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1、A. Near tlic dewC. 9.15.C. Gill his oflkc.C. Working on a projectC. Il s new.C. Puzzled.C In the comer.地堂启用鼾.2022 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语L七4病,与十名3带U己加名用1s2s2何苕MPM:.办ID;.用唳杵上L口的行可竺 丁如石以功.用好也捶|“.再11共他百W;网吞甘地打感将答案,2 铃了卡匕,;4| &上无*,3电词结业人.符4武叁音型| 一八文四 家一2分听力C其两节.温分30分1先科舲实标支M才上.求K内赤结火标行西分忡的时他用/卷上的 方更M九芯刃卜上.第一

2、V 典5小型:每小壮15分.漏分工5分)呜F百S r?”证何停。珞Ch卜小芭.从包中所会的A. B. C三彳W片中过 田卧任比巴,所为位及时话后.你称寺10件件的时间*回答后大小息阅读卜一小灯. 将日村之仅注一汨 例:How much it the shirt?A 215.行实是C.L Wha: does the man wnni to do?Ae Have breakfast.R Take a walk.Z Whal is (ieuryc douig 瓜I nighrA I laving a meeting.R. lying hjme_3. W hy docs the man m旭gE go

3、ing m the pail?A. h*s hgB. h* quiet4 Haw doe% the (man sound?B, PleasedA Annoyed5 Where is the nufi ublc?B By the window.英或试感第I歹I (共12页)C. inlciukdC. rarC. evcnhiAllyC. suggestedC. lineC. occupiedC. unitingC. interest C needC. foodII. deChkMH. till11. conitnntlyB %ok!B hnnlII. creeledB. caxingB. cre

4、dit n.lruVB. nwards51 A. ciKUintieJ a AA unA Mie pretended n. legI) iinnillingly l). scanrhedD. freeI), dtscinrrcdD- callingD, disadvantageD. aid1) water笊二节(优10小国:立小他15分漏分IS分)同注卜而杷文.在空门处不入I个道坐的单诃或括9内用词的位确形式.A wua!l)H:lu!lengcd man from Beijing rccctitly Inked (tltP)40 days to Xian, as a first step 6

5、1 journey) the Bell and Road mute (瞪城,by (lklOn the l.lOO kilomctcr journey, the nun Cao Sbcngkai咯.62 last his eyesight atthe age of ciglit in a car accident crossed 40 cities and counties in three provinces. Inspired hy the Belt and Road Forum for Intematiorul Cooperation 63 (hold) in Beijing. Cno

6、decided to cover the route by hiking as a tribute (致伏)to the ancient Silk Road 61 friend of liis. Wu Fan. volunteered to be his comjvAnion during the trip.Cao and Wu also collected garbage along ihe rmJ. in order io promote environmental 65 (protect), Cao believes this will make the hiking trip csrn

7、 more 66 (meaning). TIk two of them collected more lluin 1.000 plastic bottles along the 4() He flew 4.700 kilomefers _62_ Xi*an lo Kashgar on Sept 20, _7Q_ (plan) to hike back to Xiean in five months.英语试取第10页(共12页)扫描全能王创立笫一黄可立MfR小电:倬小已1分笫一黄可立MfR小电:倬小已1分第四M分 写作 ( 共两节,总分值外分)一分10分)文中文中弟-力用立刊楂(共1。小国:邮小

8、区1分 :诜你修改你同矣巧的以下作文售定英出品L上毋要求网更E同交投套改作,口2户一个单词的燧加,刑除或惊 和。处语才铺昭每句中最多形&四岬仅洛增加:在缺过灶加一个俎字符号 2 并在“下T胴陈:把多余的诃用和线()划控.6门低改;AL1的何卜07曲开位词下面写出“a1注后,1.以处俏设及JI。改均世以一词,2.只允仃姆如。也多齐 (从第”处由不,所My father often look me to his hospital when I was off my school, i lc 0 hnw his medical insmiEents was used. 1 felt so close

9、ly t。him. However, after I went to high school, somehow 1 become distant from him. I was unwilling talk with him and often disobeyed his rule of not aUy out with my friends too late. The diMgrrement wat (do sharp that neither he nor I knew what to settle it One day. he talked with me or hoped to men

10、d our rrhtions. With the cfliwts made by all sides, we hegnn to understind each other better.英福iite茏II页(共12页)扫描全能王创立格力英硝m.文比要你写一口短文找“iSrruUi*nv (Finrii2僮H,1iY的讥汉.II (VL MNlooA 伍 . W支的1IIW口句I,为你族话试也就12 5( CR 12 ft)王 匕匕 育 全 描 扫第二节(共15小黑赳小区渭f几个小也从E中所诂的A. B, C所下由5 3灯送或七日鼻息 由 的力同间斯片个小乩 那么名S 三个选段惟出具住地风所铅叱

11、;备党毋段套话或族臼谆两a &%听完后.3小虺切恰出5卜8的作到门.所第6段乂料.回答鹤6. 7E.42 nrt the *Ae 加邂 9 心泳助:c. Do sports.A.EoicutB.GodwW .U the pZmZ. U Husband and wife.A.Bosand seoctto乩1皿4 e所笫7段村FU回方昂89迫Why does the “2 think July is the best ume move? . rhe udcr ra%orablt C. If s easy to hire people,A.Tbctr business w slow. BM How

12、will thej handle the mog?Finish it all 工 Hm.听记g段,!,;,回答第10至12题.0. Wh排 did Peter learn fic*m his grind father?llou to apprcciiie art vbccks.IIou to deal uith artists.C. How tn nm a mewm.11. What did Peter do in Chicago?C. He worked in a gillery.A- He studied at a college. B. He served in the arm事 12.

13、 Wb8c works did Peter tike best?A- Rcmbrandfs.B, BonicelliYC Rubens.听第9段,科回答第13至160.13 Where does the conversation uke place?A At a library.B. In a law firm.14. By what time did John plan to Gnhh his term paper?A March-B. August.C. On a train.C October.英语试睡第2页(共12页)扫描全能王创立扫描全能王创立Wh, did John quit hh

14、 prtFnw 由A HehadkjBdiupwUhhissMU. He “g oOenhi a better E*C. He gm firtd of itWKn k Susank attinidtf 2 7hn、problem?A. Carfrtx.H UndElandi喀C Fogvi咱Vtm 10 WHH回答品17至20西17 4币1 J:J the speaker do bcfluc the year 2012?A. A filness cahRA chess player.C. A marathon runner.I 氏 Why utw the 2OI6(linplEs imnanl

15、 far the speaker?A. He meUvxed b Bch. II. He brvkc a vorld eeQ Cv I Ie won fifth pLue.Which is the hoalE !er the speaker?A. (iening o%vr an iniiny.H- Damg ircngUi trzumngC. Reptevent m Bcuuaru.3. UKit is the speaker mainly talking nboul?A. His plan to go fer live po!li. Hu eipcrimcc ui the txjckC. H

16、is love for hi、home country策二局部 明注理解(共商节,我分40分)第一节(共15小虺;何小心2分.湍分3。分)向it卜力记文,从杼边所站的A. IL C1DD四个这项中,11出显11比层.Theatres and EntcrtiinmcntSo creative thingsWhich website can you visit to learn about CirdifTs oldest surviving theatre?A. wwwncwthcatrecardifTko.ukC. www B. www,D 英语试庖第4页(共12 Ji)扫描全能王G。* 一 a

17、 Kind native,o AZ:无:: .Lgs疝沁n 血* m hum3nTh啰h no心K m.y tool use while kept m the cage. In a recent the CM the bird,hove prm.ed skilful al 22c/wm fenced 6汕 a box、汕,nut ms.de . The clear front of the box M 饷i”emc, M 眦 birds were given five differentiy shaped “kcyU ic chotxc from. Inserting ihe correct

18、,kcy would let oU1 加 nul. In himuns babies can put round shape in a round hole from around one year of age, bm it vmII |V 心 g are able I。do the same *th less symmetrica!(对忖的) shapes. Iliis ability tu recognize Hut a stupe will need t。be turned in a specific direction belote it uill th i called an Ma

19、H0crntric frame of referenced In ihe expenment Goflfin s Cickn!ihi% wctc able Ui select the right tool for the job. in niost cases, by visual recognition dune Ulicrc tri.il-iukl-error “as uuxl, die cockahxs did better than monkeys in similar tests.This indicates tlut GofTin cocknJnns do indeed posse

20、ss an alloccntric frame of reference uhrn moving ohjccls tn qpjcc. similar Io twudld babies.I he ncu nep. accnrding n the researchers, is Io try and work out whether the cockatoos rely cnhrcly on visual clues (线索).or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections.How dd ihe cockatoos get

21、 the nul Irom the box in the experiment?A By following inslructions.B.Ry using a toolC By turning die Kx aroundD.By removing the lid.Which 14k can hunun one ycar olds most likely complete accordingio thetext?A. U、i阳 a key io unlock dtxr.B.Tellmg parrots fromotherbirds.C. Puuing a ball ink) round hol

22、e.D. Grouping ta” of different shapes.UTiat docs the follow-up 心【aim lo Gnd oul about ihe cockattx)R?How far ihcy arc able to sec.How dicy track moving ebjctls.Whether they arc Miurtcf ilun monkeys. hclher they use a sense of touch in ihe lestWhich can be a suitable title for die text?A CocUls: Quic

23、k Error Checkersh. Cockatoos; Independent LearnersC. Cockajoas: Clever Signal-ReadersD,匕3:skilful Shape.Sorters英语试通第5页(共12页)扫描全能王创立cA,Ginni RMioion ranched Anurcticxfound henclf greeted by a poup of htUc Centoo penguins (企鬲)1。胞睡 U 3y hello These gcnlk. lovely gat&eepcn wckomed her and kick.Maned ulu

24、i was to be a trip Ginni wouM never forgetE、cr since g childhood. Ginni. now 71 .心腐)deep Lvc lof travel Ibrouinut . career (职业)皿 a professional incer. she loured in the UK. but always longed to ciplue gnher When she retired from dancing and her sons eventually flew the ncM, she decided it wasto lakc

25、jKphiu 跋After talking a dcgicc Al C*hichcMcr Univcnity in Related Arts, Ginni begnn to travel the work|w tciiiuull uettmg work lenuhinp Fiujish in 人tps nn- challenging Ihings.B.Takc a degree.C. Bring back lost memories.D. Slick to a promise.Vha1 made Ginni decide on ihc trip to Antarctica?Ae Lovely

26、penguins.R. Bcautirul sceneryC. A discount fare.D. A friends invitntion.30 Wh期 dies (iinni think about Antarctica after the journey?A . h could be a home for her.C. h should be sell prefers cd.31 What is the text nninly about?A, AchildbooJ dream.C. Sailing around the worIJ.Be It thnuld be easily acc

27、essibleD, It needs to be fully intnxlucedB. An unfbrgetublc experience.D. Meeting animals in Antarvlica.英语试的jtH 6页(共12页)回回扫描全能王创立Tb cityJinlSnmc!imc in the ea/ly ”如九工 lipnficunt 办哄以巾血 in S)d;ie)4 Aumiia 山心 hailr Then.4 after nnmhrr. Sydrrj di,”cE I 心,f Fr3 uHut rt is thehiH 4 there broa.1 p”h. super

28、b bcMhc、. arid a cultjrJb divTr /r 尸/p3g,F luwhor that nuke the cityAndrew KcymilJi. j cheerful fellow in Iii)门山仇,p小心 S;dr fpb心 kr living. I pent the wh4 c morning buttling hack nnd hmh 认八公 仆七 harbor a Her car third run Andrew slim d“wu the engine, and sc ”cnl ouf separa!:法占八- he( ,f 4 匕(卜 break. I

29、山 explore ihc cityHril nits5 the资 old boats/* he said as we parted0|hiv Jo you mca/i I askedOh. ihcj re replacing them vsith caUnur3ns.cUnurmLutcr, bul diey7e naf %oeleganU and theyre not fun to pilul. Ilut tlui,progfest. I guE ”Every where in Ssdney time h)st ch4nde and prores? nre ihe uarchuords (

30、口 ). and iradilions air insc rlfkia hiitunan. (nld me (tint in its n-h to moJrrnity in the 170$. Sydn swept aside much of its pau. including many cf its fnest huildmKs. *S)dnc k confused aluul itvclf/ she said We cm,seem io make up ourminds whether we uan! a modem city or a tmditional tmc. 4, a conf

31、lict that ue arent getting any better a! icsohing (M抉On the nlhcr hand, being yntmg amJ old at the same time lus ib atiradion% I considered 山代 when I me! a thoughtful young btismessman funied Anthnny. mMjh people say that we Lick culture in ihis counlryj he told me. What people forget ts that flie I

32、talians. *hen they came m Australia, brought ;“00 ”an 好3LS小朋每小以2分.属分I。分). “HP力胆I也文内容,从M文;的过城中乩出频入室门处的最住选叽“名余达预.Important Thinc tn Know hen Dining utCuliuul dining etiquette (礼 V) miglit surprhe you “ h wmc ofit important ruk, ?6 Kfuiuing some tips will hc!p ensure that sou have an enjoyable meal vit

33、h fficn or family - no nuner uhere you are m the world-Cho|Klick RulesI he wjy ymj handle chnpsiick% is imporUnt to avoid annnjing yutir companions. When you put 11 icni dusn betueen biles, always pul them down lugetha so they are parallel wilh the edge of the Uble in front of you. 37.Ihnch or Ulcns

34、ihftr H)In India and the Middle East. it*s considered very rude to cat with your left hand. People in I rance expect)ou lo eat with a utcmil in each hand.38 inMead preferring to use ihcir hand,In Chile, you may never touch any fixxl with your fingers. People in Thailand genera I ly use their fork$ o

35、nly tn push food onto their spoonsMaking KcqufsN3。一. L】PtMlugjL this tvould be a serious mistake, because it shows the chef that you doif I like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your focxl.Some of these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem random

36、and strange, but they are importint in various ccninlrics.40 t the mere comfortable ou,ll begin lo feel with itsforeign cultural practices.A. Tire more friends you make in your lifetimeIL The more lime vou spend in any given countryC. Mexicans consider it inappropriate in cat with utensilsD l0net ge

37、t cjup,ht making an embarrassing mistake ar a restaurantR. hX ;i sign lor Hie chef if you make a mess arouml)our plate F Never stick tlwiii upright in your kxxl or cross them as you use ihcm Ci. It may seem like a simple request io ask (or salt and pepper at a meal英语试虺第8页(共12页)扫描全能王创立Gslfins jr kafcxn. a kind of pan“i nn*,%r tmilir ihapc*rccognittcn abilities to a human twbX”A.哀分IS分)第三23分语后加识运用(共两亿,二介皿分)融雨面11填入空抗-节皿。小曲中“)eL.c和d四个选说中,idiiu 回印此收.从短文用各国所笫j日处的最仕11期.You enn tell a lol Ml a 叫 Ey hew h


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