formation Suffix - adj3.形

9、容词后缀lovable, personal, important, independent, historic, physical, childish, active, careful, homeless, dangerous, sunny, interested, wooden, southern, silly-able, -al, -ant, -ent, -ic, -ical, -ish, -ive, -ful, -less, -ous, -y, -ed-en, -ern -ly Review: word formationSuffix adv/verb4.副词后缀happily, bac

10、kward(s)5.动词后缀decorate, strengthen, beautify, finish, apologize-ly, -ward, -wards-ate, -en, -fy, -ish, -ize注意:ly为后缀可以是形容词也可以是副词 !Review: word formation转化法:Changing part of speech 英语中的一个词由一种词类转到另一种或者几种词类而不发生词形变化。转化方式:noun - verbverb nounadj - nounadj - verbReview: word formation转化法 noun verbEye:n. 眼睛

11、 v. 注视Arm:n. 手臂 v. 武装,装备Face: n. 脸 v. 面对 Head: n. 头 v. 朝方向去Hand: n. 手 v. 交出,传递Nose: n. 鼻子 v. 闻出,察觉 When the hero came in, all peopleeyed him. Review: word formation其他转化法 noun verbverb nounWalk v. 走路 n. 散步Build v. 建造 n. 体型eg. Lets go for a walk. Review: word formation其他转化法 adj nounDear adj. 亲爱的 n. 亲爱

12、的人Total adj. 全部的 n. 总数Quiet adj. 安静的 n. 安静Pink adj. 粉色的 n. 粉色eg. All students have donated to this charitable activity, and the total is RMB 2,000. Review: word formation其他转化法 adj verbdirty adj. 肮脏的 v. 弄脏further adj. 更深的 v. 进一步free adj. 自由的 v. 释放dry adj. 干的 v. 变干eg. Id like to dry my hair after wash

13、ing it. Review: word formation转化法:More examples:Last Saturday, I was present at Jacks birthday party. When I presented him with the present, he was very happy. present: preznt adj. (人)在场的,出席的;present: prizent verb. 赠送、给予present: preznt noun. 礼物Review: word formation转化法:More examples:She gave me a bo

14、ttle of water and told me that I should water the plants twice a week.water: noun. 水water: verb. 浇水Review: word formation转化法:More examples:Tom is a brave man, who always braves the difficulties in life. Brave: adj. 勇敢的Brave: verb. 勇敢地面对 Review: word formationAbbreviating: 缩写缩写:用单词或者短语的部分指代整体首字母缩写Mos

15、t Valuable Player MVPWorld Trade Organization WTOOver the Counter OTC 单词截短Refrigerator= refrigeAir conditioning = acReview: word formation2. Complete the passage the help of word formation1 penfriend 2 well-known 3 incorrect4 unhappy 5 improvement Review: word formation2. Complete the passage the he

16、lp of word formation6 calm7 presenting 8 WTO 9 ASAPReview: word formationLook at the pictures and get to know the American English words and their British equivalents. subway/undergroundhighway/motorwaytheater/theatreapartment/flatelevator/liftgas/petrolAmerican & British EnglishNow complete the pas

17、sage with the wordsCheck your answerstheatregas motorwaytheaterelevatorlifthighwaypetrolsubwayundergroundapartmentflatAmerican & British Englishcolour-colortheatre-theatertravelled-traveledfilm-moviefootball-soccerautumn-fallVocabularySpellingAmerican & British EnglishMore differences? Lets watch a

18、video.American & British EnglishVocabularySpellingPronunciationPronunciationt sound better r sound work AmE BrEschedule skedul edjulAdult dlt dltAmerican & British EnglishBritish English and American English are different, though the same language. Why is it so? American & British EnglishBritish VS. American EnglishHistory:American spelling was invented as a form of protest; Noah Webster American Dictionary of the English LanguageBritish VS. American English2. Influence of other countries: French influence on British English BrE French AmETheatre theatretheaterLicence li


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