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1、rojects for the country to great promotion and role model. Six, winning multiple awards, enterprises to establish a good brand image in 2012, the companys project management, work safety, science and technology innovation and cultural construction, won multiple awards, show a good corporate image, c

2、reating more powerful brand. Engineering management aspects, company a period engineering has get has 2012 degrees China power quality Engineering Award, 2012 degrees power engineering excellent survey, and excellent design first prize and 2012 degrees national quality engineering Silver, engineerin

3、g construction early established of high standard production, create national power industry quality engineering, striving for national quality engineering of construction target all achieved, showed that company infrastructure engineering management level get power peer and social of full recognize

4、d. Safety, the successful completion of the Olympic task, test the effectiveness of the production management system, XX company and national electricity regulatory Bureau was rated as Advanced units of the Olympic Games, showed that companies in the risk control and safety management quality have m

5、ade substantial improvements. Technology innovation aspects, company 600MW unit domestic DCS system of development and application project won XX power technology progress first prize, and 2007 degrees power industry technology progress first prize, hidden information management get national power i

6、ndustry enterprise innovation results third prize, while, company also won China power information benchmark enterprise title, show out company in technology innovation aspects huge of strength, and for Enterprise set up has do designed do strong of good image. Cultural construction, the company was

7、 awarded by the China enterprise culture improvement Association issued a enterprise culture construction in excellent title, the company in strengthening the basic culture construction, advance XX characteristics and culture of success creating has been . -Additional inventory does not increase inv

8、entory to zero after the repair. NOSA review more than three stars. 3% production costs and reduce rates, management cost reduction ratio 8%. FCM grade, and took the lead in the XX system location. Three, and 2013 focus work (a) to upgrade quality for purposes, insisted science development, full con

9、struction five type Enterprise insisted science development is requirements enterprise in development process in the, to right processing security, and reliability and economic sex of relationship, insisted go connotation and extension both of development of road, put to specific of practice among,

10、is requirements we to implementation science development views, construction five type Enterprise. Building five enterprise is the Shenhua Groups global strategic enterprise development requirements, the company faced an increasingly difficult market situation and huge pressure on the operation of t

11、heinevitable choice, is to realize the strategic goal of promoting enterprise development, are important measures to adhere to the scientific development and embodiment. Company levels personnel to further from strategy and global of height full awareness construction five type Enterprise on achieve

12、d enterprise and good and fast development, constantly upgrade sustainable development force strategy target of major meaning, accurate grasp construction five type Enterprise of deep connotation, seriously learning XX company construction five type Enterprise assessment standard and the implementat

13、ion rules, clear five type Enterprise construction of target planning, efforts put insisted science development of thought and construction five type Enterprise of initiatives throughout to the production business activities among, Correctly dealing with five enterprise all aspects of the constructi

14、on, and strive to achieve five types implementation, go hand in hand, harmony and unity. While, General employees especially levels leaders to further awareness to, construction five type Enterprise cannot only stay in slogan Shang, to will its eventually reflected in enterprise operation index of a

15、dvanced Shang, reflected in enterprise quality of upgrade Shang, reflected in resources, and environment and enterprise of coordination development Shang, so construction five type Enterprise must to from actual starting, must to took data talk, to from based work starts with, company internal to th

16、rough carried out created five type team of activities, to grass-roots team construction to promote Five enterprise construction. Meanwhile, the construction of five enterprise will carefully handle the relationship between cost and benefit, and handle well the relationship between speed and securit

17、y, maintaining all the business activities of low cost, high efficiency, maintain faster growth and better standards of production safety, up to speed, quality, efficiency and security, harmonization, to achieve effective and healthy development of the enterprise. (Ii) to economic for Center, insist

18、ed security development, best grasp production business work security is enterprise development of political lifeline, company production business work to to stable reliable of security situation for based, to economic for Center, from rammed security management based, improve equipment health level

19、 starts with, to in market marketing and coal mine coordination management aspects increased efforts, implementation fine of management way, constantly upgrade company production business management level, for full completed annual the production business task lay based. 1, strengthen safety managem

20、ent . Fair working environment; further standardize the management, improve the level of service, from a healthy diet, accommodation, property and other aspects to improve the quality of service, staff worries, meanwhile, actively carried out to practice and promote harmonious development as the the

21、me of the activities, to buildprojects for the country to great promotion and role model. Six, winning multiple awards, enterprises to establish a good brand image in 2012, the companys project management, work safety, science and technology innovation and cultural construction, won multiple awards,

22、 show a good corporate image, creating more powerful brand. Engineering management aspects, company a period engineering has get has 2012 degrees China power quality Engineering Award, 2012 degrees power engineering excellent survey, and excellent design first prize and 2012 degrees national quality

23、 engineering Silver, engineering construction early established of high standard production, create national power industry quality engineering, striving for national quality engineering of construction target all achieved, showed that company infrastructure engineering management level get power pe

24、er and social of full recognized. Safety, the successful completion of the Olympic task, test the effectiveness of the production management system, XX company and national electricity regulatory Bureau was rated as Advanced units of the Olympic Games, showed that companies in the risk control and s

25、afety management quality have made substantial improvements. Technology innovation aspects, company 600MW unit domestic DCS system of development and application project won XX power technology progress first prize, and 2007 degrees power industry technology progress first prize, hidden information

26、management get national power industry enterprise innovation results third prize, while, company also won China power information benchmark enterprise title, show out company in technology innovation aspects huge of strength, and for Enterprise set up has do designed do strong of good image. Cultura

27、l construction, the company was awarded by the China enterprise culture improvement Association issued a enterprise culture construction in excellent title, the company in strengthening the basic culture construction, advance XX characteristics and culture of success creating has been . -Additional

28、inventory does not increase inventory to zero after the repair. NOSA review more than three stars. 3% production costs and reduce rates, management cost reduction ratio 8%. FCM grade, and took the lead in the XX system location. Three, and 2013 focus work (a) to upgrade quality for purposes, insiste

29、d science development, full construction five type Enterprise insisted science development is requirements enterprise in development process in the, to right processing security, and reliability and economic sex of relationship, insisted go connotation and extension both of development of road, put

30、to specific of practice among, is requirements we to implementation science development views, construction five type Enterprise. Building five enterprise is the Shenhua Groups global strategic enterprise development requirements, the company faced an increasingly difficult market situation and huge

31、 pressure on the operation of theinevitable choice, is to realize the strategic goal of promoting enterprise development, are important measures to adhere to the scientific development and embodiment. Company levels personnel to further from strategy and global of height full awareness construction

32、five type Enterprise on achieved enterprise and good and fast development, constantly upgrade sustainable development force strategy target of major meaning, accurate grasp construction five type Enterprise of deep connotation, seriously learning XX company construction five type Enterprise assessme

33、nt standard and the implementation rules, clear five type Enterprise construction of target planning, efforts put insisted science development of thought and construction five type Enterprise of initiatives throughout to the production business activities among, Correctly dealing with five enterpris

34、e all aspects of the construction, and strive to achieve five types implementation, go hand in hand, harmony and unity. While, General employees especially levels leaders to further awareness to, construction five type Enterprise cannot only stay in slogan Shang, to will its eventually reflected in

35、enterprise operation index of advanced Shang, reflected in enterprise quality of upgrade Shang, reflected in resources, and environment and enterprise of coordination development Shang, so construction five type Enterprise must to from actual starting, must to took data talk, to from based work star

36、ts with, company internal to through carried out created five type team of activities, to grass-roots team construction to promote Five enterprise construction. Meanwhile, the construction of five enterprise will carefully handle the relationship between cost and benefit, and handle well the relatio

37、nship between speed and security, maintaining all the business activities of low cost, high efficiency, maintain faster growth and better standards of production safety, up to speed, quality, efficiency and security, harmonization, to achieve effective and healthy development of the enterprise. (Ii)

38、 to economic for Center, insisted security development, best grasp production business work security is enterprise development of political lifeline, company production business work to to stable reliable of security situation for based, to economic for Center, from rammed security management based,

39、 improve equipment health level starts with, to in market marketing and coal mine coordination management aspects increased efforts, implementation fine of management way, constantly upgrade company production business management level, for full completed annual the production business task lay base

40、d. 1, strengthen safety management . Fair working environment; further standardize the management, improve the level of service, from a healthy diet, accommodation, property and other aspects to improve the quality of service, staff worries, meanwhile, actively carried out to practice and promote ha

41、rmonious development as the theme of the activities, to build基础施工组织-土建施工方案转自:施工技术()1.1前的技术准备(1)施工图纸审核1)施工图等设计文件下达后,由技术负责人组织预算员、计划员等各部门有关人员认真阅读设计文件和施工图纸,领会、熟悉技术要求和图纸内容,审查设计文件和图纸中可能存在的问题;2)核对施工图、设计说明书及标准图是否正确、完整;核对基础坐标、标高是否与其它基础图一致;3)对图纸中存在的问题详细列出,交技术负责人归纳、汇总,并及时与设计人员联系或在设计交底会上提出,以求得到设计部门的答复和解决,并做好图纸汇


43、术交底,并填写技术交底记录。1.2施工顺序 定位放线 土方开挖地基验槽(坑)基础底级配碎石回填基础垫层模 基础垫层混凝土浇注基础钢筋绑扎基础模板基础混凝土浇注回填土1.3施工方法(1)定位放线基槽定位由公司测量队用红外线全站仪定位,根据甲方提供的方格网或施工其他控制点测定挖土范围线,并在挖土线外11.5m处设龙门桩,并做警戒标记;施工期间,严禁车辆及人为因素损坏龙门桩,此桩在施工期间做为建(构)筑物轴线标高、测量及复核的依据。(2)土方开挖1)施工方法A做好挖土前地表排水沟及排水系统工作;当有地下水时,还应采取相应的排水措施。B地下水的排放主要采用集水坑集中排水的方法,在基坑的一角或两边设置集

44、水坑,坑截面尺寸10001000mm比基坑底标高深1米。基坑四周设导水沟,连入集水坑,基坑上设砖砌沉淀池,水用污水泵由集水坑排入沉淀池,将水沉淀后,再导入水排系统。C土方采用机械或人工开挖的方法;对于桩基础及小型基础等,采用人工开挖的方法,对于坑池等较大的基础则采用机械开挖的方法进行。D土方开挖时按放线员所撒开挖边线进行挖方作业,开挖边线由基础垫层(加深层)范围、工作面(每边500 mm)、放坡增加宽度等共同组成。对于破碎后的砼块等建筑垃圾及时运离,不可在作业区堆放。土方开挖应按设计要求1:0.751:0.9系数进行放坡,并采取措施确保边坡的稳定;E施工机械进入现场要经过的道路应做好必要的加固

45、工作;F机械挖土应在基底标高以上保留1030cm左右用人工清底; G土方开挖完毕后应进行基槽清底,并及时进行下一道工序的施工;2)质量检验标准项目序号项 目允许偏差或允许值()检验方法基坑基槽挖方场地平 整地面基层主控项目1标高-5030-50水准仪2长度、宽度(由设计中心向两边量)+200-50+300-100+100用钢尺量3边坡设计要求观察一般项目1表面平整度202020用2米靠尺和楔形塞尺检查2基底土性设计要求观察3)土方开挖注意事项A 施工现场的电线应架空、拉设应合理,不得妨碍土方开挖;B基槽开挖应有水平标准严格控制基底标高,标桩间的距离宜3 m,以防基底超挖;C对定位桩和水准点等应

46、注意保护好,挖土时不得碰撞,并应定期复测,检查其可靠性。4)基底清理挖土施工完后,即可进行人工清理基槽与基础施工,人工清理基槽包括:基槽边坡和基底。基槽底部1030cm厚的土层在基础施工前12天挖出,以免地基的承载力减少或受冻而达不到设计要求。5)验槽基槽清理完后,由监理、甲方代表、设计代表、施工四方对基槽的标高、平面位置及尺寸、地基承载力验收合格签字后方可进行后续工程的施工。(3)回填土 1)施工方法A选用装载机装土、自卸汽车运土的方式进行回填运输;B自卸汽车用的土应堆到基槽边,再由小推车倒运到回填部位;C回填土应分层回填,每层虚铺厚度不应大于250mm;D在回填标高不同的地段时应留设成阶梯



49、计要求环刀法一般项目1表面平整度202020用2米靠尺和楔形塞尺检查2回填土料设计要求直观鉴定3分层厚度及含水量设计要求水准仪及抽样检查1.4独立基础工程施工基础施工时,应遵循先深基础后浅基础的原则进行。(1)施工方法: 1)定位放线由放线人员根据龙门桩对基础弹出墨线,施工前,首先浇筑混凝土垫层。然后在垫层上应弹出十字中线,柱子插筋边线,基础边线及各台子的边线,并用红油漆作三角形标记,模板支完后,再用水准仪操平,给出基础各台子的标高。并用红油漆作标记,作为浇筑混凝土时的控制标高。2)模板工程A本工程采用定型组合钢模板;B模板拼装时应接缝严密,接缝宽度符合规定;C模板与混凝土接触面应清理干净并涂



52、混凝土材料必须有材料合格证书并经有关部门检验合格; C混凝土浇筑时应一次连续浇筑完,并确保在下层混凝土初凝前将上层混凝土浇筑完毕;D浇筑混凝土时用插入式振动器振捣要密实,确保施工的基础里实外光,按规定做好试块并按期送压。E浇筑完毕后,应及时进行养护。5)预埋工程:A基础上的预埋铁件及预埋螺栓严格按图纸的要求进行加工和制作,并有相应的合格证明后才可用于工程中;B预埋铁件及预埋螺栓安装时要按照图纸的要求位置,标高进行,对于一般的小型铁件及直径小于20的地脚螺栓采取和基础一起用脚手杆固定的方法,对于较大直径螺栓及大型埋件,应用支架单独进行固定,螺栓应制作定位模板进行定位,以确保其准确性。C浇筑混凝土





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