1、江西省第七届英语翻译大赛(初赛)试题(2015-9-24)1、请将下列短文译成汉语(50)分:All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books-but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most from it.I am
2、 most interested in people, in meeting them and finding out about them.Some of the most remarkable people Ive met existed only in a writers imagination, then on the pages of his book,and then,again,in my imagination.Ive found in books new friends, new societies, new worlds.If I am interested in peop
3、le, others are interested not so much in who as in how.Who in the books includes everybody from science-fiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history. How covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries o
4、f science and ways of teaching manners to children.Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun ,not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work.
5、 Your own imagination works along with the authors or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his ,brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in library are like houses in
6、a city.Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solu
7、tions according to different writings at different times.Reading can only be fun if you expect ti to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you “ought” to read, you probably wont have fun. But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you
8、,and then relax with it,you will almost certainly have a good time-and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder,or more gentle, you wont have suffered during the process.2、请将下列短文译成英语(50)分从朋友口中,听到一则轶事。电子学教授程之藩当年自美国来香港中文大学履新,临行之前,与夫人在家中整理行装。陈教授夫妇有一套精美的茶具,收拾行装时,一不小心,打破了一只茶杯。一般人的反应,一定是感到十分心疼,好端端的成套茶具,打破一只杯如何去配?谁知陈教授的反应却不然,他莞尔一笑,坦然地说:“真不错,又多了一只碟子!”凡事从好处想,这种能耐,在现实生活中,确能使人受益无穷。程之藩教授不但是位杰出的科学家,也是为了不起的散文家,他的一些散文集,清新隽永,当年曾使我折服不已。如今回想起来,令我惊叹的,不仅仅是他那优美的文笔,而是字里行间流露出来的睿智与巧思。人生不如意事常八九,这是一句老话,老得几乎令人不想再重复,可是生命的旅程,行行复行行,在漫长的旅途上,
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