1、第一章P18Comedy flourished in the 5th century B.C.Aristophanes 阿里斯托芬 was the best representative of the Greek Comedy.Aristophanes pys are loose in plot and satirical in tone.(批评了 Socrates 苏格拉底 inClouds ;Euripides欧里庇得斯(希腊的悲剧诗人)in Frogs)Aristophanes wrote mainly about nature .Aristopha nes greatly in flu
2、e need the Lake poets in the En glish roma nticism.(一句话)what was the Ianguage style of Aristophanes?Coarse 粗糙的 languageSwift says of Aristophanes: as for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is.HistoryP18-19Historical writi ng started early in Greece.(所谓的历史这里指的是世界历史)Herodotus (希腊的历史
3、学家)希罗多德 is called Father of History .(Herodotus historical position)Herodotus wrote about wars betwee n Greeks and Persia ns.( 希波战争)隶属于 Pelop onn esia n wars 伯罗奔尼撒战争史。wars between Greeks and Persia ns 中的主要战役 Marath on Thermopylae 温泉关。Herodotus wrote about many traditional stories , which were not al
4、ways accurate.Thucydides修西得底斯Thucydides wrote about wars between Athens and SpartaAthens and Syracus e (a Greek state on theisland of Sicily.(这些战役也隶属于 Peloponnesian wars)简答: What are the major differences between Herodotus and Thucydides as historians?Thucydides is more accurate than Herodotus as hi
5、storiansThucydides traced events to their cause and brought about their effects.Thucydides historical position:he greatest historian that ever lived 同时代最伟大的历史学家(Macaulay 麦考利的评价)。Philosophy and scienee How did Greek philosophy origi nate and develop in the An cie nt Greece?Stage one: three foun dersP
6、ythagoras毕达哥拉斯三大思想:a) All things were nu mbers一句话 _b)Pythagoras was the foun der of scie ntific mathematics 科学数学论Pythagoras put forwards the first theory of proport ion黄金分割Heracleitue赫拉克利特思想:a)Fire is the primary eleme nt of the uni verse 火是万物之源All is flux( 流动),nothing is stati on ary.Heracleitue he
7、ld the theory of mi ngli ng of opposites矛盾统一原理 and believed that it was the strifebetween the opposites that produced harmony (一句话: According to Heracleitue what produced harmony?)(min gli ng of opposites greatly in flue need Blake 布莱克 in pro- Roma nticism )Democritus德谟克利特思想:a) Democritus speculated
8、 about the atomic structure of matter 物质的原子结构Democritus was the first to set up the atomic theory.Democritus was categorized into philosophical materialism 朴素唯物主义 (Marx first published work was a study of Democritus )Stage two: three thi nkers Socrates (son of sculptor)(一句话)What is the relati on shi
9、p betwee n Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?The relati on ship of teach ing and being taught. ( J帀生关系 )Socrates left no written works but we have to consult Plato Dialogues 对弈论 for information.(名词解释)The Dialectical Method ( 辨证方法论 ) Socrates established the Dialectical Method in the Ancient Greece.This
10、 method of argument , by questions and answers, has come to be known as dialectical method.In 399 B.C, at the age of seventy Socrates was put on trial on a charge of injuring the city ” and it was recorded by Plato in Dialogue The Apology of Socrates ” Plato P26名词解释:Academy: it was the first school
11、in the world established by Plato.The idea, republic , was put forwards first by Plato and adopted by U.S ConstitutionPlato used to be the tutor of the king son in Syracuse, he tried to turned the young man into a philosopher king ” but failed, and it was recorded in his work Republic ”Shelley 评价:Pl
12、ato was essentially a poet .P26Works: Dialogues, Republic, The Apology, and Symposium .(论述) Do you think Plato philosophical system is materialism or idealistic, illustrate you point on the stateme nt/ Why do we thi nk Plato has established a comprehe nsive system of philosophy?A: Plato built up a c
13、omprehe nsive system of philosophy:It dealt with the complex, ever-changing world in which men were to attain knowledge.Men have knowledge because of the existenee of certain general ideas”.Only these ideas are completely real, while the physical world is only relatively real, namely, ideas come fir
14、st, while matters sec on dary.For these reas ons we thi nk Platos philosophy is called idealism.St. Paul empresses the same doctri ne as Plato. P27Democritus , materialist, was directly against Platos idealism.(选择)Many of Plato ideas were later absorbed into Christian thought. Aristotle (born of a m
15、edical family in the town of Stagire )In 335 B.C, in Athens found his own school the Lyceum (名词解释 Lyceum: it was the second school in theworld established by Aristotle )In Aristotle the great huma nist and the great man of scie nee meet.人文主义起源: Humanism can be traced back to the Ancient Greece, sayi
16、ng, Aristotle .发展: Humanism was foreshadowed or perfected by Dante in the period of National Epics.高潮: Humanism was in full display in the Renaissanee .The Deductive Method 演绎法 /Deduction dominated European thought for more than a thousand years.Dante called Aristotle: the master of those who know-
17、历史地位-文人鼻祖Works: Ethics 论理学 Politics Poetics 诗学 Rhetoric 修辞学论述: What are the major differe nces betwee n Plato and Aristotle in terms of their philosophical idea?A: For one thing, Aristotle emphasized direct observation of nature and insisted that the theory should follow fact, while Plato relay on s
18、ubjective thinking .For ano ther, Aristotle thought that “orm ” /idea and matter together made up con crete in dividual realities.Plato held that ides had a higher reality than the physical word.(一句话According to Aristotle man saim in life was: Happ in ess . But n ot happ in ess in the vulgar sen se,
19、 but something that could only achieved by leadi ng a life of reas on, good ness and con templati on. 通过有理性的,正 派的和富裕思索的生活而得到的幸福。Stage three: Five contending schools诡辩派The Sophistsreprese ntative: Protagoras 普罗塔哥拉works: On the Gods 诸神论Ideas: man is the measure of all thin gs.( early huma ni stic idea
20、) The cyn ics (mea ns dog in Greek)representative: Diogenes 戴奥真尼斯Ideas: a) Diogenes rejected all conventions .b) Dioge nes advocated self-sufficie ncy and extreme simplicity (这一点 greatly in flue need Calvi nism 加尔文主义)Diogenes proclaimed his brotherhood (博爱),not only with the whole human race, but al
21、so withani mals (这一点 greatly in flue need Walt Whitma n 惠特曼美国诗人 )Dioge nes had no patie nee with rich and power.The story is told Alexander .6nly to stand out of my light P29 The Sceptics 怀疑representative: Pyrrhon 皮洛Ideas: a) Pyrrrho n held that not all kno wledge was atta in able.(这与 Tran sce nden
22、talism 先验论相反 )b) Pyrrhon and his followers doubted the truth of what others accepted as true. The epicureans 享乐Represe ntative: EpicurusIdeas: a) Epicurus believed pleasure is the highest good in life, but by pleasure he meant, not sensual enjoyment, but freedom from pain and emotional upheaval .Ple
23、asure Epicurus thought could be atta ined by the practice of virtueEpicurus was a materialist .Following Democritus , he believed that the world consisted of atoms.Stoics斯多葛学派哲学家Representative: Zeno 齐诺Ideas: a) the most important thing in life was not pleasure but duty ”.They held theory that one sh
24、ould endure hardship and misfortune with courage .Zeno was a materialist , asserting the existenee of the real world.Zeno believed that there is no such thing as chanee .Zeno said: if he has to die, he should die nobly, like Socrates.Scie nee)Two fan tastic figures:Euclid 欧几里得 古希腊数学家Elements解析几何 was
25、 in use in English school until theearly years of the 20 th cen tury.ArchimedesNative citySyracuse :“ the principle of the lever ”杠杆定律He told the king: Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world How did Greek scie nee develop into an orga nic whole system?Theory, application- theoretically-
26、oriented; research. ArchitectureThe most important temple is Parthenon (240 feet long and 110 feet wide) it is a rectangular 长方形简答(同时每一小点为一个名解) Into what style is Greek architecture classified? / What are the major three architectural style of Greek architectures?The Doric style 多力克 the Doric style
27、is also called masculine style. the Doric style is sturdy, powerful, severelook ing and show ing a good sense of proport ion and numbers The Ionic style is monotonous and unadornedb)The Ionic style 挨奥尼克 the Ionic style is also called feminine style.the Ionic style is graceful and elega nt and show i
28、ng a wealth of orn ame nt.c)The Corin thia n style 科林斯式 is known for its orn ame ntal luxury.两个保留至今的 Temples: Acropolis 雅典的卫城 Parthenon (2000年前)Impact 论述: What is the great sig nifica nee of Greek culture? /What positive in flue nces did Greek culture exert on the world culture? / What great contrib
29、utions did Greek culture make to the world civilizati on. Sprite of Inno vati onThey inven ted mathematics and scie nee and philosophy; they first wrote history as opposed to mere ann als; they speculated freely about the nature of the world and the ends of life , without being bound in the fetters
30、of any inherited orthodoxy.不被传统所束缚 Supreme Achieveme ntThe Greeks achieved supreme achieveme nts in n early all fields of huma n en deavors: philosophy, scie nee, epic 史 诗, poetry, tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry 抒情诗,historical writing, architecture, sculpture, etc. Lasti ng effect on the world litera
31、tureThe Greeks set an example by the bold effort 大胆的努力 they made to understand the world by the use of huma n reas on.In literature, they have exerted an in flue nee, which can still be felt today. Coun tless writers have quoted, borrowed from and otherwise used Homer epics, Sapphos lyrics, and etc.
32、In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three Romantic poets expressed their admiration of Greek culture in works which have themselves become classics:拜伦 Byron Isles of Greece, Shelley Hellas and Prometheus Un bound and Keats Ode on a Grecia n Urn 希腊古瓮颂。In the 20th century, there a
33、re Homeric parallels in the Irishman James Joyoe modernist masterpiece Ulysses.n Roman Culture1)(一句话)What is the demarcation 戈U分 of Roman Conquest of Greece?/ What marked Roman Conquest ofGreece?The bur ning of Corinth科林斯湾 in 146B.C marked roma n conq uest of Greece, which was the n reducedto a prov
34、ince of the Roman Empire.2) From 146B.C Latin was the Ianguage of the western half of the Roman Empire, Greek that of the eastern half.3)论述 What are the similarities and differences between Greek culture and Roman culture? The Roma ns had a lot in com mon with Greeks.Politically , both peoples had t
35、raditions rooted in the idea of Citizen-assembly公民大会,hostile to monarchyand to servility.Religion . Their religion were alike, namely, Greek Zeus with Roman Jupiter, Greek Aphrodite with Roman Venus and so on and their myths to be fused.Language . Their Ianguages worked in similar way, and were ulti
36、mately related, both being members of the Indo-European Language family (从 Bangladesh to Iceland) There are differences:(最大的不同)The Roman built up a vast empire; The Greeks didn except for the brief moment of Alexa nder conq uests, which soon dis in tegrated.The Roma ns were con fide nt in their own
37、Orga ni zatio nal power, their military and admi nistrative capabilities.4)The Roman writer Horace 贺瑞斯 said, captive Greece took rude Conqueror captive. ”5) How did Roman culture develop in the Ancient times? The year of 27B.C divided the history of Roman into two periods; before then, Roman had bee
38、n a republic ; in 27B.C, Octavius took power as emperor with the title of Augustus.(二)(名解)the Pax Romana 神圣罗马帝国(注意拼写) The Roman empire relied on a strong army , the famous Roman legions.罗马军团 Thus the Roman enjoyed a long period of peace lasting 200 years, a remarkable phe nomenon known as the Pax Ro
39、ma na.(三)The most importa nt con tributi on made by Roma ns to Europea n culture wasRoma n law, which guara nteed therights of plebeians 平民。(四) 最重要阶段 Disintegration. 论述: How did Roman Empire disintegrate?The empire bega n to decli ne in the 3rd cen tury: in creas in gly troubled by the in roads 袭击 o
40、f no rther n tribes such as the Gothes 哥特人。In the 4th century the empire Constantine moved the capital from Roman to Byzantium, renamed it ConstantinopleAfter 395, the Empire was permanently divided into East (the Byzantium Empire) and West.In 476 the last emperor of the West was deposed by the Goths and this marked the end of the We
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