1、专题:How To Write Your Research PaperPresented by Ming-guang Yang (Asso. Prof.)(Aug. 2006)Vocational & Continuing Edu. College, Yunnan University1英语教育教学科研论文导写英语科研论文论文的写作范围论文的准备论文的写作 论文总字数英语1500个单词左右,汉语3500词左右。原则上要求用英语撰写。若个别老师确实有困难,经指导教师同意,可改用汉语写作。2I.英语科研论文所谓论文,就是做论述的文章,也就是说,要撰写的东西要有论述的观点或想要说明的问题。可以说,论
2、文就是站在人家的肩膀上“登高望远”。正因为如此,我们就必须要占有资料,而且多多益善。有著名学者说过,自己的许多论文往往是在阅读别人文章的过程中释然而出的。 3狭义地说,英语教育教学科研论文就是对英语教学法(methodology)进行研究后所撰写的描述研究成果的论文。英语教育教学科研论文属学术论文(research paper/ academic paper) 。“学术性,创新性,规范性”是英语教育教学科研论文的基本特征。当然也应体现英语的专业性。4II、英语教学法(methodology)论文的写作范围教学法发展史,教学法理论及探索,语言与文化,文化与教学,具体某一课程的教学,课程设计,教学
3、手段等等。 5III. 论文的准备拟定范围(outlining the scope)收集资料 (collecting materials)拟定题目 (setting the title)拟定提纲 (setting the outline)6A. 拟定范围(outlining the scope)1、所学( what has been studied)2、所能(what can be achieved) 3、所有( what is available) 4、所好(what one is Interested In) 7 1、所学 (what has been studied) 语言及语言学类论文
4、(language and linguistics type )a. 以英语词汇学(English lexicology)为轴 心展开 b. 以英语语法(English grammar)为轴心展开c. 以当代语言学(contemporary linguistics)及其理论为轴心展开d. 以英语教学法(English teaching method)为轴心展开 8a. 以英语词汇学(English lexicology) 为轴 心展开 英语的构词方式;英语的修辞方式;英语词义的变化;英语同义词;英语习语的灵活运用;美国英语的形式与特点;美国英语与英国英语的区别;英语词汇的变化发展;语境与词义理
5、解;英语词典评介等 9b. 以英语语法(English grammar)为 轴心展 开英语限定词;英语的进行体;英语的完成体;英语将来时态的表示法;英语的被动语态;英语的虚拟式;英语的情态助动词;英语非限定形式;英语句子的扩展与浓缩;英语的间接引语;英语的篇章结构;英语的主谓一致;英语名词的复数形式表示;如何更好地掌握和运用英语介词;英语关系分句中关系词的选择;英语倒装结构;英语句子中的重复、省略与替代等。 10c.以当代语言学(contemporary linguistics)及其理论为轴心展开英语词语的文体色彩;英语词语的修辞功能;几种主要的英语文体;英语读音规则与变迁;英语的历史发展与英
6、语变体;英语词典评介;语言的结构;语言能力与语言运用;语言习得:语言学与外语教学法的关系等。 11d.以英语教学法(English teaching method)为轴心展开语言学与外语教学法的关系;浅谈学生外语记忆能力的训练;保持英语学习兴趣点滴谈;词汇教学如何结合语法教学;初二英语学习中的分化现象及其抑制 ; 12对普通高中英语课程标准的解读 ;高中英语课堂教学改革实践的尝试 ;高中英语写作错误分析及成功对策 ;略谈初三英语复习方法 ;普通高中英语课程标准(实验)的基本理念与理论依据;充分发挥媒体优势辅助英语教学13中学英语教学中的文化习得方法 ;中学英语双边能动化教学探讨 ;适应新课标要
7、求,改进中学英语语法教学;研究性学习与高中英语课堂教学 ;中学英语整体教学探索 ;谈任务型教学在初中英语课堂的运用 14交际教学法研究与探讨新编中学英语教材 提高高中生英语作文能力的途径 英语教材的更新与教学观念的变革 外语教学中听说法和交际法的比较与互辅 英语教学中如何加强文化背景知识的传授 152、所能(what can be achieved)每个学生的接受能力及兴趣不尽相同,因而对于同一个老师教的东西,并不一定都能转化为自己的“所能”。论文写作是一项颇为繁重的任务,因而选题一定要是自己“所能”才有可能较为出色地完成任务。16“所能”有多方面的含义 :一是题目不可选得太大,以至于自己无法
8、驾驭;二是题目不宜太难;另外就是论文写作中的难题能求助于指导老师或参考书予以解决。 173、所有( what is available.) 自己的选题及准备撰写内容必须在动笔之前已在大脑中有一个较为明晰的轮廓。它包括:自己在某方面的知识已有一定的积累,需要充实和补充的材料能够比较及时地获得。 18所有( what is available.)如有可能,还应读一些原版的外文理论书。一般说来,论文的参考书目中应有一定比例的英文原版书。194、所好(what one is Interested In.)有人说过,兴趣是做好一切的根本。这里的兴趣相当于“所好”。一般说来,我们的选题应是经过一定时间酝酿
9、的,绝大多数都是出于自己的所好。很难想象,给一个你不感兴趣甚至反感的论题,你能写出多么高质量的论文。20所好(what one is Interested In.)英语中有句谚语: One mans meat is anothers poison. 中文也有很类似的一种说法,萝卜白菜,各有所爱。你们的志向不完全一样,从事的教学工作也不尽相同,有的教高中,有的则教初中。选题时肯定各有偏爱。选题应与自己的兴趣爱好结合起来。“要我写”与“我要写”产生的效果肯定是后者要好。 21小结以上是论文撰写过程中拟定范围须得遵守的四条基本准则。这四个方面是一个统一的整体,切不可分割开来。四者的协调统一将为论文的
10、撰写打下一个坚实的基础。 22B. 收集资料 (collecting materials)范围拟定以后,便是一项非常务实的工作,即收集资料 。方法多样。23C. 拟定题目 (setting the title)题目拟定应体现“四宁”原则: 1、宁专勿泛(special rather than general) 2、宁小勿大 ( concentrated rather than common ) 3、宁新勿陈 (novel rather than archaic) 4、宁深勿浅 (penetrating rather than skimming )24D. 拟定提纲 (setting the o
11、utline) 一般说来,论文写作须经过: “定题 构思 收集材料 拟定提纲 定出初稿 修改定稿等阶段” 而其中的拟定提纲工作又有着不可替代的作用。在动手写作之前,应考虑以下几个方面: 怎样开头,怎样发展,怎样结尾,想说明甚麽问题,得出甚麽结论,用那些事实和理论来证明这个结论。以下是几例写作提纲:25WHAT CAUSES MISCOMMUNICATIONS?Cultural Differences In Daily Social Interactions Between Chinese And English SpeakersIntroductionCases and Analysis I.
12、 Utterance Analysis 1. Did She Answer or Not? 2. Just a little Token 3. A Speech at an International Conference II. Behavior Analysis 1. Why Is the Food Left Over? 2. Great Hospitality 3. Why did not He Come?Conclusion and ImplicationsBibliography26Thought Patterns AndIntercultural CommunicationIntr
13、oduction Thought Patterns a. Intuition and Logic b. Synthesis and Analysis c. Unity and Dichotomy Thought Patterns and Cultural Orientation a. Language and Thought Patterns b. Value System and Thought patterns c. Norms and Thought Patterns Thought Patterns and Intercultural Communication a. Barriers
14、 and Misunderstandings in intercultural Communication b. Strategies in Intercultural Communication Conclusion Bibliography27ABSTRACT Thought is a process in which concept, judgement and reasoning are used to reflect the objective world. Thought pattern refers to the habit or the way people tend to t
15、hink. In other words, it is a structure or a process by which people cognize, understand and value the objective reality. Thought patterns differ from culture to culture. People from different culture have different ways of thinking. In individualistic cultures thought patterns are often characteriz
16、ed as logical, analytic, action oriented, and linear. Compared with those of individualistic cultures, thought patterns of collectivistic cultures are characterized as relational, intuitive, synthetic and holistic. As America is typical of the Western world and China, the Eastern world, the study an
17、d analysis of different thought patterns between the Chinese people and the Americans will be of great benefit to our understanding better why Western and Eastern perceptual worlds differ from one another and how our way of thinking is related to our cultural orientation so that we can reduce misund
18、erstandings created by the differences in thought patterns and achieve effective communication.Key words:thought pattern (思维方式) intercultural communication (跨文化交际)perceptual world (认知世界) ways of thinking (思考方法)individualistic culture (个体文化) collectivistic culture (群体文化)logical and analytic (逻辑与分析) i
19、ntuitive and synthetic (直觉与综合) unity (统一,合一,团结) dichotomy (对立, 两分, 二分法, 分离)value system (价值体系) norms and mores (规范与习俗)28IV. 科研论文的写作论文的组成部分论文的三要素论文的开头论文的结尾论文的摘要论文的关键词论文的致谢论文的参考文献 29A. 论文的组成部分标题 ( title )作者和指导教师署名(name of the author & the supervisor)摘要(abstract)关键词(key words)正文(text)参考文献(bibliography)
20、致谢(acknowledgments) 正文则包括绪论(Introduction, 也称导论、导言、引言)、本论(body)和结论(Conclusion, 又叫结语、结尾)。(观看三篇正式论文)How to Succeed in Oral English Classes for a Chinese Teacher of EnglishPragmatic Failures And English Teaching 继续教育与高校英语教师的可持续发展30B. 论文的三要素论点(argument)论据(basis of argument)论证(demonstration) 论点,是作者提出的观点,是
21、论文研究的中心,也是引起读者关注或争论的问题,因此,论点具有争论性;论据,则是事实、道理,是论点赖以成立的可靠依据;论证,就是用事实和道理去证明论点的过程,即“摆”事实、“讲”道理。这三大要素不但缺一不可,而且任何一个都不能削弱。31C.论文的开头常言道,“万事开头难”。论文的开头也不例外。因为它关系到论文的基调,对论文内容的表达和发挥起着至关重要的作用。好的开头,可以使行文顺理成章;不好的开头,可以导致文思混乱。一般说来,论文的开头涉及论文论点、目的、意义、特点,甚至论文研究范围及背景情况等,但不一定面面俱到。论文开头,可以是一段话,也可以是几段话;可以用小标题 “Introduction”
22、 引出,也可不用。32如题目为 “How to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing ” 的论文的开头:Intoduction The purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve the students four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the base of necessary phonetics, large vocabulary and go
23、od grammar, But this is not the final purpose. The final purpose is to let students be able to use the language.Why do we study English? If a man is only good at listening and speaking, can we say that he is good at English? No, If a man is only good at reading and writing, can we say that he is goo
24、d at the language? No, If a student is good at English, he should be able to use the language, both in speaking and writing.Now most of the students do better in reading and writing English than in listening and speaking. They can read and write, but they can hardly communicate. They can hardly expr
25、ess themselves with their own words. This is partially because of our examination system, and partially of the teaching method . We are not able to change the examination system, but we can improve our teaching method. Most of all the teachers like to provide the students with a lot of knowledge-wor
26、ds, phrases, grammar, usages and so on, They are focusing these things, especially on the grammar. Yes, the students do need these, but many teachers forget to teach them how to study English, and how to use it. So when you are giving the knowledge to the students, dont forget to teach them all the
27、abilities of the four skills.33再如 “THOUGHT PATTERNS AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION”Introduction I choose to explore in this paper different thought patterns between East and West in intercultural communication. As America is typical of the Western world and China, the Eastern world, the study and a
28、nalysis of different thought patterns between Chinese and Americans will also be of great benefit to our understanding better why Western and Eastern perceptual worlds differ from one another and how our way of thinking is related to our cultural orientation. In this paper three aspects of thought p
29、atterns are to be explored. The first part of this paper discusses the difference between Chinese and American thought patterns. Chinese people tend to think in a way of intuition, synthesis and unity while Americans tend to think in a way of logic, analysis and dichotomy. The second part focuses on
30、 the relationship between thought patterns and cultural orientation, in which language and thought, value system and thought patterns and their norms and thought patterns are to be discussed. The third part is about how different thought patterns cause barriers and misunderstandings, and how we can
31、reduce them in intercultural communication. 34D. 论文的结尾有小标题 “Conclusion” 的结尾有小标题 “Summary” 的结尾有小标题 “Finally” 的结尾无小标题的结尾 结尾,是论文正文的一个重要组成部分。它是论文论点的总结和复述,具有高度的概括性。在结尾部分,作者还可就本题展望未来,提出建设性意见或发人深思的问题,激励读者,深化读者印象或产生意味无穷的效果。35有Conclusion的结尾:如题目为 “How to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and
32、 writing ” 的论文的结尾:Conclusion While you are training these four skills, youd better make full use of your teaching instrument, use varieties of ways to stimulate the students interests.Generally speaking, these four skills cant be separated. People often say First listening and speaking, then reading
33、 and writing. Thats right. But I think this way of saying is fit for the beginning stage. For a senior middle school student, reading and writing is more important.Before you are going to have a new lesson, do reading and writing first. Ask students to read the text in advance, and do some exercises
34、 connected with the text.Listening and speaking are the major ways while teaching the new lesson. Be sure to let the lesson go on in a foreign language situation.You can ask the students questions about the text, do some discussion, check the students homework. This helps students raise their abilit
35、y of listening and speaking. It also helps to understand or comprehend the text and the sentences.36再如 “THOUGHT PATTERNS AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION”的结尾:Conclusion Although we have been talking about thought patterns and intercultural communication as though it were one culture communicating wit
36、h another, we must remember that all communication is basically one person communicating with another interpersonally. This means that an interpersonal relationship is developing and the communication that occurs creates a bridge over two cultural systems. In every intercultural communication event,
37、 we are communicating with another person and, therefore, we must be aware of the fact that each person from different culture may have a different thought pattern and think of the same event in a different way. In order to bridge the gaps in thought patterns between Chinese and Americans in intercu
38、ltural communication, we must search for a more effective and appropriate way so that we can clear up barriers, minimize misunderstandings and learn each others strong points for common progress. It will enhance the possibilities for understanding cultural orientation of the other person while makin
39、g our own visible. It may also be beneficial to checking our own with the other persons perspective. Knowing that our decision-making is constrained by the interaction of our personal, situational, and cultural orientation may help us understand why we cannot accept some of the others behaviors from other cultures and put ourselves in anothers shoes. Understanding that our self-concept, like others
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