1、 36/36袁同慧 儿科护理学Chapter 1 Overview of pediatric nursing (加粗和下划线表示(biosh)课件中的红字,只有(zhyu)下划线表示课件上只有下划线)1. Focuses on the pattern of child growth and development, child health promotion and disease prevention, and direct care of illness children2.The nursing care of children from birth to the end of ado
2、lescence: Adolescence from 11 to 21; In China pediatric department only offer services for child 14 years; International common practice 18 years3.Stages of growth and development: 名解(儿童(r tng)年龄分期是重点). Fetal period conceptionbirth 胎儿期. Neonatal period umbilical ligation 28 days 新生儿期. Infant period
3、birth1 year 婴儿期. Toddlers age 13 years 幼儿期. Preschool age 36 years 学龄前期. School age begin with entry into a school system and end with the beginning of teenage. (Girls: 711 or 12 years / boys 712 or 13 yrs) 学龄期. Adolescence begins with the gradual appearance of secondary sex characteristics and end
4、with cessation of body growth.Features of fetal periodFrom the conception to approximately 12 weeks is crucial period; Many causes could result in abortion流产 and congenital malformation.Features of Neonatal PeriodMorbidity发病率 and mortality死亡率 of neonatal is the highest ;Perinatal period围生期: commence
5、s at 28 completed weeks of gestation and ends 7 days after birth.Features of infant periodGrows and changes dramatically than any other time ;Diarrhea and malnutrition is the potential health concern;The transplacental经胎盘的 immunity is effective only for about 36 months; Infants are vulnerable to inf
6、ectious diseases.Features of toddlers ageMore activities and more curiosity; At risk for accidental injuryFeatures of preschool ageCoordination and muscle strength increase rapidly. Develop self-control, mastery and independent. Acquire wider social relationships and learn role standards. Discipline
7、 training is necessary.Features of school ageLife center is changed from the family group to the wider world. Children experience stress from societal change, school, competition and media.A critical period in the development of mental, social, moral.Features of adolescencePhysical growth during ado
8、lescence is second only to infancy;Adolescence may be emotionally labile情绪不稳, with extreme highs and extreme lows.;Adolescence question the values of family and society4.The characteristics of pediatric nursingPhysical characteristics:Immunology: IgG, IgM, SIgA,The newborn receive IgG from the mothe
9、r, gradually disappear in 6 month.Category of disease:More congenital disease and inherited diseaseClinical manifestation: Intensive monitoring and active interventionPrognosis and prevention: Recover rapidly and less sequela后遗症Chapter 2: growth and developmentPart 1 Overview of growth and developme
10、nt1.Growth: An increase in measurable physical and physiologic changes. Development: A gradual change in function and the individuals capacities.2.Principles of Growth & Development 简答题Continuity and stage like Two dramatic stages: Infant period; adolescenceUbalanced growth of each system Nervous sy
11、stem develop earlier Genital system matures later Lymphoid system develops rapidly in earlier childhood but decline at later stageDirection of growth & development From head to toe (cephalocaudal)从头至尾(cng tu zh wi); From the midline to the periphery (proximodistal)靠近(kojn)远端的; from general to specif
12、ic; From simple to complex Individual differences3. Factors influencing growth & developmentGenetic factor: genderEnvironmental factors: Nutrition; Prenatal factors; Environmental conditions; Diseases: catch up growthcatch up growth 追赶(zhugn)生长(名解):is an accelerated growth of an organism following a
13、 period of slowed growth, particularly as a result of nutrient deprivation.Part 2 Physical growth and development1.Weight (W) 体重 数据记The purpose of measure W(目的记住):Indication of general nutrition and health status of child;A crucial indicator of fluid status(Dehydration and edema);the base of calcula
14、ting dosageBirth weight: y (3.30.4) kg; girl (3.20.4)kg3 months: W doubles (6 kg); 1year: W triples (9kg); 2 years: W quadruples (12kg)1-6 months: W (kg) birth weight (kg) months0.77-12 months:W (kg) 6(kg) months0.252-12 years: W(kg)= age of years2+7/8 加7或者8Physiological weight loss生理性体重下降(名解,选择):Du
15、ring the first week after birth, infant may loss 3%9% of their weight due to the insufficient milk supply, water loss and meconium excretion. The weight loss reaches the peak at 3 to 4 days after birth and return to the level of birth weight at 7 to 10 days after birth.2.Height or length身高 数据记Newbor
16、n: length 50cm; 1year: length 75cm; 2years: length 85cm; 2-12years: H (cm)= age of years7+75Body proportion changes: 1/41/83.HeadCircumference (HC) 头围 指标记住HC is the length around above the supraorbital ridges and over the most prominent part of the occiput.2岁前更有价值 newborn:33-34cm; 1year: 46cm; 2 yea
17、rs: 48cm;5 years 50 cm; 15 years 54-58 cm4.Chest Circumference (CC)胸围The length around the chest at the nipple line.Newborn: 32cm; 1 year: CC=HC; 1 year: CCHC5.UpperArmCircumference (UAC)上臂围: The length around mid-point between the tip of the shoulder and the tip of the elbow (olecranon鹰嘴 and the ac
18、romion肩峰)6.Growth of skull颅骨发育(闭合时间考)Anterior fontanel 前囟Closed by age 12-18 months;Newborn normally range in size from 1.5 to 2.0 cm.Posterior fontanel 后囟Closed by age 6-8 weeks; cranial suture颅骨缝: Closed by age 3-4 months7.Growth of Spine脊柱发育(fy)(记住)3 physiological arcuations3个生理(shngl)弯曲: 3 month
19、s appear cervical lordosis颈椎(jngzhu)前凸; 6 months appear thoracic kyphosis胸椎后凸; 1 year appear lumbar lordosis腰椎前凸8. Growth of Long bonesthe numbers of ossific centers骨化中心=age(year)+1,10岁出全,共10个9.Growth of TeethThe eruption of deciduous/ primary teeth 乳牙begins around 4-10 months. All 20 deciduous teet
20、h are present by 2.5 years of age. Permanent teeth恒牙 usually erupt around 6 years. The exchange of teeth begin by age 6 years and end by 12 years. All 32 permanent teeth are present by age 20-30 years.10.Genital System Developmentprecocious puberty性早熟 In girls, the appearance of the secondary sexual
21、 characteristics before 8 years of age. In boys, before 9 years of age. delayed puberty 性发育延迟 In girls, the lack of development of the secondary sexual characteristics by 14 years of age. In boys, by 16 years of age.Part 3 Psychosocial development神经心理发育1.Neurologic developmentNewborn: the cord ends
22、at level of the inferior margin of the second lumbar vertebrae脊髓下端在胎儿时位于第2腰椎下缘. 4 years old, the cord at the level of the first lumbar vertebrae. Some primitive reflexes disappear gradually. Rooting reflex觅食反射; Suck reflex吮吸反射; Grasping reflex握持反射; Moro reflex拥抱反射; The Babinski reflex is present in
23、children46 y).;Rectal temperatures (measured in infants and children 33w, consistent sucking and swallowing)Gavage-feeding (choose breast milk or formula milk; offer pacifier to strengthen sucking reflex and prepare for bottle feeding; feeding by gravity)Before a feeding, a stomach content should be
24、 less than 02ml/kgBefore oral feeding or during a feeding transition period, IV could be given to prevent dehydration and hypoglycemia.Intravenous nutrition (peripheral, total)Check the blood glucose level closely. Development careTouching and talking to infant can help infant develop a sense of tru
25、st.Help parents overcome their feelings of guilt and encourage them participating in nursing.Using appropriate toy to improve development of infant.Regular home visiting.Jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia)新生儿黄疸(hungdn)定义(dngy):An increase in serum bilirubin levels. It makes skin and eye yellowed.Unconjuga
26、ted bilirubin (lipid-soluble); Conjugated bilirubin (water-soluble)1.Physiologic jaundice时间(shjin)记住: appears in 23 days after birth, peaks on 45 days, and normally disappear within 2 weeks of birth. To preterm baby jaundice disappear until 34 w. No other clinical symptoms.2.Nonphysiologic jaundice:
27、 occurs less than 24h after birth, hyperbilirubinemia persists beyond 2w in full-term infant or 4 weeks in a preterm infant. 时间,黄疸出现顺序记住3.ManifestationFirst becomes visible in the face and forehead. Then gradually becomes visible on the trunk and extremities. Jaundice disappears in the opposite dire
28、ction. Drowsiness and feeding intolerance. Overt neurologic findings, such as changes in muscle tone, seizures, or altered crying characteristics, are danger signs and require immediate attention to avoid bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus).4.Treatment and care Treat the underlying disorder Close
29、 monitor the consciousness level to detect signs of bilirubin encephalopathy.Ensure stooling Phototherapy 蓝光疗法 Exchange transfusion5.Care for the phototherapy (考简答题) The infant should be naked except for diapers (cut them to minimum workable size) the eyes should be covered to reduce risk of retinal
30、 damage. (Ensure the eye sheild does not slip down)Monitor the temperature to reduce the risk of overheating. Ensure fluid supplementation. Monitor the progress of illness.Retinopathy of prematurity, ROPRisk factorsPrematurity 32w; Low birth weight; High levels of supplemental oxygen; Disease: newbo
31、rn and mother; Susceptibility to ROP varies but correlates with the proportion of retina that remains avascular at birth.Intervention and care1. Monitoring oxygen level (pulse oximeter); 2. Oxygen concentration 40%, time 30s or until stable for subsequent dosing. After replacement do not suction as
32、long as possible to avoid suctioning the drug away.Chapter 7 The child with nutritional deficient diseaseRickets重点1.Rickets is likely to develop in children from 3 months to 2 yearsof age. Mainly caused by a lack of vitamin DTwo sources to get VitD: Formation in the skin (ultraviolet ray); Diet2Etio
33、logy (考) eq oac(,1)Inadequate direct exposure to ultraviolet ray in sunlight (main cause) eq oac(,2)Diet (inadequate intake of VitD or/and calcium) eq oac(,3)Rapid growth eq oac(,4)Influence of diseases (hepatic, renal) eq oac(,5)Influence of medicine 3.Key words about clinical manifestations :Squar
34、e head方颅, caput quadratum方头(fn tu) ;Funnel breast漏斗(ludu)胸, chicken breast鸡胸(jxing) ;Rachitic rosary佝偻病串珠;Harrison grooves 赫氏沟;Pot belly腹膨隆;O-leg(bowlegs ) , X-leg ;Rickets bracelet佝偻病手镯4.Intervention 案例分析PreventionTreatment (natural light, oral or intramuscular administration of VitD, osteotomies m
35、ay be planed for severe deformities)Nursing (altered nutrition; potential for complications: related to skeleton deformity; high risk for infection; knowledge deficient of rickets)5.Nursing managementRegular outdoor activities for adequate sunlight Supplement vitamin D, monitor side-effect of medica
36、tionTender daily care, prevent infectionPrevent skeleton deformity Parents health educaionInfantile Tetany手足抽搐 重点Etiology :Earlier therapeutic stage of rickets (sudden exposure to sunlight and earlier stage of supplementing VitD) ;Phosphorus increase (fever, infection) Clinical manifestation Carpope
37、dal spasm全身性惊厥, spasm of the larynx喉痉挛, convulsions, etc; Carpal spasm关节腕痉挛 Trousseau s Sign陶瑟征Treatment and nursing Keep the airway clear ;Protect the child from trauma. ;Control the tetany (calcium gluconate IV push at least 10min)Protein-energy malnutrition(PEM)Definition: Caused by the various l
38、evels of inadequate protein and/or energy intake or may result from inadequate absorption of food.Classification Dry (thin, marasmus消瘦, athrepsia消瘦) characterized in caloric deficiency ;Wet (edematous, kwashiorkor恶性营养不良) characterized in protein deficiency ;Marasmic kwashiorkor消瘦型恶性营养不良Marasmus:Fail
39、ure to gain weight, followed by weight loss and growth retardation.The order of loss fat: Abdomen trunk buttock extremities faceKwashiorko:From a localized edema (primarily eyelids and feet) to a generalized edema ;Dermatosis is common.Complications:Iron Deficiency Anemia ;Infection;Disorder of wate
40、r and electrolyte ;HypoglycemiaTreating and nursingFirstly correct fluid and electrolyte abnormalities. Adjustment of diet graduallyDelayed 24 to 48h to supply macronutrients by dietary therapy. The amount of diets is gradually increased during the first week (monitor the tolerance). Observe disease
41、Provide education about normal growth and feeding.Chapter 8 Digestive Disorders1.Whats the composition of the digestive system?Mouth,Esophagus,Stomach,Intestine,liver,pancreaEsophagus(长度(chngd)记住) :length is about 10cms at birth, 12cms at 1y ,16cms at 5ys , 20 25cms for older children2. What is the
42、physiological salivate.Saliva increases greatly at age of 56 monthes, due to the shallow mouth floor and limited swallowing, physiological salivate developed.3. whats the physiological causes of gastrointestinal allergic problems in young children?Lower lactase levels ,large digestive surface and th
43、in intestinal wall4. Why infants apt to get gastroesophageal reflux?Cardiac sphincter is not fully developed but pyloric sphincter is good5. The younger the child, the relative larger the liver.6. The typical manifestation of Herpetic Gingivostomatitis is Vesicle, singly or in groups.致病菌Thrush鹅口疮- C
44、andida albican白色(bis)念珠菌,Herpetic gingivostomatitis疱疹(po zhn)性口炎- HSV1 (herpers simplex virus单纯带状疱疹病毒),Ulcerative stomatitis溃疡性口炎streptococcus链球菌, staphylococcus aureus金葡菌7.whats the correct application method for the children with stomatitis?rinse the mouth keep the oral cavity dry(sponge swab ) ap
45、ply in a rolling typeclose the mouth for 10 minutes8. Most pathogens that cause diarrhea are spread by the fecal-oral route route. Route of transmission腹泻传播方式(记住) :fecal-oral route,person contact9. Rotavirus轮状病毒 is the most important cause of autumn diarrhea.(记住)10. Dietary diarrhea is the most comm
46、on type of noinfectious diarrhea.11.Maintaining balance of fluid, electrolyte and acid-baseORS口服补液盐: Mild-moderate dehydrationMild dehydration: 50-80ml/kg; Moderate dehydration: 80-100ml/kgIntravenous therapy one fluid therapy in the first day静脉补液量 Mild dehydration: 90-120ml/kg; Moderate dehydration
47、: 120-150ml/kg; Severe dehydration: 150-180ml/kg12.How to prevent diarrhea from spreading to others? Controlling infection13. Whats the dietary of adjustment to diarrhea?( Can you state the principle of adjustment of dietary?)Early restrictions of diet would lead to malnutrition、acidosis、prolonged d
48、uration impact of growth and development so feeding should be continued but adjusted to the condition of diseaseMild and moderate diarrhea: continue feeding; Serious vomiting: NPO 4-6h (continue drinking); Breast-feeding: stop supplemental food; Artificial feeding: cows milk; diluted milk/formula; r
49、ice soup; Virus enteritis: lactose-free soybean formulas; Toddlers: continuing soft/pureed foods; Older child: easily digestible diet; Oral feedings intolerance: introducing parenteral nutrition14.how to define deferred diarrhea迁延性腹泻?2w2m,malnutrition,bottle feeding,unstable stool,infection and mult
50、iple organs disfunction15.whats dehydration?脱水是指水分摄入不足或丢失过多所引起的体液总量尤其是细胞外液量的减少。除失水外,尚有钠,钾等电解质的丢失。16.How to keep the skin integrally? 期中考过Cotton diaper and diaper changing Buttock cleaning Ointment applicationExposing red buttock Avoid plastic diaper and rectal temperature17. diarrhea腹泻分类 期中考过 Accord
51、ing to disease course:Acute diarrhea : 2w;deferred diarrhea:2w2m; Chronic diarrhea:2mAccording to etiology factors: Infectious;NoninfectiousAccording to clinical manifestation: Mild diarrhea; Severe diarrhea18. Composition of fluid: types of dehydration 期中考过hypotonic: hyperosmolar(2/3 isotonic)isoto
52、nic: isotosmolar(1/2 isotonic) ; unclear typehypertonic : hyposmolar(1/3 isotonic)Chapter9 Respiratory Dysfunction1. Inhaled foreign bodies more often lodge in the right bronchus after 2 years of age. why? more shorter 、wider、vertical2.The younger the child, the quicker the respiration rate.3. The V
53、ital capacity is about 5070ml/kg in childhood,tidal volume:6-10 ml/kg(记住(j zh)) 期中考过4. The breathing type for infants and toddlers is diaphragmatic breathing.5.what are the four focuses of childhood diseases prevention in China?rickets of vitamin D deficiency维生素D缺乏性佝偻病;Nutritional iron deficiency an
54、emia 营养性缺铁性贫血(pnxu)Infantile diarrhea婴幼儿腹泻(fxi); pneumonia小儿肺炎6. What are the common manifestations of pneumonia in childhood? Fever, cough, tachypnea, fine moist rales7. What are the signs of heart failure with pneumonia? (重要)肺炎合并心衰 期中考过Tachypnea: RR 60ts/m dyspnea; Tachycardia: HR 160-180bpm; Muff
55、led heart sounds gallop rhythm; Restless, obvious cyanosis grey faces; Hepatomegaly progressively; oliguria or anuria; others: Sweating cervical vein distention face/lower limbs edema8.The most common type of pneumonia in childhood is Bronchopneumonia.9. With viral pneumonia, the most common cause i
56、s: RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)10. The symptom of Mycoplasmal pneumonia include: dry, hacking cough, fever.11. The etiological factors of bronchial asthma include allergic constitution, inheritable disease, and environment12. the essence of asthma is inflammation13. The common precipitating fac
57、tors诱因 include infection, foods, contestants and other environmental factors 14.the route of medicine administration for asthma include oral , inhalation(aerosol喷雾) , iv 15. State the advantages of inhalation route.Directly to the lungs Small dosage Rapid onset of action Few side effects Reduce long
58、term use of oral medication16. What is status asthmaticus? (记住)Respiratory distress continues without response to treatment for 24hs or longer. Life threatening asthma is caused by severebronchospasm, excessive mucous secretion,inflammation, and edema of the airways,even die of respiratory failure.1
59、7. What is the first choice in anti-inflammatory drugs to control asthma exacerbation? Glucocorticosteroidwhat is the drug of choice in the treatment of asthma? Glucocorticosteroid18. What is the first choice of route of medicatin for asthma? Inhalation16.Breathing exercises and physical training fo
60、r children with asthma include diaphragmatic breathing腹部呼吸运动法, bend forward movement向前弯曲运动法, chest expansion movement胸部扩张运动(improve mobility of the chest wall)Chapter10 Cardiovascular Dysfunction1.小儿(xio r)血压(记住)SP is 60-70mmHg in neonate, 70-80 in infancy; SP=age2+80,between2-12ys, DP is 2/3 of SP2
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