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1、教案步骤教案内容Unit 1 My names Gina 教案设计说明时间教法学法课 题Unit 1My name s Gina课时The 4th period Section B 首次备课人陈超辉with 教案内容1a2c 优等生的学问与能Use the key sentences skillfully and can make conversations 力目标other students target 教中等生的学问与能 力目标Train the students communicative competence using the language. 学学困生的学问与能Remember

2、 the words and can read the key sentences 力目标目学习方法培育目标Train the students how to cooperate with others 标学习习惯养成目标Preview the content before the class and settle the questions with 一课一测“ 两率一teamwork Passing rate 100% Excellent rate 30% Average 90 分” 目标教案重点Key vocabulary and target language.How to intro

3、duce yourselfand your telephone number. 教案难点Students can communicate with others using the key vocabulary and the target language learned in this class. 技术设备Recorder, computer 课程资源Recorder internet and teaching book 板书设计Unit 1 - Period IV 学习目标:1通过运用数字卡片和flash复习数字,同学们能娴熟把握数字0-9 的英文表述;2通过联系生活实际,坚固把握一些

4、常用数字(如 用在实际生活中;110,121,119,114,120 等)的实际意义,并能运3通过与学习小组对话,能填写一个比较完整的通讯录;Language points(语言学问点目标)1娴熟把握以下句式:Whats your phone number. Its 2层同学娴熟把握以下词汇:zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 课堂教案详细内容:1 / 6 1.Revision 1. Warming-up and First T and Ss Practice the 1. 操练这个问5(复习、导入)make d

5、ialogue, key 题是为了熟识revision( 课 堂 热 身 和 复then let Ss ask sentences 日常用语及对习)and answer in 姓 名 的 提 问( 1 ) Daily greetings to pairs. 法 ;同 时 也Review the key 是为了使同学the students(日常问候)points last 们尽快熟识各T: Good morning, class 自 的 英 文 名字 ;应 尽 可everyone. My name is 能 让 多 个SsPeter. 作答;勉励他 Whats your name, 们大胆开口

6、,please. 大胆回答;S1: My name is Lily. T: Hello, Lily. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. T: And whats your name. S2: My name isReview Through the 2 重 点 复(2)Revision (复习)习、操练、巩Part one: sentence 固his, her, Point to a boy student adjective practice my, your这几possessive and ask train 个物主代词的prono

7、un T: S1, whats his adjective 用法及英文名 2 name.possessive 字的使用;S1: His name is pronoun Point to a girl 3 以 小 组 为student and ask: 单位,同学间 T: S2, what s her 进 行 交 流 ,name. 既加大了句型S2: Her name is 的复习密度,Part two: 同时促进了相互之间的英文Make Ss do dialogue by 名字的明白与themselves: 熟识;S1: Good morning. Whats your name, pleas

8、e. 32 / 6 S2: My name is Jack. . 利 用 老 师Whats your name, please. S1: My name is Susan. 的电话号码导And whats your name, 入数字;please. S3: My name is Tony. S1: S4, what his name. point to S2 T says: May name is Victor. And my telephone number is . Explain the numbers.2. PresentationT: Please tell me how Show

9、 Ss the Ss read the 5. 老师事先准3(出现)to say it in 备好0-9 ,共number cards. number English. show the 10张 数 字 卡3. GameDepart the cards. 5Ss the number cards, 片;课堂上随one by one4机使用;看学Ss: Its one. 生 的 反 应 速Ss: Its two. 度、娴熟度和精确性;Ss have the T: We have 10 groups. 6 为 了 提 高(嬉戏)Every group has a 趣味性,在游class into 1

10、0 number 戏中让同学进number. When I groups. Make Ss match. 行 复 习 与 巩show the number have a match. 固 ;过 程 中card, the group must stand up and 老师要留意观say the number 察每一组同学loudly. Ready. 5的反应速度、 Every time, T shows 正 确 性 ,以the Ss one card. 及这一组同学The group must 中 ,他 们 的stand up. 反应是否一样Ss: Five./Seven./Three. 4P

11、ractice T shows the Ss some Show Ss some Read the 7. 老师课前准10(操练)numbers car number, room 备 一 些 车 牌special special number etc, asks them to 号、房间号、numbers, make numbers and 电 话 号 码 等read out.83 / 6 Eg: them to read understand (最好用图片T: show a car number out and make the use of 的 形 式 ,也浙 A3M827 them kno

12、w the the numbers. 可制作成Ss: Zhe-A-three-M-use of the PPT),作为eight-two-seven. numbers. 课堂训练的拓T: Show a room 展 和 延 伸 ,number1508 并且与生活实Ss: Room one-five-o-际相联系;增eight. 强语言的实际生活功能;5. Work on 1bT asks the Ss how the lay the tape. Listen to 播 放 磁3(完成 P4-1b )number is divided up. 带;完成数字Make Ss get the the

13、tapes 的填写;之后Guide them to understand method of doing and finish 当场校对;that three numbers come before the hyphen and listening. 1b. four numbers after it T: Now let s listen to the tape.9 T: ask the Ss to write the phone numbers in the blank. T: check the answers:2-7-8-6-9-2-6 6 Work on 1cT: Now pleas

14、e work Play the tape. Listen to 同学仿照3(完成 P4- -1c )with your group four 1b 的对话,以After the tape, the tape. students in one group 四人小组的形make Ss make Then make 式进行练习,and ask each other dialogues. dialogues. 并记录小组成questions about phone numbers.10your 员 的 电 话 号Eg: 码;S1: Whats telephone number, S2. S2: Its

15、 356-9865. S1: 356-9865. Thanks. 7Work on T: Point to the Play the tape. Listen to 10.播 放磁32a,2b (完成 P4numbered names. Read each 带 ; 如 有 需the tape and 2a,2b )one aloud along with the 2a 要, T 可播放finish number that comes before 磁带两遍;it. Then say each number and 2b. and ask a student to read the name a

16、fter that number. Point to the blanks in 4 / 6 the four telephone numbers. Tell the Ss that the last two numbers of each telephone number are missing. Listen to the tape and then fill in these numbers. Play the tape then check the answers. 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a 278-7928, 555-8042, 398-6149, 929-3160 8 Wor

17、k on 2cT: Point out the Make Ss Finish 2c by 11. 学 生 根 据2(完成 P42c)address book headings 表格要求在教understand the asking 室内随机查找“ names”and “phone table. classmates 四 位 同 学 ,Numbers” . some 询问他们的姓 Let the Ss ask other questions. 名 和 电 话 号four students in the class these questions to 码,并记录在complete the cha

18、rt. the four students who are asked should not in his/her group be 表中;而此时的“ 随机” 更能增加语言的真实交际性;9 Follow upPart one Make Ss make Make 12. 进 一 步 拓5(进一步扩展)T: Now its your turn to 展训练,让学dialogue by dialogues in 生更深刻懂得make up your own themselves, And groups 数字在实际生dialogues. Please work T checks. according to 活中的运用with your group four the skills students in one group and ask each other they have learned in questions about his/her the class. friendsnames and telephone numbers. Eg :s A: Hi / Hey, Whatyour friends name. B: His name


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