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1、人教版七年级英语上册选择题专练及答案() LHiS name is AIan RObert Smith HiS family name isAIan B. RObert C. AIan RObert D. Smith()2.name is Mike andname is LiSa A. HiS , hisB. Her, her C. HiS , her D. Her, his()3. PIeaSe Call Jenny87536428.A. in B. to C. On D. at( )4.This isapple . ITsred apple .a, a B. a, an an, a D.

2、an, an()5.Kate isEngliSh She isEngliSh student.an, an B. IJ C. an D. /, an()6.1 thinkis a good girl A. She B. her C. his D. it()7.everyone here today ? Yes9 A Does, he isB Do , She is C. Are, We areD. Is , We are()8. ThiS isfriend . A. LUCy and LilyJim and TOm C. Jim and Tom,s D. LUCy,s and Lily,s()

3、9.They aregood friends . PIeaSe Iook after(照看).A I,theirB. my, them C. me, they D I, She()10. LefSthe IllaP on the Wall A. IOOk at B. See C. WatCh D. IOOk()11 I Canmany things On the tableA. IOOk at B. See C. WatCh D. IOOk()12.Kate gives(給)SOme books , but I must ZiVe back (归 #还)soon.A. I, it B. me,

4、themC. my, they D me, they()13.What do you havebreakfast ?A. for B. at C. Of D. On()14. We Canbooksthe bookstoreA sell, toB. buy, from C. sell, from D. buy, to()15.The StOreSChOOl thingsthe StUdentS A sell, toB. buy, from C. sells, to D. buys, from( )16.Theremany ShOeSSaIe in the store.A.are, OnB. a

5、re, for C. is, OnD is, for()17.is the month between May and JUIy ?A. APril B. JUne C. AUgUSt D. SePtember()18.There areInOnthS in a year TheInOnth Of the year isDeCembe.A. twelve, twelve B. twelve, twelfth C. twelfth, twelveD. twelfth, twelfth()19.Our SChOOl has a SPOrtS meetingOCtOber 15th.A. at B.

6、 On C. in D. for()20.Day is On JUne first andDay is Orl SePtember tenth.A. ChiIdren,s, TeaCher,s B. Children,s, TeaChers,Childrens, TeaClIer,s D. Children*, TeaChers,( )21.1 Iike apples,I don,t Iike bananas.A and B. but C Or D SO()22. -Wliafs thetoday ?- Ifs OCtOber twelfth.-And Whatis it today ? -I

7、fs Sunday. ()33.1 CaIrtPaint(绘画)WeilI Iike art Very much. date, dayB. day, date C. date, date D day, day( )23.He is the first Onehis homework A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D. to finish( )24.Bob Can PIaytennis but Carft PlayViOlinA. the, theB. IJC. the, /D. /, the( )25.Miss Read is goodmucsic Sh

8、e Can be goodChiIdren inthemusic club. A at, at B. with, With C. at, With D with, at()26.Please Write and tell Ineyour infomation (信息,资料)A. to B. for C. about D. in( )27.Therea ruler and two PenS On the deskA. are B. is C. am D. be( )28.1 have breakfast6:30 every morning A. at aroundB around atC. in

9、 aroundD. around in( )29.1 eategg andegg is Very big A. a, the B an, a C. an, the D. the, an( )30.1 haveOne EngliSh book A. a B. an C. OnIyD. the()31. We haveArt FeStiVal each yearMay.A an, On B. a, in C.an, in D. a, On( )32 We all Iike her because She iseveryone A. bad, On B. bad, in C. good, toD g

10、ood, Withand B. SO C. but D. because()34.do you have for dessert(甜点)? -ICe-Cream . A. What B.HOW C. What timeD. When()35.Do you WatCh TV evey day ? No, I think it,sto WatCh TV.A. funB. interesting C. boringD relaxing()36.We Want two football PIayerSOUr football CIUb A. in B. at C. to D for()37.funny

11、 movie it is ! A. What B. What a C. HOWHOW a()38.After CIaSS , We have basketballan hour A. to B. forC On D. in()39.Zhao Jie IikeShis dog A. to PIay With B. PIayS WithC to PIaying D. PIay()40.My favouriteis SatUrday A. day B Week C. month D. year( )4 LTliere isClOCk on the COmPUter desk, and itsalam

12、clock,闹钟)A. a, a B. a, the C. a, an D. the, an( )42.Is the PenCil CaSe Under the desk ?, but I can,t See it. A.Yes, it isD. No, it isn,tNo, it is C. Yes, it isn,t()43 WhaTs your mother ,s favourite? IfS blue A. food B. COIOr C. SPOrt D. fruit()44.The White hat isSale YOU Can buy OneOnIy $5A. in, at

13、B. o for C. for, With D. at, On()45.interesting movie it is ! All Of US Want to See it again.A. HOWB. HOW an C. What a D. What an()46.We must go ShOPPing todayWe have no food in the house A. When B. because C. SOD but( )47.Write to me SOOn and tell me InOreyour EngliSh SPeeChcontest.A. inB. aboutC.

14、forD. With()48.Look ! SOme Saladhere and SOme hamburgersOVerthere.A. is, areB. is, is C. are JSD are ,are()49.1 eat IOtS Of fruit because I Want to beA. goodB. healthy C. tiredD. busy( )50.My CIaSSmateS and I IikeEngliSh in CIaSS A. tellingSing C. SPeaking D talking()51 .They COme to ChinaJUne every

15、 year.A. to B. On C. at D. in( )52.My friend SiSter LUCy is young,She knows a IOt A. andB. butC. SOD. for()53.There aretwo WindOWS and a doorthe wall. #()53.There aretwo WindOWS and a doorthe wall. are, in B. are On C. is, On D. is, in()54.What do you Often do? PIay basketball With my friends in CIa

16、SS B. after CIaSS C. at nine in the evening D at night()55.Tom Can Paint, and he WantS to join the _ CIUb.A. music B Sing C. art D, CheSS()56.Miss Wang teachesart A.they B. them C. theirD. theirs( )57.He reads EngliSh forhour every day.A. a B. the C. an D. two()58.One Of my friendsfrom GUangZhOU A.

17、isB. are C. COmeD am( )59.WeekendS , I Often go ShOPPingmy mother .A. In、With B. On , With C. At, andD. For, and()60.The answer(答案)the question isnt right.A. in B. to C. Of D. for( )61.Tliis isClOCk IfsOrange ClOCk A. an,a B. /,aC. aD.a, an( )62.Your EngliSh is good .A. Thank you B. No, thanksC. Tha

18、fs all rightD. Thatsright ()63.WhaTs thatChineSe ? A. in B. Of C. On D. /()64.There isT,in the WOrd rule. A. an B. a C. the D. /()65.Mrs Smith COmeS from EngIand is a teacher A. He B. Her C. She D. It()66.The boys are inCIaSS are good StUdentS in the SChOOLA. his, their B. my, they C. that, Tlleir D

19、. She,s They()67.Thafs a bus . Wllat isnumber ? A. its B. its C. it D. his( )68.1 dont haveCOIOr PenCiIS , but She hasA. some, SOme B any, any C. some, anyD. any, SOme()69.Tlere is“h in the word “her. A. a B./C. an D. the()70.We Can See a Smail birdthe big tree. A. on B. at C. in D UP( )71 .This is

20、my ThOSe are A. sister, SiSterSSiSter, SiSter C. sisters, SiSter D. sisters, SiSterS( )72.In the ShOPJOU Can buythings.A.a IOt B.lots Of C.a IOtS Of D. much( )73.Do you know the WOmana red dress.A. On B. in C. OfD. at()74.We have bagsall COIOrS20 yuan each A. at,atB. in,inC at, inD.in, at( )75.1 hav

21、edictionay. IfsOld dictionay.A. a,an B. a, a C. the, the D. a, /()76.How muchtheir blue SWeaterS ? 20 dollarsA. are, Theyle B. is, ITs C. are, IfS D. is,TheySe()77.is the SChOOl trip ? APriLWhen, in B. What, On C. Where, in D.When, On()78.1 Want to buy a Shirtmy father. A. to B. On C. for D. in()79.

22、- you SWim(游泳)? -Yes,but m not a good SWimer.A.Can B. May C.Need D. MUSt()80.Here is a card. PIeaSeit to Jack. A.bring(带来)B. takeCalTy(抬,扛) D. give( )81.1 Can Sing ChineSe songs, but I Calrt Sing them. A. goodvery good C. WenD nice()82.Can you SeeEngIiSh girl behindPianO ?A. a, the B. an, theC. a, a

23、D. the ,an()83.1 think it isinteresting StOry A. / B. an C. a D. the()84.My SiSter With her friendto the GrCat Wall (长城).A. go B. iS go C. goesD. are go()85.Bill and I Want to Seeaction InOVie(动作片) A. SOIne B. a/ D. an()86.Biology isand the teacher makes(使, 让)meA. tired, boring B. boring, tired C. b

24、oring, boring D. tired, tired()87.to work, hethe No7 bus.A. Get, take B. GetS , takes C. TO get, takes D. TO get, takes()88.He is always the IaSt Oneto SChOOl A. goesB. to go C. go D.going()89.The EngIiSh SPeeCh COnteSt isOCtOber 1st.A.in B. at C. On D. for( )90.May Can PIayguitar but She Calft Play

25、VOlleybaILA. the, the B. the./ C. /, theD. a, a( )91.Tliis isEngliSh bookbook is TOIIrS A. a, An B. the ,A C. an, AnD. an , The()92.The teachers Often Say goodbye to US When CIaSSA. is CIOSe B. CIOSeS C. beginsD is over( )93.SUnday afternoons, they PIaybasketballA. On,/ B. On, the C. In , /D. From,

26、the()94.WhereJim and Billfrom?A. do, COIneS B. does, COme C. do, COme D. are, Ome()95.Look! SOme broccoliin the box SOme applesin thebag.A are, are B. is, is C. are, is D. is, are()96.He WantS to Iearn moreChineSe history.A. for B. WithC. Of D. about( )97. He is from PariS He Can SPeak OnIyChinese.A

27、. a IittIe B.little C.few D.a few()98.Is your friend a boy Or a girl ?A. No, She isnt B. A girl C. The girl D. Yes, She is( )99.Vhat COIOr is your mother evening CIreSS ? IfSA. funnyB. EngliShC. nice D. Orange A. funnyB. EngliShC. nice D. Orange ()100.8:40 is. A. eight to forty B. forty to eighttwen

28、ty PaSt eightD. twenty to nine人教版七年级英语上册选择题专练及答案()LHiS name is AIan RObert Smith HiS family name isAIan B. RObert C. AIan RObert D. Smith()2.name is Mike andname is LiSa A. HiS , hisB. Her, her C. HiS , her D. Her, his()3. PIeaSe Call Jenny87536428.A. in B. to C. On D. at()4.This is apple . Itsred a

29、pple A. a, a B. a, an an, a D. an, an()5.Kate isEngliSh She isEngliSh student.an, an B. IJ C. an D. /, an()6.1 thinkis a good girl A. She B. her C. his D. it()7.everyone here today ? Yes, A. Does, he isDO , She is C. Are, We areD. Is , We are()8. ThiS isfriend . A. LUCy and LilyJinl and TOm C. Jim a

30、nd TOmI D. Lucys and Lilys()9.They aregood friends . PIeaSe IOOk after(照看).A. I,their B. my, them C. me, they D. I,She()10. Letsthe map on the Wall A. IOOk at B. See C. WatCh D. IOOk()11 I CanInany things On the tableA. IOOk at B. See C. WatCh D. IOOk()12.Kate gives(給)SOme books , but I must givebac

31、k (归还)SOOn.A. I,itB. me, them C. my, they D me, they()13.What do you havebreakfast ?A. for B. at C. Of D. On()14. We Canbooksthe bookstore.sell, toB buy, from C. sell, fromD buy, to( )15.The StOreSChOOl thingsthe StUdentS . A sell, tobuy, from C. sells, to D. buys, from( )16.ThereInany ShOeSSaIe in

32、the store.A.are, OnB. are, for C. is, OnD. is, for()17.is the month between May and JUIy ?A. APril B. JUne C. AUgUSt D. SePtember()18.There aremonths in a year Themonth Of the year isDeCember.A. twelve, twelveB. twelve, twelfth C. twelfth, twelvetwelfth, twelfth()19.Our SChOOl has a SPOrtS meetingOC

33、tOber 15th.A. at B. On C. in D. for()20.Day is On JUne first andDay is On SePtember tenth.A. ChildTeif s, TeaClIer,s B. ChiIdren,s, TeaChers,Childrens TeaCher,s D. Children TeaCheis,( )2 LI Iike apples,I dont Iike bananas.A. and E but C. o D SO()22. -Wliafs thetoday ?- Ifs OCtOber twelfth.-And Whati

34、s it today ? -IfS Sunday.date, dayB. day, date C date, date D. day, day( )23.He is the first Onehis homework A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D. to finish( )24.Bob Can PIaytennis but CaIrt PlayViOlin.A. the, theB. IJC. the, /D. /, the( )25.Miss Read is goodmucsic. She Can be goodChiIdren inthemusi

35、c club. A. at, at B. with, With C. at, With D with, at()26.Please Write and tell meyour information (信息,资料)A. to B. for C. about D. in( )27.Therea ruler and two PenS On the deskA. are B. is C. am D. be( )28.1 have breakfast6:30 every morning A at aroundB. around at C. in aroundD. around in( )29.1 ea

36、tegg andegg is Very big A. a, the B. an, a C. an, the D. the, an( )30.1 haveOne EngIiSh book A. a B. an C. OnIyD. the()31. We haveArt FeStiVal each yearMay.A. an, On B. a, inC.an, inD. a, On A. an, On B. a, inC.an, inD. a, On ()32 We all Iike her because She iseveryone bad, On B. bad, in C. good, to

37、 D good, With()33.1 Can t Paint(绘画)WelII Iike art Very much.A. and B. SO C. but D because()34.do you have for dessert(甜点)? -ICe-Cream A. What B.HOW C. What timeD. When()35.Do you WatCh TV every day ? No, I think itsto WatCh TV.A. funB. interesting C. boringD relaxing()36.We Want two football PIayerS

38、OUr football ClUb A. in B. at C. to D for()37.funny movie it is ! A. What B. What a C. HOWHOW a()38.After CIaSS , We have basketballan hour A. to B. forOn D. in()39.Zhao Jie IikeShis dog A. to PIay With B. PIayS Withto PIaying D. Play()40.My favouriteis SatUrday A. day B. Week C. month D year()4 LTh

39、ere isCIOCk On the COmPUter desk, and it SalarmCIOCk.(闹钟)A. a, a B. a, the C. a, an D. the, an ( )42.Is the PenCil CaSe Under the desk ?、but I Calrt See it. A.Yes, it isNo, it is C. Yes, it isn,t D. No, it isn,t()43.Whats your mother,s favourite? IfS blue A. food B. COIOr C. SPOrt D. fruit()44.The W

40、hite hat isSaIe YOU Can buy OneOnIy $5A. in, at B. on, for C for, With D. at, On()45.interesting movie it is ! AIl Of US Want to See it again.A. HOWB. HOW anC. What a D. What an()46.We InUSt go ShOPPing todayWe have no food in the house A. When B. because C. SOD but( )47.Write to me SOOn and tell me

41、 moreyour EngliSh SPeeChcontest.A. inB. aboutC. forD. With()48.Look ! SOme SaIadhere and SOme hamburgersOVerthere.A. is, areB. is, is C. are JSD. are ,are()49.1 eat IOtS Of fruit because I Want to be.A. goodB. healthy C. tiredD. busy( )50.My CIaSSmateS and I IikeEngliSh in CIaSS A. tellingB Sing C.

42、SPeaking D talking()51 .They COme to ChinaJUne every year.A. to B. On C. at D. in( )52.My friends SiSter LUCy is young,She knows a IOt A. and B. butC. SOD. for()53.There aretwo WindOWS and a doorthe WaILA are, in B. are On C is, On D. is, in()54.What do you Often do? PIay basketball With my friends

43、A. in CIaSS B after CIaSS C. at nine in the evening D. at night()55.Tom Can Paint, and he WantS to join the _ club.A music B. Sing C. art D, CheSS()56.Miss Wang teachesart A.they B. them C. theirD. theirs( )57.He reads EngliSh forhour every day.A. a B. the C. an D. two()58.One Of my friendsfrom GUan

44、gZhOU A isB. are C COmeD. am()59.WeekendS,I Often go ShOPPingmy mother A. In、With B On,With C. At, andD. For, and()60.The answer(答案)the question isn t right.A. in B. to C. Of D. for( )61.Tliis isClOCk IfsOrange CIOCk .A.an,aB. /,aC. aD.a, an( )62.Your EngliSh is good .A. Thank you B. No, thanksC. Th

45、afs all right D. Thatsright()63.Whats thatChineSe ? A. in B. Of C. On D. /()64.There isT,in the WOrd rule. A. an B. a C. the D. /()65.Mrs Smith COmeS from EngIand is a teacher A. He B. Her C. She D. It()66.The boys are inClaSS are good StUdentS in the SChOOLA. his, their B. my, they C. that, Their D

46、. She,s TlIey()67.Tliafs a bus . Wllat isnumber ? A. its B. its C. it D. his( )68.1 dont haveCOIOr PenCiIS , but She hasA. some, SOme B any, any C. some, anyD. any, SOme()69.Tlere is,5 in the WOrd ler, A. a B./C. an D. the()70.We Can See a Small birdthe big tree. A. on B. at C. in D. UP()71 .This is

47、 my ThOSe are A. sister, SiSterSB sister, SiSter C. sisters, SiSter D sisters, SiSterS( )72.In the ShOPJOU Can buythingsA.a IOtB.lots OfC.a IOtS Of D. InUCh( )73.Do you know the WOmana red dress.A On B. in C. Ofat( )74.We have bagsall COIOrS20 yuan each A. at,atin,inat, inin, at ( )75.1 havedictiona

48、y IfSOld dictionay.A. a,an B. a, a C. the, the D. a, /()76.How muchtheir blue SWeaterS ? 20 dollarsA. are, They,re B. is, Its C. are, IfS D. is, Tlley,re()77.is the SChOOl trip ? APriLA. When, in B. What, On C. Where, in D.When, On()78.1 Want to buy a ShirtIny father. A. to B. On C. for D. in()79.-

49、you SWim(游泳)? - Yes,but m not a good SWimer.CanB. May C.Need D. MUSt()80.Here is a card. PIeaSeit to Jack. A.bring(带来)B. takeCarry(抬,扛) D. give( )81.1 Can SiIIg ChineSe songs, but I CaIrt Sing them A. goodVery good C. WeilD. nice()82.Can you SeeEngliSh girl behindPianO ?A. a, the B an, theC. a, aD.

50、the ,an()83.1 think it isinteresting StOry Al B. an C. a D. the()84.My SiSter With her friendto the Great Wall (长城).A. go B. is go C. goesD. are go()85.Bill and I Want to Seeaction InOVie(动作片) A. SOme B. a/ D. an()86.Biology isand the teacher makes(使, 让)IneA. tired, boring B boring, tired C. boring,

51、 boring D. tired, tired()87.to work, hethe No.17 bus.A. Get, take B. GetS , takes C. TO get, takes D. TO get, takes()88.He is always the IaSt Oneto SChOOl.A. goesB. to go C. go D.going()89.The EngIiSh SPeeCh COnteSt isOCtOber 1st.A.in B. at C. On D. for( )90.May Can PIayguitar but She cant PlayVOlle


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