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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、-Look! The woman is wrinkling her nose at what the waiter brought.- _it means she doesnt like how

2、 the food looks.AMustBPerhapsCCouldDprobably2、Could you please _the music? My baby is sleeping.Sorry. I will do it right away.Aopen up Bturn down Cdrop by Ddress up3、 What are you looking for? Im looking for the book _ you bought last Sunday.AwhoBwhenCthat4、I feel tired and sleepy.Why not _ for a wh

3、ile?Astop to restBstopping to restCstop restingDstopping resting5、 Do you know _ a wonderful match and two basketball matches on July 15 th ? Yeah . I am going to watch them on that day.Athere will beBthere is going to haveCthere are going to beDis there going to be6、Which of the following sentences

4、 is correct?AWhen I grow up. I want to be a policeman.BHe asked, when will my dream come true?CI was deeply moved by the story Forever Young.DDreams can drive you to work harder, become better.7、Why not stay here a little longer? , but I really have to go.AId love toBI cant find any reasonCPleased t

5、o meet youDNever mind8、I always feel _ after lunch. A cup of coffee may wake you up.AsleepyBhungryCsadDangry9、I love Kunming, _ the weather there. Its neither too hot nor too cold all year round.AusuallyBwiselyCespeciallyDlastly10、Most boys _ blue to pink while most girls _ wear pink than blue.Awoul

6、d rather, prefer Bprefer, would ratherCwould rather, would rather Dprefer, prefer. 完形填空11、 The problem happens when people think that too much homework means taking work as pain and making life 1 at the same time. They feel stressed out and unhappy.Does hard work have to be 2 ? No, of course not! To

7、o much hard work means throwing out 3 activities and making a decision to do well in something. When we do too much hard work, it means that we are challenging something, which holds power to challenge us. If we take 4 of all the great work done in this world, well find that 5 the hard work is the h

8、eart driving force, without which everything is 6 .The strong feeling to hard work cannot be put upon anyone. It comes from the deep inside of ones heart. Hard work cannot be measured(丈量).How much hard work that you can do 7 on how much positive (积极的)feeling about life you have. Without hard work, a

9、 person cannot face 8 and he ends up becoming the failure in his life.Hard work is helpful. We have to work hard in life 9 it is the only duty(职责)to our life. It is better to die than live a life without goals(目标).Hard work gives directions to our life and 10 our future.1AunusualBuncomfortableCunkno

10、wnDunimportant2AsadBseriousCfreeDbusy3AdifferentBcommonCuselessDextra4AcareBplaceCadviceDnotice5AbeyondBbehindCbesideDbelow6AboringBincorrectCimpossibleDpossible7AdependsBlivesCagreesDfalls8AsuccessBchancesCdreamsDchallenges9AwhenBbecauseCunlessDalthough10AexplainsBdevelopsCinfluencesDattracts. 语法填空

11、12、for learn purpose help always skill when easy warn in they becauseThere are more and more electronic products like smart phones in our life. However, doctors have 1 that children are finding it hard to hold pencils because of too much use of electronic products.“Too much use of smart phones is st

12、opping childrens finger muscles(肌肉) from developing. It makes 2 unable to hold a pencil correctly,” they said. “Children are given a pencil, but they are not be able to hold it 3 they dont have the basic movement skills.”Payne said the nature of play had changed. “Its 4 to give a child an iPad than

13、encouraging him to do muscle-building play like building blocks. Because of this, theyre not developing the 5 they need to hold a pencil.”Six-year-old Patrick has been having weekly training classes 6 six months. The 7 is to help him develop the necessary strength in his fingers to hold a pencil. Hi

14、s mother regretted that she 8 gave Patrick electronic products to play with instead of traditional toys. When he got to school, he couldnt hold pencils and 9 to write because he couldnt move pencils correctly. “The training classes are 10 a lot and Im really strict with his use of electronic product

15、s now,” she said. 阅读理解A13、Body language is quiet, secret and most powerful language of all. It speaks louder than words.According to specialists, our bodies send out more messages than we realize. In fact, non-verbal(非语言) communication takes up about fifty percent of what we usually mean. And body l

16、anguage is especially important, when we try to communicate across cultures.Indeed, what is called body language is so much a part of us that its actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings happen as a result of it. For example, different cultures treat the distance between people differently. N

17、orthern Europeans usually do not like having bodily contact(接触),even with friends. And certainly not with strangers. People from the Latin American countries, on the other hand, touch each other quite a lot. So its possible that in conversation it may look like a Latino is following a Norwegian (挪威人

18、)all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving closer. The Norwegian, very probably seeing_as rude behavior, will keep backing away, which the Latino will in return regarded as coldness.Obviously, a great deal is going on when people talk. And only a part of it is in

19、the words themselves. And when parties are from different cultures, theres a strong possibility of misunderstanding. But whatever the situation is, the best advice is to obey the golden rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.1(小题1)You may find the passage in _.A, a science magazineAa gui

20、de book Ba sports newspaperCa story book2(小题2)The underlined word thisin paragraph 3 refers to _.Athe Norwegian keeps moving closerBthe Latino follows the NorwegianCthe Norwegian keeps backing awayDthe Latinos way of expressing friendship3(小题3)Misunderstanding of body languages always happens becaus

21、e of the _.Alanguages BfriendsCcultures Dcountries4(小题4)Which of the following is true?Apeople around the world have the same body languagesBbody language takes up about 1% of our communicationCbody language is the most important in our communicationDbody language is important when trying to communi

22、cate across cultures5(小题5)If a foreign friend gives a hug to you, you should_.Ashake hands with him Bgive him a hugCrefuse him Dkiss himB14、Some events in National Museum of SingaporeSpot & Shoot 2009:Our Landscape(风景)WED,JULY 1, 2009-SUN, JAN 4, 2010A photography competition and The Image of Our La

23、ndscape exhibitionLove TankFRI, MAY 1, 2009-SUN, OCT 4, 2009; 10:00am-8:00pmPlace: The Rotunda(圆形大厅)FreeadmissionBy S.Teddy D(Indonesia)National Columbarium(骨灰库)of SingaporeFRI, AUG 21, 2009-SUN, JAN 3, 2010Place: Class room, Level 2By Michael Lee Hong Hwee (Singapore)Part of Singapore Art Show 2009

24、Lost in the CityFRI, AUG 21, 2009-SUN, JAN 3, 2010Place: Different locations(场所) in National Museum of SingaporePart of Singapore Art Show 2009From Green to Brown to Black to Brown to GreenFRI, AUG 21, 2009-SUN, JAN 3, 2010Place: The Rotunda, Level 2By Joo Choon Lin & Chun Kai Qun (Singapore)Part of

25、 Singapore Art Show 2009根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。1Where do the events take place?AIn the Science Museum of Beijing.BIn the Palace Museum.CIn National Museum of Singapore.2Which of the following is a photography competition?ANational Columbarium of Singapore.BSpot & Shoot 2009: Our Landscape.CLost in the City.3

26、Which one isnt part of Singapore Art Show 2009?ANational Columbarium of Singapore.BLove TankCFrom Green to Brown to Black to Brown to Green.4Where is Michael Lee Hong Hwee from?AIndonesiaBJapan.CSingapore.5The underlined word “admission” means “ ”.A场地B准入C就餐C15、Dear Sir or Madam.One of the teachers a

27、t my school in New York tells me that your school has summer courses.I am planning to go to Beijing nextsummer and would like to take a short one-month course.I am 18 year sold and have been studying Chinese for six years.I was born in the USA and have never been to China before.I am going to study

28、Chinese at the university.I think the course will help me improve my Chinese.Could you send mea catalogue( 目录 ) and application form( 申请表 )?I would also like information about Beijing and other places nearby.I hope to do some travelling when the course is over.Thank you!I am looking forward to your

29、reply.Jim Green1Jim Green is a student from_.AAmericaBChinaCCanadaDAustralia2He will cometoChina nextsummer to_.Aimprove his ChineseBvisit friendsClook for jobsDteach summer course3He will probably_ afterthesummer course.Agraduate from universityBwork in this schoolCtake a trip in BeijingDpost his a

30、pplication formD16、Montgomery County Youth ServicesWorkshop of Anger ControlWednesday March 2nd, 2017 or Wednesday, April 20th, 20172: 00pm 5:00 pmConference Room D, United Way Service Center 1600 Lake Street Parents must come in to sign permission form the day before.For more information, please ge

31、t in touch with MCYS at 292 - 6471Anger Management 101 Workshop at LAMP 6:30pm 8:30 pm, Wednesday starting from January 6, 2017For parents with kids aged 3 7 who have trouble controlling their anger.Learn about how to help your kids manage anger.Get support raising happy kidsChildren available: ligh

32、t dinner provided10 each. Please call 416 - 252 - 6471 for more information.LAMP Health CenterThursday WorkshopDo you get angry when your kids make their rooms in a mess again?Do you get angry when your husband doesnt help with the housework?Here you can know what “normal” anger is, learn useful ang

33、er management skills and how to deal with anger in a healthy way.Free!Womens Health Center, 259 Derby Street10:00 am 1:00 pm, each Thursday from 14th April to 26th May1Workshop of Anger Control will be held _AonceBtwiceCthree timesDfour times2At LAMPs workshop, you can NOT .Ahave a light dinnerBlear

34、n about raising happy kidsClearn useful anger management skillsDknow more about children medical care3Thursday Workshop is for _.Aangry and tired wives or mothersBunhappy and bored husbandsCnervous and unhappy teenagersDworried and nervous parents4If you want to join a free workshop, you should go t

35、o .ALAMP Health CenterBYouth Service CenterCUnited Way Service CenterDWomens Health Center5The workshops deal with _.Afamily problemsBstudy problemsCanger problemsDchildcare problemsE17、My parents took us on holiday to Tasmania(塔斯马尼亚) several days ago. Tasmania is an island. It is in the south of Au

36、stralia. We visited the east coast(海岸). One of the highlights was our visit of the Wineglass Bay( 酒 杯 湾 ). When we arrived there, we found many walking paths to the beach. There are also many mountains around the bay.Because my grandmother and my little sister went with us, we had a 45-minute walk.

37、On the way up, we saw amazing rocks on the mountains. Finally we arrived at a higher place. From there we could overlook the calm clear water of the bay. It was a sunny day and the view was great. I found the reason behind the bays name. I found the reason behind the bays name. It looked like a wine

38、glass!The walk down was easier and enjoyable. And we went to a farm and tried the delicious seafood in Tasmania. I really liked the trip. I think I will go back again.1We know from this passage that .ATasmania is a beautiful islandBthe writer visited the south coastCTasmania lies in the east of Aust

39、raliaDWineglass Bay got its name for its color2The writers family chose a 45-minute walk to the mountains because .Athey felt too tired to walk onBthere are not other ways to chooseChis grandma and sister went with themDthey had no time to take more photos3The underlined word “overlook” means “ ” in

40、 Chinese.A仰望 B凝视 C浏览 D俯瞰4The right time-order of the following statements should be according to the passage. a. some strange rocks on the mountainb. many walking paths to the beach c. the delicious seafood on the farm d. a 45-minute walk to the mountainAb-a-c-d Bd-b-a-c Cb-d-a-c Da-d-c-b5The best t

41、itle of this passage may be “ ”.AThe Wineglass Bay of TasmaniaBDelicious seafood in TasmaniaCA Good Walk to the MountainsDA Wonderful Trip to TasmaniaF18、My 6-year-old granddaughter Caitlin and I stopped at a shop for a chocolate cake. As we were going out of the door, a young teenage boy was coming

42、 in. The boy had no hair on the sides of his head and some blue hair on top. He held a skateboard under one arm and a basketball under the other.Caitlin, who was walking in front of me, stopped when she saw the teen. I thought shed be scared of him. I was WRONG. She backed up against the door and op

43、ened it as wide as it would go. I walked to the other side and let the boy pass. He said: “Thank you very much.”On our way to the car, I talked with Caitlin about holding open the door for the boy. I wanted to make sure whether she was troubled by his appearance. But the only thing Caitlin noticed a

44、bout the teen was the fact that his arms were full. “He would have had a hard time to open the door.”I saw the shaved (剃光的) head and the blue hair. She saw a person carrying something under each arm and walking toward a closed door.In the future, I hope to get on her level and raise my sights.1What made Grandma feel uncomfortable?AThe skateboard under the teens arm.BThe terrible taste of the ch


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