1、Seesaw咖啡店,“休闲步行街”式的咖啡店/ nota建筑设计平面呈深长的U形,三面隔墙,唯一面有限的采光,朝向商业广场。所有类型的咖啡制作被集中于一条 10的吧台,纵贯整个店面位置,将人和活动引入、导览、洄游到空间各个角落。被构想为“充 满休闲活动的户外步行街”This is a deep long U-shshop front with single exure to light, facing the mall plaza. All kinds of coffee makingfunctions are aligned along a 10m bar, penetratedo the
2、central part of the space, inviting and directing activitiescirculate through every corner of the space. It is conceived as an outdoor pedestrian street with leisure lives.区域,entrance被构想为“充满休闲活动的户外步行街”,the store is conceived as an outdoor pedestrian street with leisure lives采光面朝向商业广场,the front with
3、single exure to light is facing the mall plaza均匀的“天光”将“步行街”的主体空间照亮,在地面(以两种水磨石)投影出一明一暗的“光影”。一切秩序围绕“步行街”中间的“杂货摊”(咖啡制作吧台):烘培工坊作为街边独立的“建筑单体”,对“外”连着“街角花 园”;点单与售卖区被布置成“当街”,区对应“沿街的户外咖啡座”,而实际的户外咖啡座则以“街角花 园”的语言延伸至步行街享受来自东面的自然光照。高高低低的绿植渗透进大大小小的座区,户外公 园式的凳面相间其中。所有体量的高低层次及其材料试图唤起起伏的山城形态及丰沛的绿色自然环境的。The street is
4、 lit by a “Skylight”, projecting a light-and-shadow ground effect by two types of terrazzo paving. Everythinggathers around the central stall: the Roastery Factory stands as an independent booth, connected by a Street CornerGarden, the Street Shop Front serves as cashier and products display, a shel
5、tered seating area recalls Street Cafe, while theactual street cafe extends to the shop entry, exed to the actual sunlight coming from the east. A rich selection of plantsblendso seating areas, amongst the Park Benches. The varied volumes and level heights, along with the materiality arethe reminisc
6、ent of the hilly landscof Shenzhen and itper green nature.均匀的“天光”将“步行街”的主体空间照亮,the main “street” is lit by a “skylight”10的吧台纵贯整个店面位置, a 10m bar was penetratedo the central part of the space咖啡制作吧台,the coffee bar轻盈的网顶下被设计为实验工厂似的烘培坊,亦即咖啡豆的烘培加工。工坊的三个“窗口”开向顾客,以吧台的形式将与烘豆、杯测相关的活动聚绕在烘培机周边。烘培坊后改为快闪和展览空间,其社会
7、性职能亦不曾改变。咖啡制作吧台分为意式、单品和演示教学三个功能段,顾客与咖啡师的位置分别相应列 于吧台的不同侧,如此,多方的互动关系便不再限于单向。Underneath the light structure metal roof is originally designed as the Roastery Factory, the production house of coffeebeans. With three sides open to the customer, it not only provides daily roasting scenario but also attrac
8、ts all bean-relatedeventch as tutoring, cup, or tasting. Ites a pop-up store and exhibition space later on without losing its solfunctionality. The central coffee bar is dividedo espresso, filter and training sections, and as each section fathe other,theeractions therefore,e no longer singular.区对应“沿
9、街的户外咖啡座”,a sheltered seating area recalls an “outdoor” street cafe对面的花园,the garden terrace across from the sheltered seating area烘培坊位于旁边的网顶下,the Roastery Factory wimetal roof is close to the terrace细部,detail of the terrace area空间中充满“看”与“被看”,即便在后厨房工作也能享有全景视野。每一个座位经过仔细研究,以确保其舒适 性和私密度。The space is full
10、 of “seeing” and “seen”, a panorama view is available even when workinghe back kitchen. Yet eachseating is carefully studied to be ensure comfort and privacy.后厨区域也能享有全景视野,a panorama view is available even when workinghe back kitchen空间中充满“看”与“被看”,the space is full of “seeing” and “seen”室内细部,detail外观,exterior view“步行街”布局设计图,pedestrian street scenario轴测图,axon平面图,plan剖面图,section图文:nota建筑设计业主:Seesaw Coffee 照明顾问:绿植顾问:TT FLOWERS工程施工:晨一装饰工程星团队 Photos / Dr
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