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1、Our topic:The culture difference between china and western countries .DifferencesSection twoSection threeEducationEating and drinkingLoving and marriageChinaVsWestern countriesSection oneEducationSection oneSection threeSection twoValue of educationEducation methodEducation punishmentValue of educat

2、ion China Care about the reputation in educating in the child. The educations goal is for making their living , for honor. Western countries Education is just for survival. Emphasize “ the learned education” . Education method China Emphasize mechanical(机械的)memorizing . If the book is read hundreds

3、of times , its meaning is shown naturally . (书读百遍,其义自见) Western countries Emphasize the childs “power of understanding”. Seeking the knowledge from nature and life. Education punishment China Emphasize reserve . One can not become a useful person without being beaten. Western countries Using the enc

4、ouraging language. Pay great attention to individual quality and the emotional communication. Eating and drinkingSection oneSection threeSection twoThe diet conceptThe diet objectThe diet waysThe diet concept China Chinese food pay more attention to color, aroma, taste, and shape rather than nutriti

5、on. Western countries Western food is a rational concept. They think the foods nutrition is the most important. The diet object China Chinas cuisine is taste, so the Chinese cooking at the selected materials show great randomness Western countries Westerners think the cuisine is eat, so a large piec

6、e of meat-eating, whole chickens and other hard food. The diet object China Western countries The diet ways China In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, only have one form that we lost in a fog sitting around, sharing one seat . And people in China use chopsticks to eat what they want . Wester

7、n countries Western-style banquets, friendship is the core of the banquet, with guests sitting next to the conversation between the purpose of friendship . They use knife and fork to eat instead of chopsticks . Loving and marriageSection oneSection twoSection threeLoving attitudeMarriage waysLoving

8、attitude China The people in China hold the idea that loving is very holy and they think loving is the prelude(前奏)of the marriage . Western countries The western peoples opinion about loving is that “if we are well acquainted with each other ,let us go together.”And they will not contact loving with

9、 marriage. Marriage ways China In China the bride and bridegroom would in red ,because we believe the red color represents lucky and the wedding would be host in the bridegrooms house . Western countries In American the bride always in her white wedding gown and their wedding will be host in a churc

10、h. Marriage ways China Western countries brief sum-up At last ,I sum up the culture difference between china and the western countries in one sentence : Chinese people pay attention to “Heaven”(天人合一), Westerners focus on “people-oriented”(以人为本). Beyond that , what Chinese and western cultural differ

11、ences ?除此之外,还有哪些中西方文化差异呢?Traditional FestivalsChinaSpring festivalWestern countriesChristmasSpring festival 1The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go bac

12、k, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees. (春节是中国人民最重要的节日,所有家庭成员聚在一起,在西方圣诞节一样。所有远离家乡的人都要回家,成为了为期半个月左右的运输系统最繁忙的时间春运。机场,火车站和长途巴士站都挤满了回家的人。) Spring fes

13、tival 2The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the peoples sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one. (春节落在正月的第一天

14、,往往比公历晚一个月。它起源于商朝(西元1600 BC-C。公元前1100年)从人民祭祀神灵和祖先,在旧的一年结束和一个新的开始。)Spring festival3Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid-1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve a

15、nd the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year. (严格地说,春节是指从腊月初开始一直到第二年中旬的一个月。其中,最重要的日子是除夕和一年的前三天。现在中国政府规定,人民在中国农历新年有七天的休假。)Spring festival 4Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others

16、have weakened. (春节的时候有不少传统习俗。有的人至今还在保持,不过有的人已经慢慢淡化了这种习俗。) Spring festival 5On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice, millet, seeds of Jobs tears, jujube berries, lotus seeds, beans, longan and gingko. (腊月的第8天,许多家庭

17、做腊八粥,糯米,小米,薏苡种子,红枣浆果,莲子,豆类,龙眼,银杏制成美味的粥样。) 6The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve(小年). At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves. (腊月23日,被称为小年。在这个时候,人们祭祀灶神。但是现在,大多数家庭做出美味的食物来过节。)Spring festivalS

18、pring festival 7After the Preliminary Eve, people begin preparing for the coming New Year. This is called Seeing the New Year in. (过了小年之后,人们开始为新年做准备。 这被称为“看得见的新年”。) Spring festival8Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include e

19、dible oil, rice, flour, chicken, duck, fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and kinds of nuts. Whats more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives, are all on the list of purchasing. (商店老板都那么忙,因为每个人都出去购买生活必需品新年。材料不仅包括食用油,大

20、米,面粉,鸡,鸭,鱼,肉,而且水果,糖果和各种坚果。更重要的是,各种装饰,新衣服和鞋的儿童以及老人的礼物,朋友和亲戚,所有的采购清单。) Spring festival9Before the New Year comes, the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes, bedclothes and all their utensils. (在新的一年到来之际,人们彻底清理自己的家里以及他们的衣服,被褥和他们所有的器具的室内和室外。)Spring fest

21、ival10Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper. The content varies from house owners wishes for a bright fut

22、ure to good luck for the New Year. Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.(然后人们开始装饰洁净室,洋溢着一种欢乐和喜庆的气氛。人们将所有的门板贴上春联,在红纸上写上对联。内容多是憧憬一个光明的未来,表达人们新年交好运的意愿。此外,门神和财神的照片也将被张贴在前门,分别用来辟邪和招财招福。)Spring festival 11The C

23、hinese character fu (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must. The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the reversed fu is homophonic with fu comes, both being pronounced as fudaole. Whats more, two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front doo

24、r. Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious meanings may be put on the wall. (中国汉字“福”(意为祝福或幸福)是必须的。通常放在纸上的字符可以被粘贴或上下颠倒,中国的“倒福”谐音“福到”,既突出福到了。更重要的是,两个大的红灯笼,可以提高前门两侧。在窗户玻璃上,可以看到红色的窗花,还有可以贴在在墙壁上的鲜艳的年画,表的这吉祥的寓意。Christmas1. Every year on dec. 2

25、5, the birth of Jesus Christ was memorial day of the Muslim, called the Christmas. 每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。Christmas2. .From December 24th to next January 6 is Christmas feast. During the festival, christians were held the ceremony. Christmas is originally Christian festivals, because people

26、attention, it became a national holiday, the biggest festival in a year, and the New Year in western . 从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,ChristmasIt is like the Spring Festival of China. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas CARDS o

27、n Christmas day celebrate Christmas.类似我们的春节。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。 Christmas 3.说到圣诞节,不得不提一下平安夜,究竟人们都在平安夜做什么呢?Christmas 4.the Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is also commonly says Christmas Eve ,and the family reunion in the sitting room, will be around the tree to sing Christmas carols and exchang

28、e gifts, and share the joys and sorrows of a life, express the wish and love. In that night will see a group of lovely boys or girls, playing a guitar,singing a poem and a good tidings. 圣诞节前夕也就是俗说的平安夜,当晚,全家人会团聚在客厅中,围绕在圣诞树旁唱圣诞歌曲,互相交换礼物,彼此分享一年来生活中的喜怒哀乐,表达内心的祝福及爱。在这天晚上都会看到一群可爱的小男生或小女生,弹着吉他,一家一家的唱着诗歌报佳音

29、。 5.说过平安夜还要提到其中的一个重要角色。 The red and white sceneries is Santa Claus, He is the most popular pepole. Western children on Christmas Eve will put a sock near the fireplace or a pillow before going to sleep, They thought Santa Claus will fill it with gifts in the sleep. 红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方

30、儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。 ChristmasIt si said that Santa Claus would drive reindeer sleigh full guild to send gifts for the children on Christmas Eve, he would enter into the house quietly by the chimney, put present in stocking.which hangs on the head of a bed . reward 据说平安夜的

31、晚上,圣诞节老公公会驾着驯鹿雪橇满载着礼物准备送点这一年来表现很好的小朋友,他会悄悄地从烟囱爬进屋内,礼物塞在挂在床头的袜子里。Christmas. So the children always strips of colour profusion stockings at the head of a bed, and put a cup of hot milk beside the socks to the household of Santa Claus to thirst, and hope that Santa Claus would send a gift for himself. The next day , every child cant wait to open the ritual, want to know what his 所以孩子总会把一条条色彩缤纷的袜子挂在床头,并在袜子旁边放杯热牛奶给劳苦功高的圣诞老人解渴,并送份大礼给自己。 隔天每


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