1、GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真题 GMDSS 听力考试题型 一码语听写 20 分 ,错 6 组以上 0 分 NO , 20 NO, 1 NO , 2 二单句及会话选择题 (一) 单句 10 小题 1. It takes 10 from hard port to hardstarboard, a, seeds b, kinds c, seconds d, second 2, Vessel Utopia is spilling oil, a, speed b, spiling c, spinning d, spilling 3, Maintain search speed 3 knots, a,
2、nots b, knots c, normal d, lord 4, The anchors are away, a, way b, away c, award d, weigh 5, a, Air draft 31 meters, 6, meters b, miller c, miles d, mad a, M/V seven star is aground, 7, kaund b, aground c, ground d, grounding a, Aircraft ETA at , 8, air b, craft c, airraft d, aircraft a, The anchors
3、 are foul , 9, found b, foul c, find d, five Place in convoy is NO , 3, A, convoy b, command c, count d, coward 10, I an drifting from north to southeast, d, sound a, south b, southwest c, southeast 二 会话题 10 小题 1, New harbour pilot this is Utopia, change to channel 6, over , Utopia this is New harbo
4、ur pilot change to channel 6, over, Question: Which channel is for communication . a, b, c, channel 6 d, 2. Big apple this is pilot station , You will meet pilot at the position 33 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east, Pilot station this Big apple, minutes east, I will meet pilot at 3
5、3 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 Question: Where will the vessel meet the pilot. a, b, c, 33 degrees 45 minutes north 10 degrees 15 minutes east d, 3. Utopia this is VTS center , Report your relative course and speed, Over, VTS center this is Utopia , My relative course is 030 degrees, speed
6、 35 knots , Question: What are relative course and speed. a, b, c, 030 degrees, 35 knots d, 4. Pilot boat this Utopia , On which side would I rig pilot ladder. Over , Utopia this is pilot boat , Please rig pilot ladder on lee side , Question: On which side would the pilot ladder be rigged. a, b, c,
7、lee side d, 第 1 页,共 14 页GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真题 5. Utopia this is New harbour pilot station , What is the visibility in your position. Over , New harbour pilot station this is Utopia , The visibility in my position is 2 , 5 miles , Question: What is the visibility in the vicinity of Utopia. a, b, c, 2,5 mi
8、les d, 6. Utopia this is pilot station , What is your present position , Over, Pilot station this is Utopia , My present position is 55 degrees 00 minutes north, 16 degrees 22 minutes east, Over, Question: What is the present position of Utopia. a, b, c, 55 degrees 00 minutes north, 16 degrees 22 mi
9、nutes east d, 7. Blue sea this Seven star, You are in the dangerous position, You should alter course to 250 degrees, Over , Seven star this is Blue sea, I will alter course to 250 degrees , Over, Question: What course will Blue sea alter to. a, b, c, 2,5 miles d, 8. Xinhe this is pilot station , Yo
10、u should follow the vessel ahead , Over , Pilot station this is Xinhe I will follow the vessel ahead , Over , Question: What is Xinhe asked to do. a, b, c, follow the vessel ahead d, 9. Blue sea the New harbour station , You should anchor near NO , 10 light-buoy , Over, New harbour this is Blue sea
11、, I will anchor near NO , 10 light-buoy , Over, Question: Where will Blue sea anchor. a, b, c, NO ,10 d, 10. New harbour this is Utopia , What is the tropical storm direction. Over , Utopia this is New harbour , The tropical storm direction is 270 degrees , Over, Question: What is the tropical storm
12、 direction. a, b, c, 270 degrees d, 三短文题 一 1, Whats the call sign. a b, BRPD c d2, What happened to the vessel. abc, Shed an explosion d3, Whats the position. abc d 40 degrees 00 minutes north 016 degrees 22 minutes west 4, What assistance is required a, firefighting bc d一 1 , Which one is not true
13、according to the conversation. a, b, c, 2, a, c, 3, a, Iolande send a MAYDAY signal Iolande is in position 160 degrees 4 miles from Barwater Pier Iolande is sinking d, Utopia is sinking What is the vessel Utopia doing. She is coming to the berth b, She is coming to the assistance She is entering the
14、 main fairway d, She is calling for help When will Utopia expects to reach Iolande. at 0900 hours zone time b, at 1900 hours zone time 第 2 页,共 14 页GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真题 c, at 1900 hours UTC d, at 0900 hours UTC 4, What is the suggestion of Iolande. a, She needs a ladder b, She needs a hoist c, She needs
15、a boat d, She needs a rocket 二 1, Whats the vessels call sign. a, LIMA b, LOME c, LONE d LAMI 2, Whats the vessels position. a, 35 14N 050 08 W b, 46 13 N 050 08 W c, 43 16 N 090 08 W d, 46 13 N 090 08 W 3, What happened to the vessel. a She was under attack by pirates c Her engine broken down b Her
16、 steering gear broken down d She had a person overboard 4, What kind of assistance does the vessel require. a medical assistance b tug assistance c fire-fighting assistance d navigation assistance 三 1, What happened to MV Blue Whale. a Shes aground b Shes got a person overboard c She was under attac
17、k by pirates d Shes in collision 2, From which side die the man fall overboard. a starboard side b starboard quarter c port side d port bow 3, What is the vessel going to do. a To lower the rescue boat b To lower the liferaft c To lower the lifeboat d To lower the rescue basket 4, What does the capt
18、ain ask the mate to do. a To ask him for advice c To keep him informed 单句 -关键词 1. channel 12 b To jump into the rescue boat d To get away from the rescue boat 2. She will be expected to berth port side alongside on NO , 2 stowed 3. One tug on the port bow and two tug on the starboard side 4. Have he
19、avy wire ready fore and aft, and keep passenger gangway5. master 6. cargo ship7. officer and crew 8. They will abandon the passenger vessel 9. rudder10. boarding 11. Check anchor position every 15 minutes12. Walk back starboard anchor 13. unlit14. canal15. swell 16. increase the distance 17. 8641184
20、729640 第 3 页,共 14 页GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真 题 18. urgency FW-fresh water 19. SW-salt water GMDSS 英语会话问答题 1. Which channel is designated for VHF/DSC alerting. CH70 is designated for VHF DSC alerting , 2. What is an emergency signal fixed by ? An emergency signal is fixed by urgency signal PANPAN, spoken three
21、 times , 3. Which mode is normally used when carrying out safety communication by NBDP.When carrying out safety communication by NBDP, FEC mode is normally used , 4. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival. A ship can get in touch with a port by VHF radiotelephone before her arriv
22、al , 5. What does fairway speed mean. Fairway speed means safe speed for ships sailing in the fairway , 6. What s yourpresentspeedandcourse.My present speed is 6 knots, and my course is 120 degrees, What does Pan-Pan mean in marine communication. 7. PANPAN means to announce urgency message, 8. What
23、does SECURITE mean in marine communication.SECURITE means to announce safety message, 9. What should be confirmed from the pilot station. The pilot station should confirm that when and where the ship can meet the pilot , Pleasespellyourships nameandcallsign. 10. 例如 :船名 /呼号 Hongqi/BOTC My ships name
24、is Hongqi HOTEL OSCAR NOVEMBER GOLF QUBEC INDIA Hongqi, call sign BRAVO OSCAR TANGO CHARLIE, BOTC , 11. What does Mayday mean in marine communication. Mayday means to announce distress message, 12. What does MRCC stand for and What s the function.MRCC stands for maritime rescue coordination center,
25、its function is promoting and coordinating search and rescue operations, 13. What means can be often used to provide vessel position information to GMDSS equipment. GPS can be often used to provide vessel position information to GMDSS equipment , 14. When a station transmitting or intervening , what
26、 does distress alert do. The station interfering with distress traffic will be imposed to keep radio silence , 或 The distress station oron-scenecommanderwill say “silence MAYDAY ”to impose the station interfering with distress traffic to keep radio silence , 15. Relating to DSC facility, what is the
27、 period of self-test. The period of self-test for DSC facility is once a day , 16. What does safety format or safety signal indicate. Safety format or safety signal indicates that safety message will be announced , 17. What should be included in mayday message. Mayday message should include the foll
28、owing information: ship s nameorotheridentifications,position in degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude , nature of distress, assistance required, 第 4 页,共 14 页GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真题 and other important information useful for the rescue , 18. When your ship enters VTS area, what should be reported.
29、When my ship enters VTS area, the following information should be reported: my ships nameand call sign, present position, draft and maximum draft, speed and course, etc , 19. What does ETD stand for. ETD stands for expectedestimated time of departure , 20. What should a signal be prefixed by for dis
30、tress traffic by radiotelephony. Distress traffic by radiotelephony should be prefixed by distress signal MAYDAY , 21. Can an RCC rescue coordination center coordinating distress traffic impose silence on stations which are interfering with the distress traffic. No, it ca nt impose radio silence on
31、the stations which are interfering with the distress traffic , The on-scene-commander, distress vessel and rescue vessels can impose radio silence on the stations which are interfering with the distress traffic , 22. Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies, what frequenc
32、iesare they. Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on the following distress frequencies: 156 , 525MHz, 2187, 5/4207,5/6312/8414 , 5/12577/16804 , 5KHz , 23. What should a station do when transmitt ing an inadvertent distress alert or call. She should send cancellation to the relevant RCC, an
33、d her notification of accidental transmission should be transmitted, 24. According to the SOLAS, which radio equipment is not necessary for the ships sailing in sea area A2. INMARSAT SES and HF equipment are not necessary for the ships sailing in sea area A2 , 25. How many times should the urgency s
34、ignal “PANPAN ”be spoken when sending an urgency call. Whensendinganurgencycall, the urgencysignal“PANPAN ”shouldbespokenthree times, 26. Shall an urgency communication have priority over all other communications except distress. Yes, an urgency communication has priority over all other communicatio
35、ns except distress , 27. In accordance with SOLAS convention, what is the area outside areas A1A2 and A3. The area outside areas A1A2 and A3 is area A4, 28. What is safety signal prefixed by for sending a safety call. Safety call should be prefixed by safety signal SECURITE , 29. How many times shou
36、ld the safety signal “SECURITE ”be spoken when sending a safety call. Safety signal SECURITE should be spoken three times when sending a safety call , 30. What should a master do before sailing. Before sailing, master should check the sailing plan and the state of the ship, and inform chief engineer
37、 to get the engine standby, 31. What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station. Before arrival, ships should report to the pilot station the following particulars: ship s nameand call sign, LOA , draft and air draft,etc , 32. What is general cargo. General cargo is the different cargo w
38、hich can be stowed together in one hold , 第 5 页,共 14 页GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真题 34. What does SOLAS stand for. SOLAS stands for international convention for the safety of life at sea , 35, What does“ STCW” stand for. certification and STCW stands for international convention on standards of training, watch-k
39、eeping for seafarers , 36, Which parties are those on-scene communications carried out between. On-scene communications are carried out between the distress ship and assisting units , 37, What is the approximate range of MF radio waves during the day time. During the day time, the approximate range
40、of MF radio waves is about 100 miles , 38. Should a ship station in receipt of an urgency call address her acknowledgment to all other stations. No, sheshouldnt , When the urgency call is addressed to her, she should send acknowledgement to the station sending the urgency call , 39. Who should be ad
41、dressed to when acknowledging the receipt of a distress alert sent byDSC. When acknowledging the receipt of a distress alert sent by DSC, we address the acknowledgement to all stations , 40. How many times should the distress signal MAYDAY RELAY be spoken when relayinga distress alert by radioteleph
42、ony. When relaying a distress alert by radiotelephony, the distress signal MAYDAY RELAY shouldbe spoken three times, 41, in which sea areas, is it out of question that you can obtain inmarsat services. 在什么海区您毫无疑问地获得 INMARSAT 服务? In sea area A3, it is out of question that I can obtain inmarsat servic
43、es , 42, what should a station do when transmitting an advertent distress alert or call. 当电台无意发送了遇险报警或遇险呼叫后应当怎么处理? When a station transmitting an advertent distress alert or call, the operator should stop the transmitting and make a cancellation to the associated RCC , 43, relating the reserve of en
44、ergy if it is not a battery, what is the period of test. 对于不就是蓄电池的备用电源 , 多长时间检测一次? -If the reserve of energy is not a battery, the period of test should be a month , GMDSS 英语会话口述题 1, There is floating ice in position 47 00 N, 50 00 W, it is dangerous to navigation, BANKS RADIO let YUQIANG Call sign:
45、 YUQI keep clear of it, YUQIANG will do as advised , Please make a safety communicationThe safety signal SECURITE THIS IS + the name of the station transmitting the safety message The text of the message 参考答案 B-BANK RADIO Y-YUQIANG B: SECURITE SECURITE SECURITE MV YUQIANG,YUQIANG , YUQIANG This is B
46、ANKS RADIO, BANKS RADIO, BANKS RADIO SECURITE, BANKS RADIO Navigational warning There is floating ice in position latitude 4700N, longitude 5000W , It is dangerous to navigation , 第 6 页,共 14 页GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真题 You must navigate with caution and keep clear of it , Over, Y: SECURITE BANKS RADIO This is
47、 MV YUQIANG , call sign YUQI 用码语 Navigational warning is received, I will follow your advice , Thank you. out 2, TAOYUANHAI call sign: BSJX is in collision with a fishing boat at 30 120 20E04 Nand sinking, please send a distress alert, The distress signal MAYDAY, which is read for three times , This
48、 is +the name of the vessel in distress, which is read for three times , The call sign and other identification , The nature of distress,参考答案 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY This is MV TAOYUANHAI TAOYUANHAI TAIYUANHAI Call sign: BSJX BSJX BSJX 用码语 MAYDAY , MV TAOYUANHAI, call sign BSJX I am in collision with a
49、 fishing boat at 30 assistance, Over, ,04I aNm1s2in0king20,EI requireimmediate3, please describe the alerting procedures in voice services in Inmarsat-F system 参考答案 -switch on the power supply -login appropriate ocean region -select appropriate coast earth station within the ocean region for communi
50、cation , open the cover of the “distress”button andpress the “distress”button for 6seconds, pickup the handsetandwaiting for RCCs answering, when RCC answers, send distress alert on standard format , The MAYDAY alert should of distress, ships position,include the following information:ships name,cal
51、lsign,natureassistance required, and other information useful for rescue , communicate with RCC, receive instructions from RCC , end of communication , Put down the handset, 4, Describe how to coordinate with the give-way vessel by VHF in crossing situation , Stand-on vessel MV GA TE, course 030 deg
52、rees speed 15 knots Give- way vessel MV STAR , course 170 degrees, speed 18knots, pass port to port , How to change VHF channel. How to identify the calling vessel. How to coordinate the passing actions in crossing situation. MV GA TE calling on VHF CH 16: SECURITE NA VIGATION, SECURITE NA MV STAR,
53、MV STAR, MV STAR VIGATION, SECURITE NA VIGATION This is MV GATE, GA TE, GATE calling, please change to ch13, over , MV GA TE, MV GATE, MV GA TE This is MV STAR, agree to ch13, over , Communication on ch13: 第 7 页,共 14 页GMDSS通信英语听力与会话真 题 MV STAR, MV STAR, MV STAR This is MV GATE, MV GATE, coming pleas
54、e , OVER MV GA TE, this is MV STAR, go ahead please, over , MV STAR, this is MV GATE , I am stand-on vessel, my course is 030 degrees and the speed is 15 knots, You are give-way vessel, what is your course and speed. Over , MV GA TE, this is MV STAR, my course is 170 degrees and speed is 18 knots ,
55、Over, MV STAR, this is MV GA TE, please slow down your speed and alter your course to starboard, stop crossing from my port bow , And pass port to port, over , MV GATE, this is MV STAR, roger, I will slow down my speed and alter course to starboard, pass port to port , Over , MV STAR, this is MV GAT
56、E, thank you, keep contact on this channel, out , 5.YUYINGcall sign: YUYG s mainengineisbrokendownseverely, SHANGHAI RADIO STATION will send a tug for her, they are going on the urgency traffic , Vessel in urgency: the urgency signal PANPAN, which is read for three times , This is + the name and cal
57、l sign of the vessel in urgency , SHANGHAI RADIO: the urgency signal PANPAN The necessary information Tug will be made fast on port bow , 参考答案 PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN SHANGHAI RADIO, SHANGHAI RADIO, SHANGHAIRADIO This is MV YUYING , YUYING , YUYING ,Call sign: YUYG 用码语 PANPAN, MV YUYING My main engine
58、is broken down severely, Position: bearing 124 degrees and distance 5 miles from NO ,1 light vessel, require tug assistance immediately , OVER PANPAN MV YUYING This is SHANGHAI RADIO PANPAN received , A tug is coming to your assistance , please get towing line ready, The tug will be made fast on you
59、r port bow , Over, PANPAN SHANGHAI RADIO This is MV YUYING Roger, The tug will be made fast on my port bow , Over, PANPAN MV YUYING This is SHANGHAI RADIO Keep watch on channel 16 , Out, PANPAN SHANGHAI RADIO This is MV YUYING I will keep watch on channel 16 , Out, 6, If you are the operator onboard
60、 a bulk vessel, which run aground at 1645UTC at position 2645S 10417W, inseaarea A1, pleasedescribe the alertingproceduresin the terrestrialsystem, yourships nameis YUFENG , 参考答案 Because my vessel is sailing in sea area A1, so the first suitable means of alerting is VHF DSC , Then sending a MAYDAY v
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